Chapter 909 Don’t Leave a Way Out for the Enemy

What Makino Meteor was worried about happened soon. The geniuses of the Makino family all have the cultivation base of Immortal King. The fire just burned their domain instantly, and then Linma's speed brought them out of the sea of ​​flames.

The heat of the gods and demons' earth fire only burned their skins, but did not really cause great harm to them, but their figures had just rushed out of the sea of ​​flames with the Linma, and they could not run farther. Under the huge impact force, it turned into several beams of light instantly blocking their way forward.

Makino Meteor had the urge to bump his head. He originally wanted to use the Nine Profound Stakes to block the way of Ye Lang and the others, but he didn't expect to be triggered by Zhan Wuming in the void, and by coincidence, they blocked their way. broken.The only thing that made them rejoice was that the Star-Locking Dust Net was thrown back and did not trap them, but was directly collected by Makino Meteor.

"Boom..." The beam of light formed by the Nine Profound Stakes instantly formed a wall of light, and the four Lin Ma slammed heavily into the light wall formed by the Nine Profound Stakes, and a huge depression appeared in the light wall. , and then formed a powerful rebounding force, abruptly knocking Linma back.

"Damn it!" Several masters of the Muye family shouted angrily. In the distance, Zhan Wuming gave them the middle finger again, and the Linma under Yelang and the others galloped towards the exit of the canyon like the wind. , what happened just now failed to cause any hindrance to Ye Lang and the others.

"Turn around!" Makino Meteor shouted in a low voice. He knew that it was unrealistic to penetrate the light curtain formed by the Nine Profound Stakes for a while, so he had to avoid it.

Makino Meteor took the reins and turned around to go around the light curtain.With a long hiss, the Linma turned around and ran away, but just as it raised its legs, it suddenly staggered and fell to the ground. The four Linmas were like hills being overturned, knocking down a lot of trees at once, and those weak However, the fierce beast didn't dare to get too close because of the god and demon earth fire, but it still made the people of the Makino family terrified.

The four Lin horses fell to their knees, and nine figures were thrown from the horses at once.At this time, they realized that those cow hairy needles that were blocked by their body guards just now, they were blocked, but the huge Linma under them did not have this kind of body guards. Under the scorching of the gods and demons and the rain of fine needles, it is unknown how many fell into Linma's body.

With Linma's huge body, these fine needles would naturally have no effect under normal conditions. For Linma's body, those fine needles were too small, but when these Linmas fell to the ground, Only the people of the Makino family realized a problem, that is, these cow capillary needles are not ordinary things, they must be contaminated with a huge poison, otherwise they would not make a few lin horses unable to run in such a short period of time.

"Enjoy the canyon paradise!" Zhan Wuming's gloating voice came from afar.

"I must kill you!" The anger in Makino Meteor's heart is beyond words. He never thought that his plan was foolproof, and he used the star lock dust net to capture Zhan Wuming and Xuanfang's rider , and using the Nine Profound Stakes to trigger the big formation blocked Ye Lang and the others' progress, even if they were trapped for a moment, it would be enough to make them trapped by those powerful beasts, even if Ye Lang and the others were able to rush forward Going out of this canyon is also the end of the battle. At that time, he can clean up as he wants.

Just as Zhan Wuming guessed, the person who found out that Yelang handed over the two ghost beast cores to Zhan Wuming was Makino Xi, the fairy king with the strongest tracking talent among them, but Makino Xi was just a fairy king. Wang Zhongjie was about the same strength as Xuanfang, and he was the only one, so he naturally didn't dare to clash with Ye Lang and others, so he quickly summoned Makino Meteor.

The reason why they wanted to capture Zhan Wuming alive was because of the Nether Beast's demon core, but they underestimated Zhan Wuming's means.

It was originally plotting against Ye Lang and the others. They didn't pay attention to such a small fairy like Zhan Wuming at all, but it was precisely this little fairy Zhan Wuming that turned their plan into their own death. Bureau.

They didn't know how Zhan Wuming managed to refine the fire of the gods and demons into the sphere. They had never seen such a hidden weapon.However, the question he has to consider now is not what kind of hidden weapon it is, but how he will rush out of the Heavenly Demon Canyon. With the speed of Lin Ma, they wanted to fight out among the thousands of fierce beasts. Although they were already in the middle or lower ranks of Immortal Kings, they were not sure at all.


Zhan Wuming and the others rushed out of the Tianmo Canyon at the fastest speed without looking back. As for what kind of things will happen to the geniuses of the Muye family behind them, one can imagine.

Ye Lang, Xuan Fang and the others broke out in a cold sweat. What happened just now was too dangerous. If it weren't for the things that Zhan Wuming threw out suddenly, I'm afraid they would really be planted in this Heavenly Demon Canyon this time.

After rushing out of the Demon Canyon, they still felt chills down their spines.

"This time, it's really thanks to Wuming!" Ye Lang looked at Zhan Wuming with more gratitude. Zhan Wuming saved everyone, and he was also very grateful for Zhan Wuming's black sphere. Curious, it has such a huge power.

They didn't know that the most painful thing for the geniuses of the Muye family now was that their Linma fell, and everyone in Yelang thought it was Zhan Wuming who had activated the Nine Profound Stakes in advance to keep the people of the Muye family behind.

