Chapter 906 Subduing the Beastmaster
"I was almost killed by you!" Zhan Wuming smiled wryly, took a deep breath, the power of the elixir quickly dissipated, and his physical condition improved a bit. The elixir is only third-rank, but in the hands of seventh-rank elixir masters, it is enough to compare with ordinary fourth-rank elixir.

Ye Lang smiled awkwardly. They really didn't see where Zhan Wuming was when the nine of them teamed up to attack just now. Just like this, they almost wiped out Zhan Wuming, but luckily Zhan Wuming was fine.

"I even wonder if you are really at the Great Immortal rank!" Ye Lingshuang rushed over, sizing Zhan Wuming carefully, with a hint of teasing on his face.

"This is true!" Zhan Wuming shrugged.

"Junior Brother Zhan, this one isn't dead yet, it's yours, what do you want to do with it?" Seeing Zhan Wuming walking over in a panic, Xu Ying pointed to the heavily wounded Nether Beast that was still panting on the ground. The leader said happily.

"That's right, we talked about it, and today we can get rid of these ghost beasts. Brother Zhan, you contributed the most. Without you, we really can't do anything about these guys, so I think this ghost beast should be handed over to you." Disposal. As for those two, as you said, the core of the gods and demons will be handed over to you." Ye Lang said generously.

"Thank you for saving me just now. If it wasn't for you, I'm afraid I'm really doomed this time." Long Chengfeng said sincerely.

"We are together, don't be so polite with me, I can hardly stand it." Zhan Wuming said with a faint smile.

"Brother Zhan's swordsmanship is really miraculous, what kind of swordsmanship is it that makes this Nether Beast unable to escape from the space?" Xuan Xin asked with doubts and envy.

"Xuan Xin!" Xuan Fang scolded.

Xuanxin's face was full of resentment, he also knew that his question was too abrupt, everyone has their own secrets, and Zhan Wuming's sword may be Zhan Wuming's secret, it's not right to ask someone else's secret What a polite thing.

"Pretend I didn't ask." Xuan Xin smiled awkwardly.

Zhan Wuming just smiled lightly, he could not extinguish his sword intent, he didn't want others to know that the law of time and space was involved in it, which was an astonishing power of law.

The law of time and space, Zhan Wuming, can only be brought into play with the help of the immortal sword intent, and he himself does not have the original power of this law at all. At first, he only realized the sword god Xuanhuang in the Xuantian secret realm. Some rhymes left behind after the war, and later with the improvement of his cultivation level, he became more and more aware of this rhyme.

Especially when he possesses the power of dark and light elements, and gathers the original power of various elements in the soul of life, a starry sky is opened up in the sea of ​​​​qi, as if there is a universe quietly evolving in his body , which gave him a deeper understanding of time and space.

The immortal sword intent he used contained not only the power of time and space, but also an inexplicable power of the loss of time, which accelerated time.Zhan Wuming believes that the sword god Xuanhuang probably also has this rare talent, otherwise, how could his artifact Sword World have the ability to speed up time.

In the world of swords, the flow of time is ten times faster than the outside world, or even faster. This is his personal experience. Therefore, he believes that the sword god Xuanhuang can refine such a special artifact. Then, the sword Shenxuanhuang himself must have mastered this kind of power.

Zhan Wuming's eyes fell on the leader of the Nether Beast who was still twitching. There was a lot of blood on the ground, and the fur scales on his body were torn to pieces. The nine masters joined forces and almost smashed his body to pieces. This injury is really not light, but with the strong vitality of the Nether Beast, as long as the core of the gods and demons is not injured, it is not a real fatal injury. Therefore, this Nether Beast really has a chance to survive. But this opportunity must be given to Zhan Wuming.

Zhan Wuming has no doubts about the fighting power of the Nether Beast, and this guy is really a powerful killer. His talent against the sky in darkness and space is enough to make him the king beast in this battlefield of gods and demons up.Looking at the leader of the ghost beast in front of him, Zhan Wuming couldn't help but be moved.

If it were someone else, how to control the Nether Beast and how to guard against the Nether Beast's counterattack would be the biggest problem, but Zhan Wuming came from the Serving Beast Sect. On the journey of beasts, there are still unique features.

What's more, Zhan Wuming has the power of the supreme bloodline, which is the bloodline of Kunpeng, the most important thing is the bloodline of Kunpeng as the main body, and it integrates the divine beasts such as Qinglong, Basnake, Qiongqi and even the ancestor of the imperial clan, Baiyu. With the power of his bloodline, Zhan Wuming's space also has a sky-defying egg, which is the egg of the phoenix-blooded phoenix.

Zhan Wuming doesn't mind finding a time to refine that egg at all, the phoenix blood phoenix, that is the blood of the Phoenix, of course, there is a trace of very evil blood power in Zhan Wuming's blood, that is chaos The power of his blood was absorbed in the tomb of the Shenlong Demon God, although most of the evil power was absorbed by the Chaos God Tree.

The flesh and blood of the Huntian Demon God contained a trace of the origin of the ancient deity, that is, the power of the blood of the chaotic beast. This thing was not absorbed by the Chaos God Tree, but integrated into the blood of Zhan Wuming. Among them, with the power of Taixu divine power, the power of any bloodline can be compatible with Zhan Wuming, not only that, these powerful bloodlines make Zhan Wuming's soul constantly sublimated and transformed.

