Chapter 970

Yuxizi, King Jinjiao, Chifengxian and others came to Zhan Wuming's alchemy room one after another.

Seeing some messy lines drawn on an earthen platform in Zhan Wuming's alchemy room, he was a little puzzled, not knowing what Zhan Wuming's purpose was for calling them here.It was promised to leave in two days, but the time has not yet come.

Zhan Wuming looked up, and saw that all the leaders of the major fairylands were present, and stood up.He glanced at everyone and said: "I believe everyone must have doubts about my summoning you. We come from the Seven Great Immortal Realms and each have our own goals, but for a while we are partners who share weal and woe and share life and death. Everyone knows that we I said some speculations that made everyone shudder. Faced with such speculations, we have doubts about the purpose of this trip. I am afraid that everyone will be confused about our next move. I have thought about it carefully for the past two days. I have come up with a general direction, and I want to talk to you and listen to your opinions, so as to decide what we should do next. Should we go home and part ways? Or continue to cooperate sincerely and face life and death together like brothers? This is a crisis in the battlefield of gods and demons."

Everyone was stunned for a while, Zhan Wuming's words were very heavy, they naturally knew what Zhan Wuming's guess was before, and who it was, and spread the news of the Heavenly God to all the fairylands at the same time, so that all the big fairylands The old monsters from all walks of life tried their best to explore this heavenly treasure?Does this Tongtian Shenzang really have a great relationship with the Tongshen Altar?It's like a stone is pressing on everyone's heart.

Yuxizi and the others are very satisfied with this trip to Tongtian Shenzang. At least for now, they have gained more than any previous expedition. If they had a choice, they would like to leave this ghostly place earlier.

"Brother Zhan, if you have anything to say, just say it directly. We are together now, so naturally we face it together." The Golden Horn Immortal King said frankly.

Zhan Wuming glanced at the others again, seeing that they all nodded, took a step forward, and came to the earthen platform, the crowd also surrounded them, seeing some simple lines and some scattered circles on the earthen platform, everyone Seeing inexplicably.

"What is this?" Yuxizi asked in bewilderment, pointing to the lines and circles on the ground.

"Here is the result of my guess..." Zhan Wuming did not respond immediately, and suddenly there was a metal rod in his hand, pointing to one of the circles: "If this is the Huashen Basin, then, here It is Calabash Valley. If I am not wrong, there must be more than these two special terrains in this large area like Calabash Valley and Huashen Basin. There must be several other places. I am in this huge circle Simply draw some marks with lines, and I would like to ask you to see if there is any place in your impression that the special terrain around here corresponds to the positions of the circles on my sketch map?"

"How did you draw these circles?" Chi Fengxian looked at Zhan Wuming in surprise, and asked after taking a deep breath.

"I drew this based on the positions and angles of some possible sealing formations that I know. I believe everyone still remembers the world under the Flower God Hill, the place of the demon sacrifice that we saw. That will definitely not be The endless gang wind in the Gourd Valley that appeared by accident is definitely not a simple place, but we cannot enter it. Under the Gourd Valley, there must be the same seal. I doubt that the so-called Tongshen Altar , being sealed by a certain huge formation is definitely not a simple seal." Zhan Wuming said with certainty.

"But even if we know about these seals, so what?" Liu Liangming was a little puzzled, even if we knew that it was the sealed place of the Conferred God Altar, so what?

"Every sealed place represents a huge opportunity. The same is true for the Flower God Hill, and the same is true for the Fengshen Valley. It's just that we can't enter the Fengshen Valley, but we can enter the Flower God Hill. So, will it be in other places? Do you also have these opportunities? Therefore, I would like to ask for everyone's opinions." Zhan Wuming said flatly.

Everyone was silent. They had indeed found a great opportunity in Huashenqiu. Whether it was the numerous fairy grasses, the spring of life, or the pulse soul, this thing was priceless.Even Immortal Venerable and Immortal Emperor want it.As for the others, they didn't dare to take them from the Flower God Hill, as there were indeed a lot of things there.

It's a pity that Fengshen Valley, they can't enter that wind tunnel.There must be important treasures inside, but there is no way if they can’t get in. If it is true as Zhan Wuming said, there are many places in this area like Huashenqiu and Gourd Valley, and there must be countless opportunities. This is a huge risk.And this question was exactly what Zhan Wuming asked them to think about.

"Cultivators of immortality should defy the heavens to fight for their lives. If they do not move forward because of fear, how can they pursue the Dao?" Chi Fengxian said decisively.

"That's right. If it's as Brother Zhan said, this is definitely a great opportunity. Besides, if this area is really like what Brother Zhan said, and it has a place that almost fits the center of the formation, then it will prove that our guess is correct. , this so-called Tongtian Divine Treasure is probably the Tongtian Altar. Once confirmed, with our strength, there is no need to take this muddy water, but it is safer to look around here and pick up leaks." Golden Horn Immortal King said calmly road.

