Chapter 940 The Heart of the Wind God
This time it was no longer Xiaolan leading Zhan Wuming forward, but Zhan Wuming flew to the place where the heartbeat came from, the closer the distance, the louder the sound.The huge heartbeat formed a huge roar in people's minds, and even the heart beat uncontrollably along with it.

However, Zhan Wuming turned into the body of Kunpeng, originally a spirit of wind, his original power can not be disturbed by any elements of heaven and earth, which made him calm down quickly.Xiaolan's expression was a little painful, but Zhan Wuming was a little surprised.

For Xiaolan, a mysterious guy, Zhan Wuming has never regarded her as an ordinary creature, powerful and mysterious, but he didn't expect to hear that heartbeat showing pain, what exactly is that heartbeat coming from?

"Om..." Zhan Wuming quickly passed through the wide wind tunnel, his body lightened, as if floating in the void, when he saw everything in front of him, he was shocked.It's like entering a strange starry sky, passing through a huge underground maze of wind tunnels, and entering the cosmic starry sky. The sky is light blue, and scattered stars are dotted in the deep starry sky, but what really shocked Zhan Wuming was not this It is not a piece of starry sky in the ground, but the core of the entire starry sky, which turns out to be a huge heart.

That huge heart was beating at a strange frequency, causing the airflow in the starry sky to vibrate with his frequency. The airflow and particles in the starry sky entered the channels all over the starry sky during the vibration, forming a tearable structure. The terrifying wind of the Broken Immortal Venerable.

It was a huge heart like a big star, and the cyan pattern was like the most exquisite art in the universe, depicting one after another extremely mysterious dao patterns, each pattern corresponding to a certain star in the starry sky.

After calming down, Zhan Wuming discovered that this place is not actually a real starry sky, but a different dimension.Although this space is very vast, as huge as a starry sky, the void on all sides is like barriers, isolating this place from the universe.

Zhan Wuming can be sure that this starry sky is like his Sea of ​​Qi starry sky, it is an incomplete world, the center of this world is not the Chaos Sacred Tree, but the huge heart in front of him.

This is an unfinished prototype of the universe. This discovery made Zhan Wuming feel turbulent. He thought of the huge corpse of the ancient god in the Sushen Starfield. The corpse of the ancient god also contained a huge world and The long passage, in comparison, is so similar to the huge underground labyrinth entered from the wind tunnel.He suddenly thought that there are seven wind tunnels in Gourd Valley, just like the seven orifices of a human being.

"The Corpse of the Wind God!" Thinking of this, Zhan Wuming blurted out.

He thought of a great possibility. This huge underground labyrinth is not a natural cave, but the corpse of the ancient god. The place where he is now may be the sea of ​​air of the corpse of the god, or the heart of the corpse of the ancient god.

This huge heart that is still beating is not formed naturally, but the immortal heart of the ancient god. Thinking of this, Zhan Wuming felt his scalp go numb.

This is a heart that is still beating. That doesn't mean that the body of the great god is like the ancient god in Sushen Starfield, not really dead, but still alive.At this moment, he got into the body of a living god. Isn't this the legendary sheep into the tiger's mouth?

Looking at this space that has not grown into a real starry sky, the azure world is filled with endless power of the origin of wind. I am afraid that it is really the legendary wind god who is in charge of the nine origins of the universe and the origin of wind.This Fengshen is a terrifying existence at the level of a god master. How could his body be in this battlefield of gods and demons?Could it be that this is just a little god who cultivates the wind attribute, not the real original wind god?

This is a quiet sky, not as filthy as the ancient god's body, perhaps because the huge Fengshen heart still maintains vitality, this sky has become a forbidden area that no living beings dare to invade, and the incomparable divine breath turns into The endless source of wind makes this sky rippling with mysterious power.

Zhan Wuming saw Xiaolan's seemingly delicate body trembling slightly, but there was excitement and hunger in his eyes.

Xiaolan looked at the huge heart and licked her lips like a puppy, making Zhan Wuming feel his scalp go numb.This is a god body that is still alive, and the huge heart of god is higher than the heart of the golden world he found on the road of war emperor. This is the heart of god. Waking up the sleeping god is definitely more terrifying than the immortal beast.

But there is actually a trace of longing in his heart, longing for Xiaolan to find a way. After all, the origin of this guy is too mysterious. Maybe there is a way to deal with it. Otherwise, why would she be so excited to take advantage of the fight between the two powerful monsters? At that time, he slipped into this underground labyrinth.

