Chapter 978
As the blood of the fierce beasts continued to flow into the Vulcan Lake, the area of ​​the huge lava fountain became larger and larger, and the altars floating in the air became higher and higher. The entire Vulcan Lake began to boil, and huge bubbles gushed out from the bottom of the lake. , the sound of the bubbles bursting was like tearing apart the cloth, which was still clearly audible in the sound of the churning lava waves.

When the huge bubbles churned, the thick water vapor formed a trace of smog on the lake, making the surface of Vulcan Lake a bit more mysterious.

The magic boat stopped for a while on the altar, and threw Xianxiu one by one on the altar, and the lava demon warrior on the altar dragged him to the execution platform by his collar.

"No life, it's time for us to take action!" Yuxizi said with a serious face.

"It's time to take action, let's distribute the Lianxi Pill." Zhan Wuming responded lightly.

Ye Lang quickly poured azure-colored pills from the jade bottle and distributed them to Yuxizi and the others, and he ate one too.Everyone hesitated for a moment and all swallowed it. This breath-holding pill is not a particularly precious medicine, but it has a function, which can cover up the breath of a person in a short time.

"Om..." At the same time that everyone took the Xianxi Pill, a red-golden shadow leaped into the void, soaring into the sky like a bird piercing the clouds.

Everyone was stunned, it was a golden shadow nearly two feet long, when that shadow passed over their heads, they felt a violent thunder force interfering with the fire spirit power between heaven and earth.

"It's actually a puppet made of Thunder Immortal Iron..." Chi Fengxian said in a daze.

"Wow..." A huge thunder light slammed into the void following the red golden puppet. This thunder light was like a small lead wire, and the fog condensed in the entire lava world quickly moved towards the red golden shadows gather.

The sudden change made the entire lava demons stunned, and soon they realized that something was wrong. Several lava demons roared and rushed towards the red-gold figure in the void, and they found that the red-gold figure was covered in blood. Surrounded by thunder light, the boundless clouds and mist overhead quickly formed a huge thundercloud.

They never thought that at this time, someone would cross the thunder calamity on the holy lake. They knew very well that once this thunder calamity took shape, the chain reaction would inevitably lock all the strong people in the scene. At that time, almost Everyone has to follow this red-golden figure to cross the catastrophe.

Today is the century-old blood sacrifice, and almost all the masters of the lava demons gathered in the holy lake. Once everyone is forced to overcome the catastrophe, an unimaginable disaster will be formed. The power of thunder catastrophe is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

Therefore, when the lava demons discovered that the red-golden figure wanted to pass the catastrophe on this holy lake, many people were shocked. Fortunately, there were still people who stayed awake and shot with all their strength. Kill him, and the upcoming thunder disaster will also dissipate.Once the calamity clouds gather, even if this lava world has a certain degree of independence, it may not be able to prevent the thunder calamity from coming.

The boiling force under Vulcan Lake was getting stronger and bigger, and the huge bubbles were getting bigger and bigger, and finally when the bubbles burst, they formed vortices one by one.The figures of those lava demons quickly approached the red-golden puppet, and the puppet did not resist too much. When the figures of those lava demons rushed towards it, the huge waves of fire completely submerged the thunder around its body. In an instant, a bright light suddenly spread from the endless fire waves, and a huge impact quickly spread in all directions.

The masters of the lava demons groaned miserably. Under the strong impact, the elites of the lava demons who rushed forward were knocked out at once, and the layers of fire waves were torn into pieces in the huge light. Fragments, the force of the explosion almost completely dispelled the fire waves that enveloped the thunder.The light spread to the surrounding sky like layers of waves, forming a huge storm.

The red-golden puppet exploded in an instant, and the huge shock wave formed by the self-explosion instantly dispersed the lava demon warriors who rushed towards it. A lava demon warrior in the base was immediately torn apart, and the thundering iron fragments spread in all directions with endless thunder. , the power of thunder caused the thunder robbers in the sky to gather faster.

The masters of the lava demon clan breathed a sigh of relief. Even if the thunderclouds gather, they don't have to worry anymore, because the scarlet golden figure of the culprit has disappeared, and no one will survive the catastrophe. Even if the thunderclouds gather, they will dissipate soon .Although the red-golden shadow blew up and killed one lava demon warrior and injured several, they still resolved the crisis satisfactorily.

Before the masters of the lava demons had time to be happy, they realized that something was wrong. Not only did the thundercloud not dissipate because of the self-explosion of the red-golden shadow, but it became even more violent, as if there was a more powerful source of thunder attracting them to the fire. Gathering in the center of the lake.

"It's them..." Suddenly, the lava demon realized something, and shouted, pointing to the many immortal cultivators who seemed to be sealed.

"Boom...boom...boom..." Before the cry of the lava demon fell, the situation on the altar suddenly changed. Berserk breaths soared into the sky, with blood like a dragon. The sky was disturbed, and huge thunderbolts struck down from the sky.Before the lava demon fighters guarding Xianxiu could react, they were blasted out of the altar by the rising Xianxiu, and fell into the Vulcan Lake like glutinous rice balls.