"I already knew that this group of people is not a good thing..." Zhan Wuming turned his head and looked in the direction of the Tianmo Valley. At this time, they had already run out of the Tianmo Valley, and the place in front of them was still the extension of the Tianmo Mountain Range, but they did not It's not a forest, but a grassland that looks a little barren, but this grassland is only more than a hundred miles wide, and a little further away, it returns to the wilderness with ravines again.

In the grassland, I still can't feel the chaotic atmosphere, but it is a little bit cleaner than the nearly [-]-mile wilderness when I came here, maybe it was affected by the Tianmo Mountain.

"Fortunately, Wuming was prepared!" Xuanfang took a deep breath. At the beginning, Zhan Wuming told him that something was wrong with the members of the Muye family, but he didn't take it seriously. In the Tianmo Canyon, they forcibly shot, this was to kill their team, and they didn't even think about keeping alive, which made Xuanfang extremely angry.But seeing the other party now is what he deserved, and he felt a little more refreshed.

"Oh!" Ye Lang was slightly taken aback, he hadn't heard Zhan Wuming's conversation with Xuanfang before, and didn't know that Zhan Wuming had already discovered that there was something wrong with the Muye family.It's no wonder that Zhan Wuming seemed to have been prepared, and couldn't help but said: "They are completely to blame for this, and they can't blame others."

"Brother Ye, let's leave this place as soon as possible. Although they are temporarily trapped by the Nine Profound Stakes, I'm afraid the beasts in the Tianmo Canyon will not be able to completely keep them behind. Not good." Long Chengfeng suggested.

"Well, after all, Muye Meteor is the second-tier fairy king, and Muye Xi and Muye Huang are both middle-tier fairy kings. I'm afraid that the Nine Profound Stakes can't really stop them. We shouldn't fight them head-on." Ye Lang nodded in agreement. .

"Brothers, don't worry. What we have to worry about now is that they won't be able to get out at all. If they can get out of this canyon, that would be the best result." Zhan Wuming couldn't help laughing.

"What's the meaning of Junior Brother Zhan's words?" Ye Lang was stunned and asked in surprise.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Zhan Wuming couldn't help but smiled and said: "They are plotting against us, so why am I plotting against them? Since they dare to make a move, they must be prepared to suffer the consequences, so I I prepared some gadgets for them. Although this gadget has no special effect on them, it is enough for Linma. If there is no spare Linma, they will have to rely on their feet They ran out of the canyon. Therefore, we can only pray for them, so that all the beasts in the Tianmo Canyon will turn their tempers and become vegetarians."

Everyone was stunned, with a bitter expression on their faces. After a while, Ye Lang and Xuan Fang looked at each other and laughed loudly.Although they don't know what Zhan Wuming's gadgets are, but if the Makino family can only rush out of the Heavenly Demon Canyon with their feet, then they can completely imagine the result.They are very curious now, who will be the one who can really break out of this canyon in the end?
"I have a bad habit. Once I become an enemy, then don't leave an escape route for the enemy, so as to avoid troubles in the future. If you want to have no troubles, you can only let the enemy disappear, and don't give them even a trace of life! Therefore, Let's wait here, maybe they will rush out of the canyon and come to meet us!" Zhan Wuming shrugged and looked in the direction of Tianmo Canyon and smiled coldly.

From a distance, he seemed to hear the roars of countless ferocious beasts in the Tianmo Canyon, and he knew that the real good show had already begun in the Tianmo Canyon.Although he couldn't witness that good show with his own eyes, he could imagine what kind of hot scene it was.

"I heard that Makino Meteor call God Demon Earth Fire, Wuming, what exactly is your ball?" Xuan Xin couldn't help asking at the end.

"That thing is a gadget I invented myself. It's called Violent Flame Thunder. It's hard to be elegant." Zhan Wuming smiled lightly. He didn't have anything to hide about this thing. After all, even if he told others about it, he wouldn't Few people can imitate.The fire of the gods and demons is extremely violent. If they want to melt it into the sphere, even Zhan Wuming can't do it. It is done with the help of the fire spirit in the cave. This is why the fire spirit finally The reason for the collapse.

In the lower realm, Zhan Wuming did a lot of violent flames and thunder, but in the lower realm, although he incorporated a trace of the power of fairy fire into it, after all, the things he used were all ordinary things, and they were useless in the fairy world. Therefore, After he entered the fairyland, he always wanted to get some fairyland version of the violent flame and thunder, but unfortunately the Qingming fairy flame was in the heaven world, so he couldn't use it until he met the fire spirit in the weapon cave.

Zhan Wuming borrowed the fire from the gods and demons, and tried to refine it. After several failures, with the help of the fire spirit, he found a way to integrate the extremely violent flames of the gods and demons into the thunder celestial ball. Refined some of the poisonous needles he tempered into it.

Zhan Wuming found out at the end that although the Flaming Thunderbolt looks very gorgeous, it is not very effective against people above the Immortal King rank, because it is difficult for the fine needles to penetrate the Immortal King. It is difficult to completely penetrate even the Immortal King's Realm, but fortunately, the gods, demons and earth fire inside can melt the power of the realm, and it is not completely useless, but today I used this violent flame and thunder to kill Yin Muye. The geniuses at home have had unexpected results.

(End of this chapter)

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