Chapter 881 First Heard of the Son of Light and Darkness
After Yan Feifei finished speaking, he took out a feather like a golden long sword from the box. It was not so much a feather as a long sword painted in gold. The mysterious texture on the long and narrow edge , like the most beautiful work of art, the long sword has no handle, about five feet wide and three feet wide, with streams of sharp aura emanating from it, with a trace of divinity flowing.

"It turned out to be a golden-winged roc's feather!" Zhan Wuming was very surprised, this thing is a real treasure, but this feather seems to be incomplete, and it is not the main feather of the golden-winged roc.

The golden-winged roc's wings are as big as a mountain, and its main feather is tens of feet long, but the current golden feather is only about five feet. Although it is a broken part, even if it is complete, Zhan Wuming probably It is only ten feet long, but it is extremely difficult to preserve this kind of feathers. If this kind of complete sacred object of the origin of gold is used as a material for refining tools, it must be a supreme divine material.Although Zhan Wuming didn't care too much, it didn't mean that the geniuses of the various families in the arena wouldn't care.

"I don't know what brother is going to exchange for this golden feather?" Someone eagerly asked.

"I want to exchange this golden feather for some fairy medicine, or pills, that's fine too!" Yan Feifei said lightly.

"Immortal medicine or elixir..." Hearing what Yan Feifei wanted to change, many people immediately gave up their thoughts. They knew very well that the golden winged roc feather in front of them was precious, and it was impossible for ordinary fairy medicines. In the eyes of Yan Feifei, how many people have such things as Danfang, and there are some in the family, but they are the core treasures of the family. A Danfang may be a source of wealth. It is impossible for anyone to take out this kind of thing and exchange it casually, and a good prescription is priceless.

Although this golden feather can refine a good fairy treasure, it takes time and effort to refine it, so many people became silent.

"Hmph, a broken feather feather actually wants to change the pill. Hey, I have a pill recipe of Baicao Pill here, why don't you exchange it with Xuan Chao!" Xuan Kuang joked.

"Third brother, don't be so shabby, Baicao Pill Recipe, thank you for thinking of it, Gong Huatian, who doesn't know this Pill Recipe, it's just to stop bleeding and reduce swelling, you don't want me to offend someone else's God, right? He can pinch me to death with one finger." Xuan Chao looked embarrassed, he suddenly found that his cousin was very unreliable.I am a great fairy, but he is a strong person at the peak of the fairy king. It is no good to offend such a guy.

"Isn't there still me here? What's so great about a god son, he is a useless god son, you didn't see that in the battlefield of gods and demons, he was robbed face to face, and he didn't even dare to fart." Xuan Kuang snorted disdainfully. said.

"No way, who is so awesome?" Xuan Chao and Zhan Wuming couldn't help asking at the same time.

In the battlefield of gods and demons, they are all under the immortal king, and the top power is the peak of the immortal king.Yan Feifei's cultivation is at the peak of the Immortal King. With Yan Feifei's cultivation, even a middle-level Immortal Emperor might have the power to fight. Yan Feifei would not dare to snatch Yan Feifei's things face to face. What kind of existence is the person who fights back?
"I got angry when I said it. I really humiliated my Gonghuatian. I usually show off my power in our Gonghua Immortal Mansion, but in front of Mo Tianji, the son of light and darkness, he is like a little kitten. Immortal cultivators compete with the sky. , Compete with the land, fight with the Dao, if you are afraid of the head and the tail, how can you accomplish anything, why should you be afraid of death, if you are afraid, you will not even have the courage to fight!" Xuan Kuang said angrily.While speaking, his eyes fell on Yan Feifei with great disdain.

Zhan Wuming's heart was shocked, his gaze also fell on Yan Feifei's face, seeing Yan Feifei's face turning blue and then white, but pretending that he didn't hear Xuan Kuang's words, Zhan Wuming couldn't help but say yes Yan Feifei was even more impressed, this person's emotions have been completely controlled, and this person has been listed as a highly dangerous person by Zhan Wuming.

