Chapter 88
Zhan Wuming is also depressed, he originally just wanted to rob by the way.But the Five Poison Sect actually set a trap for him, not only leading him to that sea area, but almost killing him.I just did a disgusting thing in retaliation, and as a result, I attracted a powerful old monster, who shamelessly chased him all the way in the Doomsday Sea.

Two days ago, on the way to the Kunpeng Dojo, Zhan Wuming passed by a sea area and found that the monsters in the sea had moved.This is because he is very familiar with the habits of monsters. Under the induction of Taixu Zhenqi, he found that a large group of monsters in the sea were gathering in one direction, which aroused his curiosity.In this case, either a major event happened, or a heaven and earth spirit treasure was born.

Zhan Wuming is a guy who is unwilling to be lonely, how could he not get involved in this kind of thing.So, he chased the direction of the monster.

To Zhan Wuming's surprise, the destination of these monsters turned out to be an island.Zhan Wuming became even more curious. The gathering of monsters in the sea to this island must be something that appeared on the island, most likely it is a treasure of heaven and earth.Driven by curiosity, Zhan Wuming set foot on that island.

Zhan Wuming has always been shady, but he didn't expect to be shady this time, and the person who shady him was Yan Qingqing, the poison king of the Five Poison Sect.

Based on the route he robbed all the way, this woman calculated his only way, and used a phantom fragrance to make the monsters in that sea area hallucinate, taking the breath of a poisonous weed as the breath of heaven and earth spirit treasures.

Yan Qingqing planted poisonous weeds on the island, and every monster that passed through that sea area would come looking for the smell of poisonous weeds.After a few hours, the fragrance of the phantom fragrance will automatically dissipate, and the monster will not be able to smell the breath of the heaven and earth spirit treasure, and will naturally leave after regaining consciousness.

Yan Qingqing knew that Zhan Wuming was very sensitive to monsters.Let's see if he can cause thousands of monsters to riot in Yanshan, and even kidnap Zeng Chucai's blue-eyed golden-eyed beast.If there is a change in the monsters in this sea area, even if other people can't detect it, Zhan Wuming will definitely find out.

Yan Qingqing calculated that Zhan Wuming would be attracted to this island by monsters, so she set up a trap on the island, as long as Zhan Wuming entered the trap, he would definitely die.

Yan Qingqing's calculations were indeed very precise, she was right in the front, but Zhan Wuming didn't play cards according to common sense at all.

When Zhan Wuming arrived on the island, at first he thought there were treasures of heaven and earth, so he took out the treasure hunting pig as soon as he arrived on the island.As soon as the treasure hunting pig came out, he took Zhan Wuming to find the real treasure, and Zhan Wuming brushed past Yan Qingqing's death trap.

Yan Qingqing was so angry, and what made her even more angry was that after Zhan Wuming staggered her death trap, he actually found a purple spirit orchid on the island, which was thousands of years old.

She had searched the island vigorously before, but found nothing.Zhan Wuming actually has a beautiful treasure-hunting pig, no matter where the spiritual treasure is hidden, it can't escape the nose of the treasure-hunting pig.

Yan Qingqing looked at the treasure hunting pig, her eyes turned red with envy.This purple spirit orchid is the precious medicine used to refine the Emperor Breaking Pill when the Emperor of War breaks through to Emperor of War, and it can increase the probability of Emperor of War by [-]% to become emperor.There is a price for the purple spirit orchid outside, and all the sects are trying their best to find it. Unexpectedly, Zhan Wuming found it in a huge bird's nest.

After Zhan Wuming found the purple spirit orchid, he picked a few elixir plants that grew extremely hidden, and then prepared to leave.

Yan Qingqing was furious. After planning for so long, she thought that there was no way out. Finally, she made a fortune out of Zhan Wuming.She didn't help Zhan Wuming get rich, she came to take Zhan Wuming's life!

At this time, Zhan Wuming thought that the monsters in the sea were really attracted by the spirit treasure of the world, no, he really found the purple spirit orchid when he came here.Zhan Wuming felt that the monster's nose in the sea was so sharp that it could be attracted by the purple spirit orchid from such a distance.

He reckoned that there must have been a guardian beast beside the purple spirit orchid, but the island had been searched long ago. It was likely that the guardian beast was killed in a treasure hunting battle, but the person who killed the monster did not. After discovering the purple spirit orchid, Zhan Wuming finally took advantage of it easily.

Picking up a cheap Zhan Wuming is full of ambition and looks happy.But Yan Qingqing, who wanted to kill people and turned into helping others to get rich, turned green with anger. Seeing that the trap was no longer needed and they were about to leave from the other side of the island, Yan Qingqing had no choice but to chase after her.She didn't want to just let Zhan Wuming go, now she not only wanted to kill Zhan Wuming, but also took a fancy to the purple spirit orchid and treasure hunting pig in Zhan Wuming's hands.

Treasure hunting pigs are a good thing. Although their combat power is very rubbish, they are unparalleled in the world for finding treasures and elixir.Disciples from various sects have been to this island several times, and they have not found this purple spirit orchid.As soon as the little pig came up, it went straight to Ziqi Linglan.

Just as Zhan Wuming was about to leave the island, he suddenly felt a wave of energy behind him. He turned his head and saw a group of people running towards him. They looked like they were disciples of the Five Poison Sect. Han Xing, her petal-like lips are delicate and tender, her skin is better than snow, tall and tall, her breasts are proud and straight, her curves are graceful and sculpted, but her expression is as cold and arrogant as an iceberg, and her feathered clothes make her glamorous appearance full. exotic.

