God of Warcraft

Chapter 64 Princess Qianqian

Chapter 64 Princess Qianqian
In the huge living room, Duan Liuchang and the others were just a small team, and everyone else avoided this group of people who talked loudly and praised Princess Qianqian.At the same time, he gave a contemptuous look.

"Brother, I also think that Princess Qianqian is really knowledgeable. This is my first time here, I hope I can have a little more time to see Princess Qianqian's hand piercing. Don't bother me." Zhan Wuming said hurriedly .He really didn't want people to know that he and Duan Liuchang were together, Senior Brother Duan was too out of tune.

Zhan Wuming didn't expect that one day he would judge other people's incomprehension.

Zhan Wuming suddenly felt a chill enveloping him, turned his head and saw a cold gaze just moved away from him, Zhan Wuming smiled, it was really a narrow road to enemies, unexpectedly it was Nangong Qing from the Nangong family, who had just entered Doomsday City The genius of the Nangong family who just made provocative words.He clearly felt the murderous intent in the opponent's eyes just now, but when he turned his head, he looked away.


"Princess Qianqian is here!" The crisp voice broke the dullness of the living room.Everyone in the hall put down their things and turned to look at the door.

I saw a girl in white with light make-up wrapped in eyebrows and picturesque eyes, walked in surrounded by several pretty maids. She was dressed in white and snow-like, fluttering like a fairy, like a fairy in a painting, but her temperament was elegant and quiet. .

"Xiwei..." Zhan Wuming was struck by lightning, this face appeared in his dreams countless times, so real and so kind that when he saw the girl in front of him, he couldn't help but lose his mind and came back to his senses again. I saw Duan Liuchang shaking his hand.

"Brother, wake up, brother thought you were so calm. Your concentration is worse than brother, so don't laugh at brother in the future... Welcome to become Princess Qianqian's new fan." Duan Liuchang looked excitedly at Zhan Wu It seems that he has discovered the secret of Zhan Wuming, and he is extremely proud.

"Fuck your head!" Zhan Wuming shook his head, settled his mind, and thought: "She is definitely not Xiwei, but why is she so similar to Xiwei, that appearance, that temperament, and even the melancholy between her eyebrows... Xiwei Your family is not in this continent at all, but how can there be such similar people?"

Zhan Wuming suddenly discovered a problem, he couldn't feel the slightest fighting spirit from Princess Qianqian, she was completely an ordinary woman.How can this be?

Zhan Wuming was taken aback.Could the daughter of the doomsday city lord be an ordinary person?How can this be.As the overlord of one side, the Doomsday City Lord has superb cultivation, but his daughter can't cultivate fighting spirit.An ordinary woman who can't cultivate battle qi has read a lot of books, and has studied those ancient fragments so thoroughly, and has also dabbled extensively in alchemy, formations...almost everything.What a smart girl this is.

"No!" Zhan Wuming's heart sank, and he faintly felt that there was a huge defect in the woman's life in front of him, just like a person's soul had been cut off partly. He was extremely intelligent but his soul was incomplete. It suddenly dawned on me, no wonder this woman is so amazingly talented, yet unable to cultivate.

Zhan Wuming became more interested. No one is born with a life and soul incomplete, even if he is himself, it is because he was sealed by the Zheng family in his mother's womb.Princess Qianqian is the daughter of the doomsday city lord, how could someone seal her soul?

"Junior Brother, don't be distracted. Princess Qianqian invited us to go to the inner hall to discuss the Dao, and everyone else has left." Duan Liuchang found that the younger brother was more ruthless than himself in committing a nympho, so he was distracted twice in a short while, which made him He was very speechless.It seems that the two will have more common words in the future. Princess Qianqian belongs to all beings in the world, and the more fans the better.

Zhan Wuming withdrew his mind, he felt that the Princess Qianqian in front of him had some kind of connection with Xiruo somewhere, although he couldn't predict and pry into the secret of Princess Qianqian's soul, but he was determined to take Qianqian Find out what happened to the princess.After making up his mind, Zhan Wuming calmly entered the inner hall connected with the living room.


Walking into the inner hall, Zhan Wuming felt a familiar feeling. The inner hall was completely covered in silver, and the cold air made the not-so-wide inner hall look very quiet. The blooming snow chrysanthemums were arranged in the shape of a scepter, On the top of the scepter is a warm jade bed, and a light veil hides Princess Qianqian in it, vaguely giving rise to infinite reverie.

Zhan Wuming forcibly suppressed the throbbing of his heart, the present and past lives are gradually overlapping, running the "Tai Xu Nerve" made him feel ethereal, and he could even have a glimpse of the insufficiency of life.Considerable luck is his weakness. He can only vaguely feel that what Princess Qianqian lacks may be the soul of life, which makes her fate purple and gray. Obviously, someone changed her life before, which led to Princess Qianqian's current situation .

If this is the case, there might really be a terrible fortune teller on this continent, just like Liu Wanru. Liu Wanru's fate was not a short-lived natural disaster, but her fate was changed when she was young.

This was also discovered after Zhan Wuming absorbed the life energy of the three masters of the Nangong family recently, and perfected his own life energy with the blood of one hundred and eight kinds of spirit beasts.He even suspected that the expert surnamed Mo didn't figure out the fate of the Liu family, but took this opportunity to change the fate of the Liu family.His own appearance disrupted the opponent's plan, thus changing the fate of the Liu family and Liu Wanru.However, it took too long for Liu Wanru's destiny to change her fortune, her destiny soul was lacking, and the trend of short-lived life in disasters and catastrophes had already been achieved.

