Chapter 976
The figure of the Lava Demon Clan is completely different from the image of the Immortal Cultivator in the Immortal Realm, so it is difficult for Zhan Wuming to get into Vulcan Island even if he wants to.However, this magic boat can be docked at the wharf of Vulcan Island, where he can have a panoramic view of the entire Vulcan Lake.The magic boat can be lifted into the sky, but it doesn't have to float on the lava sea.

Compared with the entire lava world, Vulcan Lake is not big, only a few hundred miles in radius.There are many buildings on Vulcan Island. The buildings of the Lava Demon Race are more of a rough, wild and primitive style. Many huge crimson stone pillars are like magnified penis, standing upright, and some huge stones are piled up. The huge towers are crimson without any decoration, but there are no obvious joints on these giant towers built with huge stones. A whole, but those polygonal edges and corners let people know that those irregular edges are not really a whole.

It is built layer by layer, not like a tower in the fairy world, but with steps shrinking towards the top step by step. From a distance, it looks like a pile of coiled stool, just as the Golden Horn Immortal King described it.This made Zhan Wuming very speechless, but the Golden Horn Immortal King was right.Zhan Wuming accidentally discovered a problem, that is, there are exactly one hundred and eight mountain buns that look like steamed buns half exposed on the sea around Vulcan Lake.

Zhan Wuming didn't know whether it was man-made or natural. It was originally just a huge crater, not like other islands in the lava sea. It was a huge floating boulder that hadn't completely melted. One hundred and eight islands are inlaid in the lava sea like pearls, and they are close together. The connection between the two hills is sunken, and the distance from the lava sea is only a few feet high.If the lava waves in the lava sea were higher, they might splash into the Vulcan Lake.These steamed bun-like small islands are connected together, looking like a string of pearl necklaces from a high altitude.

There are huge stone pagodas on every small island, which are the buildings that look like coiled poop in the mouth of the Golden Horn Immortal King.But today, a huge platform was erected in the center of the Vulcan Lake. On the platform, an altar like a stone pagoda was built high.The altar was topped in the void by a huge fountain-like lava column in the center of Vulcan Lake. The violent heat radiated from the lake, and the ejected magma rushed to the bottom of the altar. The huge impact made the altar in the void. It is a small boat with rippling leaves, ups and downs.Thick smoke surrounded the altar, covering a hazy sense of vicissitudes.

The entire Vulcan Lake and even the entire lava demon world is covered with a choking smell of nitrate all the year round. Bubbles are often stirred in the lava sea, and a lot of black smoke rises from it, floating in the void. don't go.Due to the red flames of the underground lava, the visibility here is much higher than that of the battlefield of gods and demons.The boundless lava sea, together with scattered small islands, only have two mixed colors of taupe and red, and this place is more like a boundless purgatory.

The Fire Demon King didn't return to the devil boat immediately, and neither did the Fire Demon King's son. With their identities, they could naturally choose the place closest to the altar to observe the ceremony.As for the Fire Demon King's settlement after the autumn, I'm afraid he will have time to wait until the end of the Hundred Years Blood Sacrifice.This happened to allow Zhan Wuming and others to borrow this place with peace of mind.

There are many devil boats moored in the sky above Vulcan Lake, but most of them only have boat guards left on them, and the real owners have all entered the range of Vulcan Lake.

Zhan Wuming could see that many lava demons gathered on the pointed pyramids, but, within the range of Vulcan Lake, no lava demon dared to fully release their aura. Therefore, looking at it from a distance , I don’t know who is stronger, completely releasing one’s breath in Vulcan Lake is a kind of provocation to Vulcan, and it is a taboo among lava demons. Because of this, no one will pay attention to Vulcan. The alien race that appeared on the devil's boat.

"Om..." The void suddenly trembled, and Zhan Wuming felt the magic boat under him tremble for a moment, and then the boundless lava sea seemed to be windy, and layers of lava waves swept out, layer after layer. Pushing forward layer by layer, it slapped on the ancient rocks of Vulcan Island, making a huge roar, and the smoke shrouded in layers of Vulcan Lake was disturbed by an invisible force, and gradually became extremely clear.

"The sacrifice is about to begin!" Mo Huo took a deep breath, looking at the huge fountain in the center of Vulcan Lake and the huge floating altar supported by the fountain with some fanaticism in his eyes.

Zhan Wuming saw a red-gold figure like a floating ghost slowly floating up to the altar in the middle of the lake.To Zhan Wuming's surprise, after the red-golden figure turned around, Zhan Wuming found that there was a human face, although on that face, there were flame-shaped imprints that climbed from both ends of the nose It reached behind the ears, making the whole face look very ferocious, and the bottom of the wide golden robe was slightly spread out, making the tall body look a bit more mysterious.

"That's the Grand Priest..." Mo Huo said frantically in his eyes.

