Chapter 653
Patriarch Tianshu was shocked to find Zhan Wuming's figure, but it was like a phantom, which gradually dissipated after the words passed by, it was just a thought.But at this moment, he had no time to think about it, and tried his best to prop up his body and escape out of the starry sky. The planet of life began to crack faster than he imagined. It seemed that a huge energy burst out from the inside of the planet, and then instantly The core of the planet was destroyed, and a huge and unparalleled impact force expanded crazily from the starry sky on all sides.

"Boom..." A huge star exploded in an instant, turning into immeasurable light and radiating away towards the boundless starry sky, like an endless light wheel. Wherever it passed, the entire starry sky seemed to be cleaned up extremely clean at once. Even the meteorites that are relatively close are directly gasified, and those that are farther away are directly turned into dust powder and dissipated in the endless starry sky.The starry sky thousands of miles away couldn't bear the impact of this huge impact force, forming an empty area.

And in this vast area, a small black spot flipped in the void along with the airflow that had not completely dissipated, and was thrown out to the distant starry sky, leaving a little bit of blood in the starry sky. But like the light, it disappears into nothingness. This small black spot is the ancestor of Tianshu.

The ancestor of Tianshu never thought that the young man in the blood-colored flying boat would actually do this to him outside the dead star. At this moment, he even suspected that the life on that planet was intentional by that young man. The bait planted was to introduce him, who had been eroded to pieces by the power of the curse, and his vitality was severely injured, and then detonate the backhand that had been planted in the core of the planet long ago.

If it was before, the explosion of a star would not affect him at all. With his speed, he could escape to a safe area in an instant. With his ability, it would not be difficult to blow up a star. Moreover, his celestial body is so strong that even the aftermath of the star explosion can hardly cause any damage to his physical body, but at this moment, he simply cannot withstand such a toss.

His fairy body has been eroded by the ominous force and has become very fragile, how can it withstand such a severe impact.At this time, almost half of his body was destroyed. He was in the center of the explosion of the star, and the explosion was so fast that he couldn't even leave the atmosphere of the star.Then he was overtaken by the explosive power of the stars behind him.

It has to be said that the strength of the Earth Immortal's physical body is indeed staggering. Under such circumstances, he still has not been disintegrated. If it were replaced by the Supreme, under the impact, he would have been torn into pieces and turned into dust. However, the immortal body of the ancestor Tianshu, which has been corroded and riddled with holes, is still only half of his body washed away. At this time, if he finds enough vitality, he still has a chance to recover, but if he misses At the best time, even if he can recover, then he will definitely not be able to survive a year, and will become another tragic figure in that ominous legend.

At this time, in Tianshu Old Society, the hatred for Zhan Wuming in his heart has reached the point where it cannot be added. The reason why he became like this is entirely thanks to Zhan Wuming. , and then led the dead ship over, and wiped out all the people around him. What's more, this young man was sure that he would escape from the dead star field, and even planted such a trap in front of him escaping. A death trap, using the explosion of a planet to injure him again.

Only then did he realize that he had completely underestimated the young man in front of him, which was fatal... This made him cruel, no matter what price he had to pay, as soon as he returned to the Destiny Cult, he would immediately let the family die at any cost. If he wants to kill these people like Zhan Wuming, as long as he tells about the treasures on Zhan Wuming, not only the people of his Destiny Sect will be crazy about it, but even the earth immortals and old monsters of other sects will also be crazy about it. At that time, Zhan Wuming will never have peace.

"Hey, what's that?" Just as Patriarch Tianshu was thinking about how to deal with Zhan Wuming, he seemed to hear a little humming sound, which was very faint, but in this dead starry sky, there was It looked very weird.

The ancestor Tianshu scanned the surrounding void, and suddenly his expression changed drastically, because he didn't know when, many small blood-colored bugs appeared in the surrounding starry sky. Inconspicuous, seeing these insects, he thought of those immortal-eating insects mentioned by the Heavenly Star Lord, the blood-colored immortal-eating insects.It's just that at this moment, he has been seriously injured, and it is not an easy task to get rid of the bugs.

"Boom..." A powerful cyclone centered on the ancestor of Tianshu, and it turned into a torrent like a shock wave and rushed out.

Even the ancestor Tianshu who has been seriously injured must not be underestimated.This shock wave alone is enough to tear the supreme powerhouse into pieces.But only Patriarch Tianshu knows that he is almost at the end of his battle at this moment. This is an attack that he can only organize by mobilizing all the remaining fairy power in his body. I am afraid that after this blow is ineffective, he will also be powerless Yes, because his celestial power has little effect on his body's recovery, and his body needs too much celestial power.

"Squeak..." Under the impact of this force, some small blood-colored immortal-eating insects were suddenly blown to pieces by the autumn wind, but the outer shell of the immortal-eating insects was very hard. Blow it away, but there are no casualties... God
Patriarch Shu found in despair that not all the immortal-eating insects had been washed away, and the wound on his body had been attached by the nearest immortal-eating insect. A great pain came from the wound, and he He even felt that his flesh and blood seemed to be torn apart bit by bit, and then more immortal-eating insects rushed over, but he didn't feel anything on his body, as if his body no longer belonged to him, and he became abnormally numb.At this time, he saw a ray of blood approaching from far away, and then stopped in the starry sky not far away.It was Zhan Wuming's blood river boat.

