Chapter 752
"Boy, don't overestimate yourself. As long as I want, I can completely collapse your life and soul world. Even if I have a hard time, you will also die. You don't want to die together, do you?" Heng The Emperor of Heaven was unmoved, in his eyes, Zhan Wuming was just a false threat, and he didn't take it to his heart at all.

Zhan Wuming, a person with a special physique, he couldn't take it away, but it was extremely regrettable. However, since he discovered such a genius, he naturally couldn't let it go easily. If most of his soul is restored, he can easily get rid of the strange power of the eight elements in Zhanwumingmingsoul world.This body has more terrifying potential than his own original body.

"Are you saying that you can explode yourself?" Zhan Wuming's voice echoed leisurely in the soul space, but there was a hint of ridicule in his hands, which made Emperor Heng Tian feel a little bad, so he didn't even think about it, and immediately back away.But at the moment when his figure just moved, he suddenly felt a terrifying suction coming from this life soul space, and a huge black hole appeared in the original cave of five-color elements, and that terrifying suction was his own. Came from the black hole.

Emperor Hengtian exclaimed, and before he had time to react, the Qiongqi phantom he had evolved was engulfed by the black hole. When he opened his eyes again, Emperor Hengtian suddenly found himself in the endless starry sky. The seemingly vibrant stars are rapidly evolving in this starry sky. In the depths of this endless starry sky, there is an extremely huge tree. Countless stars hang between the branches and leaves of this big tree, the most conspicuous The most striking thing is that on this gigantic tree, nine stars of different colors seem to be evolving into a world. The power of nine colors and nine elements are intertwined together, which seems to have turned into the law of chaos...

This is a newly born cosmic starry sky, all because of the huge tree, each root tendril extends tens of light-years, each branch is light-years long, rooted in the empty starry sky, directly connected to chaos, Emperor Hengtian couldn't help but stare dumbfounded, he thought he was dreaming.

"Where is this place..." Emperor Hengtian muttered to himself, everything in front of him was so weird that he even felt that everything was unreal.

"This is the starry sky inside me." Zhan Wuming's voice came from the depths of the starry sky.

"How is it possible, how is this possible... who are you..." Emperor Hengtian began to doubt the authenticity of Zhan Wuming at this time, this should definitely not be the terrifying mighty power that a true fairy-level ant should have.To actually open up a cosmic starry sky in his body, what kind of terrifying existence, and what kind of thing is that big tree rooted in the void, one leaf, one world, how magnificent and terrifying it is.

"I feel a familiar breath in your soul, and that breath can resonate with my soul. If my guess is correct, you should be a member of the Mohe family, but you only have I have no way of knowing which one you are. However, I can tell you who I am. I am the one who specially made the Son of Destiny for your Mohe family. Maybe in a certain life, you should treat me I am deeply impressed, but now I am here to collect debts." Zhan Wuming's voice was full of killing intent.

"The Son of are him..." Emperor Hengtian was shocked and couldn't help but whispered.

He suddenly thought that when he entered Zhan Wuming's sea of ​​consciousness, he felt a sense of familiarity.But at this moment, Zhan Wuming's words evoked a distant memory in him. That year, he finally devoured the fate soul of a close friend, thus making his own fate soul complete, and thus became the son of the family's destiny. Because of this, The ancestral god specially tore apart the shackles of the heaven and earth space for him, and sent him into the fairy world. With his luck against the sky, he fought all the way, and finally reached the peak of the fairy world, becoming one of the strongest in this world .

He heard that there is not only one Son of Destiny in this world, and if he can swallow up the luck of other Sons of Destiny, then there is a very high chance of gaining the throne of God.Of course, that was a legend. Apart from himself, he rarely knew who the real Son of Destiny was, because their identities were top secret, and even members of his own family did not know.

" can't enter the fairy world...this is fate..." Emperor Hengtian roared fiercely, and his soul instantly turned into a huge ghostly phantom, and his huge body like a big star leaped between, thinking Finding the way out of this starry sky, he has a heartfelt fear of the starry sky in front of him, and this fear comes from the big tree rooted in the endless void.

He didn't know what kind of tree it was, but the breath of endless chaos circulated on that big tree, including the nine big stars of different colors, as if they were the seeds of this big chaotic tree, which was extremely strange.

He didn't believe that this was really the space in Zhan Wuming's body, but that Zhan Wuming used some special means to transport him to a void space.He knew that gods were said to be able to create their own worlds, but the boy in front of him was just a small ant in the realm of the real fairy, and it was impossible for him to have such abilities.

"Boom...Boom..." At the moment when Emperor Hengtian turned into a huge Qiongqi and wanted to escape, a huge palm suddenly appeared from the endless void, almost covering all the starry sky. The phantom let out a scream, and a series of ice-blue light balls bombarded the starry giant hand like a pearl necklace strung together by shooting stars.

