Chapter 870

The attack of Zhan Wuming and King Hejian was completed in an instant, and the three immortal kings were killed by Zhan Wuming and others in a surprise attack, without even a chance to react, while the six golden immortals were killed in the blink of an eye under the attack of the three, They didn't even realize what was going on.

The cooperation between King Hejian and King Luoshui is very tacit. One piece of the Immortal King's Domain directly encloses six golden immortals in it. Zhan Wuming can completely ignore the Immortal King's Domain, so his actions are not affected at all. Therefore, the six golden immortals just watched Zhan Wuming tearing them apart like a ferocious monster.

After cleaning up the few people outside the mine, there was no blood on Zhan Wuming's body. I'm afraid the three major families would never imagine that the vigilance of the three immortal kings and six golden immortals left by him could not even signal They were all killed before they could be sent out, even if it was the Immortal Emperor who could not do this.

They never thought that it would be the inner ghost who made the move. Zhan Wuming is a genius of the Emperor Clan and is the second-in-command of this operation. Therefore, the three immortal kings have no defense against them at all, not to mention, he looks But only with the cultivation base of the Great Immortal, who would know that this boy who looks like a Great Immortal is a real tiger, killing the Immortal King is like slaughtering a dog.

King Hejian quickly cleaned up the corpses on the ground. The spirits of the three fairy kings wanted to escape, but they were covered by Zhan Wuming's thunder net. The power of thunder is the nemesis of all spirits. Looking at Zhan Wuming, they still haven't figured out why Zhan Wuming suddenly attacked them.

"Master Zhan, our three major families have always been loyal to the Imperial Clan, you shouldn't have treated us like this..." The fairy babies of the three Immortal Kings shivered and trembled in the grid, terrified.

"That's right, so after I kill you, I won't let the Imperial Clan know about the death of the masters of your three major families, it's all an accident." A cold murderous intent flashed in Zhan Wuming's eyes.

"Why...Master Zhan, we didn't offend you..."

"You shouldn't have destroyed the Yun family, let alone force Yun Yiyi to death, because she is my woman! Therefore, there is only one way left for your three major families, which is to go to the underworld to accompany the Yun family!" Zhan Wuming snorted coldly , the power grid suddenly closed, and these three spirits were collected into the magic weapon of space.

This is the soul of the Immortal King, it's a pity to waste it, his Primordial Puppets are mostly empty shells without souls, if he can capture some Immortal King and Immortal Emperor's souls and fuse them into the Primordial Puppets, then his Primordial Puppets will be even better. Perfect, with more flexible combat power.

Zhan Wuming wanted to make the unknown stone ancient golem in the Dragon God Cemetery. It was the most perfect ancient golem he had ever seen.In the lower realm, that ancient puppet can only exert its physical strength, and cannot mobilize the laws of heaven and earth at all, and it is not known what level that ancient puppet is.Whether it can rival the Immortal King or be stronger when it is the most powerful, but that ancient puppet has its own spirituality is certain.

What Hejian King and Luoshui Immortal King have to do against Zhan Wuming is unconditional support. This is an order given to them by Yuanzu. He already guessed that things would not be so simple, Zhan Wuming is the kind of person who does not take revenge, but he did not expect that Zhan Wuming would strike so quickly, and so directly.

"Young Master Zhan, what should we do now?" King Hejian didn't know Zhan Wuming's plan. Although Zhan Wuming asked them to deal with the guard just now, Zhan Wuming didn't tell them about the aftermath.

"This is a treasure land of geomantic omen. Since they have already entered, they should stay below forever. I believe that with these new soul power supplements in the Soul Devouring Gold Mine, they should be able to produce a few more soul beads." Zhan Wuming Looking at the deep mine, a cold smile flashed in his eyes.

King Hejian felt a chill down his spine. The three great families, the three immortal emperors, the dozens of immortal kings, and hundreds of golden immortals and great immortals, can be said to be the elite of the three major families. It will definitely hurt your vitality.Of course, he was a little puzzled, how could Zhan Wuming make all these people die underground.

"Let's go, it's time." Zhan Wuming glanced at the deep mine, turned around and walked away.

King Hejian and Immortal King Luoshui were slightly taken aback, and they left just like that. Would these people die like this in this mine?When they were wondering, they suddenly felt a muffled thunder-like sound coming from the depths of the ground, and then it expanded rapidly like a tsunami and landslide.At this time, they saw Zhan Wuming rushing up into the void like a bird and rushing towards the distance, without even thinking about it, they followed Zhan Wuming and fled quickly.

"Boom..." Just as the bodies of Hejian Immortal King and Luoshui Immortal King entered the void, countless earth dragons seemed to rise up from the ground of the mine, the hard ground suddenly cracked, and countless gravels flew into the void , a series of huge criss-cross ravines spread rapidly in all directions centering on the mine, the entire island trembled like a convulsed patient at this moment, and countless forests were destroyed by the air waves washed out from the ground. .

