Chapter 666 The Magnificent Artifact World

There are still layers of space in the night paradise.Moreover, there is a huge world in each layer of space, and each world is like the Xuanwu World, with many continents...

Zhan Wuming discovered that not all of the worlds in the world of Yetiantang were the most ordinary creatures, and there seemed to be some hidden levels in the nine-fold world. It is a structure similar to that in the real universe. Anyone who enters into cultivation, cultivates into Yuan, Yuan becomes immortal, and immortal turns into a god... In this night of heaven, there is actually a set of self-contained practice system, in this world People can get the opportunity to ascend to the next level of world through practice step by step, and these worlds are promoted step by step, and in the last level of the world, the creatures in them seem to be extremely powerful...

"It's a fairy..." Zhan Wuming let out a low voice, he found that there is an incomparably huge fairy spirit in the eighth world of Ye Tiantang, and there are also many creatures in that world, and These creatures seem to be very powerful, and the aura of any one of them is stronger than that of Kongkong Patriarch or Tianshu Patriarch... and there are many existences with more powerful aura than these people. Zhan Wuming was shocked. The last layer of the world is actually the fairy world, a small fairy world...

Zhan Wuming finally knew why it was said that the great power of the Bright World was able to use this artifact to directly achieve the immortal position. What kind of artifact is this? To the immortals, they have all of them.

Ye Tiantang's aura is getting stronger and stronger, as if all the power of the inner space world has been pulled out, and then blessed on Ye Tiantian, Zhan Wuming feels a tremor in his heart, it is a kind of tremor originating from the soul .The power of light originally detonated from his sea of ​​energy and starry sky can no longer restrain that Ye Tiantian. The will of Ye Tiantang, which is the will of several great worlds, seems to want to completely break free from the shackles of Zhan Wuming...

Zhan Wuming was very speechless, he really underestimated the power of Ye Tiantian, the eighth world in Ye Tiantian is already a fairy world, then, Ye Tiantian has nine worlds, doesn't it mean that the last world is very likely to be a god Realm... What kind of existence was the God Realm power Yue Guangming who created the divine weapon of heaven back then?
"Om..." At this moment, the huge tree of chaos in Zhan Wumingqi's sea starry sky suddenly moved, and a huge branch passed through the sky, as if piercing through the endless void. Exploring out of the alien world, and rapidly extending along the power of light, Ye Tiantang, who was about to break the shackles of Zhan Wuming's power of light, was suddenly shocked, and was captured by the huge branch protruding from the endless void.

"What is this..." Ye Tiantian exclaimed, this huge tree branch, like the Milky Way, suddenly penetrated into it from its world, and invaded the world in Ye Tiantang layer by layer.Like a hunting dog looking for food, it drives straight in at an extremely fast speed. Whether it is the power of light or the power of faith, when it comes into contact with the branches of chaos, they are all absorbed by the branches.

Every time it enters a layer of worlds, those worlds wither as if disillusioned... The endless vitality is turned into the nutrition of chaos.

Originally, Ye Tiantang's huge aura was quickly withdrawn, like a withered sapling, its strength was rapidly drained.

Ye Tiantian was stunned. He had no resistance at all to the intruding branch. The rules formed by the space world he opened were like bubbles in front of this branch, and they did not exist at all.

Zhan Wuming seemed to see the end of the world unfolding. In those huge worlds, countless creatures ran wildly. They never thought that there would be such terrifying creatures outside their world. They are all covered, and in some worlds, the more powerful the world, the stronger the pressure of the Chaos Tree can be felt. On the contrary, the world of mortals still maintains peace, and they did not notice the invading tree. big tree.

During the invasion of the Chaos Tree, Zhan Wuming also noticed something strange. He found that in the eighth layer of the world, all those immortals turned into phantoms in an instant, as if these people did not exist at all, and everything was just a phantom.Even that piece of the world is like this. The originally seemingly magical and magnificent world, after the Chaos Tree absorbed a lot of aura, it was discovered that on the entire eighth-layer world, there were countless cracks like hideous wounds. There are ravines and ravines everywhere, if the continent after being hit by countless meteors...

This is a piece of damaged sacred land, and the figures of countless immortals are just the glory of the past. Perhaps a long, long time ago, there were indeed immortals in the eighth world of this night heaven, and the number of immortals was less than Few, but at this moment in the world of Ye Tiantian, there are no immortals, and even that layer of the world has been broken and lost its aura.

This reminds Zhan Wuming of the battle between gods and demons in the ancient times. The destruction of the fairy world of Ye Tiantang is probably because of the great battle back then. In exchange for the final victory at the price of the fairy world in the night paradise.

