Chapter 833 The Soul Eater Family
Almost everyone's eyes fell on Yun Yiyi, but through the veil, no one could see Yun Yiyi's expression, let alone what Yun Yiyi was thinking at this time, but no doubt everyone was looking forward to Yun Yiyi's expression. Yiyi's answer.

Yun Donglai and Yun Xichao were the most nervous, and they felt extremely regretful, especially Yun Donglai, who originally thought of marrying Zhan Wuming, that is to form a relationship with the Imperial Clan, and Zhan Wuming became the member of the Imperial Clan. The core disciples will soon enter the Gonghua Immortal Mansion to practice. In the future, they will definitely be the heroes of Gonghuatian, and they will trigger the holy light of the statue. One day, if the bloodline is activated, its future is limitless. Even if the bloodline is not activated, it can still become a strong side. In addition, Yun Donglai came here with the purpose of marriage from the beginning. Hearing Yuanzu's words Naturally, he was very excited, but he never thought that the person he wanted to marry was Yun Wanqing, and the person Zhan Wuming wanted to marry would be Yun Yiyi.

Zhan Wuming sneered in his heart. He glanced at the expressions of the members of the Yun family, and immediately knew what the plans of the members of the Yun family were. They probably did intend to marry him, but the object was not Yun Yiyi, but Yun Wanqing. Although Yun Wanqing is also good, but now that Yun Yiyi is her woman, he will never let his woman have any accidents, and Yun Wanqing doesn't have any worries about this. The fairy king's courtship must not be because those fairy kings are not worthy of the golden fairy beauties of his Yun family. You must know that many of those fairy kings come from big sects and big families. If the Yun family can marry those families, they will definitely marry. Raising the status of the family to a higher level, but the Yun family rejected them all, and those families did not take any drastic actions. It was definitely not because those families were easy to talk to, but because the Yun family had confidence, at least about Yun Yiyi's confidence. In the past few days, Yun Yiyi hadn't appeared. It was obviously because the Yun family found out about Yun Yiyi's loss of Yuanyin body, so they reacted to Yun Yiyi.

He believes in the confidence of the Yun family, but he doesn't believe that the Yun family can persist under the pressure of the imperial clan. The most important thing is that now that Yun Yiyi is no longer a body of Yuanyin, and is not perfect, then, can the Yun family's persistence be able to stand up? What about the original effect?I'm afraid the Yun family doesn't even have the confidence.In this way, having the support of an imperial family would probably be the best choice for the Yun family.But when he saw Yun Donglai's expression, he also felt another kind of pressure, which came from the unknown person behind the Yun family.It can be felt that the pressure that person put on the Yun family is absolutely no less than the pressure Yuan Zu put on the Yun family. So, who is the other party?Once he and Yun Yiyi are really combined, will that mysterious figure stop there, or will his anger be directed at him?This put a little more pressure on Zhan Wuming's heart, but this pressure could not stop Zhan Wuming's decision to marry Yun Yiyi.

"I am willing!" Yun Yiyi pondered for a moment, and then responded with affirmation.

"Yiyi..." Yun Donglai was startled and stood up, but just as he stood up, he felt a terrifying coercion suddenly coming, as if being looked down by a giant dragon, that terrifying coercion He had to sit back in his seat again.Yun Xichao was also stunned for a while, and his face became very ugly. They didn't seem to expect that Yun Yiyi would agree to Zhan Wuming's marriage proposal, only Yun Wanqing looked at Zhan Wuming thoughtfully in astonishment, Looking at Yun Yiyi again, her expression became calmer.

"Haha...Since Miss Yiyi has agreed, and the Immortal King Donglai and the Immortal King Xichao have no objections, then this marriage is settled. I think it's better for the two to exchange tokens of love first, and then Just make an appointment to go directly to your Yun's house to pick up the bride." Yuan Zu laughed loudly, but a icy light flashed in his eyes and tightly covered Yun Donglai's body.

Yun Donglai broke out in cold sweat. He knew that Yuanzu was very dissatisfied with his performance. Just now, he agreed to Yuanzu's marriage proposal, but later he deliberately handed over the decision to Yun Yiyi. Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that he had an opinion. Therefore, he It is certain that if he stands up against him now, Yuan Zu will definitely kill him directly, and the Yun family will have nothing to do with Yuan Zu.At this time, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and agree to this matter, and return to the family to think of other ways.

"Master Yuanzu, this matter is a major event. I think the date should be decided after I go home and discuss it with the patriarch. I don't know what Master Yuanzu thinks?" All Yun Donglai can do at this time is It's time to delay. Obviously, they have no capital to resist here.

"This matter is up to you, but I don't want it to take too long. Within three days, we will visit the Yun family to get married. There should be no problem with the Yun family. They are all cultivators, so there is no need for red tape. There are too many things, I think Brother Zhan and Miss Yiyi are both interested in each other, so the sooner the better, because Brother Zhan is probably going to Gonghua Immortal Mansion in a few days!" Yuanzu said bluntly.

Yun Donglai had a bitter look on his face, he didn't dare to refuse Yuanzu's words, after all, they agreed first, it can only be blamed on him being too impatient.It can only be delayed for a while.

"Yiyi, take this, in three days, I will go home to marry you." Zhan Wuming strode out, but took out a green heart-shaped jade pendant and handed it to Yun Yiyi, a surge of vitality spontaneously The jade pendant surged out, as if it made people feel that they had entered a boundless forest in an instant.Everyone couldn't help being slightly startled, this jade pendant was probably not an ordinary treasure at all, but the power of vitality was enough to make many people envious.

