Chapter 803
The passage out of Yuehuang City has been completely blocked, and even the passage into the city in the southwest direction has been blocked.Therefore, even in the face of the Immortal King, the Great Immortal of the Hou Mansion is not worried, because the Hou Mansion can be said to have the most powerful force in the entire Yuehuang City.When the hunchback fairy king inexplicably killed the four survivors who claimed to be from the important town of Jiuwan, and he was beheaded by the fairy king when he knew the enemy's whereabouts and was about to tell the enemy's whereabouts, then, The whole meaning is completely different.

It can be said that the deaths of these four people happened in full view. The ferocity and arrogance of the enemy has deeply angered the great immortals of the Chaolanhou Mansion, and also alarmed the other guards in the Hou Mansion.

After the hunchbacked middle-aged fairy king suppressed several great immortals with his breath, he fled outwards without hesitation. In fact, he also felt baffled, how did the four little angels discover his existence, and three of them unexpectedly It exploded inexplicably, and this kind of explosion method seemed to be blasted out of its body by a terrifying force, thus completely destroying it, and even the fairy baby had no chance to escape.

There are only two possibilities for this situation, one is that a certain powerful existence destroyed these people with the power of terrifying laws, and the other is that there is an extremely powerful thing hidden in the bodies of these three people , was detonated at the right time.But he could see the white light that killed the fourth person. It was another strong person who killed this person. The person who shot was also the Immortal King, but it happened too suddenly. He was shocked, so he couldn't stop the white light that killed the last celestial being.

At this moment, he is very clear that he has fallen into the schemes of others, and this person's methods are extremely ruthless, and he even made him the public enemy of the entire Yuehuang City by using four angels to blew themselves up, and even extinguished their souls.

The hunchbacked middle-aged fairy king can be sure that the four gods who identified him as the sneak attack on the important town of Jiuwan must also be the accomplices of this group of people who plot against him, and he vaguely caught a trace of surprise at the moment when the four gods were exploded The aura is not the four angels of the Yun family at all, that is to say, what I have been tracking just now are just a few fake guys.

Therefore, at this moment, without even thinking about it, his first choice was to escape from here. He knew that the death of the four angels almost made everyone believe that he was a spy, and there was no possibility of turning around, because there was no proof of the other party's death, and no one would It is suspected that the four immortals would tell a completely unnecessary lie at the cost of their souls dying.

The escape of the hunchbacked middle-aged fairy king made people believe in the authenticity of the words of these four angels, because this person wanted to escape immediately after killing four people to silence them, which shows that he was guilty of guilt.

"Boom..." Just as the hunchbacked middle-aged fairy king turned around in an instant and was about to disappear into the void, suddenly a big hand suddenly stretched out from the void and hit the fairy king heavily.

Two terrifying forces exploded in the void, and there was a wild fluctuation in the space, and then the body of the hunchbacked middle-aged fairy king had to fall out of the void, and the one who shot was also an fairy king.

"This king hates spies the most in my life. I dared to infiltrate into the city when I slaughtered the important town of Jiuwan. I thought I, Huang Zengtian, had no one..." A cold voice came from the void, and the voice was slightly sharp, but this person did not Appearing in front of the crowd, he just blocked the hunchbacked middle-aged fairy king, and said something that made everyone in Yuehuang City excited.

Immediately, everyone's eyes fell on the hunchbacked middle-aged fairy king.This is an invasion of the fairyland. It is said that the enemy of He Tongtian raided Jiuwan Town this time. This is also a huge threat to Huang Zengtian's major forces. The king's opponent, but since there are other fairy kings to make a move, they are not afraid.

"That's right, it's really arrogant to dare to invade my Yuehuang City. You don't see me as Huang Zengtian. Since I'm here, let's stay..." The face of the hunchbacked middle-aged fairy king became very ugly. The moment he fell back to the ground, there were several figures around him, among them were two immortal kings, and more than ten other golden immortals instantly blocked the surrounding exits.

"Immortal King Ruofeng... Immortal King Luoshui..." A cold light flashed in the eyes of the hunchbacked middle-aged man, and his complexion became ugly as he recognized the identity of the Immortal King who was blocked around him.

"Humpty Immortal King..." Apparently, the Immortal King of the Yuelanhou Mansion also recognized the identity of the hunchbacked middle-aged man in front of him, but at this moment, no matter who the Immortal King in front of him is, he is just an enemy, and they understand that At the same time, they recognized that the fairy king in front of him was not from Huang Zengtian. The two fairy kings did not see what happened just now, but soon a great fairy told them what happened just now.

From what the Great Immortal said, it was naturally the Immortal King Tuotian who beheaded the four immortals with his own hands, and it was at the time when the four immortals were about to report the news of the enemy army.

Because in the eyes of the great immortals, there is nothing wrong with the death of these four immortals. In their opinion, it is too easy for the immortal king to kill the four immortals. It is abnormal, but it is also reasonable, so what the Great Immortal said can be sure that this hunchback fairy king is the mysterious person who came to silence the enemy, but when he wanted to escape after being silenced, he was caught by a mysterious fairy king. He shot to stop him, so he couldn't escape safely.

