Chapter 896
The accident in the weapon cave brought out all the old monsters who hadn't been gathered together for decades, but what they were discussing was the strange phenomenon of the gods, demons, and earth fires in the weapon room. This kind of situation is a phenomenon that has never appeared since the establishment of this cave, which caused these old monsters to suffer heavy losses, and they wanted to cry but had no tears.

So everyone checked the chambers one by one, and sure enough, all the chambers were similar.The fire of the gods and demons seemed to be drained all of a sudden, and a little bit of small flames rushed up, bringing a cloudy smell of nitrates, and the flames were only enough to illuminate the instrument room. If you want to use this To refine alchemy with fire, it would be better to use one's own natal primordial fire.

At this moment, what everyone was worried about was not that they couldn't refine weapons, but whether the gods and demons would run out of fire and resources in these years.If this is the case, then this artifact cave will be abandoned from now on, and it will be a huge loss to Gonghua Immortal Mansion and even the entire Gonghuatian.

"Hey, who is in room 37?" Xuan Tianzi walked over to the room one by one, and found that the dragon-breaking stone in room 37 was still tightly closed, and the jade plaque was still embedded in the door, obviously someone had entered. It hasn't come out yet.

Almost all the gods, demons, and earth fires in the storage chambers have lost their effect, and they should all come out.Room 37 didn't know why it didn't come out, so Emperor Xuan asked.

"The device room No. 37 has always been empty, and some little guys rent it occasionally. I'm afraid it's a little guy from some family in the Immortal Mansion." Chenghuang thought for a while.

"Have you looked at the other utensil rooms?" Xuan Tianzi asked.

"I've looked at the others, and they're all the same, except for the No. 37 organ room, which I couldn't enter because the Dragon-Breaking Stone was closed."

"All the chambers are the same. I guess this No. 37 chamber is similar. What's so interesting, let's find out the reason in other aspects. Could it be that there has been a problem with the fire spirit array over the years?"

"The fire spirit is also not summoned, maybe the fire spirit knows what's going on." Chi Lingzi muttered

"Huo Ling, can you still communicate with Huo Ling? What a joke." Patriarch Xuanzhu immediately sneered.

"Huh..." Chi Lingzi snorted coldly. Although he has fire roots, he is not a pure fire root. It is impossible for him to be recognized by the fire spirit. Naturally, it is difficult to communicate. Huolingen didn't.

"Go and open this door and see what this junior is doing inside." Xuan Tianzi always felt that there was something strange in No. 37, this was an intuition, so he insisted on seeing what was going on inside.

He didn't think that a junior disciple of a small family could cause this incident, but just wanted to see what made him have this illusion.

"Boom..." Just as Xuan Tianzi asked people to use other means to lift up the huge stone gate of the Dragon Breaking Stone, the huge stone gate unexpectedly rose slowly, and the old monsters saw a young man with a look of astonishment, What surprised them was that this young man had only a middle-level Daxian cultivation.The young man was naturally Zhan Wuming who practiced swords in No. 37 Equipment Room.

"Ah..." Zhan Wuming screamed first, he never expected that when he opened the stone gate, so many people gathered outside, most of them were old men, some of them looked like refugees, some Some were bare-chested, with scorched beard and hair, while others were covered in black and black, with tattered clothes.

What surprised Zhan Wuming the most was that the faces of these people all looked like he owed the other party thousands of fairy stones, as long as he was a little upset, he might be beaten violently.The aura of those old men was as strong as an angry dragon, unfathomable.

Zhan Wuming is not afraid of being beaten, but these strange old men in front of him seem to have the vitality of a terrifying dragon, and he can't feel the level of each other's cultivation at all.

Occasionally, someone's cultivation level made him have a feeling that these people's cultivation bases were higher than Yuan Zu's current cultivation base, and Yuan Zu was already a high-level Immortal Emperor, that is to say, those few He can feel that the level of cultivation is at least the peak of the Immortal Emperor.Those few people can only be ranked behind a group of old men, obviously their status is far lower than these old men.

A group of experts at the peak of the Immortal Emperor, who might even be at the rank of Immortal Venerable, are actually ranked behind a group of people. That is to say, the group of people in front of them is probably even more terrifying.

Zhan Wuming was dumbfounded, what's going on, a group of immortals blocked him outside the No. 37 device room with cold eyes.

"This, this, seniors, boy, I rented this with my contribution... this chamber, I didn't steal it. This, I don't know if you seniors have blocked me at the entrance of this cave, what advice do you have?" Zhan Wuming felt himself talking He lost all confidence, thinking of the crazy appearance of the Heaven-Defying Sword in the weapon room just now, his heart skipped a beat. Could it be that there was something wrong with the Heaven-Defying Sword's crazy performance at the end?

"Boy, which family's descendant are you from?" Xuan Tianzi saw that Zhan Wuming could not sit on the ground under the breath of so many old monsters. A small immortal is really rare.

"This, this junior is a newcomer from the Imperial Clan. I don't know that there are so many seniors in this weapon cave. It's my fault that I couldn't go to meet them one by one. This, so many seniors came to visit me. Isn't it junior Zhesha..." Zhan Wuming took a deep breath to calm himself down.

Looking at the expressions of these old men, some accident must have happened just now, which caused them a lot of loss, especially the naked upper body and the dark black old man, there is still a smell of burnt medicine. According to Zhan Wuming's experience, These two old men were definitely in the alchemy furnace just now.

