Chapter 877 Worshiping the Emperor's Ancestor
The fairy ship is docked on a huge cliff. The protruding cliff is like a giant hand stretching out from the mountainside, supporting the fairy ship docked on it. Under the cliff, there is a bottomless abyss. .

Many palaces on Xuanzu Mountain are built close to the mountain. The golden walls are brilliant, colorful and flowing, auspicious beasts shuttle among them, fairy birds sing, and the scene makes Zhan Wuming truly feel the difference between the fairy world and the mortal world.

The entire Xuanzu Mountain is like a fog, and many palaces are looming like a veil in the mountain wind. When you get the fairy boat, everyone can't help but marvel. It's like drinking a sweet spring, and it has a refreshing feeling.Zhan Wuming couldn't help but praise secretly in his heart, this place is really a paradise for cultivation, no wonder so many families want to send their talented disciples to this Gonghua Immortal Mansion, even if they know that they are facing danger, they will not hesitate to take the risk to send them to Gonghua Immortal Mansion. Come.

"Disciple Xuanqi has seen the Fifth Elder!" As soon as Zhan Wuming and the others got off the fairy ship, several figures floated up, their skirts fluttering in the wind, and they felt like they were floating in the dust. These people were all of the fairy king rank However, there is a kind of pressure that makes Zhan Wuming palpitate, as if there is an ancient fierce beast dormant in these bodies.

Zhan Wuming couldn't help but secretly vigilant in his heart, the people staying in Gonghua Immortal Mansion were indeed geniuses among geniuses, compared to those immortal kings of the same rank in the imperial city, they could easily be killed.As Xuan Ji said, everyone here has super challenging abilities, and this is the place where geniuses gather. Everyone who returns to their respective families must be focused on training, because their potential is limitless.

"Well, Xuanqi boy, I haven't seen you for a few months, and your aura has become stronger again. It seems that you have a lot of ambition!" Xuan Chengzi, the fifth elder of the imperial clan, is the leader who came to Gonghua Immortal Mansion this time. Easy-going, Xuan Qi is a direct descendant of the imperial family, so Xuan Chengzi has no airs.

"The elders have always taught us that we should accumulate a lot of money, and suppress it for as long as we can. Xuan Qi is reluctant to leave this Xuanzu Mountain!" Xuan Qi couldn't help laughing dryly.

At this time, he is already at the peak of the Immortal King, and he can break through to the Immortal Emperor at any time as long as he wants.But once he was promoted to Immortal Emperor, he would have to leave Gonghua Immortal Mansion and return to the Imperial Clan, which was obviously not what Xuan Qi wanted.Of course, it is not so easy for the Immortal King to become the Immortal Emperor, and it is not that the deeper the accumulation, the more likely it is to be promoted, but the deeper the accumulation, the more benefits you will get when you are promoted.

It is not too difficult for the geniuses in Gonghua Immortal Mansion to advance to the rank of Immortal King, because they have the best resources to support them. As long as nothing happens, most of them can be promoted to Immortal Emperor.

"Well, it is good to have this determination. It is not easy to advance to the rank of an immortal king. Accumulation is very important, but opportunities are also very important. This Gonghua Immortal Mansion has a huge opportunity that is not available in the Immortal Continent. Don't hesitate, the opportunity to be promoted to Immortal Emperor is not always waiting for you!" Xuan Chengzi said earnestly.

"The Fifth Elder's lesson is that this disciple is ordered to come to welcome the Fifth Elder and all the juniors, and please follow me to the Xuanzu Hall." Xuan Qi said humbly.

"Yeah!" Xuan Chengzi nodded and didn't say much, so he led Zhan Wuming and others and followed Xuan Qi to the palace in the clouds.

The geniuses of the major families all looked at everything on Xuanzu Mountain curiously, their eyes were full of amazement, and when their eyes fell on Xuan Qi and the people around him, they all couldn't help feeling a little nervous. To be heavy, they are all the proud sons of the big families. Among the families, they have an incomparable sense of superiority, but when they came to Xuanzu Mountain, they saw Xuan Qi and the few emperors around him. They felt the real pressure when they were disciples.None of the people who could be sent here by the family had poor eyesight, they were very aware of the gap between themselves and people like Xuan Qi, and at the same time, it also made them a little more eager to enter Gonghua Immortal Mansion.

A stone step winds up the mountain, like a strange mang passing through the forest. The group of people passed by the side of the palace, and then passed through the forest, climbing nearly a thousand feet up the steps.Along the way, there are occasional figures leaping through the forest, like elves, but no one is flying with a sword, they just leap out of thin air.

When Zhan Wuming felt strange, Xuan Qi told them about the rules of the Xuanzu Mountain, because this is the ancestral land of the Emperor Clan, and there are seniors of the Emperor Clan buried in this mountain. The sword flies, especially it is not allowed to fly the sword from the tomb of the ancestors.

Therefore, although the geniuses in Xuanzu Mountain are all amazingly talented and have the ability to penetrate the sky and the earth, but no one dares to fly with a sword, and can only leap between the mountains and forests out of thin air with physical strength.

