Chapter 634 Why Are You So Strong

"The original power of the five elements..." Gorefiend exclaimed in surprise. When he saw the five-color light, he lost his mind almost instantly. He felt the power of light on Zhan Wuming. The moment he transformed into Kunpeng, he felt the power of feng shui on Zhan Wuming's body again, and at this moment, he felt that his curse power seemed to be wiped away by some kind of great power, and Zhan Wuming's body unexpectedly glowed with five-color divine light, This is the power of the five elements that have reached the manifested world. This is almost the power of the five elements in which the balance of the five elements is close to perfection.

It is almost impossible for a Primordial Venerable from the mortal world to possess the near-perfect power of the Great Five Elements. Even in ancient times, among the gods, who had such a talent to master the power of the Great Five Elements? ?The great gods who can balance the five elements and control this power are the masters of one side of the gods!
And this kind of person is the object that the Gorefiend looks up to, and the young man in front of him not only mastered the power of the five elements, but also made the balance of the power of the five elements reach a near-perfect level.

What frightened him even more was that the young man in front of him seemed to not only master the power of the five elements, but also the power of wind and the power of light at the same time... This was completely beyond his imagination. Hun and Heaven's Heart's soul were also in a daze, not knowing what was going on in front of them, Ye Tiantang's soul realized at this moment that he seemed to have really underestimated the young man in front of him.

Zhan Wuming doesn't know what's going on outside his body, but his mind is completely immersed in the brand-new application of the Five Elements Cave. More and more mellow, more and more tacit understanding.The power of the curse was being ground faster and faster, and the external power seemed to have no time to supply it.

"Yetiantang, let go of the obstruction." Zhan Wuming said with Yetiantang with his consciousness.

He hoped that Ye Tiantian and Heaven's Heart would no longer prevent the invasion of the power of the curse. He suddenly discovered that that power could be completely transformed and used by his Five Elements Cave, and it would be a huge benefit to his soul.The power of faith, the power of cause and effect, entangled in the five elements, like lubricating oil, makes the five elements more transparent. He knows that if this continues, the balance of his five elements will be more perfect and even his soul will become more complete. .

Ye Tiantang's soul is connected with Zhan Wuming, and once he received Zhan Wuming's order, he immediately turned all the power of light to the direction of the blood demon.

"Boom..." The power of the curse lost its purification, and immediately rushed to Zhan Wuming's body like a tide. His soul seemed to be enveloped in blood in an instant. The force is introduced into the Five Elements Grinding Disc.A part of blood quickly invaded his body, and actually wanted to enter his sea of ​​energy along the meridians.

"Damn!" Zhan Wuming couldn't help but cursed secretly in his heart, a little exaggerated, but fortunately, he rushed to his sea of ​​qi instead of other places, and the bloody power entered his qi without any hindrance. in the sea.

As soon as this bloody power rushed into his sea of ​​qi, like a drop of water entering the sea, Zhan Wuming found that the branches and leaves of the giant tree in the center of his sea of ​​qi and starry sky shook for a while, and the bloody power was directly absorbed. It's like a little drop of water suddenly encountering a hungry desert, not only that, but the big tree gave birth to a powerful pulling force, Zhan Wuming only felt a sudden shock in his soul, the dark element cave was pulling All of the bloody power in his body was pulled by the power of the sea of ​​qi, and not even a drop was pulled into the sea of ​​qi.

Zhan Wuming couldn't help being startled by this unexpected change, he suddenly found that his Five Elements Cave had nothing to absorb, and stopped functioning by itself.

Zhan Wuming couldn't help being very annoyed, and cursed secretly again: "Damn, what's going on, this is robbery! And it's so thorough, let's save some for my soul."

If the Gorefiend knew that Zhan Wuming was thinking about this, he would no longer be a blood-sucker, but would instead be a blood-spitter. The sea has become a nutrient, which is like giving a tonic.Zhan Wuming opened his eyes, but was shocked to find that five colors of divine light emanated from his body, and a bloody aura from the cursed gate of the blood world built by runes rushed towards him like a tide. It was the tide, but at this moment, the blood-colored evil spirit was rushing towards his body like a tornado, and a huge black hole appeared in his sea of ​​qi, directing the endless blood evil spirit from the cursed gate of the blood world. The air came frantically.

This time, the blood demon was really crazy, he had never seen such a strange phenomenon, the endless blood power was the endless curse and resentment in the blood world.At this moment, it was sucked into his body like being pumped by Zhan Wuming.And Zhan Wuming seems to be enjoying it at the moment, and it is not affected at all.

The Gorefiend suddenly felt a little regretful. He didn't know whether this curse of the blood world was harmful to Zhan Wuming or a great remedy.Moreover, the gate of the curse of the blood world actually wanted to be closed forcibly. He even felt the panic and anxiety from the will of the blood world. The closing of the gate of the curse of the blood world was actually a decision made by the will of the blood world. In Zhan Wuming's body, there is a power that even the will of the blood world fears.And it is this kind of power that is frantically drawing the cursed power of the blood world...

