Chapter 683: Turn Your Face When You Turn Your Face
Compared with the endless sea of ​​stars or the city of sentient beings, the City of Divine Burial is actually not very huge. It is thousands of miles from east to west, and relatively narrow and long from north to south, only a thousand miles away. In fact, it can be said to be just a mountain range, but Someone transformed the entire mountain range into a city that is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

The most horrific attacks in Primordial didn't come from ghosts and evil spirits like demons. Although these invisible things were terrifying, it was the ghost beasts that could really destroy the city.When ghosts and evil spirits drive hundreds of millions of beasts to rush in, even a strong city with thick walls can hardly withstand this crazy impact.In the tide of beasts, even those large formations will be destroyed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and you will be riddled with holes before you can even repair them... So people thought of a possibility, that is to build a city on the mountain, and build a city on the mountain. The walls are cut into the cliff.So a natural giant wall is formed.Coupled with the pattern pattern, this precipitous city wall becomes stronger.

This was the case in the City of Divine Burial. The four city gates were all rebuilt with natural canyons, while the other places were all cut by hand to form a drop of at least a hundred feet, and then defense lines were built on the cliffs.And at the foot of the mountain, there are layers of large formations and small towns dotted with stars to serve as early warnings. Therefore, no matter how you look at it, you feel that the city of the burial of the gods is a very safe place.Therefore, even if the City of God's Burial is not because of its proximity to the City of God's Burial, it is still one of the most popular cities in the original.

Except for the city's defense and architectural scale, everything in the City of God's Burial is very similar to a secular city. In Primordial, most people gave up flying, because flying in this world consumes a lot of vitality, but it is still It's rare to add that although there are primordial stones and other things, once activated, they will be quickly eroded by the original force in the primordial and turned into slag.There are also some practitioners who transform into birds, but apart from occasionally choosing to fly inside the city, no one dares to do so outside the city, because flying at high speed in the void will become the target of all ghosts and evil spirits , I’m afraid they won’t even know how they died. Therefore, in Primordial, people try to keep a low profile on running on the ground, or riding monsters running on land, instead of touching the unknown ghosts in the void.

Most people in the City of God's Burial have their own mounts, but most of these mounts are Yuanzun-level monsters, or desolate beasts, and some are supreme-level monsters and desolate beasts, but these are relatively rare after all. Yes, once a monster or a desolate beast cultivates to become the supreme, it will have its own pride, eager to cultivate its own way, and will not be willing to become the mount of others.However, it is almost impossible for monsters and star beasts below Yuan Zun to survive outside the city, so very few people bring them in, and even if there are, they are placed in their own magic weapon space.

Of course, there is also a kind of businessman who rents some mounts that can only walk in the city, tamed monsters. This kind of monsters are not high in rank, but their speed is very fast. With the intrusion of ghosts and evil spirits, this kind of monster mount is very safe. Therefore, this kind of monster is only suitable for running in the city. Many newcomers will find this kind of monster that looks like a horse. Returning it to the leasing merchant is a great way to make money. In fact, merchants are everywhere, only what they can't think of, and there is nothing they can't do.

But Zhan Wuming doesn't matter. In fact, if you want to walk fast, the speed of Guishui swallowing the sky python is the fastest. After all, the huge body with a length of hundreds of feet is absolutely impossible without using supernatural powers. The fastest, even the red-haired blue-tailed lion can't match it.However, because it is too big to walk in the city at all, it will cause public outrage, so Zhan Wuming would rather ride a lion. As for the beast with blue eyes and golden eyes, he is too lazy to release it. The cultivation base of Wuling Realm is too weak, but Zhan Wuming thought of a good treasure.That is Xuanhuang's sword world, that is definitely a good thing. Chongtian and others said that he was in Xuanhuang's sword world for more than ten days, but they discovered later that he was actually outside the sword world. However, more than half a day has passed, that is to say, the sword world is not only formed by Xuanhuang's sword intent, but also the real power of time has appeared in it, so there is a kind of jet lag.The speed of time in the sword world is at least fifteen times faster than that of the outside world. If I can get this treasure and put all my people in it to practice, then one year outside will pass inside. After more than ten years, the gap in cultivation will inevitably be greatly shortened.

Zhan Wuming knows that he is not short of people at all, but what he is short of is time, and Xuanhuang's sword world is such a similar treasure, but thinking of Xuanhuang's horror, I am afraid that he has no chance to win it at all. In the sword world, that thing is Xuanhuang's natal treasure, unless Xuanhuang is dead, it is impossible for outsiders to take it away.But in this lower realm, how many people can kill Xuanhuang?Or it doesn't exist at all, because Xuanhuang is the most powerful existence in this era where even the gate of the fairy world cannot be opened, even in this primordial, unless he meets the demon god of the sky...

