Chapter 942 The Dying Immortal

Xiaolan's mouth is indeed tricky, not because the meteorite gold is really her favorite, but because the meteorite gold in this space contains a lot of divine power, and what Xiaolan likes is still this divinity. the power of.As for that huge heart, Zhan Wuming didn't have the guts to touch it, and Xiao Lan didn't even have the guts, but this space is filled with a lot of divine power, and for Xiao Lan, it's all delicious.

Now that she has Meteor Wind Gold, Xiao Lan can be regarded as gaining a lot.

What surprised Zhan Wuming was that Xiaolan seemed to have a huge storage space on her body, and she actually hid a large amount of Meteor Wind Gold, which was no less than the Meteor Wind Gold in Zhan Wuming's outfit, but Zhan Wuming was not there. Xiaolan found the aura fluctuation of the magic weapon of space.

Zhan Wuming devoted himself to absorbing those meteorites and searching for meteorite gold, but Xiaolan was different. She actually found many fragments like cosmic dust in this space, the big ones were the size of baskets, and the small ones were only the size of eggs. The things are different from the wind beads, and different from the wind spirit crystals. Zhan Wuming saw that these things actually carried extremely pure divinity.Maybe it is different from the blood of the gods, these things are probably some wastes that have been discharged from the huge Fengshen heart for countless years.

This discovery made Zhan Wuming believe that this Fengshen who was sleeping in the ground must have suffered extremely heavy injuries back then. Even if the divine body is dead, there is still something immortal in his divine body, that is the heart. This is a very special great god. I am afraid that what he cultivates is not just as simple as the godhead. There is another inner space outside the godhead, just like himself. His cave will form a cosmic world, and there is another world that supports life in his own sea of ​​air.

The same may be true for this sleeping body of the wind god. Therefore, even if the godhead was broken, he never really died. Instead, he slowly repaired his god body by relying on a world created near his heart for countless years. recovery.During these countless years of recovery, some scars naturally fell off, and the entire divine body underwent metabolism. For this sleeping god, those scars that had been shed may be just some waste skin and meat impurities, but for the creatures in the fairy world, But it is a rare treasure, an absolutely priceless divine substance.

Obviously, Xiaolan is very interested in these things that are like dust compared to that heart, and has collected a lot.

This made Zhan Wuming have a strong sense of reverence for the still beating heart. Even if it is a sleeping god, it is not something he can peek at. The shock force formed by the beating heart makes Zhan Wuming Wuming wasn't even sure of getting close, let alone absorbing it directly.

Zhan Wuming had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​beating the huge heart, and, like Xiaolan, collected some dust and waste in the space.This kind of thing has a huge effect on the restoration of heaven. During this period of time, heaven has captured a large amount of this divine substance, making its breath stronger.

What excites Zhan Wuming the most is that he can actually call out the creatures in the heavenly world through heaven. Of course, the creatures in the heavenly world themselves must be strong enough, and they can be called out of the heavenly world at one stroke.In this way, he will soon be able to relieve the pain of lovesickness.

As for the too powerful sword world, Zhan Wuming has a heart, but Heaven is powerless, because at this moment, the recovery of the heavenly artifact is not enough to compare with the sword world, so the power of the soul of the heavenly weapon is not enough to mobilize those who exist in the sword world. The sword world in the heavenly world.

Every time Heavenly Artifact Soul calls out some creatures, it consumes some energy. As long as this energy can be replenished, it can call out as many things as possible. If you want to return to the state before entering the fairy world, you don't know how long it will take. time.According to Heaven's Artifact Soul, if the energy contained in this Fengshen's heart can be swallowed, then Heaven can return to the state before entering the fairy world in the shortest possible time, and it will even be stronger.

But the soul of the Heavenly Artifact was also afraid of the Fengshen Heart, and did not dare to move it.After all, it is not at its peak at this moment, if it is really counterattacked by the owner of this heart, heaven may collapse.

"Let's go!" Zhan Wuming stayed in his heart for several hours, not knowing what was going on outside, if the praying mantis monster defeated the market beast and returned to the wind tunnel, wouldn't it just block his way? So Zhan Wuming really didn't dare to stay in this underground world for a long time, and there would be no more gains if he stayed any longer.He didn't dare to destroy those meteorites. Once the balance of this space was disrupted, many accidents might occur.

A lot of metabolites from the heart of Fengshen's dust were also collected, and most of them were absorbed by the heavenly artifact. It was a good deed to clean the space of Fengshen's heart.

Xiaolan looked at the huge heart reluctantly, felt the beating of the heart, and was very reluctant to follow Zhan Wuming to the direction of the wind tunnel.

In this heart space, there are many wind tunnels hidden in all directions, like those blood vessels connected to the heart. If Zhan Wuming hadn't left Kunpeng's unique breath when he entered this heart space, I'm afraid he really couldn't find the way. Which channel is it?

