Chapter 675 Sharpen the mind and sublimate the golden core

What happened in the endless sea of ​​stars, or even what happened in the city of sentient beings, did not cause any impact in the original, as if it belonged to several different worlds.

The primordial world is an existence independent of other spaces. In this continent, there are powerful ghosts and evil spirits, some of which are so powerful that even half-immortals and earth-immortals can make a detour.Many people know that some ghosts that come out of the burial grounds of the gods are very likely to be the resentment of the gods. Even if it is transformed by a ray of resentment from the gods, it is an invincible existence.

It is said that the murderers of many destroyed cities in Primordial seem to have come from the place where the gods were buried. There is also a special profession in Primordial, that is ghost hunter, a kind of person who specializes in catching ghosts. They are all very powerful ghosts, the more powerful the ghosts, the more expensive they can be sold in the primordial.

There are also people who send ghosts to the City of All Beings, or even places like Endless Star Sea to sell, because ghosts themselves are the purest energy, as long as there is a way to dispel the hostility in ghosts, then the energy of ghosts can even make people People have a deeper understanding of the origin...

Therefore, some high-level ghosts are even as valuable as fairy stones, so a profession was born in this continent, that is, ghost hunters.Those who can become ghost hunters are almost all ruthless people who can run rampant in the primordial. Their figures are easy to identify. Usually they will form a group of several people. Each person has a golden skull logo embroidered on their clothes. .

People who can own this kind of costume are usually those who have been recognized by one of the most mysterious organizations in the Unfalling Starry Sky, that is, the Alliance of Gods.

In Unfalling Starry Sky, God's Alliance really exists, but not all people are qualified to know their existence, or even understand God's Alliance.

Some people say that the League of Gods is just a code name, and the real League of Gods has already disappeared, or that the controller of the League of Gods is not a monk at all, but an extremely powerful ghost, an ancient God's Born of the resentment of the Great God of the League of Gods, the ghost of resentment cultivated many extremely powerful experts in the original, and these people are the spokespersons of the League of Gods.So these people captured a large number of powerful ghosts and devoured them to the controllers of the League of Gods, making them stronger.

Of course, this is just a legend, and it is also said that the controller of the League of Gods is the tomb keeper of the place where the gods are buried. Therefore, the controller of the League of Gods is in the original.In the entire Unfalling Starry Sky, they only need to ensure the safety of the cemetery of the gods, and they don't value the rest.So Yuanyuan is the real focus of the entire Unfalling Starry Sky.

There is also a legend that the Unfalling Starry Sky was originally divided into several levels, in which there were the battlefields of sentient beings, the battlefield of ten thousand immortals and the battlefield of gods, but no one has ever been able to find the gate of the fairy world. If someone can find the battlefield of ten thousand immortals, then, You can enter the fairy world through the Ten Thousand Immortals Battlefield.

The place of the burial of the gods has attracted many experts. Apart from the countless small cities, there is only one huge city.Legend has it that the city of the burial of the gods has a history of more than 8 years. No one knows whether it can break the fate of 10 years, and no one knows when this city will attract the attention of the powerful ghosts of the place of the burial of the gods. destroy.

However, people are not worried. It is not a matter of a day or two for a powerful ghost to destroy a big city. Usually there will be some omens. When the omens happen, it will not be too late for the people in the city to prepare.

Zhan Wuming found the City of God's Burial ten months after he left the Torre galaxy. Although his blood river boat flew extremely fast and there were regular doors that allowed him to travel quickly, but when he found the original door , It still took more than six months, he finally realized the length of the endless star sea, through the gate of rules, Zhan Wuming felt that he had flown at least tens of millions of light years, or even farther, but for the endless star sea That being said, it appears to be just one of those distances.

Along the way, he tried his best to avoid some planets provided by Chongtian, and walked through some ruled doors with rare human presence. Therefore, no one found his whereabouts. I don't know if Xuanhuang discovered his identity, but he can be sure that as long as Xuanhuang knows his clues, then, with Xuanhuang's strength, he will be able to track down his whereabouts. Now, he doesn't want to become Xuanhuang's prey, so , he has been on his way silently, but what he didn't expect was that the gate of primordial origin is so far away.

It took him six months to finally arrive at Yuanyuan, like a huge space vortex in flight, moving all the time, although this kind of moving speed will not be faster than the starship, just like a meteorite drifting with the cosmic storm , It is impossible to be fixed in one place at all, if Zhan Wuming does not have the token of the magical Primordial Gate on his body, he really cannot find the location of the Primordial Gate in this endless sea of ​​stars.

He was a little strange, why he had a clearer sense of the Primordial Gate in the Death Star Domain, but he was unwilling to re-enter the Death Star Domain again. God knows what kind of pervert the Death Ship is. It would be unlucky to be found once inside and chased out again. Although Chongtian, Huo Weifu, Tianxie Mozun and others all left separately this time, he was the only one with a group of monsters from the world of heaven and earth. You guys, let alone take this risk yourself.

After entering the primordial, he discovered that the group of Warcraft Supremes were much better than he had imagined. In the world in the center of the earth, there were less intrigues and intrigues, so these Warcraft Supremes and the others In this world full of ghosts and evil spirits, this group of Warcraft Supremes has no inner demons. Those evil spirits want to use demons to interfere with their thinking to make it easier for them to seize their homes. As a result, these The Warcraft Supremes with clean minds are all at ease and able to deal with it with ease.