This change stunned the entire lava demon clan. They never expected that those immortal cultivators who were originally sealed in their cultivation would violently hurt people. Those people have returned to their peak state no matter how weak they are. More than a hundred top-level fairy kings swept across the lava demon warriors on the altar in an instant.

What shocked the lava demon fighters the most was that the moment they fell into Vulcan Lake, it was like a candle falling into a raging fire, and their bodies melted instantly like melting wax. The unimaginable high temperature was difficult even for lava demon fighters bear.

The lava in the Vulcan Lake is different from the lava sea outside the Vulcan Island. In the lava sea, the lava demons are like fish in the water, but in this Vulcan Lake, the lava golems are like falling into the oil one by one. Fish in a pot.

Vulcan Lake is their sacred place, and it is also their forbidden place. In this lake, no life can resist the terrifying high temperature, not even the lava demon.

Some people also know that before this blood sacrifice, the lava in the Vulcan Lake was not so terrifyingly high. Although the lava demon cannot survive in it for a long time, it is not fatal to swim in the Vulcan Lake for a short time, because the Vulcan Lake The power of the source of fire is extremely pure, and it is a holy place for practice for the lava demons.

But after the blood sacrifice was started, the terrifying huge bubbles churned up one by one, and even the lava demons who were close to the fire spirit body could hardly survive in it.

"Boom..." Three big hands burning with fierce flames covered the altar in the middle of the lake like a sky.

The three priests finally made their move.After the chief priest finished the eulogy and sacrificial speech, the chief priest was responsible for taking the blood of the devil emperor, and then retreated with the devil emperor to a huge pyramid in the north of Vulcan Island.The three high priests stayed behind to preside over the rest of the blood sacrifice. They were also attracted by the self-detonation of the puppet just now. Unexpectedly, the sacrifices on the altar counterattacked, and the warriors of the lava demon clan on the altar were killed in one blow. Cleaned up and out.

"Broken..." Xuan Kuang, Du Xiuniang and other giants in the fairyland roared and exerted their strength at the same time.

The top immortal kings of the various fairylands had a tacit understanding, and the hundreds of realms quickly superimposed, and the dragon-like power of the hundreds of realms instantly gathered into a torrent and blasted towards the three flaming hands.

"Boom..." With the altar as the center, a huge wave of air stirred up the lava in the Vulcan Lake and spread it rapidly in all directions. The entire floating altar suddenly sank nearly a hundred feet like a large ship being pressed down by a huge force. The erupted lava fountain was under tremendous pressure, and it sprayed out in all directions. For a while, the erupted lava in the center of the lake instantly covered the entire lake.

A beautiful scene of flying fire and waterfalls formed in Huoshen Lake, and the center of the lake was also hit by this terrifying force, forming a huge depression. Countless huge bubbles burst at the same time, and the formed air waves caused the lava in the lake to splash down like stars. To Vulcan Island.

"Ah... ah..." The terrifying high temperature in the lava in the center of Vulcan Lake is also terrifyingly lethal to the low-level lava demons on Vulcan Island.But for the lava demon of the Immortal King rank, it can't cause any harm, after all, it's just a little spark splashed.

Under the huge shock, those three huge flaming hands were blown away by a group of fairy kings. More than 100 terrifying forces merged into a torrent and blasted towards the dome of the lava world. In the thundercloud, dozens of majestic auras instantly resonated with the thundercloud, and huge thunderbolts fell from the sky.

The whole lava world shook violently, and everyone could clearly feel that a kind of boundless thought seemed to break through the endless void and come to this world. The heaven, earth, time and space are unstoppable. Under the control of a piece of mind!

The will of heaven and earth, the harmony of the avenue, will not be an exception because this is an independent time and space. The thunder cloud and those dozens of powerful thoughts are intertwined, and suddenly form a huge whole, as if there is a kind of horror in the dark The strength gathers toward this side sky.

Zhan Wuming looked at the huge thundercloud that quickly condensed on the Vulcan Lake from a distance, and dozens of majestic auras turned out to be dozens of immortal king peak powerhouses simultaneously letting go of their long-suppressed realm, breaking through the immortal realm in an instant. As a result, the avenue harmonized, the heaven and earth resonated, and under the laws of heaven and earth, the power of boundless thunder quickly gathered.

He knew that at this moment, the terrifying thunder calamity would be unstoppable, even if the lava demon emperor and the chief priest made a move at the same time, it would be too late to stop the thunder calamity from coming.

Once the chief priest and the lava demon emperor make a move, they will definitely be captured by the terrifying thoughts in the sky. At that time, I am afraid that the terrifying thunder disaster outside the city of Emperor Gonghua will repeat itself in this underground world. Therefore, the lava demon emperor and the lava demon emperor The smartest thing for the chief priest to do is to escape from this place as quickly as possible, far away from the land of thunder disaster.Otherwise, they will also passively endure the terrifying thunder calamity, and the calamity they will experience is most likely the emperor calamity.

(End of this chapter)

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