Zhan Wuming was stunned for a moment, swallowed his saliva, and thought: What a beautiful woman.However, he was not mentally retarded enough not to sense the hostility from the opponent.Zhan Wuming didn't understand a bit, he had never troubled anyone from the Five Poison Sect.Although he also wanted to rob the disciples of the Five Poison Sect's Qiankun Ring, but he was not very interested in things like poisonous insects and poisonous powder.

These disciples of the Five Poison Sect chased after him aggressively, why?With just a few people, Zhan Wuming didn't pay attention to them, so he took the time to straighten out his clothes and comb his hair by the way.

When the five disciples of the Five Poison Sect rushed to Zhan Wuming, they were surprised to see that Zhan Wuming took out a small bronze mirror and was looking at his pretty face.The disciples of the Five Poisons Sect were speechless. Who are they?Obviously being chased by the enemy, not only did he not run, but he was still here to dress up and look in the mirror.

"You are Zhan Wuming?" The glamorous beauty's voice was extremely soft, as if a small tongue was licking Zhan Wuming's heart, which made his heart itch.

Zhan Wuming hurriedly put away the small bronze mirror, put on a smiling face, and responded with a piggy face: "This beautiful sister, dare I ask what is Fang's name? How old is Fang? Do you have a husband's family?"

The faces of the disciples of the Five Poison Sect changed suddenly, and Zhan Wuming's unscrupulous eyes were staring at the goddess in their hearts, as if looking at a naked body.

"Yan Qingqing!" There was a hint of sarcasm in the beautiful woman's eyes, and she responded lightly.She is not unfamiliar with Zhan Wuming's eyes, such people are basically dead, even if they are alive, they have become blind.

"Yan Qingqing, this name sounds really nice... What? Your name is Yan Qingqing? You are the poison king Yan Qingqing?" Zhan Wuming's hairs immediately stood on end.He felt a rushing crisis, and immediately retreated a few feet quickly.I thought to myself, it turned out to be the Poison King, no wonder he wanted to chase after me. I thought that the other disciples of the Five Poison Sect didn't have the guts, but it also confirmed what the Beast King said, the ten kings were very unfriendly to me.

"Dare to be rude to the saint, boy, you are dead!" Behind Yan Qingqing, a burly man with a patterned face yelled angrily.

"Wow, isn't she a poisonous woman? Why is she a saint?" Zhan Wuming sneered, knowing the identity of the other party, he felt a little more vigilant.

It is by no means easy for this woman to be called the poison king.When facing the Beast King, if he hadn't used the lake water to drown the Nether Civet and instigated the Xuanming Zhanhu in advance, the battle would have been very difficult.

Therefore, he had to be careful when facing the poisonous king Yan Qingqing who was as famous as the beast king Quan Rushen.However, he is not afraid, even if the ten kings don't come to him, he will go to the ten kings, he wants to see if the old man will come out if all the ten kings are killed by himself.

"You are looking for death!" The disciples of the Five Poisons Sect were furious. To insult the saint is to insult the Five Poisons Sect.

"Wow, you guys are too ruthless, you actually use such a poison, this is Jueming San. Wow, there are also Blood Red Chain Snake Venom, Jiujuexiang, Tianchi Water, Kulingsan..." Zhan Wuming's body was violent Stepping back, where he just stood, dozens of light spots of various colors exploded and turned into strange fog.

Zhan Wuming called out names one by one, and Yan Qingqing and the Wudu Sect were dumbfounded when they heard them. Under such circumstances, they couldn't call anyone wrong.

Although the poisons of the Five Poisons Sect are known to many outsiders, each disciple prepares a variety of poisons, not all of which are well-known, and some poisons are top secret within the sect, and it is impossible for outsiders to know about them.However, Zhan Wuming didn't make any mistakes at that moment just now. It seems that Zhan Wuming knows poison very well.

When Zhan Wuming retreated, he waved his hand, and suddenly there was a strong wind in the void. As soon as the poisonous mist formed, it was swept back by the wind towards the direction of the Five Poison Sect.But in the strong wind, there were still a few small black shadows that stubbornly landed in front of Zhan Wuming.

"Actually, I'm not interested in this kind of little insects. May I ask if you have any snakes? At least you can cook a pot of snake soup!" A few centipedes and scorpions slipped down.He smiled arrogantly, clapped his hands lightly, and said with a relaxed expression.

Zhan Wuming's words almost drove the disciples of the Five Poisons Crazy mad. What do you mean if there is a snake or not, and you can still cook snake soup?Are the poisons of the Five Poisons education used to make soup and drink?In Zhan Wuming's contemptuous words, they felt that in the other party's eyes, they were like a joke.

A hint of surprise appeared on Yan Qingqing's face, and she said in a low voice, "Thousand Transformation Bug Catcher!"

"So there is such a nice name. I just hated flies since I was a child. I used it to catch flies for nothing. It turned out to be called the Thousand Transformation Bug Catcher." Zhan Wuming smiled, and a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes.

For these few people, he has already launched a murderous plan. He has no intention of making enemies of all sects, but he is never afraid of causing trouble, let alone if they provoke him, there is nothing to say.

"You are as annoying as flies. Of course, except for beauties. I like beauties. I still need a bed warmer..." Zhan Wuming looked at Yan Qingqing frivolously, and at the same time raised his index finger to the people of the Five Poison Sect Shaking, shrugging.

Yan Qingqing was extremely angry, and with a wave of her hand, the poisonous mist swept back by the strong wind was instantly swallowed up and disappeared.Zhan Wuming saw wisps of light blue mist suddenly rising from the sea water with a radius of hundreds of feet, and a faint fragrance rushed into Zhan Wuming's nose, like the fragrance of a virgin, fresh and pleasant.

Zhan Wuming's heart fluttered for no reason, as if countless beautiful women appeared in front of his eyes, dancing lightly, waves of obscene music came from his heart...

(End of this chapter)

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