Chapter 938 The Immortal Body
"I'm afraid that Ruin Beast is not the opponent of this mantis monster, it was restrained..." The Immortal Huntian of Wuji Immortal Realm and the crowd who wanted to take advantage of the return journey couldn't help but said in a daze when they saw the result of the instant confrontation in front of them.

The mantis monster is really amazing. The pair of huge forelimbs are like two giant knives about ten miles long, and the head is a sharp sword piercing the sky. It's huge, but it's covered in soft bodies. If it's a battle, it's afraid that it will be chopped into pieces by the mantis monster.

"None of the creatures that can exist in this battlefield of gods and demons will be as simple as it seems, and it may not be." Yuxizi did not agree with the words of the immortal.

"Howling..." Dozens of tentacles were cut off, and the ruin beast howled angrily, and the mist emitted from its body became thicker and thicker. In a short while, the mouth of the gourd valley was engulfed in clouds and mist. The huge Ruins Beast is also in the clouds, looming, but it is not easy for these clouds to invade the Gourd Valley, because the wind howling in the Gourd Valley does not disperse for a long time, although the clouds It is very special, and it is not so easy to diffuse into the Calabash Valley.

"Boom..." The huge ruin beast suffered a small loss, and naturally refused to stop. This time, many tentacles no longer attacked the mantis monster, but directly blasted towards the rocks on both sides of the gourd valley entrance. .

The intelligence of the Ruins Beast surprised everyone. The Ruins Beast clearly saw that the biggest reason why the mist from his body could not enter the Calabash Valley was because the special terrain at the entrance of the Calabash Valley became an outlet. All the wind power is directed outwards, if the topography of the gourd mouth is changed, then the wind power will naturally not be so violent and strong.

Countless gravel flew over hundreds of miles and smashed on the mountain wall at the entrance of the gourd valley. Although those cliffs had not been damaged too much under countless years of strong winds, under the violent demolition by this beast, Almost like a pile of sand and gravel, it directly turned into pieces of ruins.

Everyone knew that their best resting place in this area had disappeared, and Gourd Valley was no longer what it used to be.The strong wind at Taniguchi no longer poses a threat to some ferocious beasts, so it is naturally difficult to stop the invasion of ferocious beasts.

"Chi..." Seeing the opponent destroying the periphery of its lair, the mantis monster finally couldn't hold on, and the whole valley exploded with a "boom", a huge mountain-like figure leaped into the sky, and then a big mantis The figure appeared in front of everyone's eyes, that slender body was like a flat fairy ship.About thirty or forty miles long, several slender legs straightened and retracted in the void, like giant swords that opened and closed. Carved by hand.

There is a deep shock in everyone's heart, which is the shock of nature, the universe of heaven and earth, and the rules of the great way.This praying mantis is definitely a god-like creature, and the power it leaps into the sky is like a miracle from heaven.

"Chi, chi, chi..." Countless tearing sounds came from afar. In the eyes of everyone, countless pieces of meat that looked like huge slices fell from the void. Roar, desperate and angry.

Looking at the minced meat splashing all over the sky, there are meat pies, meat strips, meat cubes, and meat granules... Countless minced meat splashed with dark green juice almost spread all over every inch of a thousand miles. It gradually weakened in the more and more splattered minced meat.

Everyone watching from a distance stared dumbfounded at the figure of the praying mantis gradually disappearing in the clouds and the huge mountain-like shadow that gradually disappeared. outside.

There is only one thought in their hearts, never to meet that praying mantis, and never to become an opponent with that praying mantis.

"Chichi..." For a long time, everyone could no longer see the distant scenery, and the thousand-mile radius centered on Gourd Valley was completely hidden in the clouds and mists of Haona, and everyone could no longer see the huge mountain like mountain. The figure also gradually couldn't hear the roar that went from high to low, and finally seemed to have disappeared.In the end, only the huge praying mantis let out a sharp neigh.

From the mantis jumping out of the gourd valley, to the rain of flesh and blood flying down from the sky, until the entire area was filled with endless clouds and mist, it didn't take much time. During this process, everyone still didn't see clearly. How did the praying mantis strike? In the impression, there is only a giant shadow that stretches across the sky, like a miracle, across the sky, and then landed on the huge pile of flesh.

Everyone's hearts were shocked, and everyone's palms oozed cold juice stains.

"Is it over like this?" There is only one question in many people's minds, everything is too fast, so fast that people feel a little unreal.

"It's so powerful!" Some people couldn't help sighing. This is the most powerful creature that everyone has ever seen. It is so powerful that they believe that even if the emperor makes a move, he must avoid its edge under the knife of this praying mantis.

