Chapter 818 You Are Under House Arrest

Yun Yiyi's return to the Yun family caused a commotion in the entire Yun family, not only because Yun Yiyi had been promoted to Immortal King, but also because the news that Yun Yiyi brought back was enough to shock the entire family, even if the Yun family had managed tens of thousands of Ten thousand years, but the loss of a fairy ship is also extremely huge, and several golden immortals and one dedicated to the fairy king He Kun were lost on the fairy ship.

In fact, those golden immortals and He Kun's dead Yun family already knew it, because the soul cards placed by these people in the Yun family have been directly shattered, and if they can become golden immortals, then they are eligible to put their soul cards in the Yun family In the ancestral hall of the Yun family, the members of the Yun family do not know how He Kun and the immortal kings died. They have only been guessing, and have even released news to let the major chambers of commerce of the Yun family pay attention. Once the Yun family's fairy ship is found, the family will be notified immediately to intercept it, and at this moment, after hearing the news that Yun Yiyi brought back, all members of the Yun family were shocked, and they were suddenly glad that they did not intercept the missing fairy ship. boat, or they would all become food for the Dark Morator.At the same time, they were even more angry at the behavior of enshrining He Kun, but He Kun was dead, and they couldn't pursue the responsibility if they wanted to.

What happened in Yuanzu City hadn't had time to be transmitted to the imperial capital, so the Yun family didn't know what happened there.As for Zhan Wuming and He Qingquan who came back with Yun Yiyi, they didn't seem to be very favored by the Yun family. Living in the house of handymen, under the arrangement of Ms. Yun San, Zhan Wuming and He Qingquan were transferred to a relatively elegant courtyard. It is said that this is the place where some guests of the Yun family live. He Qingquan, the two young pawns of the Celestial rank, were not in the eyes of the Yun family, but Yun Wanqing still had some status in the family, but to Zhan Wuming's surprise, Yun Yiyi returned to the family But it never appeared again, which surprised Zhan Wuming.

It stands to reason that Yun Wanqing shouldn't be fighting for their residence, but Yun Yiyi has to arrange it on her own. At least Yun Yiyi will give Zhan Wuming an explanation, but after entering Yun's house, Yun Yiyi never showed up again. Zhan Wuming didn't have a single face, He Qingquan didn't feel any surprise yet, but Zhan Wuming knew that this was absolutely unreasonable, but the identities of the two of them were like ants in the Yun family, and no one paid him any attention at all. It was impossible to ask about Yun Yiyi's whereabouts.

Gonghua City, the imperial capital of Gonghuatian, is very huge. There is also a huge statue built in the center of the city. It is said that this statue belongs to God Gonghua. It is about a hundred feet high, but compared with the statue of Taihuang in Taihuangtian The statue is much smaller, but what surprised Zhan Wuming slightly was that this huge statue could vaguely feel the power of faith. This kind of power is no stranger to Zhan Wuming. There is one in heaven, and his own statue stands like this in many places in the Poyan Continent. Therefore, he has absorbed a lot of power of faith from it.Even his luck merged with the luck of Poyan Continent. Obviously, the stronger the power of faith, the more prosperous the luck. The statue of Gonghua God is the one who obtained the luck and suppressed the whole fairyland. important stuff.

Zhan Wuming didn't have time to take a good look at Gonghua City, so he was taken into the Yun family, and then he was arranged in the Yun family's residence, and he didn't have the opportunity to go out for a stroll, which made Zhan Wuming very annoyed. If it wasn't for Yun Yiyi's relationship, he might have exploded long ago.

"Brother Zhan, where are you going..." Until the third day, Zhan Wuming still didn't see Yun Yiyi coming to him, and although it was very relaxing in this yard, he felt like being locked in a cage. Xiaoniao is generally uncomfortable, and Zhan Wuming thinks it is better to go out for a stroll. Besides, the bird will be bored in three days. He wants to inquire about Yun Yiyi, but he knows that it is impossible to inquire about it from the Yun family. To get something, it's better to go out for a walk, the Yun family doesn't know how to run, maybe Yun Yiyi really has something to get rid of, but he didn't expect to be stopped by the door as soon as he walked out of the yard, and the person who stopped him was from the Yun family Several disciples of the immortal level.One of them, Zhan Wuming, did know him, Yun Wanqing's next-door cousin, Yun Zhi, but he was only the younger brother of the Yun family, and his status in the Yun family was not high.

"Go out for a stroll, the yard is full of birds, why, what's the matter, brother Yun?" Zhan Wuming was a little surprised by Yun Zhi's appearance, but the other party blocked his way, which made him feel a little unhappy .In fact, his impression of the Yun family was really not very good these days.

"Brother Zhan is not familiar with the place of life, it's better not to leave the courtyard, otherwise it will cause unnecessary trouble..." Yun Zhi's face was expressionless, but there was an indisputable affirmation in his words.And the disciples of the Yun Family behind Yun Zhi almost lined up to block the passage for Zhan Wuming to go out.

"What does Brother Yun mean? Is Gonghua City a dragon's lake and a tiger's lair? Going out for a walk can cause unnecessary troubles, but even if there are troubles, don't worry about the Yun family. I'm not someone from your Yun family. Even if you get into trouble, you won't find your Yun family!" Zhan Wuming squinted his eyes, and there was a trace of cold killing intent in his eyes. These disciples of the Yun family made him annoyed. I don't know what is good or bad, it seems that I want to restrict his freedom, what kind of thing is this.

"The head of the family has orders. I hope that Brother Zhan can stay in this yard quietly. If you need anything, just tell us. It's best not to leave the yard..." Yun Zhi was unmoved.

