Chapter 920
Zhan Wuming looked surprised, Xiaolan actually said that there are more delicious things out there, what kind of treasure is it?To let Xiaolan give up the tears of God in front of her eyes, there will be something more delicious than the tears of God, so she can't help but want to leave this magic weapon space to eat?
"Wait a minute, I'll take you there." Zhan Wuming's consciousness withdrew, and his mind became active.

The things that Xiaolan thinks are delicious are definitely not mortal things. Zhan Wuming once gave Xiaolan other precious metals to eat, in order to replace the tears of the god of life, the god of life, which she ate as a snack, but Xiaolan She dismissed it, and she didn't care about those metals at all, which made Zhan Wuming very disappointed.

He also wanted to use force to secretly save some of the tears of God, but Xiaolan, a mysterious guy, was like a miser, and he didn't let Zhan Wuming have a chance to take it away. Zhan Wuming could feel Xiaolan's nervousness, If he really wanted to take it away by force, he was afraid that it would provoke Xiaolan's backlash. He was not sure whether this small magic weapon space could trap Xiaolan.

"My injuries are all healed, this cave is a bit stuffy, I want to go out for a walk and look at the surrounding environment." Zhan Wuming stood up and stretched himself.

"It's very dangerous outside, Junior Brother Zhan, I'm afraid it's not appropriate for you to go out alone." Zhuang Jiang's expression changed, and he said hastily.

"It's okay, Senior Brother Zhuang doesn't know me yet? If I want to escape, unless I meet that disgusting million-year-old beast, I'm afraid other things won't be able to catch me. And I'm not here to provoke trouble, just Check the surrounding environment, it is not an option for us to stay here all the time, we still have to go out after all, Senior Brother Ye Lang and Senior Sister Xu Ying have to take care of the injured here, I can go out to find the way." Zhan Wuming said calmly.

"If you really want to go out, then I'll go with you." Xu Ying, who had been resting with her eyes closed, suddenly opened them and said.

Zhan Wuming was stunned, shook his head slightly and said: "Sister Ying, stay here, I won't go far away, I just go out to get some air, check the path by the way, and come back soon. Sister Ying, if you follow I'm going, I feel embarrassed. I can't let everyone take care of me so nervously."

"Tch, if something happens to you, I'm afraid your brother Xuanfang will go crazy. Besides, you are the treasure in our team. It doesn't matter if something happens to you, Sister Ying, you can't happen!" Xu Ying laughed and scolded angrily. .

"Senior Brother Xuanfang is such a person, quick-tempered, now is the critical period for his recovery, there is no room for loss, this place really needs Sister Ying's protection, if you really follow me, then I am too embarrassed to go out." Zhan Wuming said speechlessly .

Although he knew that he was indeed very important in the eyes of these people, but if someone followed him, how would he explain Xiaolan's matter to them?He didn't want to be seen as a lolicon.And Xiaolan has a mysterious origin, the less people know about her secret, the better!Therefore, he cannot let people follow him.

Seeing the serious expression on Zhan Wuming's face, Xu Ying smiled, gave Zhan Wuming a blank look and said, "Since you are so persistent, Sister Ying, I don't want to be your follower, but you promised Sister Ying not to go far, This is not a good place. If something happens to you, you can’t deal with it with your own strength. If something happens to you, I’m afraid not only you, senior brother Xuanfang, will blame me, but senior brother Yelang will also have to teach me a lesson Already!"

"Don't worry, I won't cause trouble for sister Ying." Zhan Wuming smiled.

Xu Ying nodded. She knew that although Zhan Wuming's realm was not high, and he had only been promoted to the late stage of Daxian not long ago, Zhan Wuming's combat power was not inferior to that of the Immortal King. I'm afraid that even she might not be able to stabilize Zhan Wuming's head. , and she knows that Zhan Wuming is definitely not a person who makes fun of his own life.Although Ye Lang is the captain of this team, he will consult Zhan Wuming for advice on many things, because this kid always has many ghost ideas and some little-known tricks.It is precisely because of Zhan Wuming's unreasonable way of playing cards that they have saved themselves from danger many times and gained a lot.

Ye Lang is the most suitable candidate for the captain. Zhan Wuming is too slanted, and Ye Lang is in the middle and good at absorbing other people's opinions. Relatively speaking, it is relatively safe for Ye Lang to be the captain Some.However, everyone still trusts Zhan Wuming.

When Zhan Wuming walked out of the barrier, Ye Lang and Zhuang He found him. They were slightly surprised, but Ye Lang gave him some advice before letting Zhan Wuming leave, repeatedly asking him not to go far.

The cave was carved out by Yelang and others using a crack between the cliffs. The space is only a few feet square, and everyone is crowded together. The only advantage is that the cave is located in the air. More than two hundred feet, the strange rocks on the cliff just cover the entrance of the cave, and Long Chengfeng has set up a maze near the entrance of the cave. If you don't look for it, you will not find it easily. , and this cave on the mountain wall has never been discovered, which shows that it is relatively safe.