Zhan Wuming was dumbfounded, this praying mantis is really too powerful, if all the monsters in the battlefield of gods and demons rush into the fairy world, what kind of disaster will it be.If the Tongtian Shenzang is really the legendary Tongtian Altar that can lead to the God Realm, it will inevitably attract countless powers from the Immortal Realm to enter the battlefield of gods and demons. In order to clear the obstacles in the battlefield of gods and demons, it may cause A great melee between the creatures of the fairy world and the battlefield of gods and demons.

At that time, people will face such a terrifying creature, and it will definitely be a huge catastrophe.But the attraction of the Tongtian Altar is too strong. In countless years, no one in the fairy world has really ascended to the gods. crazy.

"No, it's not over yet." Yuxizi said suddenly.

Everyone was stunned, the mountain-like beasts were cut into countless pieces of meat by the mantis, is this not over yet?Can't help but look at Yuxizi with a little astonishment, not knowing what he meant by saying these words suddenly.

"Look there..." When everyone's eyes fell on Yuxizi, Yuxizi pointed to a piece of minced meat that looked like a huge lunch sausage less than a hundred feet away, looming in the cloud and mist. People can still see what it looks like.

Everyone's eyes looked on, and they were suddenly shocked, because they saw that the big piece of meat that was cut like a thick lunch sausage started to wriggle, as if it suddenly had life, and then there were countless wicker-like tentacles coming from it. A piece of meat rose out of it, and in an instant, that piece of meat had turned into a monster covered with brown hair, more like a huge piece of stinky tofu that had been moldy for too long and covered with hair.

The monster's transformation is not over yet, those tiny wicker-like tentacles quickly joined together, like twisting straw ropes, and soon formed thicker tentacles, so these thicker tentacles stood on the ground, the piece The minced meat, which seemed lifeless, quickly ran deep into the cloud and fog like a hairy crab under the push of those thick tentacles. The speed changed from slow to fast. The faster, the faster those thick tentacles became. The longer it is, the faster it runs.

Everyone looked at all the changes in front of them, as if in a dream, they only had one question in their hearts, what is that terrifying beast?What about that piece of meat?

"Bang..." At this moment, another muffled sound came from not far in front. Everyone tried their best to look through the cloud and mist, and suddenly found that two pieces of strange-looking pieces of meat collided together, and then everyone They were stunned again, because they saw that after the two pieces of hairy, crab-like minced meat collided together, countless tentacles entangled with each other, like a straw mat, at an unimaginably fast speed, Let the countless tentacles of the two pieces of minced meat combine together, and then the two pieces of minced meat merged into one in the looming cloud and mist, turning into a larger piece of minced meat. At this time, it no longer looks like two pieces of meat. The big crab is more like a headless wild horse.

"It's still alive..." Everyone let out a long breath and said in a daze.

At this moment, everyone finally understood why Yuxizi said that it was not over yet.Although the huge Ruin Beast has been cut into countless pieces, it has also transformed him into countless tiny Ruin Beasts, and these Ruin Beasts can combine with each other to form new combinations. It will soon return to the way it was before it was chopped into pieces by the mantis monster... This is simply an immortal creature!

"What should we do now?" The Golden Horn Immortal King stared blankly at the fragments drifting away in the clouds and mist, but his expression couldn't conceal the horror and hesitation in his heart.This is a war they can't participate in at all, but it is definitely their most unforgettable memory.

"Maybe we should send everything here back to the fairy world." Zhan Wuming thought for a while and then continued: "The truly terrifying things in this battlefield of gods and demons are far beyond our imagination. It is said that this Tongtian Shenzang is very likely to involve the legend of the Tongshen Altar in the ancient times. If this is the case, this Tongtian Shenzang may be the Tongshen Altar, then, in the near future, the major fairylands in the fairy world will join forces to attack this The battlefield of gods and demons is only for this altar of gods, if we are still at a loss, I'm afraid we will pay more."

As soon as Zhan Wuming's words fell, there was silence all around, and many eyes looking at Zhan Wuming showed a little more admiration and a little surprise. Naturally, the core team would not be unaware that the Tongtian Shenzang was most likely related to the authenticity of the legend of the Tongshen Altar, but they did not think of the dangers they might face in the future from these two ominous creatures , but what Zhan Wuming thought of was the movement of the entire fairy world, this child's mind was jumping extremely fast, and he focused on the overall situation.Everyone felt that this boy of the Great Immortal Rank in front of him was indeed not simple.

"Brother Zhan has also heard this rumor. Maybe in the future, the major fairylands really need to join forces to enter this battlefield of gods and demons. Brother Zhan said that he is planning ahead and has great foresight. We can record the images here and bring them back. Handing over the various fairylands to the Elders' Association may be able to exchange for some points." Yuxizi also laughed suddenly.

After hearing this, everyone thought it was true. This is definitely a rare scene. The aura of these two creatures is extremely powerful. I am afraid that their battle is no less than the battle between the two immortal emperors. To other geniuses of Tongxianyu is also capital.

(End of this chapter)

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