At this time, the Immortal King Tuotian is absolutely speechless, he knows that he is really getting into other people's schemes.He looked around, trying to find the fairy king who killed the last fairy, as long as he found this person, then it was possible to find out who was framing him.

It's just that there were people all around, and he couldn't even find the Immortal King who had just shot to prevent him from escaping, and that person seemed to disappear after hitting him.The man's shot seemed to have calculated the route he would escape, and he shot directly at that position to block him, making him escape without success.

"Everything in front of me is just a misunderstanding..." Immortal King Tuotian still held a glimmer of hope.

"Misunderstanding? Haha, what a misunderstanding, why don't you come with us to see Lord Hou, Father Hou will be very happy to hear you explain this cruel misunderstanding, what's going on." Immortal King Ruofeng looks very young, romantic With a suave appearance, he has a demeanor that can fascinate thousands of women, but at the moment his expression is very cold.

"I know how to explain it, and you won't believe it. All of this is just that I was framed..." The Immortal King Tuotian smiled helplessly, but he would never be able to capture him without a fight, and he knew very well that once he entered After entering the Hou Mansion, life and death will not be controlled by him at all. As a generation of immortal kings, he will never be willing to let his life be handed over to other people, and let others control his own life and death.

"Boom..." As soon as the Immortal King Tuotian finished speaking, he suddenly threw a black ball, and when the ball hit the ground, it immediately turned into thick black smoke and spread rapidly. In the confusion of smoke, even the consciousness of God seems to be imprisoned.

"I want to leave..." Immortal King Ruofeng's expression turned cold, and he instantly understood the purpose of Immortal King Camel.They didn't expect the Immortal King Tuotian to be so cunning, and just after speaking, he actually used the dark spirit bullet as a cover to escape.But this is Yuehuang City, outside Yuelanhou's mansion, two immortal kings and several golden immortals have blocked the whole space, so it will not be easy to escape.

"Boom...boom..." In the dark smog, a series of critical strikes sounded, and there were bursts of exclamations in the darkness. Under the impact, there was a desperate roar, and countless gravels and broken buildings fell apart, forming a doomsday-like destructive force in this space.

There were exclamations and roars from the immortals of the Yuelanhou Mansion, and the angry cries of the Immortal King Ruofeng, but they didn't know if the Immortal King Tuotian was still in the dark mist.Because in the darkness, everyone's line of sight is blocked, and the spiritual sense cannot detect it, and a chaotic battle ensues when entering the darkness. The hunchback fairy king is very cunning, silent in the darkness, but will take the opportunity to sneak attack, To create chaos, he didn't escape immediately, but formed a chaotic situation in this space at the first time, which suddenly disrupted the lock of the consciousness of Immortal King Ruofeng and Immortal Luoshui on him, even at this moment , I don't know if the attacks of Luoshui Immortal King and Ruofeng Immortal King really hit Tuotian Immortal King.

There is a bustling square outside the Marquis of Yuelan's mansion. There is a huge flow of people. Just now, it attracted too many people to watch. But when the dark spirit bomb exploded, the crowd became chaotic, and many people fled to the distance. However, once the Immortal King Camel Sky mixed into the crowd, it would be almost impossible to find him in the dark...and this is the only chance for Immortal King Camel Sky to escape.Otherwise, once trapped in the siege of Immortal King Ruofeng, then, I'm afraid there will be only a dead end, and Immortal King Tuotian must bet.

The Tuotian Immortal King is originally an immortal king who is good at hiding, otherwise Yun Yiyi would not have tracked Yun Yiyi's two major immortal realms, dozens of cities, and Yun Yiyi would not be able to find his whereabouts. It is also not easy to expose the target, but today is definitely the most depressing day for Immortal King Tuotian.

At the moment when the black mist rose, the Immortal King Tuotian had already attacked a golden fairy in the Yuelanhou Mansion with all his strength. Then he opened a gap, and the Immortal Camel King rushed out of the gap without stopping. It was not difficult for him to kill a golden fairy.

Immortal King Camel had already blended into the crowd after rushing out of the gap, and as the crowd fled quickly, he wanted to blend in with the crowd and retreat.However, the Immortal King Tuotian was depressed and found that just as he entered the crowd and was about to evacuate, he felt a powerful spiritual force locking him, and then a shock came. He didn't even see the opponent's face clearly in the darkness. But he knew that this was another Immortal King, perhaps it was an ambush he had been waiting for for a long time.

Maybe it was the enemy who forced him back just now, or even the enemy who plotted against him behind the scenes.As a result, his escape was blocked again.

But this time, the Immortal King Tuotian saw clearly the face of the visitor, a very ordinary face. He had never heard of this Immortal King's name before, and the only thing he could be sure of was that this was a female Immortal King, or It might be a newly promoted Immortal King, but vaguely, he seemed to feel a familiar aura about this Immortal King.His heart couldn't help but suddenly, as if he remembered something...

(End of this chapter)

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