Chapter 648
The most troublesome thing for navigators in the Netherworld star field is that it is the easiest to get lost in this star field. The display of starry space ships in this star field is very limited, and the eyesight and spiritual consciousness are even more restricted. , Flying in this star field is very dangerous. In a place where the stars are dense, there may even be a situation where the speed of the starship is too fast and it is too late to turn and hit the stars.

Of course, it is not just lost in this star field, more importantly, there are various dangerous places distributed in this star field, and in these dangerous places, you will often enter them inadvertently, and then you will come up with them later. , but it is different.As for the so-called ghosts and the like, as long as they are in the spaceship in the starry sky, there is generally no problem, because there are almost no weak hands in this starry sky.

"Hum..." Just as the blood river boat was flying at extreme speed, the speed of the flying boat dropped suddenly.

"Starry sky boat..." Zhan Wuming looked at the starry sky in front of him in confusion, and unexpectedly a huge starry sky boat appeared, with a dark body and a ghost-like color. Seeing the appearance of the huge spaceship in the sky clearly, one would definitely mistake it for a huge star.

"How could there be such a huge spaceship in the starry sky?" Huo Weifu, the supreme demon of the sky, looked at the huge spaceship in the starry sky on the star map with some tongue-tied eyes, which he had never seen before.

"That's a star..." Demon Lord Tianxie said in a daze.

"Quickly avoid it!" Among the few people, only Chongtian blurted out with an extremely ugly expression on his face.

"What's going on? What's that?" Zhan Wuming looked at Chongtian in astonishment, because he saw the huge spaceship floating in the endless starry sky as if standing still, following the void storm and even the The countless meteorites flow naturally.What surprised him the most was that this extremely huge spaceship in the starry sky didn't have any fluctuations in life, but he rarely saw the golden robber's face change like this.

"This is the death ship. Anyone who encounters the death ship will inevitably experience ominous events. Even if they escape from the death star field, they have never escaped the cursed fate. And this death ship is the most terrifying in the entire death star field." existence..." Chongtian said with an extremely ugly expression.

"Death ship? What is this?" Zhan Wuming was very puzzled, because he had never heard of this name, but he had to believe it when he saw what Chongtian said so seriously. The river boat stopped immediately.

"The ship of the dead is the vehicle of the ancient god of the underworld in the legend, but all the ones that appear in the endless star field are just clones of the real ship of the dead. In the war between gods and demons, it is said that the gods of the heavens and the world joined forces to fight against the demon god of the sky. , the ancient Underworld God joined the battle without hesitation. At first, he thought that the gods could abandon their selfishness and fight against the enemy together, but later, when the Underworld God and the Huntian Demon God fought, he was betrayed by a person from the God Realm and plotted against the Underworld God behind his back. As a result, the god of the underworld died in battle, and the endless resentment of the god of the underworld turned into a curse, and everyone who encounters the ship of the underworld, whether it is a god or a mortal, will be entangled in the curse, and will never be able to escape." Chongtian took a deep breath and said.

"Damn, no way, there was such a gossip in the battle of gods and demons back then. No wonder the god of the underworld would come out with such a dead star field to deceive people!" Zhan Wuming said in surprise.

"Although those gods sound very glamorous, in fact they are not all sanctimonious. They are not as good as us demons. They dare to love and hate, and never cover up. Most of the stabbings in the back are done by those righteous people... "Huo Weifu said disapprovingly.

"It's just that this car of the god of the underworld appeared here. I'm afraid this thing is at least at the level of an artifact!" Zhan Wuming's eyes were a little bright, and the ship of the underworld, which was as huge as a planet, was the size of its appearance Generally speaking, like this starry space ship, there must be space inside, I am afraid that several worlds can be accommodated in this dead ship.

Zhan Wuming doesn't have the guts to go up and have a look.Moreover, this death ship is only a clone of the main artifact, so how powerful the main body of the death ship will be.

"Brother Zhan, let's leave this starry sky as soon as possible, it feels very evil, even if it is a divine weapon, we have to use it!" Chongtian said with a wry smile.

"Yetiantang, what do you think about that dead ship?" Zhan Wuming thought for a while, and his spiritual consciousness asked the tool soul of that Yetiantian. They are also divine weapons, and perhaps only divine weapons understand the power of these divine weapons.

He also has the most powerful terrifying Dao weapon, the Kaitian Armor, but his cultivation base is too weak at this time, he can't even feel the Kaitian Armor's weapon soul, and the Kaitian Armor's weapon soul is even like a bird. I don't care about him, because he is not qualified enough to touch the spirit of this open sky armor. Therefore, such a good Taoist weapon, the strongest defensive treasure between heaven and earth, can only be regarded by him as a piece of magic weapon without spirituality. shield use.Otherwise, with Kai Tianjia's strength, even if he is unable to drive it, Kai Tianjia's own weapon soul is enough to kill all artifacts.

"Here, don't get close. I feel an ominous force, and I can't purify it with my power. If you can fuse the heart of heaven, maybe you can do it!" Ye Tiantian thought for a while.

"Don't play tricks on me." Zhan Wuming cursed, but he had a new understanding of the death ship in his heart. This is just a clone, and even Ye Tiantian couldn't purify its ominous power. It can be seen how powerful the resentment in it is, and it seems that according to the meaning of Tiantian this night, it seems that it is only possible to integrate the heart of Tiantian. It can be seen that even Tiantang, the artifact of the king of gods, is not fully sure.Even so, he really wanted to run as far as he could.