Not long after walking, everyone arrived at a huge platform again, and this platform seemed to have been chopped out by a human axe. A huge palace rose from the mountain, surrounded by majestic and auspicious aura, but in front of this palace was a statue A huge statue stood up, with a human face and a snake body, and raised its head to the sky, with an aura of looking down on the common people. Zhan Wuming couldn't help but be slightly astonished. This statue turned out to be a divine beast. He didn't know if this statue would be The ancestor of the imperial clan may be related to the ancestor of the imperial clan. He felt a little power of faith in the statue of the white beast.

(Note: In ancient Chinese legends, there is a legend that after Pangu opened up the world, Nvwa was very lonely, so she made a man out of mud, and at the same time made a monster that is also a snake god like herself. One is Baizhen and the female; the other is Teng The snake is the male. According to legend, Nuwa patched up the sky because she didn’t have enough colorful stones, so she patched up the sky with her body, and Bai Yu and Teng Snake also followed her to patch up the sky with her body. It has nothing to do with this book)

Zhan Wuming has a little understanding of Bai Yu. Legend has it that this is a maid created by a certain divine master in the God Realm. Although she is only the divine master's maid, her status among the divine beasts is not low, and her status in the God Realm is comparable to that of Cang Yu. .Of course, no one can tell how much of its status is due to its own strength, and how much is due to its owner. At least Cang Yu dare not fight with Bai Hao. Look at the master, if you hit the white scorpion, you are provoking the majesty of the gods, and no one dares to do this.

"This is the statue of Bai Yu, the ancestor of our imperial clan. The blood of the imperial clan is the noble blood of the gods. Every descendant of your imperial clan must remember that the source of your noble blood!" Before the huge statue , Xuan Chengzi stopped in his tracks, bowed reverently to the statue, then turned around and spoke humanely to Zhan Wuming and the others behind him.

Zhan Wuming glanced at the geniuses of the Imperial Clan and saw that their faces were also pious. He immediately thought of the huge ball of divine blood under the Enlightenment Pool, and couldn't help but believe Xuan Chengzi's words. Perhaps the Emperor Clan is really the descendant of the ancestors, that's why the divine blood is so huge, that's because the god body of the ancestor of the Emperor Clan is extremely huge, so the divine blood is naturally huge.Seeing those geniuses from the Imperial Clan saluting, he had no choice but to salute the statue behind everyone.

The Xuanzu Hall is very huge, and there are statues of various gods and beasts coiled outside the hall, but these statues are much smaller, distributed around the statue of the gods and beasts, and they look like soldiers and horses of the gods and beasts. It seems that the legend may not be true. It is true that this divine beast, Bai Yu, has a very high status following his master, so there is a group of divine soldiers behind him, and this group of divine soldiers is also composed of various divine beasts.

There didn't seem to be many disciples in the Xuanzu Hall, but only the newcomers like Zhan Wuming came here. After entering the hall, Zhan Wuming knew why there were no other disciples here, because this place is completely a ritual hall , just offering sacrifices to the ancestors of the imperial clan and some heroes. Every new disciple must drop his own blood into a blood pool in the altar, implying to put his soul into the arms of the ancestors, and then the elders of the imperial clan Under the auspices, a simple ceremony was completed to officially become a disciple of Gonghua Immortal Mansion.

And the main function of this ceremony is to let everyone leave a soul lamp in the Xuanzu Hall. If the soul lamp is not extinguished, it means that the master is not dead. die.After all, in the battlefield of gods and demons, no one knows what dangers they will encounter, and masters who surpass the rank of immortal king basically dare not enter the space of gods and demons easily, so if the tester does not return for a long time, You can only see if you are still alive through the soul lamp.

This kind of soul lamp is often used in the lower realms. Zhan Wuming did not expect that he would still use this soul lamp in the fairy world. He is not opposed to keeping his own soul lamp. A glimmer of life, why not do it.

After sacrificing the ancestors of the imperial clan, holding the ceremony, and leaving behind the soul lamp, Zhan Wuming was assigned to the residence.On the Xuanzu Mountain, it is not as comfortable as in the Imperial City. In the Qinchun Garden in the Imperial City, everyone can own a mountain, and there are specially equipped servants, but on the Xuanzu Mountain, everything needs to be done by yourself. .Moreover, the residence is just a simple cave, and the space inside is wide and full of spiritual energy. Each person has a cave, separated by a formation, and they will not be disturbed by each other, but they are also clean and comfortable. It is satisfactory.

As for when he can enter the battlefield of gods and demons, Zhan Wuming is not in a hurry. Xuanji gave him the reborn pill, and he has to make good use of it.At least it would be better for him to raise his cultivation level to the Golden Immortal level before entering the battlefield of gods and demons. Before entering the Xuanzu Mountain, he didn't care whether he was a great immortal or a golden immortal, because he felt that even if he faced the genius immortal king here, It wouldn't be weak either, but when he saw Xuan Qi and the others, his thinking changed.He still underestimated the heroes of the world, and he needed to improve his cultivation as soon as possible.Therefore, as soon as he arrived at the cave, he immediately chose to retreat and improve his cultivation.

Zhan Wuming chose to practice in seclusion, which is not surprising, because those new disciples were also shocked. They found that his so-called genius seemed to be just a plaything in the eyes of those real geniuses, and many of them retreated immediately After all, the spiritual energy on Xuanzu Mountain is extremely abundant, and practicing in this environment is definitely more effective than half the effort.Therefore, Zhan Wuming's retreat does not make people feel that there is anything abrupt.

(End of this chapter)

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