Princess Qianqian's fate was originally unspeakably precious, but now there is gray in the purple, and her life soul is incomplete, resulting in insufficient life energy. It is obvious that disaster is approaching, and her life will not be long.No wonder there was no memory of Princess Qianqian in her previous life.

In the previous life, I was an ordinary person who could not cultivate fighting spirit. When my family was wiped out at the age of 25, I started to practice. Although my aptitude exploded later, I was already in my 30s when I became the king of war.When I became famous, Princess Qianqian had been dead for more than ten years, how could I have memories of Princess Qianqian.

In this life, when he met Princess Qianqian, he couldn't let him go. Looking at Princess Qianqian's face that resembled Xiruo, Zhan Wuming felt a pang of sorrow in his heart.

"Today Qianqian has the honor to invite all the talents. It is really a great fortune for Qianqian. Some people here are whom Qianqian has admired for a long time but have never met, and some are old friends who Qianqian is familiar with. It is a great fate to be able to gather with everyone. Recently, Qianqian has been thinking about it, so she composed a song, and I want to take this opportunity to play it for everyone to listen to, and then discuss it with everyone, what do you think?" Princess Qianqian took the lead in breaking the silence, and said leisurely.

"Being able to listen to Princess Qianqian's piano sound, it's a pity that I didn't get anything in the doomsday sea area this time..."

"I haven't heard the sound of Princess Qianqian's piano for a long time. I have heard countless times in my dreams, and I am almost mad with longing. If Princess Qianqian can play a song, it will save my life..."

"Princess Qianqian is unparalleled in talent, and her new song will definitely amaze everyone. I can't wait..."


A group of disgusting men started flattering boringly again, each one was more shameless than the other, this kind of words could not be blushed without heartbeat, Zhan Wuming really admired them, seeing those people's happy faces, Zhan Wuming only It's funny and sad, if a warrior loses his heart, even if his talent is amazing, he will hardly be invincible.Of course, everyone's pursuit is different. Some people focus on Tao, some people focus on love, and some people focus on sword. Pursue every road and you may find your own happy life.

Facing the compliments from everyone, Princess Qianqian smiled slightly, and a maid took out a Yaoqin from behind.Princess Qianqian moved her ten fingers lightly like spring flowers, and then a series of sounds like running water flowed out.

Zhan Wuming only felt his heart shake, as if something in his heart was gently touched, the music was like a pair of small hands, gently touching his soul, flipping through his memory page by page, making people unable to control himself Dial the ground and indulge in it, the deeper the memory, the deeper the intoxication.

Zhan Wuming was shocked to realize that if he allowed himself to be intoxicated by the sound of the piano, he would be deeply trapped in the reincarnation of his previous life. He was different from others, whose memory was only a few decades, but he was different, he had The memory of the previous 99th life, although most of the memory was sealed by the soul for self-protection, but it is difficult to guarantee that it will not be brought into a deeper memory by the music.

This place is unfamiliar to Zhan Wuming, full of variables. Although it is a great opportunity for him to retrieve more memories, he dare not bet that there are still his enemies in this room.So he bit his tongue hard to keep himself awake, and Zhan Wuming broke out in a cold sweat. There is such a wonderful music in the world. This is the sound of nature from the soul, which can cleanse the soul... But Zhan Wuming Don't dare to let your heart relax.

In the inner hall, except for Zhan Wuming, everyone else was intoxicated by the wonderful music and fell into deep memory, crying or laughing or crazy or crazy, everyone's performance was different.

Zhan Wuming was stunned. This is an ordinary person who has no fighting spirit. Her understanding of music and human nature is so incredible. The performance surprised him.Immediately, Zhan Wuming saw several people struggling to wake up one after another. Obviously, these people also realized that something was wrong, forcibly awakened themselves from the intoxication, and immediately held their breath to calm down their hearts.

Zhan Wuming saw Princess Qianqian smiled, and smiled at him and the few people who were struggling to wake up from the intoxication, and immediately a hundred flowers bloomed, and the world turned pale.Zhan Wuming took a long breath, he finally understood that Duan Liuchang is not ridiculous, what is funny are those who laugh at Duan Liuchang.

Princess Qianqian is really a strange woman who can make the heroes of the world go crazy for her.He sighed from the bottom of his heart, this time, the city of doomsday may really be a worthwhile trip.Soon Zhan Wuming felt a strange throbbing from the depths of his soul, he felt the soul trembling slightly, as if something touched it, and the "Tai Xu Nerve" started working immediately, and he actually saw that Yao The sound of the piano formed layers of fine ripples, layer upon layer in the void, and the color of each person's life and soul rippled gently in this layer of ripples.He suddenly discovered that there was a thin black hole in Princess Qianqian's life soul, which continuously devoured her life energy. Any vitality that flowed in would be swallowed up by that hole. Not enough to make up for her devoured soul.

Zhan Wuming suddenly understood where the life and death of Princess Qianqian lies. I believe that over the years, the city lord of Doom must have used countless rare treasures to make up for Princess Qianqian's life, and thus barely continued Princess Qianqian's life. The more there are, the bigger the black hole will be, and the stronger the devouring power will be. Even the city lord of the doomsday has no way to recover. In the end, he can only watch Princess Qianqian wither and die like a detached flower.

(End of this chapter)

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