Chapter 807
The City of Chaos has a small teleportation array leading to Gonghuatian. This teleportation array can only be transmitted to Yuhua City, Gonghuatian's small city. Dare to underestimate everyone, and Yun Yiyi and others cover their faces with light veils, even if someone can see their faces clearly, it's okay.In order to reduce troubles, Zhan Wuming made it easy for several women.

Beauty is a disaster, and Zhan Wuming still has some experience with this, especially a disaster like Yun Yiyi, even if he cultivates to the Immortal King, he is afraid that many people will spy on him.Yun Yiyi also didn't want to waste time on the road, the more time Gong Huatian had to prepare, the better his chances of winning.Immortal Emperor Chenglun's plan is one after another, and no one knows if there are other plans besides this dark demon.

Of course, whether the people in Gonghuatian would believe the words of such a small person like Yun Yiyi is another matter. Zhan Wuming doesn't care about this. , and he can only do his best to obey the destiny. In the near future, he will still go to the Bright Immortal Realm.

He was worried about Yun Yiyi. What kind of family is the Yun family? The relationship between He Kun and Immortal Emperor Chenglun?In other words, someone in the Yun family was involved in this matter, but his appearance caused many accidents.

As soon as he entered Gonghua Tian, ​​Yun Yiyi sent out a signal unique to the Yun family, asking the masters of the Yun family to come to meet him.But two days after the news spread, there was no response, which surprised both Zhan Wuming and Yun Yiyi.

It seems that this kind of situation should not happen in Gonghuatian. The Yun family still has a wide range of businesses. There are branches in many places. It should not be that there is no one to meet them. It seemed calm, and it seemed that no major changes had occurred.

"A hundred miles ahead is Yuanzu City. There is a sub-altar of my Yun family. Go and have a look, and maybe you can find out what happened." Yun Yiyi also had a shadow in her heart, and everyone entered Gonghuatian for two days After walking nearly ten thousand miles, the front is the largest city in Gonghuatian tens of thousands of miles - Yuanzu City.

Yuanzu City is also the fiefdom of Gonghuatian's border imperial princes. The first generation owner of Yuanzu City is Yuanzu. According to legend, he is the younger brother of Emperor Gonghua Tianxian. Therefore, this giant city is named after Yuanzu.Now the owner of Yuanzu City is not Yuanzu. Legend has it that not long after he became the city lord, Yuanzu went to explore the dangerous land of the fairy world, entered the primordial void to find the passage to the God Realm, and never came back. Only legends about him remained in the Yuanzu City.

The location of the Yun Family Chamber of Commerce in Yuanzu City is not very good, it is a bit off. After all, the Yun Family can only be regarded as a weak family in Gonghuatian. There are also major aristocratic families and sects, which are too powerful. Even the Yun family only opened small chambers of commerce in the major cities of Gonghuatian.

In terms of business, the Yun Family Chamber of Commerce is not too weak. When Yun Yiyi, Zhan Wuming and others rushed outside the Yun Family Chamber of Commerce, they found that the door of the Yun Family Chamber of Commerce was closed, and they did not even open the door. Looking at the dust, it didn't even happen in a day or two, which made Yun Yiyi feel a little worried, which is very abnormal.

"Squeak..." Zhan Wuming knocked on the door for a long time, but no one answered, and directly broke the door latch. When the door of the Yun Family Chamber of Commerce opened, a thick bloody air rushed towards his face.

Zhan Wuming, Yun Yiyi and the others were stunned for a while, and then their faces became extremely ugly. The courtyard of the Yun Family Chamber of Commerce was actually full of corpses, and the dried blood was like a mass burial ground. The collapse was like ruins, but the tragedy inside did not affect the outer wall of the Chamber of Commerce, as if the outer wall was protected by some power, so that the energy formed by the tragic battle inside did not destroy the Yun Family Chamber of Commerce. On the outside, or perhaps because of this, no one cares about the miserable situation in the Yun Family Chamber of Commerce.

"How could it be like this!" Yun Yiyi stared blankly at the messy inner courtyard of the Yun Family Chamber of Commerce in front of her, with a kind of anger that had never been felt in her heart,
"It happened in the past two days!" Zhan Wuming turned over several corpses, looked at them, and said.In this courtyard, there are all the corpses of the Yun family, and there are no corpses of outsiders. This does not mean that the invading foreign enemies have not lost half of their losses. There will be no enemy corpses in the yard at all.

"Who the hell is this? Why?" Miss Yun San could hardly bear the tragedy in front of her eyes. Although all the people on the Yun family's fairy ship died, Yun Wanqing didn't really witness the death of those people with her own eyes. , but everything in front of him is truly displayed in front of his eyes.Yun Wanqing, who could almost be regarded as a delicate flower in a greenhouse, began to vomit... The broken corpses and flesh and blood in the yard, as well as the flying and writhing flies, really made people sick.

Zhan Wuming was also shocked in his heart. You must know that these people are all immortals with immortal bodies, but these broken immortal bodies have rotted within a few days, thus attracting flies and insects. All this is very abnormal, which shows that These people died under an extremely powerful and corrupt force...

"What kind of enemy did the Yun family encounter?" Zhan Wuming took a deep breath and asked.

