Chapter 923 Target Flower God Corpse

Just as Zhan Wuming thought, Xiao Tianchan did not kill Zhan Wuming.He was moved by Zhan Wuming's words. Facing the unknown environment under the Huashen Hill, he felt that a cannon fodder like Zhan Wuming was definitely more cost-effective than a meaningless corpse, and for a little immortal, it would be better not to kill him now. , once the value of the other party is exhausted, it will only depend on their own joy to take their lives. The difference between later or earlier is that during this period of time, they have at least one more cannon fodder.

The situation in Huashen Basin has changed tremendously. The war between demons and ferocious beasts is very tragic. There is no fancy, and they all collide together in the most brutal situation, like a meat grinder, biting each other with sharp teeth And there are some simple sharp weapons in the hands of the devil. Although they are not forged by masters, they are enough to penetrate the thick defense of fierce beasts.

The ferocious beasts all live near the Flower God Hill, and they seem to have a unity that outsiders don't understand, and they even join hands with each other to fight against the demons.

Faru and the others did not directly participate in the war between fierce beasts and demons. Although most of these fierce beasts and demons were at the Golden Immortal level, there were not a few of them at the Immortal King level. Although these forces could not threaten They, but entanglement with these fierce beasts and demons who are not afraid of death is not a wise choice, and their strength does not want to be wasted here.

The real danger of the Flower God Hill is not above the surface, but the underground of the Flower God Hill.Legend has it that the underground of Huashen Hill is like a huge labyrinth. The meridians and blood vessels of Huashen have gradually mutated over countless years, forming caves extending in all directions.

Flower God was originally not a human cultivator, but a demon cultivator. There are many trachea in the rhizome, and these have become caves with extremely rich spiritual energy after his death, and a large number of creatures are also bred in it. And it is a very powerful creature.

In the countless years, no one knows what kind of life will be brewed under this flower god mound.Very early on, there were seniors in the Buddha's kingdom who explored this Flower God Hill, and once brought a thousand geniuses into the ground, but in the end only two people were able to come out alive.

After returning to the Buddha's country, one of them was dying, and even the Buddha did not save him, while the other kept silent and never spoke to outsiders, and did not even answer the Buddha's questions. Talking about the wall in the Buddha Kingdom, until not long ago, someone suddenly discovered that this person had broken through to the peak of the Immortal Venerable, broke through the Buddha Kingdom, and went away without a trace.

This is the secret of the top level of Buddha Heaven. Faru knows the inside story because the master is one of the arhats of Buddha Heaven and the core figure of Buddha Heaven. It is also the master who told him about Huashenqiu, although this may be a great opportunity , if he can come out alive, maybe he will be like that senior, after facing the wall for ten thousand years, he can go to the peak level of the immortal to find the way of detachment.But if you want to enter the underground of Huashen Hill, you must pass through the place where fierce beasts and demons fight.The reason why these fierce beasts stop the demon army is also to prevent these demons from entering the ground.

"Stone man, beast savage, why don't we join forces, we may have to pay a high price to break through the battlefield between fierce beasts and demons, and our chances of joining forces may be better." Faru looked at them and guarded them. Wen Jutian's team and Ping Yutian's people are indifferent.

The stone man's eyes turned to Wen Jutian's savage, his eyes were still guarded.He said harshly, "I have no opinion, but I don't know if Wen Jutian's people are willing or not."

"Hmph, you stone man has agreed, and I, Beastman, are not afraid, so we will join hands together. But after entering the entrance, we will do our own thing, don't think about using us as cannon fodder!" Beastman expressed his attitude, which looked very ferocious. There was a bit of guard on his face.

"This is not something that can be done by anyone who wants to be cannon fodder. If you can find this place, you will know that it is not that simple under the Flower God Hill. If you want to play any tricks, it is not against you. Our enemy is probably Something we can't imagine.

"Then it's settled. After entering the underground, it depends on the chance. What kind of enemy you encounter depends on your luck. You also came for the flower god bone. Back then, the flower god corpse was huge, and the god bone was naturally too big." It's not just one or two pieces, maybe we won't have conflicts." The stone man took a deep breath and said.

"Cooperating with smart people is easy. Our goal is the God of Flower Bone. In such a large space, there are only one or two pieces of God of Flower Bone. So, it depends on chance." Faru could not help but smile lightly. Xuantai Immortal Emperors are generally born from immortal stone spirit fetuses, but they are extremely intelligent. They are rare geniuses in Pingyutian, and Faru dare not underestimate them.

Ping Yutian's imperial clan is very special, they don't really have any blood relationship with Immortal Emperor Xuantai, because they are generally immortal stone embryos, or Lingshi immortal embryos, or even immortal stone embryos, They are all congenital elves raised by nature. They surpass the heaven and the earth, and they have been conceived in the endless spiritual veins for millions of years or even hundreds of millions of years before they can break out of the ground. They have inherent advantages that ordinary practitioners do not have. Therefore, ordinary Although there are not many imperial clans in Yutian, each of them is very powerful.

