Chapter 650 Being Targeted by the Death Ship

The choice of the Destiny Sect is undoubtedly correct. The death ship is extremely terrifying, but there is a death ship, it seems to be just a dead silence forever, flying at an eternal speed, no one knows the direction of his next flight or what direction he will fly. It is the position that will appear in the starry sky at the next moment.But one thing is undeniable, that is, as long as you are discovered by him, it is like living in its shadow, you will find that no matter how fast your spaceship in the starry sky is, it seems that you cannot escape his seemingly eternal movement speed.

Patriarch Tianshu's face was very ugly. He saw one thing, that is, in his flying boat, some people began to have hallucinations and became crazy, as if countless demons came suddenly, directly disintegrating their minds.Not only that, but the life vitality of these heart demons is also quietly draining away, drying up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Boom..." A spaceship in the starry sky that separated and fled did not escape very far, as if captured by a huge black hole, it flew backwards towards the dead ship.Under the eyes of everyone, the starry sky spaceship approaching the dead ship was like a smashed toy, and exploded into countless fragments. Among these fragments, there seemed to be a huge ball of flesh and blood, which directly hit the dead ship. Boat.

The moment the mass of flesh and blood touched the death ship, the ancestor Tianshu felt a glimmer of light flickering and disappearing on the dark hull of the death ship.

That lump of flesh and blood was exactly the disciple of the Destiny Sect in that spaceship.Death, the naked deprivation of life, is an extremely evil rule of life, a terrifying rule that sends chills down the spine of the ancestor of Tianshu.

"Everyone join together and inject power into the melting furnace of the flying boat!" The ancestor Tianshu shouted. He first directly covered the inner wall of the entire starry sky boat with his huge immortal essence, and then poured all his strength into the power melting furnace of the starry sky flying boat. among.

The Tianshu Star Lord had no doubts about the words of the ancestor Tianshu, and immediately joined forces with several supreme powerhouses around him to inject powerful spiritual power into the furnace.The melting furnace of the starry sky boat could not withstand such a huge impact of force, but it was directly wrapped and protected by the immortal essence of the ancestor of Tianshu and failed to explode. Therefore, when the kinetic energy was injected into it, the entire starry sky boat suddenly lit up , like a supernova about to explode, it instantly transformed into an arc of light, rushing out of the shadow of the death ship.

And at the moment Star Lord's starship flew out of the shadows, he heard several explosions, and a few light spots formed behind him, which flashed and then disappeared. All the scattered and fleeing starships were finished. The disciples of the Destiny Sect are all finished.The death ship is like a huge black hole, and this black hole has a terrible impact on any living beings outside the death star field, but has no effect on those stars and the creatures that grow in the death star field .

The spaceships used by the Destiny Sect this time are all high-quality goods, but under the terrifying gravity of the death ship, they have no ability to resist at all, and there is no chance to escape...

He never expected that this time he came to chase Zhan Wuming, not even a single hair of Zhan Wuming was damaged, they only had one spaceship left, and all the others died in this starry sky.He began to blame the arrogance of Patriarch Tianshu in his heart for chasing him into a death area like the Nether Star Domain.

But at this time, any words of blame are meaningless, and they can be considered to have escaped from the shadow of the death ship at this time, but as long as they are in the death star field, everything will not be safe.

The horror legends about the Netherworld Ship definitely don’t stop there, because the Netherworld Ship represents the will of the entire Netherworld Star Domain, and he may exist anywhere in this starry sky, that is to say, if you want to escape If you escape its pursuit, you will escape from this star field.

The ancestors of Tianshu soon discovered this problem. Their spaceship did not really fly very far. After passing around a few huge meteorites, the starry sky in front seemed to open up a bit, but just behind this open starry sky In the middle, he saw an incomparably huge spaceship floating leisurely from the opposite side, like a ghost in the void, there is no way to avoid it, and it will always appear in places you can't imagine.

"Old Ancestor, what should we do?" The Heavenly Star Master's face turned blue, he seemed to have realized something, the death ship had already targeted them, the hateful thing is that Zhan Wuming successfully led the disaster to them , and with the speed of Zhan Wuming's blood-colored flying boat, if the path is clear, they may have almost reached the periphery of the Netherworld star field at this moment, but they still have to struggle hard under the pursuit of the Netherworld ship.

"Turn around..." In fact, the disciples of the Destiny Cult knew what to do without the order of the Heavenly Star Lord, and they saw everything just now.However, the ship of the Heavenly Star Lord is almost full of his trusted masters of the Heavenly Star.

The ancestor of Tianshu sighed for a long time, grabbed the heavenly star master with one hand, and said to a supreme heavenly star beside him: "Try to avoid the dead ship, and don't let it get close anyway, otherwise we can only be killed Swallow, I will go to the secret room with Qun Shan to discuss and see if there is any way to deal with it!"