Of course, what Zhan Wuming was really shocked was not Yan Feifei's humiliation and Chengfu, but the son of light and darkness that Xuan Kuang mentioned, Mo Tianji. One of the hands is pushing his fate in a certain direction again.

Zhan Wuming didn't know if the son of light and darkness that Xuan Kuang said was the former friend Mo Tianji in his memory.When his fate was changed, the fate of many people who used to be close to him also changed. Perhaps this was the case for Mo Tianji.

The feeling in the dark told him that this son of light and darkness was exactly the magician Mo Tianji, whom he could not find anywhere in the Yuan Realm. However, this time, Mo Tianji might have other great opportunities to fuse light at the same time. Even if it is only a little bit of the original power of darkness, it is enough to amaze the entire fairy world.

You know, those are light and darkness, two completely opposite original forces.At this moment, Zhan Wuming was even looking forward to it. He wanted to enter the battlefield of gods and demons earlier. He wanted to see what kind of person Mo Tianji would be after his fate changed, and who changed his fate?
"What kind of person is this son of light and darkness, Mo Tianji?" Zhan Wuming asked tentatively.

"Junior Brother Zhan, you don't even know about Mo Tianji, do you?" This time it was Xuan Chao who questioned.

Zhan Wuming couldn't help being startled, is this son of light and darkness, Mo Tianji, famous?This surprised Zhan Wuming, he said in a daze, "I really don't know much about this."

"It's a shame that you are still a candidate for the Son of God. Mo Tianji doesn't even know. Speaking of which, the third brother is really unforgiving. Then Mo Tianji is a genuine Son of God, and not just an ordinary Son of God. This guy first The son of the god of tomorrow, but after he merged with the source of the god of tomorrow, he turned out of the light tomorrow, joined the dark fairyland, and was appreciated by the dark emperor to enter the source of darkness. As a result, this Mo Tianji really comprehended Seeing a trace of dark power, he possessed the source of light and the original power of darkness at the same time. It also made him the god son of the dark sky. The light will regard him as a traitor tomorrow, and actually sent the immortal to chase and kill Mo Tianji. However, Tianji retreated completely under the hands of that immortal, causing a sensation in the entire fairy world, and people called him the Son of Light and Darkness. This title also means that this Son of Light and Darkness is above all the sons of God."

Xuan Chao is very keen on this kind of gossip, and when he told about the anecdote about the Son of Light and Darkness, it was so vivid that Zhan Wuming felt as if he was actually there.

"Ah..." When Xuan Chao was talking vigorously, he was hit by Xuan Kuang on the head with a chestnut, which immediately made Xuan Chao let out a miserable groan, and looked at Xuan Kuang and said depressedly: "Third brother, you hit me again!" I."

"You kid just knows how to grow other people's aspirations to destroy your own prestige. What's so great about the son of light and darkness. I will have a vigorous battle with your third brother one day. I don't believe how strong he can be!" Xuan Kuang said nothing. He said angrily.

"Yes, who doesn't know that third brother, you are a genius among geniuses, what kind of son of light and darkness, you have to cry under your hands, beg for mercy and bow your head." Xuan Chao sarcastically sneered.

Xuan Kuang didn't think he was disobedient, but just shrugged.Turning his eyes to Zhan Wuming, he said calmly: "I heard that you are also the son of God, I have to advise you, don't be timid, otherwise you will never be able to truly become the son of God, the origin of God will not give a timid It’s a chance for those who have a chance, because any source of god has its own proud soul, once you have a fear of the strong, then it means you have lost the opportunity to merge!"

Zhan Wuming was stunned, the Xuan Kuang in front of him really deserved to be a disciple of the imperial family, he had extraordinary insight, I'm afraid this was the reason why he didn't care whether Yan Feifei was the son of God or not.