"I'll wait for you!" Yun Yiyi took a hairpin from her head and put it in Zhan Wuming's hands, said calmly.

"Haha, okay, okay, the two lovers have exchanged tokens with each other, then we will be a family from now on, Immortal King Donglai, we will come to get married in three days, I don't want any unexpected changes to happen." Yuanzu smiled happily.

"Lord Yuanzu, don't worry..." Yun Donglai responded bitterly, at this moment, he wished he could slap himself a few times.What he is most worried about now is how to explain to the family when he returns home, and how to explain to that person. However, this matter is not necessarily a bad thing. Whether he will still be angered or not is uncertain, but if he has a good relationship with the imperial family, then maybe when that person blames him, he can use the imperial family as a shield and save the fate of the Yun family.

"It's good to know how to do it!" Yuan Zu said lightly.

"Master Yuanzu, in fact, the matter of Yiyi is not something that can be decided by the Yun family. From the standpoint of the Yun family, we are very happy to see the marriage between Yiyi and Mr. Zhan, but in fact, Yiyi was promoted to Jinxian At that time, it is no longer the master of the Yun family, because Lord Tuntian has already designated Yiyi as a concubine, and he will give it to Lord Tuntian after Yiyi reaches the level of Immortal King..."

"Xi Chao..." Yun Donglai's expression changed suddenly, and he stopped immediately.He didn't expect Yun Xichao to tell this matter suddenly, and he didn't know how to end it for a while, so he looked at Yuanzu with a gloomy face full of anxiety.

Yun Yiyi's face suddenly changed, but no one could see her expression, but Zhan Wuming's face became very gloomy.

"Tuntian's concubines, no wonder your Yun family dared to reject so many marriage proposals of immortal kings. Originally, Tuntian was backing them, but Tuntian has three thousand concubines, so why would you care about one more or one less? Does the Yun family just have the heart to watch the woman in their family become that ****'s furnace?" Yuanzu sneered, and looked at Yun Donglai and Yun Xichao with a little more disdain in his eyes.

"Lord Yuanzu knows that no one can refuse what Lord Tuntian is looking for. For the sake of the Yun family, personal sacrifice is nothing. If the Yun family did not agree back then, I am afraid that the Yun family would have been destroyed long ago. The family didn't want to see their daughter become someone else's stove, so they kept procrastinating on the excuse that they hoped that Yiyi could break through the Immortal King and then give it to Lord Tuntian, but they didn't expect that now Yiyi directly broke through the Immortal King, our Yun family has no excuses I'm afraid that Lord Tuntian will come to my Yun family to ask for someone soon..." Yun Xichao obviously has the plan to go all out, anyway, the matter has come to this point, regardless of whether he promised to marry Yun Yiyi to Zhan Wuming Or if Yun Yiyi was given to Lord Tuntian according to the previous plan, they would offend one of them, neither Tuntian nor the Emperor Clan, they were not someone the Yun family could afford to provoke.

"Even if Tuntian has to give me face! Go and explain this matter to Tuntian. People are what my Yuanzu wanted. His three thousand furnaces are not bad. If he has any opinions, then I promise Give him some compensation." Yuanzu snorted softly, and he didn't mean to blame Yun Xichao, because he knew the cruelty of Tuntian better than others, but Tuntian was not a member of the imperial clan, but Gong Huatian The son of the Immortal Soul-Eating Family of the first family other than the imperial family, it is said that this Immortal Soul-Eating Immortal is the closest person to Immortal Emperor Xuanming, and has even touched the threshold of Immortal Emperor. In the entire Gonghuatian, except Xuanming Other than the Immortal Emperor, there is no one who can compete with him, even the Supreme Immortal Venerable of the Imperial Clan, he is slightly inferior.Because of this, the Soul Eater Family has become the number one family other than the Imperial Family.

Lord Tuntian is the old son of the Soul Eater Immortal, so he loves Tuntian very much, and has developed the bad habit of indulging and willful behavior in Tuntian, but in this respectful sky, no one has ever dared to offend Tuntian, And this Tuntian is extremely talented, even though he is the youngest son of Immortal Devourer, he is already an Immortal Emperor at this moment, not much weaker than the Yuanzu before he was promoted.Of course, although Tuntian is arrogant, Yuanzu is not afraid. After all, he is also an important minister of the imperial family, even Tuntian has to give Yuanzu some face.It's just that Yuanzu really didn't want to deal with Tuntian.It's just that at this moment he has agreed to Zhan Wuming to propose marriage for Zhan Wuming, so naturally he can't escape.

"Master Yuanzu's words, Donglai will thank you in advance, and I will be fully prepared for this matter when I return to the family." Yun Donglai was relieved when he heard Yuanzu's words. He knew that although Lord Tuntian Domineering, but the Emperor Clan is definitely not easy to mess with. If the Yuanzu is responsible for this matter, even if Tuntian is to blame, he has to take care of Yuanzu's face, and the Yun family does not have to face the anger of a certain party. From the heart, The Yun family also hopes that Yun Yiyi can follow Zhan Wuming, at least, Zhan Wuming will not be like Tuntian, women are just a furnace, and his three thousand concubines have long been titled women, just because No one dares to care about its background and terrifying cultivation.Many families dared to be angry but did not dare to speak out.

Zhan Wuming didn't know what kind of character the so-called Lord Tuntian was, but looking at Yuanzu's expression and tone of voice, he knew that that guy was definitely not simple. You must know that Yuanzu was a genius among the imperial clan. With the cultivation base of the fairy queen, Gong Huatian can be said to be a prince, but when he heard the name of Tuntian, his expression was so unnatural. It can be seen that this Lord Tuntian must not be simple.

(End of this chapter)

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