"Boom..." The blood river boat set off again, and fled in the opposite direction of the death ship at a very high speed. At this time, Zhan Wuming was a little lucky. If it wasn't because he owned the blood river boat, he would have found death in a far away place. The existence of the underworld ship did not really collide with it, otherwise, I am afraid that this cursed and resentful force in the underworld has already entangled.

Regarding the huge Netherworld ship, his first thought was that there might be a terrifying and powerful existence on that ship. He was not here to cause trouble in this Netherworld star domain, and he had never seen it before. Such a huge spaceship in the starry sky is not ordinary at first glance. He naturally dare not underestimate it, but he never thought that there is such a legend about this dead ship. At this moment, he just flies the blood river boat slightly. Farther away, he didn't want to leave, because he found that the direction of the death ship drifting was actually the direction where the masters of the Destiny Sect were chasing after him. If there were no accidents, the two parties would definitely meet soon.He didn't know if the legend about the death ship was true, but he really wanted the legend to be true. Then, he would like to see the expressions of the so-called earth immortals.

"Let's wait and see the show!" Zhan Wuming parked the Xingxue riverboat behind a huge meteor, and the clues they left before will definitely make the Heavenly Star Lord reluctant to give up.But he never imagined that waiting for them was ominous ahead.

As soon as Zhan Wuming's blood river boat came to a stop, he was stunned, because he stopped the blood river boat behind the meteor, but suddenly found that in the starry sky not far away, an extremely huge starry sky boat came leisurely , as if wandering aimlessly in this starry sky since ancient times, it seems to be very slow, but it seems to be able to break through all space and time constraints.

"Damn, how is it possible..." Zhan Wuming couldn't help cursing, because he clearly saw the death ship in front of him on the starry sky platform like a black tortoise shell, and he obviously chose to escape in the opposite direction. But how could it be possible to appear in front of him again now.

Zhan Wuming couldn't help but look at the starry sky platform of Xuehezhou, and secretly groaned in his heart. There was no dead ship at that position just now, and he didn't know what happened, but the position of the dead ship had moved to the starry sky platform. The current position above the graph coordinates.

Chongtian's face became extremely ugly. He never thought that after hiding for a long time, he still encountered this dead ship. He didn't understand why this happened, but he knew it was definitely not a good thing. The explanation is that when he and others discovered the death ship, the death ship also discovered them. No one has ever been able to explain clearly what happened on the death ship. If he has his own will, then I'm afraid that the death boat will chase all the creatures he sees, and the blood river boat has obviously entered their sight.

In this star field of the dead, the ship of the dead can obviously replace the will of this star field and control the rules of this star field.Therefore, you can freely travel to any position in the starry sky.

"I can't hide from it... Damn, I can still bring disasters to the east." Zhan Wuming scolded his mother in his heart. This time, without Ye Tiantian, he could feel the ominous force rushing towards his face, but because of the dead star It is still relatively far away from here, and the ominous power is weak. As soon as it touches the layer of blood evil spirit outside the blood river boat, it is immediately transformed and absorbed by the blood evil power.It didn't invade the blood river boat immediately.

Zhan Wuming breathed a sigh of relief. The blood river boat no longer suppressed it this time, and disappeared into the void almost instantly. The huge meteor that blocked in front of the blood river boat seemed to be under the huge momentum of the sudden start. directly out of orbit.It hit other stars in the starry sky.

In the distant place of the starry sky, the star master of heaven is searching for traces of Zhan Wuming in a daze. Although Zhan Wuming has left a lot of aura along the way, the deeper he goes into the death star field, the stronger the suppression. And the line of sight is even more restricted, Zhan Wuming's flying boat is flying too fast, they can only chase Zhan Wuming's breath all the way, and gradually penetrate into it.But at this time, Zhan Wuming was almost lost.

"Old Ancestor, if we continue to chase, I'm afraid we will get lost. How could their speed be so fast?" There was a trace of bitterness on the face of Heavenly Star Lord.

Patriarch Tianshu's face was ashen. He was an earth immortal chasing several little supreme beings, but he was about to lose them, and he set up an ambush but failed to kill them. Was drawn deep into this dead star domain.Now instead, he was told that he was going to lose it, but he couldn't blame Heavenly Star Lord for this matter, because he found that the spaceship of Zhan Wuming and others suddenly became extremely fast after being replaced midway.

At first, it seemed that he was deliberately flying slowly, keeping a similar distance from them, but then he simply dumped them, which made him know that that kid must have a great flying treasure.This made the greed in his heart even more irresistible.It's just that at this moment he has to face a choice, whether to withdraw from the Netherworld Starfield or continue to search for Zhan Wuming's whereabouts in this extremely dangerous Netherworld Starfield.Even though he has the cultivation base of an Earth Immortal, he doesn't dare to think that he can break into this Nether Star Realm casually.

"Look, what's that?" At this moment, someone exclaimed, and the Heavenly Star Master could not help but look towards the starry sky ahead, only to see a flash of blood, so fast that he couldn't even catch it with his sight.

"It's them!" Heaven Star Lord was overjoyed, because he recognized Zhan Wuming's starship.

(End of this chapter)

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