Zhan Wuming believes that even if he can't get this huge Fengshen Heart, as long as he cultivates in this space, he can still attract enough wind essence to make his law of wind perfect.It's a pity that if he wants to be promoted to the Immortal King, he doesn't just need to complete the law of the wind element, but also needs to complete all other laws to be able to truly be promoted.

Immortal King is a huge hurdle, if you can step over it, then it will be a smooth journey.For other people's Immortal King's Tribulation, Zhan Wuming's threshold is even more difficult. All the laws are perfect, and it needs to cost several times more than other people's price.

"Eat..." Xiaolan let out a moan-like raving, and a blue light flashed in her eyes. At this moment, the only thing she could think of was eating.

Zhan Wuming is full of helplessness, this is the heart of God, a heart that is still beating, if you want to eat it, it is so big, you will have to eat it until what year and month.For this guy who only knows how to eat, Zhan Wuming suddenly has a feeling of hating iron but not steel.

"Xiao Lan, do you know what this is?" Zhan Wuming suddenly thought of something and asked.

"Shenxin..." Xiaolan whispered, a blue light of hunger flashed in her eyes, her little red tongue kept licking her lips, making her lips even more moist.

"It's really a divine heart!" Zhan Wuming's heart was shocked, and he said again: "If you eat it, will he fight back?"

"I don't know." Xiaolan shook her head, apparently not knowing whether this divine heart would fight back, and because of this, she was always eager to try but didn't dare to step forward easily.

She turned her eyes to Zhan Wuming, and said with a face full of hope: "You can do it!"

"What? I can do it?" Zhan Wuming was stunned, what did he say, he said in a daze: "You mean I can do it?"

"Well, you can do it!" Xiaolan nodded. .

What are you kidding Xiaolan, his cultivation is just a small fairy, and Xiaolan's cultivation is unfathomable and he is not sure, instead he said that he can do it by himself, when did this little guy learn to play tricks, and he wants to fool himself first Go up and take a risk.

But soon he denied his own idea. After all, this little guy has never been in the world, and only has some simple instincts and instinctive thinking. He is close to himself, and he shouldn't have the kind of scheming to fool him into taking risks.She said she could do it by herself, so what should he do?

"Don't worry about that heart, let's go to other places first." Zhan Wuming thought for a while, that god's heart is too big, and the frequency of its beating can actually make this world form an endless wind, How much power can it generate by its beating? He is a small fairy, let alone absorbing and devouring that huge heart. If he gets close to that heart, he will be stunned or even stunned by the beating sound die.

Zhan Wuming had no choice but to let go of that huge heart first, even in the face of a huge temptation, he had to save his own life first.Zhan Wuming did not believe that there would be no other treasures in such a large void.

Flying through the wind tunnel all the way, he found more than ten thousand wind beads and many wind crystals.This kind of wind spirit crystal is a high-level wind attribute fairy stone, which belongs to the top grade fairy stone, even if it is a little bit inferior, it is also a top grade fairy stone, and it can be regarded as a huge wealth.Around this big heart, how can there be no baby?
Zhan Wuming flapped his wings and flew towards the distant stars.A rudimentary form of a cosmic starry sky has been formed here, just like his air sea starry sky.Not everyone's inner world can exist in the sea of ​​qi like him, or maybe the one in front of him exists near the heart.

Seeing Zhan Wuming flying away, Xiaolan could only stare at the huge heart and swallowed her saliva unwillingly, and followed Zhan Wuming in the void. Xiaolan couldn't form too much restraint, which surprised Zhan Wuming, and made him curious about this mysterious life form.

Kunpeng, who has no life to fight, flies in this space at extreme speed like a fish in water, dripping and dripping. Flying in this space, the power of countless wind sources is continuously injected into his body, washing away the impurities in his body, and a certain energy in Kunpeng's blood is absorbed. Quietly wake up.Before, there was a time limit for him to fly in the form of a Kunpeng, but in this space, he is completely unrestricted and can fly freely. He feels that he can exist in the body of a Kunpeng forever.

Kunpeng is extremely fast, flashing for thousands of miles, as if teleporting in this world of wind, traveling through the void at will. At this moment, he feels that he is the master of this world of wind, and this is his lair and his domain.When flying, Zhan Wuming's mind unknowingly fuses with the power of the wind in this world, becoming the elf of the world of wind, who can control every wind and the original power of every wind.

Suddenly, he had a glimmer of understanding in his heart, this is his real opportunity, it is the good fortune given to him by Fengshen!

Xiaolan was able to catch up with Zhan Wuming's figure at first, but later found that Zhan Wuming's speed was getting faster and faster, so fast that he merged with the wind in this world, and he could appear in this area at will. In any place in the starry sky, she can no longer catch up with Zhan Wuming's speed.

(End of this chapter)

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