Chapter 822
Everything today seems to subvert people's previous concepts. A great immortal can't even move a move in the hands of a heavenly immortal. This makes people only think of one possibility, that is, Zhan Wuming is definitely a pig and eats a tiger. Lord, I'm afraid this Celestial Immortal's cultivation has already reached the Golden Immortal rank, but there are some secret treasures on his body that cover up his real cultivation, making it impossible for people to detect.

The majority of people held this kind of speculation, and soon, some people felt that Zhan Wuming was not kind. A strong golden fairy pretended to be a fairy, and then attracted a group of great immortals to besiege. Isn't this tempting to commit a crime?But it also makes people feel that the good show is about to start, even if Zhan Wuming is really a golden fairy, so what?In Gonghua City, there are many people who are higher than Jinxian, and there are many immortal kings of the Yun family. Zhan Wuming stepped on his Yun family like this, which is tantamount to directly hitting the Yun family in the face. Therefore, Yun How could the family stand by and watch... the Immortal King of the Yun family may also make a move at that time.

Now facing a group of great immortals, this unkind guy is very arrogant. Once the immortal king of the Yun family arrives, I'm afraid it will be the time for the other party's tragedy to begin.

Cao Dong flew away after being hit by Zhan Wuming, but Yun Zhongyue's attack had already arrived at this time, the timing was ingeniously grasped, just when Zhan Wuming and Cao Dong fought against Cao Dong, the old strength was used up, and the new strength was not born.

Zhan Wuming just tilted his body slightly, and used his body to bear Yun Zhongyue's blow forcefully, his body backed up a few steps, taking advantage of the situation to resist the force on his body.However, as an elite disciple of the Yun family, Yun Zhongyue's attack power was indeed not weak.Although Zhan Wuming's physical body was extremely powerful, he still retreated Zhang Xu before he stopped.

Yun Zhongyue's figure stopped a few feet away from Zhan Wuming after a blow, but his face became extremely ugly. The force of his blow just now did not cause Zhan Wuming to suffer any damage, but caused his punch His face was numb from the shock, he felt that what he hit was not a physical body, but a mountain, and the huge counter-shock force was enough to hurt him.

At this time, a real sense of fear arose in his heart, the fear of facing Zhan Wuming.

At this time, he really realized that he had underestimated the strength of the angel in front of him too much. He was afraid that the angel who looked harmless to humans and animals in front of him was the most terrifying monster, and why did the family treat such a terrifying The guys only sent Yunzhi and these trash to watch over him. Aren't you worried that Yunzhi won't be able to stop Zhan Wuming's actions at all?He realized that he really made a mistake, and the mistake was that he underestimated Zhan Wuming's true strength.At this moment, Yun Zhongyue even had a feeling that offending Zhan Wuming would really be of no benefit to the Yun family.

Zhan Wuming dusted off the dust on his body, facing the surprised expressions of the surrounding crowd, he directly turned to Yun Zhongyue without hesitation.Now that you have made a move, you have to be conscious, this is the rule of Zhan Wuming.

Zhan Wuming took a step forward, but Yun Zhongyue took a step back. He didn't dare to face Zhan Wuming at all, because Zhan Wuming was indeed much stronger than them.

"Aren't you here to teach me a lesson? Why do you keep retreating?" Zhan Wuming's expression has always been that kind of half-smile, and it is this kind of look that makes Yun Zhongyue feel even less confident.

"You're cruel..." Yun Zhongyue let out a low voice, and suddenly turned around and fled.

For a moment, everyone was astonished. This little angel, who was unknown, actually made the seventh son of the Yun family run away in fright.This time, the Yun family really lost all face.

"I said before, if you make a move today, you will definitely be broken!" Zhan Wuming snorted coldly, and after speaking, he quickly chased behind Yun Zhongyue.

Zhan Wuming's speed was too fast, but Yun Zhongyue was not slow, the surrounding crowd did not dare to stop them from leaving.

"Who is so presumptuous in my imperial city..." Just when Zhan Wuming was about to catch up with Yun Zhongyue, a cold voice came from the void.Then a huge coercion fell directly, forming a powerful domain around Zhan Wuming and Yun Zhongyue.

"Immortal King..." Someone couldn't help but whispered slightly. Obviously, Zhan Wuming's fight with some members of the Yun Family alarmed the Immortal King masters in the Imperial City. After all, this is the Imperial City, and there are people watching all the time. Everything in town.Now there are open and covert battles between the major fairylands. Although no one is brave enough to invade the other's imperial capital, there are still people who enter the imperial capital to make trouble. Therefore, the confrontation between Zhan Wuming and the Yun family soon alarmed the entire imperial city. Inspectors.

In the realm of the Immortal King, Zhan Wuming had no choice but to stop. Although he didn't pay much attention to the Yun family, he still didn't have the confidence to challenge the Immortal King of the Imperial City.

Zhan Wuming stopped, Yun Zhongyue heaved a long sigh of relief, secretly rejoicing that the Immortal King's attack was really timely, otherwise he might follow in the footsteps of his companions, although Zhan Wuming did not dare to take his life, but It is still no problem to mutilate him. For immortals, limbs can be regenerated. As long as the sea of ​​energy is not broken, the immortal baby is not considered dead. However, mutilated limbs also need to be repaired at a huge price. The body will inevitably need to spend half a year or even longer to replenish the depleted original strength. Therefore, although it is not easy for immortals to die, no one is willing to suffer such a crime.

"Yun Zhongyue, the seventh son of the Yun family, has seen the Pojun Immortal King..." Soon, the Immortal King had drifted over, and Yun Zhongyue was overjoyed when he saw the Immortal King's face.Hastily saluted.