The huge palm shook suddenly, and then bombarded the same position one after another. The big hand slapped Qiongqi's body, blasting a huge hole, and Qiongqi rushed directly from the hole into the other side of the void.

"Boom..." What greeted Qiongqi was a large star that was evolving, but the huge star failed to hit Qiongqi's body, but was directly smashed to pieces by Qiongqi's huge claw.The endless energy exploded, turned into nothingness and was instantly absorbed by the chaotic tree deep in the endless starry sky.

"Hmph, pretending to be a ghost, you can't deal with me at all..." Emperor Hengtian heaved a sigh of relief. Although this starry sky is weird, the boy's spirit can mobilize a lot of power in this starry sky, but after all, this starry sky seems to be a little bit more powerful. It's just the initial form, and it hasn't really evolved into the most powerful cosmic form. Even the ruler of this starry sky can't pose a real deadly threat to him.

As an immortal emperor, he has already comprehended the power of the highest law of immortality, which can almost evolve into the law of heaven and earth.Although he has no way to mobilize power in this starry sky, he can feel that the power of law in this starry sky is still very weak, and its evolution is a spontaneous form, rather than being controlled by some powerful force. The will to forcibly destroy life, that is to say, this starry sky seems to be very strong, but it feels a bit strong on the outside and dry on the inside.

But looking around, the starry sky seems endless, and Emperor Hengtian couldn't find where the real exit was. At this time, he hated Zhan Wuming so much, but Zhan Wuming was also a huge temptation for him Well, this is the new Son of Destiny, if he devours him, his luck will skyrocket, and he will have more chances to devour other Sons of Destiny in the future and achieve the god position.

It's a pity that he is no longer himself at the peak, and cannot rely on the power of the soul to sense the position of the fairy world. If he can sense the position of the fairy world, even if it is an independent starry sky, he can still break through and return to the fairy world.

"Heaven and earth have eternity, power is unparalleled, break it for me..." The Qiongqi phantom transformed by Emperor Hengtian raised his head to the sky and let out a huge roar, two huge sharp claws suddenly tore at the endless starry sky, a burst of ice blue energy Crazy impact came out, the whole void made the sound of ice cracking instantly, and cracks spread rapidly in the starry sky, Qiongqi's sharp claws suddenly penetrated into the cracks, and he wanted to tear the void cracks directly open.

Zhan Wuming only felt a pain in his heart, this was his sea of ​​qi and emptiness, this Qiongqi's power was too powerful, he didn't know how the Hengtian Emperor could fuse this Qiongqi's divine power, so that even his soul They all have poor divinity. This endless starry sky has not really matured, and the barriers of the void are still weak. He still underestimated the power of the Heng Tian Emperor. He originally thought that in this starry sky, he could dominate the eternal world. The life and death of the Emperor of Heaven, but at this moment he knows that his strength is not enough, even a Emperor of Heaven who has been severely injured has some trump cards that he can't imagine.

If Emperor Hengtian is really allowed to tear apart this starry sky and escape from the crack in the void, then everything he has done will be in vain. Not only that, he will also expose all his hole cards in front of the Immortal Emperor in front of him. At that time, I was afraid that he would never have a peaceful day. If he couldn't kill the other party today, he might not have a chance in the future.

"Star of Chaos..." Zhan Wuming no longer concealed his soul body, and turned into a huge imaginary star, just like the master of this starry sky, forming inexplicable marks on his hands.With a loud shout, the nine stars on the chaotic tree behind him shook suddenly, nine beams of light soared into the sky, and the power of nine elements instantly gathered on Zhan Wuming's soul.The entire soul body seems to have instantly turned into the only light source in the starry sky of the universe. Countless divine lights are intertwined, and they have evolved endless chaotic runes. The eight caves in Zhan Wuming's soul seem to be affected by some Stimulated by power, the entire cavern was opened with a "hum", and the endless power of the soul echoed with the nine-colored brilliance in the starry sky.Countless stars in the entire starry sky accelerated their evolution.

"Boom..." The Qiongqi phantom transformed by Emperor Hengtian's soul was instantly penetrated by the nine-colored brilliance, and his body became more transparent and brighter, and the void barrier that was originally torn by the ice-blue light turned out to be Healing at the speed seen by the naked eye, even if Qiongqi tried his best, he couldn't tear it open a bigger crack.

What surprised Emperor Hengtian was that his ice-blue brilliance was quickly assimilated in the nine-color brilliance, like sugar melted into water, and turned into nothingness in an instant.

"Boy, you are forcing me..." Emperor Hengtian roared, Zhan Wuming could use the energy of those nine superstars to affect his attack on this starry sky.He knew that if he could not tear apart this starry sky, then he would never be able to escape, and would be in a passive state forever, and Zhan Wuming obviously wanted to keep him in this starry sky.

(End of this chapter)

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