Zhan Wuming didn't know if Yue Guangming was still alive, but he had to admire the power and ruthlessness of Yue Guangming. Yue Guangming split the heaven artifact into two parts and left them in the lower realm. Death shouldn't be too comfortable, Ye Tiantang's artifact is probably more powerful than Zhan Wuming estimated.

"What kind of monster are you? Purify me..." Ye Tiantian's weapon soul roared again and again, and the endless power of light rushed towards the chaotic branches, trying to purify the chaotic branches with the energy provided by these worlds, but It is doomed to be disappointed. The power of light that invaded the branches of chaos was absorbed by the branches of chaos like water entering a sponge.

This branch is like a huge straw, quickly extracting the light power of the night heaven, and injecting it into the bright star among the nine big stars above its leaves, making the bright star even brighter.

"Impossible... what the hell is this..." Ye Tiantian cried out in despair, and a fat shadow appeared in the endless void, like a huge white radish, only with eyes and a nose... …Countless branches tightly entwine the radish-like shadow in the void, and it seems that there are countless big mouths with suction cups, constantly pulling away the vitality of this phantom.

"This is your tool soul! Haha, it looks so ugly..." Zhan Wuming laughed, he never thought that the tool soul of the heaven this night was actually a baby like a white and fat carrot.

"Heaven's Heart, when are you still waiting?" Zhan Wuming shouted at Heaven's Heart who had been waiting quietly. The whole Ye Tiantang is no longer under the control of Ye Tiantang's tool soul. If at this time, the tool soul of Heaven's Heart forcibly enters and controls Ye Tiantang, then even if Ye Tiantang's tool soul is released, it is impossible to have another Chance has seized control of this night of heaven.

The heart of heaven hesitated a little, it also had extremely high spirituality, he felt the great threat from the chaotic branch.He even felt that the threat came from above the source, as long as he made any rash moves, he would be stripped off like the tool soul of the heaven that night, and in the end life and death could not be controlled by himself.

He also knew that this weird tree had a great relationship with Zhan Wuming.At this time, he was very fortunate that his choice was correct at the beginning. Although he did not admit that Zhan Wuming was the main one, at least he did not discount Zhan Wuming's orders. It was because of this that he gained Zhan Wuming's trust.

Now that Zhan Wuming had spoken, he no longer hesitated, and drilled into the depths of Yetiantian's world with the heart of heaven.

Heart of Heaven has an instinctive familiarity with the world in Night Paradise.

"Boom..." In a certain place in the void of the eighth-level world, the heart of heaven directly submerged into it, and then the whole world of Night Paradise uttered a huge roar, and a majestic vitality came from the eighth-level world. A certain point is the center and spreads to all the worlds of Night Paradise.

The originally dark continent suddenly lit up, and a layer of bright light and shadow crossed over the continent, and the entire Night Paradise glowed with endless vitality in an instant.Even the countless cracks and gullies on the continent of the Little Immortal World came alive, the ground squirmed, and the gullies rapidly became smaller at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then healed quickly like fleshy wounds.

Zhan Wuming was dumbfounded, he never expected that when Heaven's Heart and Ye Tiantang were combined, they would have such a miraculous effect.Many continents in Yetiantian, which had been destroyed by the chaotic tree, were riddled with holes and dilapidated. However, after the Heart of Heaven settled in, they regenerated endless vitality and began to repair the continents on their own. The inhabitants of the city saw a real miracle.

At this moment, Zhan Wuming seems to have heard the cheers of many living beings, and the revival of vitality made them experience the long-lost miracle. Perhaps, there are also legends in their world, created by the heart of heaven in front of them. miracles, as some kind of prophecy in their legends.

All the creatures began to cheer, and all the continents began to vibrate, releasing enormous energy, but this power that could have caused huge and devastating disasters was all absorbed by the tree of chaos, and it did not cause any damage, just A true miracle was performed.

Zhan Wuming felt that countless voices suddenly floated in Ye Tiantian, it was prayer, it was sutra...Countless voices mixed together, Zhan Wuming felt the power of faith between heaven and earth suddenly became stronger Thousands of times, becoming extremely pure, extremely pure, this is a power of faith from the heart.

"Boom..." Zhan Wuming only felt his heart tremble suddenly, and a thought suddenly rushed into his mind, it was an extremely pious thought, it seemed like a puppy that missed its owner so much, it was lost for a long time Afterwards, he suddenly found his master... That was the mind of the heart of heaven, completely let go, and completely displayed in front of Zhan Wuming without reservation. As long as Zhan Wuming moved his mind, he could immediately become the heart of heaven. The new owner of the heart, can also be said to be the new owner of the entire complete heavenly artifact.

(End of this chapter)

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