Chapter 621 Making a Deal with the Blood Ancestor
"Young man, I hate the breath on your body..." A gloomy voice came from the blood pool, and then there seemed to be a soul slowly standing up in the blood pool, and a huge blood-colored sphere rose up.Like a swollen blood bubble.

"The breath on your body is not much better, but if you don't want to smell my breath, it's easy, as long as you return the sword on your body to me, I will leave here immediately, and you will be clean!" Zhan Wuming Facing the big blood bubble, he smiled lightly and said.

But at this moment, he began to feel a little nervous, because when the blood bubbles rose and emerged, a terrifying aura, as if an ancient giant beast woke up, gave him strong pressure.This made him understand that the huge blood bubble in front of him might be an extremely powerful opponent, and perhaps this is the core of the entire continent.

"This sword?" The blood bubble shook the Heaven-defying sword floating on his body,

"That's right, I don't think this sword is of much use to you, but it's my personal possession. I don't want my sword to be left outside, so I have to come to see you!" Zhan Woming nodded.

"I feel a familiar breath on this sword, which smells like a dragon. I like it very much, so I didn't think about returning it to you, but you disturbed my deep sleep, so I will turn you into my sword." A part of the body!" The voice of the blood bubble was still very gloomy, but there was an indescribable fierceness of devouring blood.

"You've slept for too long, it's a good thing to open your eyes once in a while, you should thank me, because the world around you has changed..." Zhan Wuming suddenly thought of a question, that is why the Heavenly Star Lord just Those monsters are stocked here, but it seems that this continent has not been developed...

It can be seen that this continent may have been a part of a certain powerful dojo in ancient times, but it was smashed into pieces later. The fragments of this dojo have supreme divinity, so they absorbed countless in the endless void. dust and continental fragments, thus forming this heavenly star!
Therefore, Paradise Star is actually not like other normal planets. Its star core is an endless lava world, but a broken dojo. It can be said that this fragment of the dojo of the ancient gods is like an extremely powerful The magic weapon, its function is more powerful than the general star core, and this star core may have been discovered by the heavenly star master long ago, but they dare not use this dojo easily, instead they use this dojo to keep those monsters in captivity, Under this incomparably rich vitality, those monsters have a stronger probability of survival than the outside world, and their growth rate is faster.

"Well, there are indeed a lot of food around me, but these foods don't seem to taste very good..." The blood bubble actually slapped his stomach in a very humane manner, and then turned his attention to Zhan Wuming, saying: "You have the smell of divinity on your body, I like it! But boy, I'd better devour you first and then talk about it..." The blood bubble suddenly swelled up like a blown balloon, Then it turned into a piece of blood skin, like a huge sky curtain, which suddenly fell from the top of the temple.

"Devour me, you will be disappointed!" Zhan Wuming snorted coldly, the power of light on his body expanded rapidly, and his aura was connected with the night sky on his body. The power of light seemed to expand endlessly in all directions. Under the power of this light, the blood bubbles were quickly corroded to be riddled with holes, as if metal had encountered sulfuric acid.

" could this be..." The blood bubble cried out in pain, the power of light released from Zhan Wuming's body was completely beyond his expectation, and this power of light obviously had a great effect on him Strong corrosion and purification effect, otherwise it is impossible to break its original illusion.

"I said, if you want to devour me, you will be disappointed." Zhan Wuming smiled, his body seemed to be like a bright moon, shining brightly, every inch of space was penetrated by the power of this light, Zhan Wuming was very surprised , this power of light was stronger than he expected, because he knew that it was not his own power, but the power of heaven that night.

No matter whether Ye Tiantian is a broken artifact or not, the performance at this moment is at least the power of a semi-divine weapon, far from being comparable to a fairy weapon. Ye Tiantang suddenly spared no effort to make a move, which immediately made Zhan Wuming a little out of control.

But because of Ye Tiantang's shot, this blood-bubble-like creature could not pose a threat to him at all, but was suppressed to death by Ye Tiantang's power, and the blood pool evaporated quickly under the power of light, as if Meet the nemesis.

"This is not your power, what is it? What is it..." The blood bubble seemed to be a headache patient, wailing.

"It doesn't matter if it's my power or not. The most important thing is that I use this power to deal with you now. If you are sensible, hand over my sword, otherwise today will be your death day..." Zhan Wuming sneered, he knew if If things go on like this, Ye Tiantian will really be able to evaporate this huge pool of blood. At that time, he doesn't know if the creature like the blood bubble will die, but it probably won't be much better...

"Death? Haha, death, my Blood Ancestor will never die at all. Where there is blood, my Blood Ancestor exists, so I am basically immortal. No, Blood Ancestor... Who is the Blood Ancestor? Who is the Blood Ancestor?" Ancestor, why are you so familiar with this name... Ah, you hateful Yue Guangming, it's you, it's you, your hateful heart of heaven... Yue Guangming, you can't seal me, you are already dead..." Then The blood bubble-like creature seemed to be stimulated by something suddenly, and suddenly went crazy, screaming wildly, as if talking to itself.