"Little Seven of the Yun Family..." The Pojun Immortal King frowned slightly, but didn't say much. Instead, he set his eyes on Zhan Wuming, and frowned deeply, because he found that Zhan Wuming Ming's cultivation base is only that of the Celestial Rank, but how could a small ant of the Celestial Rank chase the Yun Family's Great Immortal to flee in embarrassment, and from what it looks like, two other Great Immortals of the Yun Family have been abolished, and the two Tianxian was also disabled, and looking around, it was obvious that Zhan Wuming shot alone.

Even his old monster who had lived for tens of thousands of years couldn't help but feel a little unbelievable.If it is said that Zhan Wuming is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, but even he, the Immortal King, can't see the realm of his cultivation?This kind of situation is usually unlikely, and he didn't feel the fluctuation of the magic weapon that conceals the breath from Zhan Wuming's body, so he also denied that Zhan Wuming used the magic weapon to cover his breath.

"Why do you want to kill people in the imperial city!" Immortal King Pojun didn't target Yun Zhongyue, but asked Zhan Wuming coldly.

"Returning to Lord Immortal King, this junior didn't kill anyone, but just taught them a little lesson. The reason for this incident is that this junior bought something on this street, and it happened that the transaction was completed by paying for it with one hand and delivering it with the other. The young master of the Yun family intentionally smeared the junior and robbed him of his things. The junior refused to accept it, so instead of arguing, the young master of the Yun family relied on his advanced level and large number of people to rob me of my things, so the junior had no choice but to teach them a lesson. ..." Zhan Wuming said indifferently.

"Oh! But there is such a thing..." Immortal King Pojun turned cold, turned his gaze to Yun Zhongyue, and asked coldly.

Yun Zhongyue was startled, and said a little nervously: "The junior asked for a price of one hundred at that time...but he took it away without giving the stall owner a chance to react..."

"It's really strange. I negotiated the price with the stall owner. I paid the money and delivered the goods. What is stealing? You did ask for a price of one hundred, but who knows what you want to buy? Could it be that a random passer-by called a The price, do I have to see if the other party wants to buy the goods I ordered?" Zhan Wuming retorted with disdain.

"You, tell me about the situation at that time..." Immortal King Po Jun saw that the stall owner seemed to want to escape quietly, so he couldn't help reaching out and grabbing the stall owner, and directly brought the stall owner in front of him.

"I've seen Lord Immortal King..." The stall owner was startled, and immediately had a bitter expression on his face. If he had known about it, he would have run away earlier. What's the matter? The Immortal King.

"Tell me, what happened at that time!" Pojun Immortal King did not arbitrarily and directly judge who is right and who is wrong... Obviously, being a law enforcement officer in this imperial city does not have much pretensions, after all , In this imperial city, the Immortal King is nothing, and there are too many people he can't offend, even if the opponent's level is not high, but who knows if there are any old monsters behind them to protect their weaknesses.Once he offended these old monsters because of unfairness and complained directly to the elders, then even he, the Immortal King, would be able to drink a big pot.

The stall owner didn't add fuel or jealousy, but just explained the situation at that time truthfully. Immortal King Pojun was expressionless, but just listened quietly. Asked: "Is what he said the truth?"

Yun Zhongyue's head was covered in cold sweat, he wanted to deny it, but thinking that many people around him had seen what happened just now, it was impossible to deny it, so he nodded obediently.

"Since this is the case, then you should report to the city guards automatically. I think you have not caused any serious crimes, but it has also affected the normal order of the imperial city. Therefore, let your family pay three thousand middle-grade fairy spirit stones. , you can be exempted from your guilt!" Pojun Immortal King said coldly.

Zhan Wuming couldn't help being slightly stunned, his eyes fell on the Pojun Immortal King, but he was a little more surprised, the Immortal King's law enforcement in the imperial city seemed to be quite fair.

"And you, no matter what the reason is, it is inappropriate to act in the imperial city, but since you are in self-defense, there are excusable circumstances, you can be given a light punishment, and you can pay one hundred yuan to the city guards. The medium-grade fairy stone is used as punishment. You don't accept it!" Pojun Immortal King said flatly.

"This junior is convinced, and I deeply admire the justice of Lord Immortal King!" Zhan Wuming said sincerely.For 100 yuan of middle-grade fairy stones, it may be considered a lot of wealth for many celestial beings, but it is really nothing to him, but just now he disabled the Yun family, and the members of the Yun family paid three He only offered a hundred middle-grade immortal spirit stones, so relatively speaking, it was indeed extremely fair.But think about it, this imperial city is really good at making money. It directly used fairy stones to settle the penalty. After a fight, it didn't cause any losses. Only more than 3000 middle-grade fairy stones were credited. Of course, a fairy king came forward for a while , can be regarded as requiring a little appearance fee.

"Then go and pay!" Immortal King Po Jun didn't worry about the two people not cooperating at all, and dared to escape secretly.In this imperial city, no one who was punished had dared to escape.

"Brother Po Jun, why are you so angry!" Just as Immortal King Po Jun announced to let everyone disperse, a faint voice came leisurely.Another powerful breath came quickly.Obviously, another fairy king appeared.

Everyone couldn't help turning their heads to look, but it was a middle-aged man with a tall figure, who looked quite elegant.

"Dongshan Immortal King Yun Dongshan..." Someone couldn't help exclaiming slightly, obviously this sudden appearance was not particularly unfamiliar to many people.

(End of this chapter)

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