But Zhan Wuming would rather Xuanhuang live than to meet the Huntian Demon God, because once the ancient ominous demon swallowed Xuanhuang, then his cultivation would definitely recover even more, and maybe the Huntian Demon God would really be able to find other people who were sealed. That is the disaster that the heavens and myriad worlds will face.As for the ancient god, Zhan Wuming also thought about it, but it is not realistic for the ancient god to kill Xuanhuang, because even if Xuanhuang can't beat him, he can still escape. At least, it is impossible for the ancient god to catch up. After all, the ancient god recovered is still too weak.The strength of only half a star is not enough to pose a real threat to Xuanhuang.Of course, if the design is good, it may be possible to use cunning calculations and the attacks of the ancient gods, but what kind of calculations can drive Xuanhuang to death?This is a very headache, at least, Zhan Wuming doesn't dare to take too much risk now, after all Xuanhuang can strangle him to death with one finger.

Thinking about it, it is not practical to consider Xuanhuang's sword world, but it is really not easy to find a treasure better than the sword world in this lower world, and there is a lot of space in the sword world, if the blood river Putting the boat in it can provide many people to enter the sword world to practice.

The east, west, south, north, and four sides of the city of divine burials are clearly divided. Two central axes divide the main city into four major blocks, with the city lord's mansion as the center of the entire central axis, which is magnificent.Zhan Wuming booked a few high-class rooms in the East City, which is not too far from the City Lord's Mansion, settled down a bit, then went to the City Lord's Mansion to meet Su Hongxue, and of course, to pay a visit to the City Lord Su Dongfang.

The person who can become the lord of a city must not be a simple person, I am afraid that he is really a strong person who has cultivated to the level of a golden fairy in the legend.Although he is very confident in the strength of his physical body, he knows that although his physical body is strong, it is much worse than Jinxian.When he became Yuan Zun, he had already cultivated the Taixu Immortal Physique, and his physical strength reached the point of being a true immortal without leaks. After that, he went through the Supreme Three Tribulations all the way, and his physical body was further improved, especially after absorbing the self-blood demon. After the eroded energy and the reintegration of the countless souls, the power of the body has reached a terrifying level. Maybe it can be compared with the heavenly immortal or even the great immortal, but the golden immortal is another level.Therefore, he has no certainty that he can deal with Mo Da.

"Please come with me!" As soon as Zhan Wuming walked out of the gate of Feng Inn, two people stood in front of Zhan Wuming coldly, and then said indifferently in an extremely cold tone.

"Who are you guys?" Zhan Wuming glanced slightly at the street outside the inn, and couldn't help but smile secretly. There are many pedestrians on this street, but among these people, many of them showed killing intent in their eyes. Obviously, the people who came for him this time were not just the two in front of him, but more than [-] people. These people seemed to be shopping for goods, but they sealed Zhan Wu in an extremely concealed manner. At this time, Zhan Wuming still felt the sound of light footsteps coming from behind him, and even his breath was a bit heavy. Obviously, there were other people in the inn, but these People are trying to seal Zhan Wuming's escape route.Those who should come still have to come, but they came a little too soon, but think about it, the Destiny Sect, the God's Burial City, has been operating for such a long time, it is naturally easy to mobilize manpower, and his whereabouts cannot be hidden from those who are interested.

"You don't need to know who I am, but if you don't want to come with me, then you will have to die..." The man's voice was even colder, and a trace of icy killing intent permeated leisurely. Suddenly, pedestrians on the road noticed and left quickly. This group of people is farther away.In the city of divine burial, every truly weak person has a very keen perception of killing intent.

"Is it possible to kill people arbitrarily in this city of divine burial?" Zhan Wuming asked disdainfully.

"That depends on who killed the man!" The man dismissed it.

"Oh!" Zhan Wuming couldn't help laughing, and said lightly: "Then, you can go to die!"

Just when Zhan Wuming's smile widened to the maximum, the two of them suddenly felt that something was wrong, and were about to make a move, but found that Zhan Wuming had disappeared. Then, he felt his neck lighten, and a white light flashed in front of their eyes. now.They saw Zhan Wuming again, extremely free and easy, using a white handkerchief to gently wipe off the blood on the sword, his movements were incomparably elegant.

"Ho ho..." The two men clasped their throats tightly with their hands, neighing.Then a wisp of blood slipped from between his tightly gripped fingers.

"Zheng...zheng..." The sound of the swords sounded like a dragon's chant, and the figures of Kong Si and the others spread out a brilliant light behind Zhan Wuming like a peacock spreading its tail at the moment Zhan Wuming made a move, and then With a few screams and a splotch of blood, the whole ground of Laifeng Inn was blood red.

Zhan Wuming and his men shot without any hesitation, the swords and shadows intertwined, and under the combination, there were almost no dead ends. Obviously, this was tempered for a long time.Cooperate with the extremely tacit sword array.

Flesh and blood flew everywhere, and in an instant, the entire lobby of Laifeng Inn was like a Shura hell, with limbs and broken bodies everywhere almost instantly.

Bloody and brutal, Niu Da and the others glanced at the lobby of Laifeng Inn with bloodthirsty eyes. A bloody fight that no one wants to be involved in.In the Laifeng Inn, the Destiny Sect did not arrange many people. After all, this is someone else's business place. To be able to open such a large inn in this city of divine burials represents the background and strength, so the Destiny Sect The killer really exists outside the inn.

The people of the Destiny Sect didn't expect that Zhan Wuming would attack suddenly, and they would kill with one blow. They didn't have any chance to think. And those two people who tried to stop Zhan Wuming had their throats cut.

(End of this chapter)

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