From the messy words of the blood bubble, Zhan Wuming understood something. The huge blood bubble in front of him seems to have a name, called the blood ancestor, but at this moment, it is not the real blood ancestor, but just the blood ancestor. Otherwise, it would be impossible to forget everything, not even knowing who he is.But who is the brighter?And that heart of heaven...

Suddenly, Zhan Wuming seemed to realize something, and couldn't help but look up at the sky of this continent. The huge sun shining on the continent not only gave the continent light, but also brought warmth, making it even more beautiful. The aura on this continent will never be lost.There are even traces of immortality growing in it.

It can be seen that the huge underground sun must not be a simple thing. However, if it is the heart of heaven mentioned by the blood-bubble monster in front of him, maybe there can be some explanations, and it can also explain why the night heaven in his arms is so angry with that monster. Tuan Guangming is interested.

"You are the blood ancestor, but unfortunately, you are no longer the blood ancestor of the past, you are just a trapped beast imprisoned here, at the mercy of others..." Zhan Wuming said suddenly.

"I am the Blood Ancestor, I am really the Blood Ancestor, who are you? The power of light is simply not something you can possess... the brighter, no, it is impossible, the brighter is dead!" the blood ancestor frantically Hissed.

"Don't care who I am, tell me, do you want to leave here?" Zhan Wuming asked temptingly.

"Can you help me get out of here? Why? Why are you helping me? Aren't you going to kill me?" The blood ancestor quickly shrank his blood film into the blood pool with the help of the churning blood wave. He didn't dare to be completely exposed to the power of light, and the power of light seemed to have less and less influence on the blood pool, which made Zhan Wuming feel that if he completely relied on the power of this night heaven, it would be difficult to kill the monster in front of him. The general killing of blood ancestors gave him some other ideas.

"Because I am not brighter, but I pay more attention to interests. If you give me enough benefits, I will naturally be able to help you out of trouble. You have also seen my manipulation of the power of light just now. If I am willing, I am completely I am sure that the seal on you can be lifted, so that you can regain your freedom." Zhan Wuming said full of temptation.

"What benefits do you want?" Zhan Wuming's words immediately aroused great interest in the blood-bubbled life. Although the power of light that Zhan Wuming showed just now may not be his own, it is incomparable. Purely, there is a real chance to help him unlock the seal.

"Return my sword first!"

"This is easy!" The blood bubble surged, and the Nitian sword flew back through the air, and Zhan Wuming reached out to grab it in his hand, but felt that his divinity seemed to be weakened, as if he was sick, and immediately knew that the blood pool was not only It can absorb the vitality and flesh and blood of living people. I'm afraid even magic weapons and spiritual weapons can be corroded and absorbed by it.

"If you have any resources here that you think you can get, give me some!" Zhan Wuming said again.

"How do I know that you are not lying to me? The power you have now can't kill me, but I admit that I can't kill you, but if I give you the resources, you won't help me lift the seal at all. What to do? You humans are the most untrustworthy..." The Blood Ancestor said fiercely.

"You can think about it, either you guard these useless things and be imprisoned underground forever, or you sacrifice some resources to gamble. To be honest, I still have a lot of love for the so-called heart of heaven." If you are interested, I can control the power of light, if I can get the heart of heaven again, it will definitely increase my strength, so you have every reason to believe that we can make this deal." Zhan Wuming thought for a while road.

"Since you want to get the Heart of Heaven, even if I don't give you the resources, you will still do it." The Blood Ancestor immediately responded cunningly.

"Do you think you can get the heart of heaven by any means? Even if I can get it, I have to pay a heavy price. The price is so high that it is not worth my risk to get the heart of heaven, but if you add your , maybe I'm willing to take a gamble..." Zhan Wuming said half-truthfully.

The Blood Ancestor fell silent for a moment, obviously, he was considering the credibility of Zhan Wuming's words.After a long while, he said, "Okay, I believe in you, but you have to swear to heaven that if you get my resources, you will try your best to help me unblock them!"

Zhan Wuming couldn't help laughing, swearing that this thing is really possible, what kind of retribution from heaven, go to hell!He really didn't believe it, otherwise why his reincarnation of a hundred generations always ended so tragically, and his fate would not be bound by the so-called oath at all, so this blood ancestor actually made him swear, he was really speechless, but he really sent it out very quickly oath.

"I can extract a vein under this continent for you, a high-quality primordial vein, which can be completely stripped off, and then sent into your space magic weapon! What do you think of this level of resources? "The blood ancestor thought for a while.

"Okay, this is one, but don't fool me with some low-quality ones!" Zhan Wuming's eyes suddenly lit up, he has a lot of primordial stones, but he really has no ability to capture and transfer a complete vein.

In this lower realm, most of the primordial stone veins can only be mined piecemeal, and finally they are classified into medium-grade, low-grade, and high-grade primordial stones.But if someone can capture a complete mineral vein, then he can establish a sect and use this mineral vein to create an artificial paradise.

But it is a pity that in this continent, no one understands the technique of catching dragons and binding veins. A complete vein of primordial stones has spirits. Turning into a dragon vein, the dragon energy gradually grows, and it is impossible to have a chance to capture this dragon vein without possessing extraordinary power.

(End of this chapter)

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