Both Zhan Wuming and Chun Yuanzi laughed, what the Golden Horn Immortal King said was indeed reasonable, if the location marked by Zhan Wuming was really in a special place, then their guess would come true. To help them make a decision, whether to continue to explore the Tongtian Shenzang or retreat.

On the other hand, they don't have to go down to places that may be sealed places, just like Gourd Valley, they may not be able to enter it easily, so there will be no risk.

Calabash Valley let them understand one thing, that is, their cultivation base is like an ant in the eyes of the creatures in the seal, and it can't trigger a real crisis at all. The huge crisis was entirely caused by Faru. He was the one who caused the great change in Huashenqiu, and they were the ones who attracted the Ruins Beast, which then triggered the fierce reaction of Gourd Valley.

"Since we're here, there's no harm in going and taking a look. If it's really too risky, we might as well take a look from afar." Yuxizi thought for a while and agreed with Chifengxian.

The others looked at each other and agreed. After all, although there are huge risks, there are also attractive opportunities.

"Actually, we don't have to worry that much. You know, it's not our team that came to the Gods and Demons Battlefield to look for Tongtian Shenzang this time, let alone people from the Great Immortal Realm. A team like us is here. There are probably hundreds of them in this area, and there are quite a few teams in just one Immortal Territory. There are definitely quite a few that have been removed and reorganized. I believe that there will be people as lucky as us not far away. , opened a certain sealed place. As long as we seize the opportunity, maybe we don’t need to enter the sealed place, and we can also find a lot of bargains outside.” Zhan Wuming’s words were full of temptation.

"What Wuming said is right, so many people are here for Tongtian Shenzang, there must be many people who will trigger those special places." Chi Fengxian nodded in agreement.

"Then, we might as well let everyone mark these locations together, see if some people know which locations, gather the strength of everyone, I believe we can piece together a temporary map, maybe we can know where we are going next Let's go." Zhan Wuming said lightly.

"Well, that's right. In this way, we don't have to go deep into the Endless Battle Ruins to get close to the Tongtian Shenzang, but we can also get familiar with the surrounding terrain and play by ear!" Yuxizi also readily agreed.

The captains of the other major fairylands also think this is a good idea. If they are asked to withdraw and return to the fairyland with the remaining team, I am afraid they will not be reconciled. If they are allowed to go deeper, there will be lingering shadows in their hearts , it is better to use this time to investigate the surrounding environment carefully, and maybe draw a conclusion.

Soon, more than [-] people each pieced together what they had obtained or what might be in their memory, so the circles of Zhan Wuming were filled one by one, and a nearly brand new map appeared in front of everyone.

Zhan Wuming stood in front of the map seriously, glanced at the wonderful expressions on the faces of Yuxizi and others, smiled and said: "I believe everyone should have seen some clues, from the information you have pieced together, you can see that, My guess for this area is a little low."

"I didn't expect it!" Yuxizi carefully looked at the outline map and some place names on it. At this time, it seemed like a fool could think of the problem.

They actually discovered that after the six circles were marked, the characteristics described above echoed the Huashen Basin and the Calabash Valley, and a strange land with the origin of the eight elements appeared.The attributes in those six circles are gold, fire, earth, water, thunder, and darkness. When added together with Huashen Basin and Calabash Valley, there are places with eight attributes, while the remaining circle has no The human mark is just a hollow circle, a circle that Zhan Wuming guessed might exist.

"Then, could the position of this circle be the place of the light attribute?" Chi Fengxian said with brilliance in his eyes.

"I'm afraid Brother Zhan really guessed it right. I'm afraid this vacant position is the remaining place of the original light. From this point of view, this place is really a huge sealed place." Golden Horn Immortal King He took a deep breath and said, there really is a mystery hidden in this area.

Around the 20-mile radius of the Tongtian Shenzang, there are actually eight known ruins belonging to different original gods. Although they are just legends about these gods, they believe that they must be true like the Huashen Basin and Calabash Valley. The power of the original attribute of existence.And there is another place that Zhan Wuming guessed, but it is not marked but it does not mean that it does not exist. In this area, there are actually nine original divine powers gathered. Then, this area is really just a simple channel. Is God hiding it?At this time, they have believed their guess.

"If these nine points are strung together with lines, then such a polygon will be formed, and the interlaced lines will completely enclose the area in the center, if my estimation is correct , the real Tongtian Shenzang, or the location of the Tongtian Altar, is in this polygonal area. We, it is best to stay away from this area!" Zhan Wuming quickly connected the nine circles, and appeared a very clear picture.

Everyone took a breath.

(End of this chapter)

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