Chapter 858
Tuntian barely had time to react, and he had already collided with the purple-gold scales.And Zhan Wuming's figure shrunk and turned into a ball, hiding behind the scales.

"Aw..." Tuntian only felt that the snake above his head let out a long and miserable howl, and then exploded like fireworks, and this time the explosion was more thorough than when Qiongqi attacked, like a pink mist.In an instant, Tuntian felt as if he had been hit by a heavy hammer on the forehead, and cracks appeared in his soul... Then a terrifying force attacked his body, not only the violent power of Zhan Wuming, but also a part of it. The power he attacked actually bounced back on the purple-gold scales. The two forces were entangled together and turned into a torrent. He felt that his body began to crack at this moment...

"How could this happen!" A trace of anger and unwillingness rose in Tuntian's heart.He knew that everything might appear on the purple-gold scales, but he didn't know what those purple-gold scales were. It was just a terrifying divine power that directly invaded his body, even affecting his blood. The power of Ba Snake in him was suppressed, therefore, his phantom of Ba Snake was directly stimulated by this indescribable divine power, and turned into nothingness. What made him even more depressed was that the purple-golden scales could not It's just that he has the power of divinity, and it also has the effect of rebounding power. A small half of the huge impact force he attacked unexpectedly returned, and this small half of the rebounding force became the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Originally, the strength of Tuntian and Zhan Wuming was similar, but now this rebounding force plus Zhan Wuming's full blow, the two forces merged, and the only remaining shoulder of Tuntian, who was already in tatters, exploded. Blood mist, the crack in the body that was split by the giant ax directly tore open, and the huge body that swelled like an orangutan instantly split into two pieces.

"Boom..." Zhan Wuming's body did not retreat this time, relying on the purple-gold scales, his whole body slapped Tuntian's broken body heavily on the ground, and the huge force directly blasted a ten-point blow on the ground. A puddle of blood splashed in all directions in the big pit that was too round, and in the splash of blood, a group of purple-gold human-shaped shadows quickly fled to the distance like light and shadow.

"I want to leave now, don't you think it's too late!" Zhan Wuming snorted coldly. How could he let Tuntian's soul escape at this level? Turned into the appearance of a boy, but still not real.

Zhan Wuming quickly took away the purple-gold scales. This is the authentic basalt scale armor, far surpassing the level of the gods and beasts in this fairy world. How can the divinity and basalt aura in it be what the half-baked Basnake blood can do? To resist, when the remnant soul of the swallowing Naba snake met the divine breath of Xuanwu on the scales of Xuanwu, it was directly defeated by that coercion. You must know that Xuanwu ranks very high among the beasts in the world. The powerful existence in front of him represents the original power of heaven, earth and earth. This scale is a real thing left from the body of Xuanwu Great God. It has a great deterrent effect on the beasts between heaven and earth. Of course, Xuanwu is even more powerful. Known for its defense, its powerful defense power can not only reduce the opponent's attack power, but also have a certain power rebound effect. At the beginning, Zhan Wuming didn't want to use it, because Tuntian must have escaped when he found something wrong However, when the two of them fought for real fire and finally wanted to determine life and death, they suddenly took out the basalt scale armor. This sudden plot made Tuntian swallow the bitter fruit.

Originally, if it wasn't for Tuntian's being too careless and fighting with blood, he could have avoided Zhan Wuming's reckless fight with the Immortal Emperor's Domain... But now Tuntian probably regrets it, but the ending is set, his only What can be done is to escape quickly, escape from this area, and even escape from Gonghuatian. Of course, the immortal emperor's soul can still exist for a long time after leaving the body, as long as he finds the body of Duoshe within a day, Naturally, you can slowly recover your cultivation...

"哐..." Tuntian Divine Soul escaped very quickly, but just as he was about to escape from Zhan Wuming's sight, he suddenly heard an incomparably clear sound of gold and iron, as if struck by a heavy hammer. He fell to the ground with a bang, and at this moment he hated in his heart, isn't the sound of gold and iron just like his golden gong, the imperial weapon, his master was used to deal with him before he died, how could he not hate it.

Tuntian's soul was a little more awake, and when he was about to fly again, a large thunder net was under his hood, and countless electric sparks, thunder and fire blocked all his way like a spider web, and then, Zhan Wuming's broken body The body flew over danglingly, while coughing blood, while greedily looking at his soul, as if watching a plate of extremely delicious food... This made Tuntian unable to restrain a burst of despair.

"Lord Tuntian, why do you need to run away? In fact, we can live in peace, can't we?" Zhan Wuming's laughter was sinister and weird, with a kind of creepy depression.

"Don't kill me, I can give you whatever you want, I am the only heir of the Soul Eater family, as long as you don't kill me, I can give you all the benefits you want..." Tuntian knew that he was already a human being at this moment. A piece of fat in his hand, Zhan Wuming can eat him at any time, and under the big net surrounded by electric arcs, he can't do it even if he wants to blew his soul, because Zhan Wuming can shrink the grid at any time , turning him into fly ash.

"Tell me, if you don't kill you, what benefits can you give me!" Zhan Wuming rolled his eyes. This is the heir of the Soul Eater family. He can be indifferent, but he also knows that the Soul Eater family is probably not what Tuntian said. There are two terrifying old monsters on Tuntian, one is Immortal Emperor Chenglun, and the other is Immortal Lord Soul Eater. If the old guy is not dead, I'm afraid Zhan Wuming will not be able to threaten him.