"Thank you, Patriarch, for me, but please tell him that we are not prisoners of your Yun family. I am free to go wherever I want. With such a big Yun family, they are too busy with their own affairs, so they still take care of me Don't you feel tired of such trivial things? Now, I just want to go to Gonghua City, you just go aside, this is what I want!" Zhan Wuming frowned, sneered, he Unexpectedly, the Yun family didn't let him see Yun Yiyi and Yun Wanqing for a few days, and they wanted to put him under house arrest in this yard. Suddenly, he found that the members of the Yun family were more selfish than he imagined.However, he vaguely guessed that this matter might have something to do with Miss Yun San, Yun Yiyi would never tell the Yun family her secret, but Yun Wanqing was different, maybe Yun Wanqing just wanted to help herself , in order to make the family value her and prove that she was right in arranging herself and others in this elegant courtyard, she will definitely tell the family about her alchemy. They all stated everything to the family, but fortunately, Zhan Wuming had expected it, and Yun Yiyi quietly erased some of Yun Wanqing's memories, especially about her Zhan Danjie and Li Tusang werewolf. All Yiyi knows is that her talent for alchemy is amazing.

Knowing about his alchemy talent, the Yun family probably never thought of building a good relationship with him, but wanted to directly control a little angel like himself, and then squeeze his talent. A move to make several people restrict their freedom to travel.It's just that he couldn't help but sneered, Yun Zhi really didn't put these people in his heart.

"Don't you want to get out of the way?" Zhan Wuming looked at Yun Zhi, seeing that the other party didn't seem to have the slightest intention of recognizing him, he couldn't help but his face darkened, and said coldly.

"Brother Zhan better not make things difficult for me!" Yun Zhi responded insistently.

"Okay, then I won't make things difficult for you!" Zhan Wuming shrugged and smiled strangely.

"Boom..." Hearing Zhan Wuming's response, Yun Zhi couldn't help but feel a little relaxed, and then he felt a figure flicker in front of him, and before he could figure out what was going on, he felt as if his body had been hit by a giant and flew straight away. He went out, and his body knocked away the two Yun family disciples behind him. For a moment, all three of them groaned. There were countless fragments, and the two hit by him behind him rolled several feet away, suddenly spitting out a mouthful of blood.

"You!" The Yun family disciples behind Yun Zhi were shocked. He never thought that Zhan Wuming would attack as soon as he said he would. There was no warning at all, and the attack was so ruthless that Yun Zhi's immortal body was almost instantly given to him. smash...

"Don't talk nonsense in front of brother, brother is not your prisoner, since I'm going to make it difficult for you to go shopping, then you just lie here for a while!" Zhan Wuming clapped his hands, he didn't try his best at all , if he really shot with all his strength, Yun Zhi might turn into a pool of blood and there would be no hope of surviving at all, but now he left Yun Zhi alone, but he didn't want to really let Yun Yiyi too It's just too ugly.

"Do you know what you're doing..." A disciple of the Yun family glared at Zhan Wuming.

"Talk out, okay, do you guys do it yourself or do you want me to do it yourself?" Zhan Wuming looked at the remaining three Yun family celestial disciples calmly, and asked leisurely.

"What..." The three celestial disciples couldn't help but get even more angry, Zhan Wuming was too arrogant, to openly attack the Yun family's disciples on the Yun family's territory, and at this moment, let the three of them do it themselves. .

"People must be fair. Since the three of them are like this, if you come together, you must be the same as them!" Zhan Wuming smiled coldly, and as soon as he took a step, the disciple of the Yun family suddenly discovered that Zhan Wuming's fist was It had suddenly appeared in front of him, like a growing meteor, instantly filling all the space in his line of sight. Facing this almost irreversible fist, he had a feeling of being unable to move. It seemed that the whole person fell into some kind of strange space in an instant, unable to move, unable to speak, and could only quietly wait for the arrival of the fist.

In fact, he knew very well that it was not because that punch solidified the laws of heaven and earth, but because the punch was too fast, so fast that it seemed that there was no time at all. When his nerves reacted, the fist had already hit hard It slammed into his face.

"Ah..." The Yun family disciple felt his eyes go dark, like a giant hammer hitting his head, and lost consciousness instantly. The other two Yun family disciples reacted and wanted to get back, but they realized that they had ignored a terrible The problem is that Zhan Wuming may not really be just the cultivation base of a celestial being, but more like a terrifying desolate beast. With one blow, everything is shattered. They want to retreat, but as soon as their figures move, they are gone. Being directly bombarded by a terrifying force, they found that their limbs were no longer in control, and they were cut off by Zhan Wuming in an instant, unable to retreat at all.

Everything just happened between lightning and flint, Yunzhi's huge pain didn't make him faint, although the huge pain on his body was unbearable, but when he saw Zhan Wuming attacking and directly disabled his three fellow disciples Suddenly, his heart seemed to have sunk into the bottom of the water, and cold sweat leaked from his vest... Suddenly he didn't know what kind of terrifying monster he was facing.But it is certain that Zhan Wuming is much more terrifying than they imagined.

"Okay, it's finally quiet now!" Zhan Wuming clapped his hands, as if he had done something insignificant, then glanced at Yun Zhi and the other disciples of the Yun family, and left without saying a word. .

When Yunzhi heard Zhan Wuming's words, his eyes went dark, and he almost spit out another mouthful of blood, because Zhan Wuming just pointed a middle finger at them, and then spit out the word "cheap", even after watching more They were not even interested at a glance.

(End of this chapter)

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