God of Warcraft

Chapter 83 Killing the Beastmaster

Chapter 83 Killing the Beastmaster
Quan Rushen didn't wait too long, Zhan Wuming stepped out of the water.

Seeing Zhan Wuming's laid-back look, Quan Rushen almost vomited blood, especially when he saw the wet ghost civet skin hanging on Zhan Wuming's shoulder.Zhan Wuming could have put the hide of the ghost civet in the Qiankun ring, but he draped it on his shoulders flamboyantly.

"Brother, you vomit blood! I have a leather mattress here, why don't you wipe it off." Zhan Wuming smiled harmlessly, pointing to the leather path of the ghost civet.

Quan Rushen couldn't bear it anymore, and spat out a few more mouthfuls of blood, which was indeed lifeless.He finally understood why Zeng Chucai, the elder of the Spirit Sword Sect, became seriously ill after returning to the sect, and his vitality was severely injured.He finally learned how ruthless this little junior was, stabbing wherever it hurts, and throwing salt wherever he was injured.

Quan Ru stared at Zhan Wuming slowly stepping onto the land with deep eyes.

In the water, Zhan Wuming's combat skills made Quan Ru deeply afraid, so he waited until Zhan Wuming landed before killing him.

"Brother, if I were you, I would have traveled as far as I could, and I'm still here waiting to die. I really don't know how you, the Beastmaster, got here. You're so stupid that you can still be ranked fifth. Alas, you have lost all the face of the Beast Sect!" Zhan Wuming had a look of hatred, like an elder teaching a junior.

"Even if there is no ghost civet, this king can still kill you!" Quan Rushen's eyes were about to spit fire.

Zhan Wuming's words cut his heart like a knife, and the companion spirit beast was killed, but the fur was draped on the opponent's shoulders, which was a great shame.At this moment, he still has to be ridiculed by an ant with only Zhan Zong's cultivation level, and he can't refute his words, because he has indeed suffered a big loss at the hands of Zhan Wuming.Quan Rushen hated it very much.

"Why do you have to turn over all the hole cards? Originally, I was in the same school. If you don't bother me, I don't want to kill them all, but you don't want to die until you reach the Styx River!" Zhan Wuming sighed.

"As long as you die, it doesn't matter if you reveal any hole cards!" Quan Rushen said fiercely.

After finishing speaking, Quan Rushen suddenly let out a low whistle.

"No response." Zhan Wuming looked at Quan Rushen, spread his hands and smiled.The expression on his face was full of sarcasm and sympathy.

Quan Rushen's complexion suddenly became extremely ugly, and he let out another low whistle, but there was still no response.There was silence in the forest, and the atmosphere by the lake was oppressive as if a storm was coming.

"Do you know why I wasted so much saliva with you before?" Zhan Wuming smiled, shrugged, and said, "When I heard that your companion spirit beast is a cat, I knew those people Wrong. I have been to your mountain in Zongmen. Yes, there is indeed a breath of a cat on the mountain. It must be your ghost civet. But I also sensed the breath of a more powerful animal, the breath of a tiger. Then Only then did I realize that what the outside world said was half right and half wrong..."

Quan Rushen's face was pale, like a resentful woman whose scars were mercilessly uncovered by Zhan Wuming.

Zhan Wuming looked at Quan Rushen with cold sweat on his forehead, and his smile became more gentle, as if he was trying to reason with a child: "It is widely rumored that the most powerful beast king is his companion civet, but in fact they all Underestimating the Beast King, if the Beast King has all the cards, even if he can't be ranked first among the ten kings, it will definitely be no problem to be ranked second, because he also has a spirit beast Xuanming Zhanhu that has broken through the battle emperor! "

"Impossible, how could you know this?" Quan Rushen's clothes were drenched in cold sweat, and he realized that he didn't know this little junior.At this moment, he has already begun to regret that he came alone to get rid of Zhan Wuming, he could have come with other people.

"Junior Brother, I have a skill that is particularly enviable, and that is to lure other people's spirit beasts. It feels so cool to turn other people's things into your own. Junior Brother, I also have a skill that others don't know, that is, as long as With just a movement of my nose, I can distinguish the breath of various monsters. In Zongmen, I have visited almost all the mountains, and as long as I want, no spirit beast from any mountain can escape my palm!"

Zhan Wuming looked at the pale-faced Quan Rushen and said: "Of course, your Xuanming Zhanhu is a fifth-order king beast with the strength of a war emperor. Originally, I didn't have the ability to lure it, but unfortunately, its rank You are taller than you, and you have to control the Nether Civet, so there is no such powerful soul to control this Dark Underworld Tiger at the same time. Therefore, it is not a waste of energy for me to abduct it. Your trump card is this Dark Underworld War Tiger Right? If you really fight together, the Xuanming Zhanhu can indeed help you severely injure me. But, now, this Xuanming Zhanhu is mine."

Quan Rushen was immediately dumbfounded. He naturally knew that Zhan Wuming had once abducted Zeng Chucai's blue-eyed golden-eyed beast, and that monster had broken through the fifth rank of the Beast Sect and possessed the power of a war emperor.A physical trainer with Zhanzong's cultivation level can actually tame a fifth-order monster, and the active Beastzong has been passed down as a good story.It's just that he didn't expect that this kind of thing would happen to him.

"How is this possible?" Quan Rushen couldn't believe Zhan Wuming's words.

Since Xuanming Zhanhu is higher than himself, it is indeed a problem to control it, which is why he didn't let Xuanming Zhanhu play in the king's ranking, but only dispatched the ghost civet.Even so, he still won No.5.Xuanming Zhanhu is his last hole card, even if he faces the No.1 Dugu Ce among the ten kings, he believes that he will not lose.However, all of this was easily told by Zhan Wuming.