When Xiaolan came here, it was because she sensed the strong divine aura in this space, and flew along the aura, so they found it easily, but when they went back, Xiaolan was confused, because at the other end of the passage, Xiaolan didn't have any clear reference, so she was completely blinded.

Zhan Wuming was also a little dizzy, when he came here, it was twists and turns, like a maze, now he went back, but he had a headache, when they came, they only flew for a while, but it took almost an hour to find the way out.

They found a problem. This wind tunnel not only leads to the heart, but also leads to a deeper underground. In that direction, Zhan Wuming felt the breath of darkness. Zhan Wuming felt that it must not be that road. The passage leading to the abyss also benefited from Kunpeng's unique talent, flying in the chaos without getting lost, so although it took several times longer to get out of the heart maze than to enter it, he finally got out of the underground maze.

In the maze, he also found some abnormal bones, more than half of which were weathered, and he couldn't see what kind of creatures they were, but it was conceivable that there were still many creatures who wanted to find the other end of the maze, but unfortunately they were finally lost in this huge In the maze.

Zhan Wuming didn't have the idea of ​​going to the abyss at this time, it was an act of courting death, the giant mantis monster was probably the king beast from the abyss, and it became powerful today with the help of this god corpse.That praying mantis probably didn't really get close to the core of the corpse, otherwise the praying mantis would have been invincible long ago.

It took Zhan Wuming more than an hour to rush out of the gourd valley, and he transformed into his real body as soon as he got out of the gourd valley. He didn't want Kunpeng's breath to disturb the two terrifying monsters.

When he rushed out of Calabash Valley, he found that the clouds and mists in the valley dispersed, and the clouds and mists outside the valley became extremely thin, and disappeared for unknown reasons.

"Could it be that Ruin Beast sucked the clouds back?" Zhan Wuming looked at the situation around the Gourd Valley, a little dazed, there was still a chaotic atmosphere outside the valley, but he didn't see the giant praying mantis. The monster and the huge beast, I don't know where these two monsters went.

However, at this time, Zhan Wuming was not interested in where the two monsters went. The only thing he wanted to do was to find Ye Lang and the others immediately.When Yuxizi and the others saw that they were missing, they would definitely not wait for them where they were. On the contrary, if Yelang and the others knew that they were missing, they would definitely be anxious.They must not be affected by the war between the two terrifying trolls.

There are many pits in the large barren hills outside the Calabash Valley. Originally, the ravines were vertical and horizontal, but at this moment, there are many shallow knife marks on the original ravines, as if countless giant knives cut the originally deep ravines Many gaps were cut.

Judging from this appearance, it should be left behind when the huge mantis monster fought with the market leader.There was a layer of corroded traces on the ground, and as for the minced meat of the Ruin Beast, none of it was gone. It should have been taken back, or it was still entangled with the mantis monster.

Zhan Wuming quickly rushed to the resting place of Yelang, Xuanfang and others. When he arrived, the place was already a mess, with huge knife marks criss-crossing, making the place look like smashed ruins.The only thing that made Zhan Wuming thankful was that he didn't see any corpses, obviously everyone saw the opportunity early and evacuated ahead of time.

This area was also affected by the war between the two fierce beasts. Zhan Wuming was depressed. He didn't know where they had retreated. Their breath had already been wiped out by the breath of the two fierce beasts. It is impossible to find the breath of everyone.

Zhan Wuming followed the traces of the two murderers and found the mark left by Ye Lang and others. sigils to find them.The direction they went turned out to be the direction the two fierce beasts left.

Walking and searching all the way, along the way, Zhan Wuming saw a lot of dark green juice spilled everywhere, and some taupe scales, and the traces on the ground became more and more obvious, and those dark green juices became more and more Much, and some blue-brown liquid.With a faint fishy smell.

Zhan Wuming knew that the dark green juice belonged to the Ruin Beast, and the green-brown liquid was probably from the Mantis Monster.Zhan Wuming was inexplicably horrified by the two ferocious beasts tearing each other and running thousands of miles away.

After walking thousands of miles, Zhan Wuming finally found traces of someone's activities, and bright red blood stains appeared on the ground. Seeing these bloodstains, Zhan Wuming suddenly became nervous, although he didn't know whose blood it was , but I'm afraid that someone in Yuxizi's temporary minor league was injured.

Going forward, Zhan Wuming stopped suddenly. He heard moaning sound, he was startled, and rushed to the place where the moaning sound came from, and found a huddled figure in the gap of a ravine. .

"Huntian Immortal..." Seeing the group, Zhan Wuming let out a low voice.

It turned out to be Immortal Huntian, the captain of the Wuji Immortal Domain in the alliance. This is a master in the late stage of the Immortal King, and he is dying at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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