"I know the secret place of the Soul Eater family. There is the ancestral land and treasure place of our Soul Eater family..."

"You'd better save some time, that kind of place is heavily guarded, you are not trying to give me my baby, you are going to give me my life!" Zhan Wuming interrupted Tuntian with a cold snort, the secret place of the Soul Eater family Although it is good, it is the important place of the Soul Eater family. This family has produced immortal emperors and immortal emperors who are close to the rank of immortal emperors. How can there be few masters in the family? There are at least one or two immortals guarding him. He is just a small person, and he really felt like delivering food in the past.

"No, no, I still have some treasures myself, there is no danger there, I still have a few palaces in Gonghuatian, as long as I take you there, you can become the new owner there..." Tuntian hurriedly road.

"There are still a few palaces..." Zhan Wuming couldn't help being startled, and said coldly: "You don't mean that your greatest wealth is those three thousand concubines!"

Tuntian was also taken aback, and suddenly realized that his reputation was not very good, so he couldn't help but said awkwardly: "Of course not, the three thousand concubines are just a part of them. In these years, in order to build the palace, I have been stealing from the family's treasure house. They took out a lot of rare and rare treasures, and these palaces themselves are all Immortal Emperor's Artifacts, at worst they are also Immortal King's Artifacts, as long as you don't kill me, these are all yours, including those three thousand concubines..."

"You are willing, hum!" Zhan Wuming snorted coldly, and asked indifferently, "Where did your Ba Snake blood come from?"

"This, this is the Lord Ancestor who got a Ba Snake God's corpse by chance. The Ancestor fused the Ba Snake's soul, so we have our Soul Eater family, but after that time, some blood of the Ba Snake God was left in the clan. Well, as the only heir of the Soul Eater family, I also had the opportunity to fuse a few drops of Ba Snake blood, so I have a trace of Ba Snake's blood."

Zhan Wuming couldn't help but secretly sighed in his heart, this old mob from the Mohe family might really be the son of fate, he actually found the corpse of the snake god after he went to the fairy world, no wonder he was able to devour the Immortal Emperor Chenglun so powerfully and created this Soul eater family.Thinking of this, Zhan Wuming turned around and crossed back to Tuntian's pile of flesh-like corpses, his arms were light and strong, and a ball of bright air instantly kneaded the broken flesh and blood together. If Tuntian's flesh and blood were Because of the fusion of a few drops of Ba Snake blood and obtained the weak Ba Snake blood, then he can completely extract the essence of that Ba Snake blood from this broken body, so that even if he does not want to swallow the sky The divine soul can also integrate the original power of the snake beast into its own soul.

The power of light is the power of Jinghua, and it can also separate the divine substance. The divine blood of Ba Snake must be extremely divine. Therefore, Zhan Wuming is not worried that the blood of Ba Snake will be purified first.Under the scouring of that light force, Tuntian's broken flesh and blood quickly turned into various fairy spirits. Originally, Zhan Wuming thought that these broken flesh and blood could be used as food for Immortal Gu, which might give those Immortal Gu insects a chance to evolve Cheng Devouring Immortal Insect, but thinking of the blood of Ba Snake God, Zhan Wuming still felt a little bit reluctant.

This large mass of flesh and blood melted quickly under the power of the light, like melting snow. After a while, only a fist-sized blood drop remained, and a strong wave of divine nature was transmitted from it, fighting Wuming heaved a sigh of relief, this should be the blood of the God Snake that Tuntian said, but this fist-sized ball should not be pure blood of the Snake, and needs to be refined, but since the blood of the God Snake has been found Shadow, do not rush to refine immediately, Zhan Wuming took out a jade box from the magic weapon of space, and put this ball of snake blood in it. It is not an easy matter to refine a ball of blood , at least this place is not suitable for refining this blood, Yuan Zu is about to complete the tribulation, and he has to solve the matter of swallowing the sky first.

Tuntian watched Zhan Wuming refine his flesh and blood with a bright force from afar, with a trace of horror in his eyes, the power of thunder is the nemesis of all spirits, in this thunder grid, Tuntian's spirit He didn't even think about escaping. In fact, with his soul, which was already severely injured, he couldn't penetrate the net of thunder at all.

"Very well, I can spare your life for the time being, but it depends on whether you are really willing to cooperate. If you are willing to cooperate, maybe you can save your life. If not, then I don't mind at all refining you into those ancient demons. Among the puppets!" Zhan Wuming looked at Tuntian, a sneer flashed in his eyes.

A trace of joy flashed in Tuntian's eyes, but before his joy lasted for a few breaths, he let out a miserable howl, and the ball of power grid suddenly shrank, and then his spirit directly turned into a ball of soul, which was tightly held Buckle in that thunder.

"I'm sorry, in order to prevent your soul from recovering, I have to wrong you first!" Zhan Wuming looked at Tuntian jokingly, how could he not guard against Tuntian's recovery, you must know that this is the middle level of the Immortal Emperor, even if It's just that the soul is left, which is enough for him to drink a pot, and maybe he can counterattack and make Zhan Wuming go around without eating. Zhan Wuming will never let this happen.

(End of this chapter)

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