"Actually, the Xuanming Zhanhu and the Nether Civet are another form of companion beasts. These two beasts are born from the same mother and have twins. You always feel that you have the power of earth, strong defense and strength. Attack power, the most lacking is speed, I think the ghost civet is the most suitable for you. Therefore, when you obtained a litter of cubs at the same time, you chose the ghost civet and gave up the Xuanming war tiger. These two spirit beasts originally had Extremely high talent, just because the ghost civet is your companion beast, and its rank can only progress with you, so it grows slower than the Xuanming Zhanhu. You are the peak king of war, so the ghost civet can only be The fourth-order peak, but the Xuanming Zhanhu is not affected, and directly breaks through the fifth-order. In this way, the Xuanming Zhanhu is higher than your rank, and your control over it will be even weaker."

"How could you know so clearly, how could you know that the Nether Civet and Xuanming Zhanhu are twins?" Quan Rushen looked at Zhan Wuming dumbfounded.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed that a cat and a tiger would be born of the same mother, and they were twins, but Zhan Wuming talked about it as if he saw it with his own eyes.This made him feel that he was a fake beast king in front of Zhan Wuming, and Zhan Wuming was the real beast king.

"Okay, you don't understand after I say it!" Zhan Wuming looked disdainful, and thought to himself: Even if I tell you, these are the memories of my previous life, you wouldn't believe it, so why tell you.

"Hush..." Zhan Wuming whistled towards the forest.

Quan Rushen's face changed drastically, and he looked nervously at the forest, where he let Xuanming Zhanhu hide.However, he waited for a long time, but he didn't see any reaction from the woods. He was surprised for a moment, then heaved a long sigh of relief, turned his head to look at Zhan Wuming disdainfully, and sarcastically said: "Senior brother didn't get scared too much!"

Zhan Wuming looked embarrassed, scratched his head and said: "I'm really sorry, the first time he cooperated, he still didn't understand what I meant by whistling, so he didn't respond, just cooperate a few more times." After finishing speaking, Zhan Wuming Ming shouted to the forest, "Damn stupider than a pig, dare to call a tiger, my whistle just now was calling you, why didn't you respond?"

"Aw... woo..." There was a long roar in the forest, and the whole forest seemed to tremble.

Quan Rushen was stiff all over, and his face was pale.

"Look, if you don't scold or be obedient, you'll understand once you scold!" Zhan Wuming praised the giant tiger that was walking out of the woods slowly, "Look at his fur. It's blue. Fur, black iron stripes, you can be called the king of beasts in the dark department! I don't understand why you were so tasteless in the first place, you would rather choose a cat than a tiger. Alas, a cat I also want to be the Beastmaster, so it’s no wonder that Xuanming Zhanhu has a problem with you. I haven’t kidnapped you yet, but when it saw me, it immediately betrayed you!”

"You are a devil!" Quan Rushen's self-confidence was ruthlessly crushed, and even the belief he had always insisted on was shattered by Zhan Wuming. He even forgot that he was a strong man at the peak of the King of War. At this moment, in his heart Only anger and fear.

"You're wrong, I'm the real Beastmaster of Poyan Continent! I'm not a devil." Zhan Wuming laughed.

What he said was right, not only did he have the fifth-level blue-eyed golden-eyed beast, but now he also had the more powerful Xuanming Zhanhu. Among the Zhanwang, who is his opponent?

"Senior brother is wrong. Senior brother shouldn't have been foolish and murdered you. Please forgive senior brother this time." Quan Rushen couldn't bear it anymore, looking at the arrogance and mockery in Xuanming Zhanhu's eyes , his will completely collapsed, and he knelt down in front of Zhan Wuming with a "plop".

Zhan Wuming looked at Quan Rushen, and sighed: "If I had known this before, why bother. I don't need to kill you, but I want to know why you want to kill me. Don't tell me that I might threaten your serving Beast Sect!" If half of the nonsense about status is false, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

"I'll say...I'll say it all!" Quan Rushen, disillusioned, said everything he knew as if he had grasped the last straw, and Zhan Wuming frowned upon hearing this.

Although he disdains Quan Rushen very much, he is very concerned about the information that Quan Rushen said.He didn't expect that the so-called Poyan Ten Kings were created by that mysterious old man.

Ten single-lived people, even in the entire Yuan Domain, it is impossible for so many single-lived people to appear all at once!

Who is the old man?What is his purpose?The so-called ten kings were all created by this person, so how much power is behind this person, even reaching into the major sects, the major sects are still ignorant.

"Could it be that the old man is from the Mo family? Helping the ten kings to change their lives can't be just for the sake of becoming the emperor of war!" Zhan Wuming had countless question marks in his heart.

What he didn't expect was that Ananda was really Shi Ruonan's younger brother. No wonder everyone said that the proud girl of Danzong was a man, a woman, who actually possessed the blood of the earth vajra ape. Female orangutan.

"I want to know all the secrets you have in Xuantian Secret Realm!" Zhan Wuming gave Quan Rushen a cold look, this person's heart of Dao has been broken, he is useless.

The death of the natal companion beast caused serious defects in his soul, and cracks appeared in his Dao heart, and the betrayal of Xuanming Zhanhu made this defect expand and his Dao heart shattered.

Although companion spirit beasts are the strength of the disciples of the Beast Sect, they are also their biggest weakness.Because once the companion spirit beast dies, the master's soul will no longer be complete.Therefore, even if Zhan Wuming hatched a nine-tailed fox, he didn't easily choose to live with it.He doesn't want to put his soul in the hands of any unstable factors, because he wants to transcend the way of heaven.

(End of this chapter)

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