There are usually only two possibilities for alchemy frying furnaces. One is that the medicine is too powerful and cannot be controlled;Looking at the aura of these two old men, Zhan Wuming thinks that the first possibility is not very big. The two old men have very strong cultivation bases, and they are at the top of this group of people, so they naturally have a higher status. These two old men are probably at least at the level of Immortal Venerable, as for Zhan Wuming, it is the same at the beginning or middle level of Immortal Venerable, there is no difference, anyway, one hand can crush himself to death.

Zhan Wuming guessed that the reason for the two old men's fryer should be the second one.

Thinking of the Heaven-Defying Sword's violent devouring of the fire of the gods and demons just now, he felt many terrifying fires of the gods and demons in the entire vein rushing in this direction, turning into the energy of the promotion of the Heaven-Defying Sword. At the last moment, the fire spirit almost collapsed. It made the fire of gods and demons instantly interrupted.

At this moment, Huo Ling had already crawled weakly under the altar to warm up.

Looking at the people in front of him again, Zhan Wuming guessed that he tossed the fire spirit too badly, and used all his power to mobilize the power of the gods and demons in his No. 37 device room, so that other devices room I'm afraid there is a little problem with the gods and demons.However, at this time, Zhan Wuming would not admit that there was a problem with the 37th organ room.

"Boy, don't be smug, a small ant is worth my visit." Chi Lingzi said disdainfully.

"It's not your turn to teach the children of our imperial clan, don't be afraid, kid, you are a junior of our imperial clan, what's the matter, ancestor Xuanzhu is covering you." Patriarch Xuanzhu and Chi Lingzi If he really didn't deal with it, he immediately retaliated against Chi Lingzi.

"Thank you, Patriarch!" Zhan Wuming immediately saluted, which was quite clever.

"What's unusual about you here?" Xuan Tianzi softened his tone when he heard that Zhan Wuming said he was a descendant of the imperial clan.

A disciple of the Great Immortal Rank who was sent to Gonghua Immortal Mansion must be a genius among geniuses. The kid in front of him, the Great Immortal Rank, was not scared to the ground in front of this group of Immortal Venerables, which made him feel very handsome.You have to know which of the group of old monsters behind you is not of the rank of Immortal Venerable. Dozens of Immortal Venerables, together with their auras, can fight against Emperor Wei, but Zhan Wuming doesn't seem to be too affected. It can be seen that this kid in front of him is not simple. .

"Abnormal?" Zhan Wuming was stunned, and then said seriously, "I was halfway through the alchemy just now, but the flame suddenly disappeared, my boy's alchemy was useless, and now the flame can't make alchemy at all. I didn't find any reason inside for a long time, so I wanted to come out to have a look, but unexpectedly, I ran into seniors, I think you seniors must know the reason, and I ask you seniors to help me find out first."

"Oh..." Everyone felt relieved. It seems that the No. 37 device room is the same, and there is no special accident. This kid is really a newcomer. Isn't it a joke?This large group of old monsters didn't know the reason, and he couldn't figure it out.

"Hmm!" Xuan Tianzi just hummed, and stepped in. He still wanted to see the problem of the No. 37 organ room. After he entered, he found that it was similar to other organ rooms, only a bunch of tiny flames, and frowned slightly.

"You were refining alchemy just now?" Xuan Tianzi asked with a slight frown.

Zhan Wuming's heart moved, and he immediately knew where the problem was, and immediately took out a jade bottle and said: "Exactly, the boy was refining this Yuanyuan pill just now, but unfortunately the heat was not enough in the end, and the refining was useless, so I couldn't do it." Produce five products."

As soon as Zhan Wuming took out the bottle, a scent of pills wafted out immediately, and all the old monsters couldn't help sniffing.

"What, kid, you said it was Yuan Yuan Pill?" Patriarch Xuanzhu and Chi Lingzi shot together, took a step forward and grabbed the jade bottle in Zhan Wuming's hand.

"Boom..." Zhan Wuming screamed and fell straight out.The two old monsters had about the same level of cultivation, and the speed of their shots was also about the same. They snatched the jade bottle together, and the rest rushed towards Zhan Wuming like a heavy hammer.

"Nonsense!" Xuan Tianzi's expression changed immediately, he didn't expect Patriarch Xuan Zhu and Chi Lingzi to make a sudden move, although he wanted to make a move, but it was too late.

Zhan Wuming knocked out a humanoid imprint on the stone wall.

"It's broken!" Patriarch Xuanzhu and Chi Lingzi were stunned, and they both let go. They ignored that Zhan Wuming's cultivation base was too far behind them. What a Great Immortal Rank can contend against.

Zhan Wuming felt like his whole body was falling apart, every bone was in pain, but he still struggled to get out from the stone wall, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

"Boy, take it." Xuan Tianzi immediately took out a fragrant elixir and sent it to Zhan Wuming.A burst of mellow fairy power quickly poured into Zhan Wuming's body, stopping Zhan Wuming's churning internal organs.

"Thank you, senior!" Zhan Wuming swallowed the elixir, only feeling a warm flow into his body, the aches and pains in his body immediately improved a lot, and even his soul was enriched, so he naturally knew that this elixir was absolutely extraordinary.

(End of this chapter)

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