A layer of cold sweat oozed from the backs of Hejian Immortal King and Luoshui Immortal King, staring blankly at the messy island, which reminded him of the scene when the underground fairy veins of Yuanzu City exploded. The situation is very similar, almost history is repeating itself once.

Immortal King Hejian and Immortal King Luoshui stared at Zhan Wuming in the void with a cold expression and no fluctuations. They didn't know how Zhan Wuming did it. He came here with Zhan Wuming. Wuming never left their line of sight, they suddenly thought of a possibility, that is, Zhan Wuming must have been here first, and had already set up a backhand in this Soul-devouring gold vein, and now they rushed over, this area The underground is just a lore trap.

The temptation of the soul-devouring gold veins, the three major families can't hold back their minds, and Zhan Wuming directly took them outside the mine. If Zhan Wuming led the way, I'm afraid they want to find this mine It will take a lot of time, but Zhan Wuming directly led them to this place, and happened to be separated from Xuan Yingzi of the Imperial Clan, how could the three major families not be tempted.

Zhan Wuming deliberately said to find Xuan Yingzi, which is tantamount to forcing the three major families to hurry up and search the mine veins. If not, the three major families would only enter slowly, so be careful to investigate.

The horrible explosion just now must have detonated the fairy veins below. This island in the middle of the river is full of vitality. Under this island, there must be a place full of fairy veins. If it is arranged in advance, others will only I feel that this place is full of aura, and it is impossible to feel a crisis.

"You should know how to tell Lord Xuanyingzi?" Zhan Wuming looked at the underground mine, then turned his head and asked Hejian Immortal King.

"This matter is all due to the insidiousness of the Soul Eater family. Because Mr. Zhan discovered this mineral vein, he said that he would go to Master Xuanyingzi to investigate together, so the three of us went to Master Xuanyingzi's team, and the results of the three major families Couldn't help being greedy, and entered the mine ahead of time, who knew, the Soul Eater family had already left behind in this mine, so it became like this, we heard the movement, but failed to find Xuanying Commander Zi, hurried back, but it was too late..." Immortal King Hejian immediately understood and said immediately.

Luoshui Immortal King nodded hastily and said: "Hejian Immortal King said exactly what he said, we were already late when we came back."

Zhan Wuming laughed, no wonder Yuanzu trusted the Immortal King Hejian so much, and always kept him with him as a confidant. The Immortal King Hejian did have some special features.He nodded and said: "That's true. Alas, it's also because the three major families were too eager to do this matter. They rushed down without investigating carefully. It's really hard to explain to the three major families when they return to the Imperial City!"

Immortal King Hejian and Immortal King Luoshui looked at each other and smiled. They realized at this moment that it was a wise choice for Master Yuan Zu to stand on the same front as Zhan Wuming.

"Wuming, what happened?" Just as the three of Zhan Wuming reached a consensus, a figure suddenly flew from a distance, and the distant voice was full of concern.

"We fell into the scheme of the Soul Eater family!" Zhan Wuming's face darkened.

Xuan Yingzi came really fast, but Zhan Wuming didn't care, and said with grief and indignation.

"What's going on?" Xuan Yingzi saw that there were only three people including Zhan Wuming, and he was a little surprised, and asked, "Where are the people from the three major families?"

"Under the ground, they went down the mine..." So Zhan Wuming recounted what the three of them had just said.

Xuan Yingzi's face became very ugly.He never thought that there would be such a backhand in this island.Although the person who died was a member of the three major families, it was difficult to explain to the three major families when he went back. Fortunately, Zhan Wuming was fine, and he didn't have to face the censure of those old monsters.

"These three old bastards are damned, they are so eager for quick success and quick profit..." Xuan Yingzi couldn't help but cursed.

He scolded the three immortal emperors among the three major families. He did not doubt what Zhan Wuming said. With the temperament of the old monster, if Zhan Wuming said to find himself to mine this vein together, the three major families might really take advantage of the little time gap to fill their own pockets first.Then come and share with the imperial family.

Of course, it is not surprising that the three major families have such thoughts.The Imperial Clan would only turn a blind eye, after all, when the water is clear, there will be no fish, but these three old monsters were plotted by the Soul Eater Clan, which made them very depressed.

At the same time, Xuan Yingzi secretly rejoiced that the people who entered the mine were the three major families, not the imperial family.Otherwise, I am afraid that not only the three major families will be annihilated this time, but the elite of the Imperial Clan.

"Master Xuan, did you find anything suspicious there?" Zhan Wuming didn't let the topic of Xuan Yingzi go too far, and changed the topic.

"We didn't find anything. All the creatures on the island ran away, and we didn't see a single person. It seemed that they were visited by thieves. It seems that the Soul Eater family didn't leave anything for them as a souvenir.

(End of this chapter)

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