Chapter 982 It's all a misunderstanding

The speed of Fudou's running is like a fire unicorn with four hooves on fire, passing thousands of miles in a blink of an eye, and those living beings who have survived the catastrophe in this world are like fireflies glowing under the eyes of a frog, and they are mercilessly slapped by that Fudou. devoured.

Zhan Wuming and the others have no more ideas now, and the only thing they pray for is that Fudou will not find them for the time being. Once they are found, then this magic boat will definitely become the food of Fudou, and none of them will try to escape. You must know who None of the priests of the Xianzun rank could escape Fudou's clutches, and directly became Fudou's food.

Their strongest is nothing more than the Immortal King. If they have no resistance, they will become the rations of the disaster. Of course, the rations are not enough to fill the gaps between the teeth. However, the only thing that makes Zhan Wuming and others rejoice is that , that Fudou seems to be more picky eaters, and his strikers give priority to those creatures who are going through the catastrophe, and devour them together with the thunder of the catastrophe, which is unscrupulous.

The lava world is not very big, and the whole world seems to be more than ten thousand miles away. Zhan Wuming's magic boat passed through the minefield of tens of thousands of miles without any danger, but when they passed through the minefield, the mine The movement of the sea has become much quieter, and those thunderstorms that were scattered at first have been highly concentrated at this moment, chasing after Huo Dou Kuang Chop in that sea area.

The original thousands or even tens of thousands of robbers have been reduced by more than half at this moment, and those scattered robbers seem to be aware of the ensuing crisis, and they all flee in all directions, whether it is lava demons or immortals. Cultivators, as long as they want to flee for their lives, almost no one will stop them, because no one is so foolish as to be passively robbed. Therefore, it can be said that if it were not for the sudden appearance of the gods and beasts, these robbers would be the safest Yes, but when Fu Dou becomes a ruthless predator, everyone can only ask for more blessings.

The first to realize that something was wrong was naturally the three priests, so when Fudou appeared, they fled as quickly as possible, but it was a pity that Fudou was much stronger than they imagined, so, although They fled immediately, but they were still the first to lose one person.

Along the way, Zhan Wuming also saw a few immortal cultivators crossing the catastrophe, but he didn't dare to let those crossing the tribulation get on his magic boat, he just reminded the immortals to escape quickly.

I didn't meet a few immortal cultivators along the way. Those immortal cultivators knew very well that this was an opportunity for them. Once they crossed the catastrophe, there would be a period of weakness, even if they had Zhan Wuming's star. It is impossible for the panacea to be completely harmless, but how many obstacles will it face among the lava demons?Everyone knows what the result will be, so many immortal cultivators fled wildly while crossing the catastrophe. As for whether it will affect the lava demons along the way, they don't bother to care.

The reason why Zhan Wuming lagged behind everyone was because Zhan Wuming wanted to find an opportunity to get the blood of Suzaku, but now it seems that it is just an extravagant hope, and it is completely unfounded, so Zhan Wuming thought of getting the blood of Suzaku. Running for his life, his actions were much slower than others. Of course, those immortal cultivators didn't know that Zhan Wuming was on a certain magic boat, so naturally they wouldn't take the initiative to find Zhan Wuming, and the Lava Demon Clan People didn't expect that there would be a group of immortal cultivators on the magic boat driven by the magic fire, and they were also the chief culprit of this disaster.

The entire Lava Demon Clan is in chaos, and almost all the elites of the Lava Demon Clan gathered around Vulcan Lake today. Therefore, this terrible disaster almost wiped out all the elites of the Lava Demon Clan, except for the chief priest and Except for the lava demon king, most of the elites of the royal family of the lava demon clan were all struggling in the thunder disaster. Although the thunder disaster did not pose a big threat to them, the real threat came from Huo Dou. This divine beast has been hungry and thirsty for many years. You must know that Fudou is a divine beast, but he is not kind, and he is not picky about any food that can replenish energy.

Therefore, almost no one from the lava demons came to ask about the magic boat driven by the magic fire at this moment, and Zhan Wuming didn't have any leisure to fight the autumn wind. The breath seemed to be not too far ahead, so he quickly chased in Xuanfang's direction.

Obviously, the direction Xuanfang chose is also the direction of the exit of Luanhungou. This is the action plan they have agreed on before. Once they have the opportunity, they will immediately take advantage of the chaos to escape from the lava world, and the only exit they know is naturally The direction of Luanhun ditch, so Xuanfang didn't know where Zhan Wuming was, so he could only escape in the direction of Luanhun ditch first, and they saw the opportunity early, and forcibly suppressed their cultivation from the beginning, and did not Inspired by Lei Jie, except for those who crossed the Immortal Emperor's Tribulation, almost all the immortal cultivators in the other major fairylands were already prepared.Lianxi Pill gives them the initiative.

When the magic boat driven by the magic fire flew to the exit of the Lihun ditch, it was already riddled with holes. Although he tried his best to avoid the thunder along the way, he was still hit a lot. Fortunately, the whole journey was smooth. The first choice to be devoured is naturally the robbers with strong aura. As for Zhan Wuming's group of ants whose aura has been suppressed so weakly, Fudou seems to be too lazy to take it to heart, so he didn't directly attack their magic boat.