Yun Yiyi shook her head with a very ugly expression. The Yun family has been passed down for hundreds of thousands of years. Although it is relatively short compared to some ancient families, it still has some influence.As far as Yun Yiyi knows, the development of the Yun family did not really offend any family. In line with the principle of harmony and wealth, it is rare to get along with others. It can easily wipe out a chamber of commerce of the Yun family without disturbing the Yuanzu City. The city guard, it can be seen that the opponent's strength is not something that the Yun Family Chamber of Commerce can compete with.

"This is strange. What is the other party's purpose in destroying the Yun Family Chamber of Commerce? Could it be that the Yun Family Chamber of Commerce has some treasures that have attracted them recently..." Zhan Wuming couldn't help but bewildered.

"There is the breath of a werewolf..." Yun Yiyi walked away, her expression changed slightly.

"Sang Werewolf...what is it?" Zhan Wuming was slightly taken aback, he had never heard of this kind of creature.

"It's the alien race of Gonghuatian. They live in the dark forest in the west of Gonghuatian. They are evil creatures, but they are very powerful and hold grudges. Once they are hated by them, they will never die. I just don't know Why did this Sang werewolf appear in this Yuanzu city..." A trace of hatred flashed in Yun Yiyi's eyes.

"Boom..." At this moment, Zhan Wuming suddenly felt the wind behind him, and before he could react, he felt as if his body had been hit by a huge meteor.With a scream, his figure was suddenly rushed tens of feet away, and crashed into the broken courtyard wall.

"Hahaha... A group of chicks are waiting here, they are so delicate..." The hoarse voice came to Zhan Wuming's ears in vain.

"Sang Werewolf..." Ling'er exclaimed, Yun Yiyi was startled, and turned her eyes to the place where Zhan Wuming fell. She hadn't even sensed the appearance of Sang Werewolf. Losing to him, but the Sangwolf managed to win against Zhan Wuming, she couldn't help but worry about Zhan Wuming.But she didn't check Zhan Wuming's situation, because she felt that several huge qi had already locked her body.

"Wuming..." Yun Wanqing's cultivation was too weak, and those Sangwolves didn't pay attention to her at all, so when Yun Wanqing rushed towards Zhan Wuming, those Sangwolves didn't care at all. Don't worry, under their all-out sneak attack, how could a celestial being survive, so they didn't feel that Zhan Wuming was even a threat at all.

"The people from the Yun Family Chamber of Commerce were your hands?" A murderous intent flashed in Yun Yiyi's eyes. Although these Sangwolf people are all very strong in cultivation, it is only half a foot to sneak attack and fight against lifeless people. Stepped into the realm of the Immortal King, and the other Sangwolves also had the cultivation base of the Golden Immortal Rank.

The most frightening thing is that the Sanwolf people usually have the ability to leapfrog challenges, because the Sanwolf people have a talent that can transform, which is almost a strange power of magic.If it is really at the cost of burning blood essence and turning into a werewolf, then the mulberry werewolf at the peak of the fourth level really has the strength to challenge the fairy king.This was also the reason why Yun Yiyi didn't dare to act rashly.

"Yes, we killed all the people here. They are too weak, and they don't even have a decent woman..." The leader of the Sanwolves responded without hesitation.

"Why? Our Yun family has no entanglement with the Sang wolf people? Why did you do this?" Yun Yiyi's hair fluttered without wind, and there was endless anger in her voice.

"Weakness is a sin..." A brown-haired werewolf giggled and sneered, two long fangs gleamed with a blood-colored cold light, and his blood-thirsty eyes looked at Yun Yiyi with interest. Obviously, Yun Yiyi's Immortal King's cultivation base It made them very interested. Although their realm is not as good as the fairy king, compared with human practitioners, they can completely challenge them. This is the scary thing about the Sanwolf.Therefore, even in the face of Yun Yiyi, the fairy king, these sangwolves did not have the slightest fear, but were more excited to try.

"It's a sin to be weak, then, all of you will die for them..."

"Boom..." Just as Yun Yiyi finished speaking, the void around the brown-haired werewolf suddenly exploded, and a dark shadow came out like a poisonous beast, soundless and inexplicably strange.It was the Phantom Whip that Zhan Wuming found in the secret chamber of Immortal King He Kun.

During this period of time, Yun Yiyi's Wuyunling has also been repaired, but compared to Wuyunling, the Phantom Whip is an out-and-out Immortal King's Artifact, and it is also a top-grade treasure among Immortal King's Artifacts, and the Phantom Whip has even more The most powerful sneak attack function is unmatched by Wu Yunling.

The brown-haired mulberry werewolf exclaimed, Yun Yiyi's attack was not beyond his expectation, but Yun Yiyi's attack method was completely beyond his expectation.Sang Werewolf's physical strength is very strong, but he is extremely weak in the way of refining weapons. He never expected that Yun Yiyi would have such a weird fairy king weapon in his hands. When he realized something was wrong, the Phantom Whip had already broken through his space, only a few feet away from him.

"Aw..." The brown-haired mulberry werewolf let out a long howl, and the originally thick body suddenly grew long brown hair, and transformed instantly, like a huge brown bear, with a pair of gleaming sharp claws slamming The whip shadow grabs it.

(End of this chapter)

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