This made Zhan Wuming dumbfounded.

Among this group of people, Zhan Wuming found that his inner demon was the heaviest. Under the attack of those ghosts, his inner demon was also the strongest. The main reason was that his many lifetimes of experience made him His thoughts were too complicated, and even his memory was too mixed. Not only that, although the resentment left over from many lifetimes did not erupt on weekdays, under the entanglement of endless ghosts and evil spirits, it was out of control.

After entering the Primordial Realm, Zhan Wuming knew how lucky he was to survive the calamity of the demons in the sword world, because the sword world is the world of gods, and it is difficult for even the demons to pass through. After all, Zhan Wuming is now The strongest inner demons faced by people in the realm are no more than those of the Earth Immortal rank, but it is too difficult for the inner demons of the Earth Immortal rank to penetrate the barriers of the Sword Realm.

And the demons that appeared when Zhan Wuming crossed the heart demon calamity were just in the sword world. The demons born by those sword spirits for countless years naturally allowed Zhan Wuming to pass through easily, and they also had the power of chaos. The guardianship of trees can be said to be easier than ever.

It was only when he came to this original place that he discovered that the real inner demon was much more terrifying than he had imagined. Although he had gone through hundreds of generations, his mind was extremely firm, but because of the entanglement of hundreds of generations of resentment, the inner demon was extremely powerful.

In this primordial, Zhan Wuming stumbled, and it took him four months to find the city of God's Burial. Along the way, he killed countless inner demons, evil spirits and ghosts, as well as some ghosts. It made him sharpen his mind more transparently, and the resentment of a hundred generations gradually dissipated under the sharpening of the heart demon again and again.

There were a few times when he almost lost his temper. If it wasn't for the Five Elements Godhead guarding the Five Elements Cave in his Fate Soul, which made the foundation of Fate Soul extremely stable, he might not be able to survive. In this way, he also benefited greatly.

Originally, Zhan Wuming was already in the realm of a half-immortal, and had survived the catastrophe of the heart demon once, but after entering the primordial, he had gone through several catastrophes again. He finally understood why it is said that this primordial place is more capable of making people feel better. People can see the origin clearly, because after the demons appear, everyone will find out what is lacking in their own soul, sharpen and complete the soul again and again, and then they can naturally sense the Dao of heaven and earth, understand the beginning of heaven and earth, and the foundation of practice.

The primordial qi in the primordial is also a kind of aura that confuses and delights the practitioners. In the primordial, the primordial qi of heaven and earth cannot be completely absorbed and refined by people, but they can be made use of some means. Evolve into the vitality of heaven and earth that you need.

In fact, Yuan Yuan puts more emphasis on the power of the practitioner's physical body, because the Yuan Force in the body and Yuan Yuan's heaven and earth Qi mutually repel each other, and are even directly absorbed by the heaven and earth Yuan Qi. This piece of heaven and earth fights, even if you have the aura like the sea, it is difficult to resist the consumption of this piece of heaven and earth.

Although some spiritual power can be used, such as running and flying, but most of the time, those primordial power and spiritual energy are of no use to ghosts at all. On the contrary, the power of divine soul is more powerful, and the most effective way to kill ghosts is divine power. In the past few months, Zhan Wuming has learned to turn his knowledge into a knife and his knowledge into a sword. It is an invisible soul sword energy, transformed into Xuanhuang's immortal sword intent, and Zhan Wuming's The strength of the divine soul far surpassed those of the same level. Later, some ghosts were discovered by Zhan Wuming before they got close, and they killed them directly.

Those Warcraft Supremes became Zhan Wuming's most loyal guards when they practiced Zhan Wuming. Li Yalan, Huanxue Shuangji and the elf girl Sakura, Zhan Wuming didn't even dare to let them out. These people It is simply impossible to withstand the attack of such demons and ghosts. Once they come out, they will only be killed.

Therefore, he would rather let the girls stay in his magic world to strengthen their cultivation. Because the curse in the bloodline was cleared, the elf girl Ying has made rapid progress in her cultivation. , This makes the Huanxue Twin Princesses extremely jealous, but there is nothing they can do about it. The elves are naturally close to all kinds of elements, and they are the darlings of the world. Yan Qingqing's pure wood spirit body or the pure light body of Sophia, the saint of light, can be compared with it. Others are hard to come by, even Yishang's slightly dark body The physique can't be compared with the elves.

Zhan Wuming feels that, given him some time, he can break through the final barrier in this primordial, enter the realm of the earth fairy, and the sharpening of the mind makes golden cracks appear in the golden core in his sea of ​​consciousness. Rays of golden light shot out from the cracks, turning the entire Sea of ​​Consciousness into a golden ocean.

The main difference between a half-immortal and a true immortal is not the integrity of the immortal body, but the final step of the sea-of-knowledge golden elixir, when the elixir shatters into a baby, then it is the real step into the immortal way.

During this period of tempering of mind and soul, Zhan Wuming's Sea of ​​Consciousness Golden Core is growing stronger every day, and in time, it will surely be broken into a baby. At that time, he will really use the immortal worm to find the gate of the fairy world.

(End of this chapter)

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