The Supreme Master didn't have the slightest doubt about the words of the ancestor of Tianshu. If the ancestor of Earth Immortal hadn't seen it with his own eyes this time, he wouldn't think it was true. Therefore, he solemnly responded and quickly went to the control panel command.

Tianshu Star Lord followed Patriarch Tianshu into the secret room of the star boat, but Patriarch Tianshu took him along, and the two of them disappeared in the starship in an instant, gliding across the void like two bugs A trail fell on a small meteorite in the distance.

Meteorites drift toward the distance at an eternal speed, without purpose.But when the ancestor of Tianshu and the star master of heaven landed on it, the meteorite began to have a direction, flying away from the dead ship and the starship.

Heavenly Star Lord was startled, he didn't expect that the ancestor Tianshu would take him out of the spaceship in the starry sky at this time, and fled alone. On that boat, there were many of his cronies, but he also understood that this seemed to be theirs. The only way to choose is that the dead ship will choose the most obvious enemy to attack first, and let the starry space ship attract the attention of the dead ship for them. It is much easier for the two of them to escape, although there is no starry space ship , but with the cultivation of the ancestor of Tianshu, flying in the flesh will not be much slower than the starship.


The extreme speed of the blood river boat was so fast that Chongtian, Huo Weifu and others were speechless. They couldn't see the stars in this star field at all, and they couldn't even see the void. The body, what they saw was a piece of laws and elements that seemed to be shredded, colorful and chaotic, only on the star map like a black turtle, could they see that they were flying, and they were still flying. Flying at an unimaginable speed in the Death and Pluto star field, those stars stretched away on the star map like lines...

Chongtian and Huo Weifu already understood at this time that the blood river boat in front of them is probably a flying magic weapon of the fairy level, and this kind of treasure is definitely not something that the lower realm should have, but Zhan Wuming has it.

They didn't know that the blood river boat came from the blood demon, but they felt that Zhan Wuming was able to defeat the blood demon, most likely because he had such one or two immortal weapons.Two fairy artifacts appeared on a small young Yuan Zun, so would there be a third one?They didn't know, and they didn't dare to ask randomly. At this time, the image of Zhan Wuming seemed even more unpredictable in their feelings.

"Om..." The speed of the blood river boat slowed down again, and everyone saw an incomparably clear starry sky through the body of the blood river boat, which was as clear and transparent as blood jade.They actually came out, and got out of the Netherworld so quickly. They walked all the way to lure them for a day, but they came out in less than half an hour.

This time, they found a strange problem, that is, all the flying trajectories of the blood river boat are all straight lines. Even if there are huge stars blocking the front, the blood river boat passes directly, without detours at all. To their surprise, when the blood river boat passed through those huge stars, it seemed to penetrate phantoms one by one, without causing any changes in those stars.It seems that the blood river boat and those stars are not in the same space. Although the two points pass through, there is no conflict.This let them know that even if the blood river boat is flying in normal space, it can also penetrate space and fly into the alien void, so it can escape from the Netherworld so quickly.

Of course, this is also because Zhan Wuming was going to play hide-and-seek with Patriarch Tianshu and Heavenly Star Lord from the very beginning, wrapping them in this starry sky, taking advantage of the blood river boat, and not really going too deep. Deliberately detouring the flight route makes people think that the flight is too far away, and when the blood river boat returns, it will go straight through, which is naturally extremely fast.

"Brother Zhan, I, we all saw the Death Ship, that, that, will we be cursed by that..." Huo Weifu looked back at the Death Star Domain and asked extremely uncomfortable.

Zhan Wuming shook his head and said: "No, if it is replaced by other starry space ships, I am afraid that none of us will be spared this time. Although we were thousands of miles away from the dead ship last time, I feel His ominous power is enough to erode the starry sky for thousands of miles, but that ominous power is already very weak, and outside my blood river boat is also boundless resentment and blood evil power, which can just dilute this weak ominous power If the dead Pluto is brought closer to millions of miles, the blood river boat will not be able to save us. My mind has always been tied to the blood river boat, so I know that the power of the curse Absolutely no intrusion into the Blood River Boat. If it wasn’t for the people from the Destiny Sect who were too righteous and helped us attract the attention of the Blood River Boat, I’m afraid we would have been choked up this time, and the Death Boat is too weird.”

When Zhan Wuming said this, not only Huo Weifu, but even Chongtian and others heaved a long sigh of relief. What they were most worried about did not happen, although they were still apprehensive.If it weren't for the blood river boat that could see all the starry sky within a light-year, Zhan Wuming would have found the dead ship from afar, even they would not believe it, the power of the curse could still be able to deal with it at such a long distance. What impact do you have on yourself and others.

Later, when the death ship chased me and the others, it was nearly ten thousand miles away. With this distance, it would be outrageous if I was cursed. What is the big problem, this relieved their hearts a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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