"You, what are you..." Gorefiend asked such a question with difficulty, which made him feel crazy.At this time, the Gorefiend no longer felt that Zhan Wuming was a person, but more like an awe-inspiring ancient god, so the Gorefiend had no choice but to ask this question.

It's not just the blood demon who has this question in his heart, even the heart of heaven can't help but shake his mind. The specialness shown by Zhan Wuming is enough to shock him. This is an ordinary Yuan Zun, one of the strengths shown Powerful, they all instinctively thought of their masters in the ancient times as artifacts.But even the brighter in the ancient times, never had such a strange vision.

"My name is Zhan Wuming. It's nothing, but your cursed power tastes really good. It would be even better if there are more." Zhan Wuming looked at the gate of the blood curse that was gradually closing , There is no regret in my heart.

This blood world is too stingy, he doesn't even want to give him a little more blood evil spirit, petty, but there is no way, the heavens and the world, who knows where this blood world is, only monsters like blood demons Have the ability to communicate with the blood world.

Of course, there are also legends that the Blood Realm back then was an interface established by the Chaos Demon God with the help of the Blood Demon, in order to inject the flesh and blood of the Ten Thousand Realms into this world and communicate with chaos through this world, because the Chaos Demon God killed too many people back then Now, the blood flowing on the sky and the earth is almost unimaginable. Only a world is established to store blood, and the blood demon is the ruler of this world.

It is also said that the blood demon is the first creature born in the blood world, so it has a huge blood control power, and can become the spokesperson of the blood demon god in charge of the blood world.Of course, there are many other lives in the blood world, born in the sea of ​​blood, warmed up in the endless evil spirit, and become very powerful.

The creatures in the blood realm are very powerful, and their bloodlines are also very special, because the blood realm gathered the blood of all beings from all over the world, including the blood of creatures from the gods and immortals, as well as gods, beasts, demons, and human races. Together, they formed a special kind of bloodline power, and the spirituality of countless bloodlines mixed together, giving birth to many creatures, and even made the entire blood world derive its own will.This will is beyond the control of the blood demon, he can only communicate, after all, he was the first creature born in the blood world, and he is the most powerful creature so far in the entire blood world... It's just a battle. Wuming did not expect that the will of the blood world would automatically close the cursed door...

"Impossible, impossible, you must be the reincarnation of the ancient power, who are you? Why did this happen..." The blood demon couldn't help roaring, he was not only unwilling, but more horrified...

Zhan Wuming couldn't help laughing. I don't know if he is really the reincarnation of a certain powerful person from ancient times, but the terrifying and mysterious god face once called his life, and then he was among the fragments of the shattered godhead. Obtained a strange memory, this memory is the memory of the God of Fate. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but say: "You can call me Fate..."

"Fate, life... life... the god of life!" The blood demon read it several times, and suddenly thought of a name, that is, a great existence in a more distant time before the ancient times. The universe and the sky are in charge of all destiny. The most powerful god between heaven and earth, the god of fate.

He couldn't help but tremble suddenly, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes, and then he laughed "haha". Suddenly, he didn't doubt what Zhan Wuming said, and the five-color divine light represented The perfect power of the five elements, the power of light, wind, and even some power that Zhan Wuming has never shown at all, which means that Zhan Wuming is really likely to have the ability to control all the elemental powers in this cosmic sky... …

Since the beginning of the world, the only one who can control the power of the nine elements in the world is the God of Destiny, the only one who controls the fate of the world. Even the invincible God of Hunting after the God of Destiny, it is impossible to have such power .

But the God of Destiny is just a legend. He disappeared between the heavens and the earth in the too distant ancient times, even long before the appearance of the Gorefiend, but many legends have been handed down.Some people also said that if the God of Fate had never disappeared, then it would be impossible for the Hunting Demon God to cause such terrible killings and catastrophes, because even if the Hunting Demon God had obtained the power of chaos, he would not be an opponent of Ming.

Because as long as he lives in this prehistoric universe, the fate of all living beings is in his control, even the Hunting Demon God is no exception.But Ming disappeared, and no one knew where he went, so the appearance of the Hunting Demon God caused great changes in the whole world. A Hunting Demon God caused a disaster that almost destroyed the universe.

The Zhan Wuming in front of him claimed to be Ming, and the characteristics he displayed confirmed a certain legend.

"Boom..." While laughing loudly, the remaining huge body of the Gorefiend suddenly exploded and turned into countless fragments. At the last moment, the Gorefiend chose to self-destruct. No one knew what he was thinking at this time, but Zhan Wuming's answer is definitely another reason why he chose to blew himself up decisively.

(End of this chapter)

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