On the blood river boat, Zhan Wuming looked down at Patriarch Tianshu, this powerful Earth Immortal who was already at the end of his strength, at this moment, he seemed to have lost his soul and let the insects bite him, a trace of indifference rose in his heart smile.He didn't let Chongtian and Huo Weifu approach, but only let a few people stop at a distance and wait.

Chong Tian and the others did not object. Even if an Earth Immortal level powerhouse is at the end of his battle, he can still choose to self-detonate. An Earth Immortal's self-destruction would be such a terrifying thing that the entire starry sky might be destroyed. They were flattened directly, although they were very confident, they didn't dare to be as unscrupulous as Zhan Wuming, so Zhan Wuming kept them far away, and they were happy to do so, but they couldn't dissuade Zhan Wuming. Uneasy, but at least tried my best.

Zhan Wuming didn't want these people to know that he had the secret of eating immortal insects. He dealt with the ancestor of Tianshu, naturally he meant revenge against him, but it was more because he wanted to get rid of him from this day. The ancestor Shu got more secrets from the Mohe family. For countless years, these two families have played disgraceful roles in the reincarnation of their lives. So what kind of secrets are hidden in these two families? , he had to find the answer.

He will never let go of his enemies, maybe one day, he will leave the lower realm, but before that, he needs to clean up the Mohe family of the Destiny Sect.

In this life, there has been no news of a person who has been stuck in his throat all this time, and that is Mo Tianji, where is this opponent who has never appeared before?In Metaverse?Or somewhere else, presumably, some answers should be found in the memory of the top leaders of the Destiny Sect.Of course, Zhan Wuming prefers the treasures and resources of an Earth Immortal, and it is the best ration for him to devour immortal insects.

Chongtian and others were worried that Tianshu Patriarch would choose to self-detonate, so he didn't dare to get close, but Zhan Wuming was not worried, because the existence of immortal insects, apart from being as terrifying as the blood demon, the blood demon's real body was too huge Yes, so, there is still a chance, but people like Tianshu Patriarch don't have this chance.Because his immortal body was almost destroyed before encountering the immortal-eating insects, there was no way to stop the invasion of these immortal-eating insects.Immortal-eating insects devour not only the energy of the body, but also the soul, and these immortal-eating insects devour the soul to save the memory for a moment, and during this moment, Zhan Wuming can see it through the coexistence of his spirit and soul. Therefore, he had to rush to the side of Patriarch Tianshu.

"Who are you?" Patriarch Tianshu asked with difficulty, with a trace of despair and grief in his eyes.

Zhan Wuming took the blood river boat, stood in the air, smiled at the ancestor Tianshu and said: "I am the person your Tianming Sect has been looking for, and I have been entangled with your fate in many reincarnations. Qing, the person who was sent to reincarnation by you again and again, but this time, everything will be different."

"What, you..." Patriarch Tianshu's face suddenly became extremely ugly. He thought of the mission of the existence of the Mohe family in this lower world. There is a mission left over from ancient times. Every time when the oracle of the ancestor god is handed down, that is, when the person with the destiny in the legend appears, once someone in the family can take away this person's luck and prevent If it grows, then those who achieve success will take away the destiny and lay the foundation for the achievement of the god position.

Since the family history records, there have been dozens of sons of destiny in the family, and these sons of destiny were all introduced into the God Realm. Legend has it that these sons of destiny took away the fate and fate of this mysterious man of destiny. In this way, the divine blood fate can be fulfilled... This time, the Destiny Sect launched a war that swept across the entire starry sky. It was rumored that this person appeared, so the entire starry sky was reshuffled.

Almost all of them want to find this Man of Destiny and take away his fate, so as to achieve the achievement of the Man of Destiny in their own blood family, so as to gain the opportunity to enter the God Realm.

In the starry sky, the gods have disappeared, but the gods still exist. In the new universe, there is a passage between the gods and the lower realms, but this passage is not used for ascension, but for the connection of the gods. Yes, only those who have been approved by the God Realm have the opportunity to enter the God Realm through this passage. As for the gate of the Immortal Realm, of course there is no such thing.

If you can't get the approval of the God Realm, then you can only ascend to the Immortal Realm first, and then break through the void to enter the God Realm.Of course, everyone knows that it is better to take one step at a time. Although it is very beautiful to enter the God Realm directly from the Mortal Realm, not everyone is willing to do this, because the cultivation base is too low to enter the God Realm. ants, and those who have the opportunity to enter the God Realm are all powerful in the lower realm. They are used to being strong and suddenly they become a small ant. This contrast will make them even more disappointed Therefore, not everyone is willing to choose to go to the God Realm, but they are very happy to go to the Immortal Realm.

(End of this chapter)

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