"Principal Priest, um, the scepter in his hand is very good, it is actually polished from the whole god bone! It has such a strong fire-like power, and the most wonderful thing is the crystal nucleus." Zhan Wuming His eyes were shining brightly, and he took a fancy to the Zhangxu long scepter in the hand of the high priest.

It was a sacred bone that was as red as blood jade, but on the top of the sacred bone was inlaid a snow-white crystal gem the size of a goose egg. The crimson brilliance appeared neutral and peaceful in the brilliance of the snow-white gem.

"That crystal nucleus? What is that? I feel that there seems to be a very magical power in it." Yuxizi took a deep breath. Even after a distance of nearly a hundred miles, he could still feel the crystal nucleus. The power emanating from the spar actually made his heart feel peaceful, as if he had suddenly entered a world of extreme tranquility, a frozen artistic conception.

"I feel that there seems to be a restrained power in that crystal nucleus!" Chi Fengxian said in a daze.

"That's not an ordinary crystal nucleus, it's a broken godhead." Zhan Wuming took a deep breath and said solemnly.

"Broken godhead?" Several people couldn't help but whispered, they never thought that the spar embedded in the sacred bone scepter would be a broken godhead, which is too shocking.

They couldn't help but have a higher opinion of the background of this lava demon clan, and at the same time, they felt a little more stressed.

Zhan Wuming turned his head and looked at the crowd, only to see that although the faces of the crowd were dignified, but there was unspeakable greed in their eyes, and these people could not be blamed, that was a broken godhood, that guy , it is as big as a goose egg. In the fairy world, the godhead is just a legend!
For countless years, many immortal emperors have been pursuing the last moment to evolve their soul cores into godheads, thereby obtaining the god position, but in these countless years, there has never been an immortal emperor who has been able to truly succeed and become a god. All the secrets seemed to be hidden in the transformation of the godhead.

Therefore, if an immortal emperor can obtain a shattered godhead, and understand the secrets in it, it is very likely that he will be able to take the last step.A shattered godhead is worth fighting for with all the immortal emperors' lives. Yuxizi and others never expected that they would see it in this lava demon world.

"Did you read it wrong?" Yuxizi asked with a trembling voice.

"I think it shouldn't be wrong, and it is an ice-type godhead. The scepter is probably an emperor-level thing. The scarlet jade-like scepter must be made of a fire-type god. It is made of the divine bone of the god, and coupled with the broken godhead of the ice system, it forms a pattern of two heavens of ice and fire, making it achieve a wonderful balance of ice and fire. That's why I said that the scepter is really It's a treasure." Zhan Wuming said with certainty.

Everyone gasped. The fire-type god's bone and the ice-type god's shattered godhead were perfectly combined with such two gods. This was definitely beyond their imagination.They haven't seen Suzaku's divine blood yet, but they have already been attracted by that scepter.

They knew that it was the High Priest of the Lava Demon Clan. Although his aura had not been exposed, they could be sure that this High Priest must have at least the rank of Immortal Venerable, and it was definitely not something that these little fairy kings like them could peek at.They also have self-knowledge. Once they get the scepter, they may not have the chance to return to the fairy world at all, and they will become the targets of everyone in this battlefield of gods and demons. Everyone is innocent, and they are guilty of their own crimes. I still understand.

"If the scepter in his hand is really an imperial weapon, will our plan be hindered because of it?" Chun Yuanzi was a little worried.

"Everything can only be played by ear. This is the lava demons, and who knows how many low-level lava demons are? It is not without reason that these abyssal demons can make the fairy world so fearful. Therefore, everything is based on our own Safety is the priority, life will give us a chance, if there is nothing we can do, then our best way is to escape!" Zhan Wuming said indifferently, his purpose was not to save Xuan Kuang, even if Xuan Kuang died, He doesn't have any psychological burden, but Xuan Kuang is definitely a very good chess piece that can be used.

If Yuxizi and Jinjiao Immortal King were allowed to break through to the Immortal King Stage, I am afraid that Yuxizi would not be very happy. It would be a huge temptation to stay in the Immortal King Stage for a while and then freely enter and exit the battlefield of gods and demons.Otherwise, with the aptitude of Yuxizi and others, it would have been possible to break through the Immortal King long ago, but they have been suppressing their own cultivation for the purpose of undergoing more training in this battlefield of gods and demons.

The real war in the fairy world can only be participated by the fairy king and people below the fairy king rank. Once you advance to the fairy king, then you will be restricted by the rules of the fairy world.

The high-level executives of the major fairylands do not want the geniuses and fairy kings in their own fairylands to directly break through, because of their existence, in the era when the kings above the fairy kings cannot be easily shot, these geniuses of the fairy king level are a huge deterrent, making the great fairylands He didn't dare to act too unscrupulously.

(End of this chapter)

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