In this endless battle ruins, there are countless valleys like this, like scars criss-crossing on the land, the whole land is devastated, as if you can feel how tragic wars took place on this land before the endless years .If it wasn't because they were in a hurry to reach Tongtian Shenzang, many people would prefer to move forward slowly. Every time they pass through a valley, they can experience it calmly, because it seems that there are still gods and demons left over from countless years ago in these valleys. The rhyme of war.

Along the way, Yelang and the others would also stop to rest for half a day, but usually they would choose some treasure lands with long Tao rhymes. Wuming refined the Ruin Beast Blood Pill, allowing Ye Tian, ​​Ye Fangrong and himself to break through the first level easily, and everyone else's minds were also greatly stimulated, because the Taoist rhyme in the bitan is very special, and it will It makes people unconsciously lead their souls into some kind of ancient battlefield, as if they can watch the earth-shattering battle between gods and demons in ancient times.This was an indescribable shock to everyone's soul, and it made them know what the real Primordial God War is.

This is a treasure land that has never been marked on everyone's map. I don't know if it is because this pool of water is left over from the ancient times and witnessed the battle between gods and demons in ancient times, or because the pool of water is like a mirror world. Possessing his own spirituality, he imprinted the battle of the ancient gods and demons under the mirror like a mirror, so that the latecomers can see the demeanor of the ancient gods and demons again.

In a word, everyone gained a lot by the side of the Bitan.The world of the battlefield of gods and demons is full of too many mysteries. There are chances and dangers. No one dares to stay in one place for too long. After all, this is the endless battle ruins. It is the enemy of geniuses in the fairy world.Once encountered, it will be a fierce battle. Of course, this is also a kind of tempering.

Zhan Wuming climbed to the top of the cliff, felt Xiaolan's guidance, and quickly ran to the southwest. Here, he dared not take out the Lin horses. The two Lin horses he bought had never been taken out in the magic weapon space. , this thing can only be used when escaping for life at the end, and it is not yet the time, so it can be regarded as the hole card.And now Zhan Wuming doesn't want to use Linma's huge body as a target to attract targets, this is not a wise choice.

Feeling that Xiaolan was getting more and more excited, Zhan Wuming had no choice but to release the little guy from the magic weapon space. Now Xiaolan was no longer naked, but put on the clothes left by Yun Yiyi. The temperament of the clothes is completely different, but it makes Zhan Wuming a little sad. Xiaolan seems to like this kind of clothes very much. After all, every piece is exquisite and luxurious. Although she was a little unnatural at first, she got used to wearing it. I even learned to knit some clothes by myself.

More often, this mysterious guy is more like a newborn baby. He is very curious about everything outside, and has extraordinary learning and acceptance abilities. The only thing he can't learn quickly is dialogue, and he can only speak a few simple words. Perhaps it was because few people talked to her. After all, in front of Ye Lang and the others, Zhan Wuming had no time to communicate with Xiaolan at all. At most, he only had a simple conversation with his spiritual sense.

As soon as Xiaolan stepped out of the magic weapon space, she disappeared like a phantom, and the next moment she appeared thousands of feet away, her figure faded again, like a shadow dissipating in the sun.Just this time, Zhan Wuming was frightened.

Zhan Wuming tried his best but couldn't catch up with Xiaolan's speed, he didn't even know what kind of supernatural power it was, it had such a weird speed, it didn't seem like normal teleportation, it was more like some kind of extremely powerful space Secret method, can freely travel in the void in a weird way, Xiaolan's movement method is even weirder than those ghost beasts.After a few dodges, Zhan Wuming completely lost Xiao Lan's figure.

Fortunately, Zhan Wuming left the imprint of the soul on Xiaolan's body, so there is no need to worry about losing it. Feeling that the imprint of the soul is getting farther and farther away, Zhan Wuming began to worry, after all, the distance of the soul imprint is limited. Once it's out of range, it's not easy for him to find the other party.

Zhan Wuming always thought that his speed was quite fast, at least not inferior to Ye Lang and others, but compared with Xiao Lan, he seemed so sluggish, he himself felt a little helpless, although he really wanted to turn into Kunpeng to chase after him. In the past, if Kunpeng didn't spread his wings to fly high, but just ran on the ground, his speed was similar to his own now, but if he really wanted to fly into the void, he didn't have the guts to risk his life to win the void in the void.

Zhan Wuming chased after him for a long while, feeling his soul imprint was getting farther and farther away, and when it was about to fade away, he suddenly stopped.Zhan Wuming couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, if Xiaolan ran forward for a while, he might be out of his sensing range, and at that time, he would have nothing to do.

If Xiao Lan is really lost, the only thing he should be thankful for is that the pile of tears of the God of Life, the Golden God, in his magic weapon space really belong to him, so he doesn't have to worry about being eaten up by that big stomach king.

(End of this chapter)

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