The Emperor Clan in Pingyutian is a very strange composition. The members of the Emperor Clan are not necessarily all humanoid creatures, there are also some stone horses, stone dragons, stone snakes, stone monkeys, etc., all because they are born with innate elves , so they were cultivated by the Xuantai Immortal Emperor's family. Due to their innate advantages, not only can they learn the laws of heaven and earth faster, but their physical bodies also have innate advantages.

The stone man is one of Ping Yutian's few creatures of the humanoid imperial clan. Therefore, he has also become a genius cultivated by the imperial clan, and his strength is indeed very strong.

"Then, let's get started!" Beastman seemed a little impatient.

"Okay! It depends on which of us has better luck."

"Senior Brother Faru, what is that?" Before Faru could finish his sentence, he found a gray cloud floating rapidly from the sky, instantly dimming the entire sky even more.

"Isn't it?" Faru looked up, his face suddenly changed.

"It's a Ruin Beast, I'm afraid it's the king of Ruin Beasts for millions of years, let's go!" The stone man also looked at the dark clouds on the sky, and couldn't help but whispered.

"Damn, it's that ghost thing again." Beastman cursed, his expression changed, it wasn't the first time he encountered this thing, the last time he fled with all the people, he was beaten very miserably, and finally rested After a few days, I finally healed the wound, and then came to fetch the flower god bone, and encountered the confrontation between the demon and the beast. Now I want to enter the underground of the flower god hill, but the old monster and beast came again.

Faru didn't say any more, and suddenly rushed towards the battlefield of fierce beasts and demons. Even if he encountered these million-year-old beasts, he had no choice but to run away. However, his rush into the battlefield of fierce beasts and demons He has ulterior motives, he knows that the attack of this ruin beast is very powerful, and it is an indiscriminate attack.Ruin beasts wanted to attack him, even the demons and fierce beasts would not be able to escape. At that time, chaos would naturally form, and his chance came.

The Stone Man and the Beast Man obviously guessed what Faru was thinking, and they also rushed towards the group of beasts. Most of them were middle-level Immortal Kings, and there were a few late-stage Immortal Kings. It can't cause much impact. Entering the battlefield of fierce beasts and demons, they try to pass through as much as possible, and don't want to get too entangled with fierce beasts and demons.

"Boom..." Just as Faru and the others were about to rush towards the battlefield of the ferocious beast, a gigantic claw fell from the dark cloud in the sky, and when it was pressed down in the air, the Wulun breath seemed to be like a hundred thousand claws. Like a big mountain, it bombarded Faru and Shiren.

Under the huge roar and splash of mud and rocks, Faru and others had to turn around to avoid it.The entire dark cloud surrounded the three teams of people like a falling veil.

"Damn, why is it him again?" Not far away, Zhan Wuming suddenly stopped in his tracks, grabbed Xiao Tianchan, leaned over and cursed in a low voice.

"What is he again?" Xiao Tianchan saw that Zhan Wuming dragged him to stop, he was very annoyed, he was about to catch up with Faru and others, this kid actually stopped.

"That beast." Zhan Wuming pointed at the countless tentacles hanging down like countless veils, and took a breath.

"It's just a small ruin beast, I've already killed several of them." Xiao Tianchan said disdainfully.

"Master Dao, you may have killed a lot, but this one is different. This one is at least a million years old. Our team was killed by it, and I just escaped by chance." Zhan Wuming immediately responded to this Xiao Tianchan, who has poor eyesight, despises him.What kind of eyesight is this guy?Even the strangeness of this beast was not found.

"Million-year market beast?" Xiao Tianchan broke out in a cold sweat. It was the first time he saw a million-year-old beast. However, he knew what a million-year signified, and looked at Zhan Wuming suspiciously. It seems to be examining whether Zhan Wuming is lying to him.

"What are you looking at me for? You wouldn't look at your senior brother?" Zhan Wuming said angrily.

Xiao Tianchan was stunned, thinking that he was right, when his eyes fell on Faru and the others, he saw that the place had turned into a banyan forest with countless roots, the sky and the earth were intertwined like a giant net, In an instant, the three teams were wrapped in the middle.

"Awesome!" Xiao Tianchan's first thought was that the Ruin Beast was too powerful, so powerful that the three masters, Faru, Shiren and Beastman, and dozens of fairy kings could not break the grip of the Ruin Beast. blockade.

"It seems that they are in trouble." The characteristics of this market beast turned out to be like a plant with powerful life.Countless roots are its most terrifying means of attack. Each root is like an octopus' tentacles. Once entangled, it can quickly suck blood and spiritual energy, instantly turning you into a mummy.

This kind of plant frequently appears near the Flower God Hill. I am afraid that this million-year-old ruin beast has a great relationship with the Flower God Hill in the current basin, and may be one of the guardian beasts of the Flower God Hill.No matter what the result is, this million-year-old beast is not so easy to deal with, and Faru and the others will be able to bear it this time.

(End of this chapter)

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