In Xuan Kuang's eyes, all powerful people are not used to be in awe, but to be challenged. Therefore, even in the face of the Son of God, he is equally proud. Even the so-called Son of Light and Darkness did not let go. In his heart, even if this kind of person is not a child of God, his future achievements are incalculable.Zhan Wuming couldn't help but look at Xuan Kuangao highly.

Naturally, he would not tell Xuan Kuang that he, the Son of God, is different from other people, because he is not only the Son of God, but also the Son of Destiny. His body is not the ordinary blood of God, but the most powerful bloodline. The blood of the God of Life and Soul, that is a great existence that is very likely to surpass the God Lord, even if it is the Son of Light and Darkness, so what?In the face of fate, we also need to bow our heads.

Zhan Wuming speculates that the son of the gods in the fairy world is probably the blood of the gods and demons spilled by the gods and demons of the heavens during the ancient war between gods and demons, which accidentally dripped into the mortal world, causing many ordinary creatures to accidentally merge into powerful blood , so after countless years of evolution, it has become the potential ability in the blood. When their talents are fully developed, then they are very likely to regain the will of the gods and demons that dripped the blood of the gods or the original source. The approval of them activates the power of the originally weak blood in their bodies, making them truly possess the blood of gods and demons.

This is very different from Zhan Wuming's own bloodline. You must know that Zhan Wuming's body not only has the bloodline of the god of life and soul, but also has been refined by the "Taixu Nerve" to incorporate Kunpeng's bloodline. The blood of Qinglong, the head of the beast, and the soul power of Xuanwu and Qilin, and the remnant soul of Qiongqi was devoured not long ago. In the lower realm, even the flesh and blood clone of Chaos, the demon god of the sky, was also integrated into the body. It is stronger than the blood of the ancestors of the heavens in the fairy world.How could he care about the so-called Son of God.

"Senior brother Yan, I have a plant of medicine that I found by chance here, I don't know if it suits my brother's wishes." When everyone was silent, a figure stood up, took out a jade bottle, and threw it to Yan Feifei .

Yan Feifei took the jade box and was slightly taken aback. The other party didn't say what the medicine was, but just asked him to see for himself.He carefully opened a gap in the jade box, a look of surprise flashed across his face, and he closed the box immediately. He looked at the other side seriously, and asked solemnly: "This medicinal herb is very precious. In exchange for my Golden Winged Roc The feathers are more than enough, Junior Brother Yan Xin, are you sure you want to change?"

"If Senior Brother Yan is ok, then change it, but I have a request. I know that Senior Brother Yan is refining a batch of pills. I hope that Senior Brother Yan can leave me one when the pill is completed. When the time comes , I have another big thank you!" Yan Xin said seriously.

Yan Feifei pondered for a while, and said: "Since Junior Brother Yan knows about this, then I can promise that if I make a pill, I can leave one for Junior Brother Yan, but I will charge for it in addition to the main medicine. The cost of other medicinal materials."

"Thank you Senior Brother Yan!" Yan Xin was overjoyed.

The conversation between Yan Feifei and Yan Xin made everyone present feel itchy, and many people couldn't help but wonder what was in the box.

Zhan Wuming was slightly surprised that this Yan Feifei was actually an alchemist, and was refining a kind of elixir. I am afraid that the elixir in this jade box is the main cause of the blindly missing furnace of elixir. Otherwise, Yan Feifei's expression would not suddenly become agitated.

"This is yours!" Yan Feifei simply threw the golden-winged roc feather to Yan Xin.

"The next thing I want to trade is a bright crystal heart. This thing is the treasure I got from the East God Ruins. I still want to exchange this thing for pills or immortal medicines. Of course, I also support fairy stones. , but the base price is no less than a million middle-grade fairy stones..." Yan Feifei leisurely took out a strange box from the magic weapon of space,

The moment the box was taken out from the magic weapon of space, Zhan Wuming's heart twitched suddenly!A look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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