At the beginning, Zhan Wuming thought that when his soul possessed the original power of various elements, he would reach consummation, but he only discovered now that even if he possessed the original power of nine elements, he would not be truly consummated. The original power of nine elements is only nine gathered together, but this nine is nine ones, and the real consummation may only need to make nine ones into nine tens to truly complete the final transformation.

Is it true that the final transformation can only be completed when nine ones become nine tens or nine nines? Zhan Wuming is just guessing. Anyway, every time he absorbs a powerful blood, he feels that he His Fate Soul has to be enriched and stronger, and the eight caves in the Fate Soul have also become more solid, so he has such a guess.

In his previous life, Zhan Wuming did not enter the fairy world, but he always wanted to ascend the Dao. He always thought that when his life and soul were full to perfection, he would have the life of nine yuan. He really broke through the gate of the fairyland and survived in the fairyland intact, but he didn't know until he got to the fairyland that gathering nine yuan was just the beginning of the fairyland.If you want to reach a higher level, you must continue to grow and transform Jiuyuan.

The growth of the original source may be the real foundation for becoming a god. Whether it is a pure spiritual root, a double spiritual root or even a miscellaneous spiritual root, as long as the spiritual root you possess can achieve true perfection, then the fairy baby will become real, and the soul will become real. Condensate nuclei, crystals grow from nuclei, and finally turn into godheads.

In the past, people would think that a pure spiritual root is a real genius, and it is easier to grow.Those with pure spiritual roots only need to transform their single spiritual root to Dzogchen, but those with multiple spiritual roots and mixed spiritual roots need to transform all the spiritual roots they have to achieve true transformation and perfection. Only by cultivating to perfection can it be possible to take the last step and achieve the true god position.

The more complex the number of spiritual roots, the less likely it is to achieve perfection. Zhan Wuming is an unimaginable alternative, because he can be said to have nine kinds of spiritual roots. If he wants to achieve the final The step of transforming into a godhead, then the price he needs to spend is countless times that of others.

Fortunately, there are too many secrets in Zhan Wuming's body, and the power of Taixu can make his body's physique change at will. Of course, this kind of random change can only deceive people's eyes and ears, but it cannot deceive the laws of heaven. If he wanted to become a god, he would need to complete all the nine laws.

It is also because of this that Zhan Wuming is still a little worried that when he is promoted to Immortal King in Jinxian, he needs to complete the power of the laws of heaven and earth, so what should he do? It is not easy to complete all the nine laws Things, especially the source of light and darkness in the body, that is a huge threshold, once he crosses it, he must be invincible at the same level.

"Why, if Junior Brother Zhan can't subdue him, then kill him. This ghost beast is also full of treasures. Whether it's fur, scales, flesh and bones, or even the core of gods and demons, it's something that can't be found. "Ye Lang looked at Zhan Wuming and pondered for a while, thinking that Zhan Wuming was a little undecided, so he couldn't help but speak.

Zhan Wuming couldn't help but come back to his senses immediately, and said with an embarrassed smile: "It's okay, since everyone said so, then I'm not polite, I'll accept this ghost beast first, as to whether it can live or not, it depends on it Good luck, its injury is too serious, and you guys are really ruthless, if I want to restore this ghost beast to its peak, I'm afraid I will have to spend a lot of effort." Zhan Wuming didn't want to kill this beast immediately. Not only the ghost beast was subdued, but its huge body was put into the heaven.

The heaven space at this moment can only be regarded as a storage world, like an ordinary magic weapon of space.

Even if someone checks his heaven space at this time, they will only feel that this space is only much larger than other space magic weapons, and it can only store living bodies. It is impossible to truly discover the strangeness of heaven.

However, the bright source stones abundant in the heavenly space can only be regarded as very low-grade in this fairy world, and they are not seen in the eyes of others, and even people only think that this kind of bright source stones are just for decoration. Because all the fairy stones are used in the fairy world, the primordial stones are worse than ordinary stones. If they don't have the light attribute, they are really a pile of garbage.

But Heaven's Artifact Soul is seriously injured, even if it is in the Immortal Realm, it has no ability to condense a bright immortal stone in the heaven space with the help of the immortal aura that devours the heaven and earth.

But Zhan Wuming knew that the reason why a large amount of bright yuan stones can be produced in heaven is because heaven has always been in the lower realm, and it can only absorb the energy of heaven and earth to support the operation of the entire heaven world. But now it is in the fairy world. In theory, it should be possible to produce a large number of bright fairy stones. Unfortunately, the spirit of the weapon has been severely damaged now, and there are a large number of high-level continents in heaven that need to be repaired. The aura energy is used to repair the mainland and restore the spirit of the heavenly artifacts, so there is no chance to produce any fairy stones.

As long as he is in his own heavenly space, Zhan Wuming will not worry about the ghost beast escaping. In the deeper part of the heaven world, the ghost beasts can't do anything. After all, this is a place with extremely rich light elements, and the ghost beasts are two kinds of heaven-defying talents of darkness and space. The light in this heaven can be regarded as the nemesis of the ghost beasts.

In this heavenly world, not only will the Nether Beast not regain its strength, but it will become weaker. Now, Zhan Wuming only needs to restore his spirit to the peak. It is much easier to plant one's own imprint of the soul in the soul.

(End of this chapter)

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