"Boom..." Zhan Wuming drove the magic boat out of the crack of the Lihun ditch without hesitation, and felt the chaotic power of gods and demons in the battlefield of gods and demons again. After a sigh of relief, he finally escaped from the world of the lava demons.

"Boom..." However, as soon as Zhan Wuming's magic boat rushed out of the crack, it immediately ushered in a violent bombardment, which was very sudden and fierce. The huge impact directly collapsed the last defense of the magic boat...

"Stop!" Yuxizi exclaimed, the magic boat was blown to pieces, and several figures rushed towards them again like phantoms, Yuxizi and others couldn't help being surprised, the figures that rushed forward turned out to be a group of embarrassing immortal cultivators. Can't help shouting violently.

"Yuxizi..." Those figures were stunned, and they all stopped, scattered not far from Yuxizi and the others, because they suddenly discovered that the person who came out of the shattered magic boat was actually Yuxizi And Chi Fengxian and others, they are naturally not very unfamiliar with this group of people, after all, these people are also top figures in their respective fairylands.

"Xuanfang, what's going on here?" Ye Lang saw Xuanfang among the crowd at a glance, and at the exit of the chaotic soul ditch, there were 40 or [-] people, all of whom were elites from various immortal realms. Immortal Kings, but most of them are middle-level Immortal Kings, and there are also a few people in the later stages of Immortal Kings, and everyone looks very embarrassed.

"Junior Brother Wuming, it's you!" Xuan Fang couldn't help being overjoyed when he saw Ye Lang and Zhan Wuming in the group.

"Zhan Wuming, is it really you?" Zhan Wuming Wei must have heard Xuan Chao's voice, and couldn't help being a little bit taken aback, and suddenly understood that this group of people was probably the imprisoned immortals who escaped from the lava world before them The geniuses of the field.

"Fuck, Hong Tianding, do you want to murder, kid?" The Golden Horn Immortal King rolled his eyes strangely, staring at a middle-level Immortal King among the few who made the move just now and roared.

"Boss Jinjiao, this, this is all a misunderstanding..." The Immortal King named Hong Tianding suddenly explained in embarrassment.

"Haha, Jin Jiao, all of this is a misunderstanding. We thought it was the lava demon chasing you when you were driving the airship of the lava demon clan, so we acted first!" A bald and strong man came out and laughed dryly. road.

"Baldy Hu, you destroyed the lava magic boat I captured. This thing is very valuable. You have to pay according to the price. Brother, I risked my life and death to go deep into the lava world to save you. It's better for you to destroy it at the exit." You must pay for my magic boat." The Golden Horn Immortal King saw the bald head and couldn't help but shouted.

"Compensation, I have to pay for this. If it weren't for you, I'm really afraid that I, bald beard, would end up in this shit this time." That bald beard is also a bachelor.

Hearing Xuan Chao's name Zhan Wuming, although they had never seen Zhan Wuming, they knew that the reason why they had a chance to survive this time was entirely because of this boy named Zhan Wuming, if it wasn't for him Let Xuanfang go down to the Hell of Fire to collude with them in advance, and brought the Xixian pill and some pills, this time they really didn't have any chance.

Although Du Xiuniang also thought about breaking through the Immortal Emperor to attract thunder disaster at the beginning, but only when they got to the altar did they realize that they underestimated the power of the Lava Demon Clan. Masters like the officiant and the lava demon emperor have no chance of attracting the thunder robbery. The other party can kill Xuan Kuang and others directly in the cradle when their aura is exposed, and there is no chance of attracting thunder. Come to Jieyun, but today someone attracted the thunder and robbery cloud outside Vulcan Island first, which attracted the attention of most people. Not only that, but directly introduced the robbery cloud to the sky above Vulcan Island, so , as long as Xuan Kuang and others can survive the first blow, they can immediately respond to the Heavenly Tribulation and directly form the Heavenly Tribulation.

If you think about it with your toes, you know that the puppet that blew itself up in the void must be Zhan Wuming and others who cleared the way for them outside the field, giving them a momentary chance to counterattack, but the key to real success lies in When they were escorted out of the Hell of Fire, they originally wanted to completely seal their cultivation bases, but a king of the lava demon clan came, and under the support of this person, their seals were not broken It was completely sealed off and left them with a way out, so they were able to suddenly rise up on the altar, and succeeded in attacking those lava demon warriors, and even teamed up to break through the attacks of the three priests...

Hu Baldzi knew very well that if there was no Zhan Wuming, they would really be the meat on the board, and they would be beheaded like those beasts and become the snacks of the monsters in the Vulcan Lake.

"Jin Jiao, we can still afford to pay for this magic boat, and we will definitely pay!" Another voice came over, and a disheveled head came over carelessly, but his eyes turned to Zhan Wuming surrounded by Xuan Chao and Xuan Fang. , turned around and bowed deeply to Zhan Wuming, and said earnestly: "I think this is Zhan Wuming Zhan brother, the disheveled Tutuo who is in the lower Sumerian, heard from Brother Xuanfang in the fire prison. I owed Brother Zhan my life with my hairless Toutuo, if there is a place for my hairy Toutuo, Brother Zhan just speak up!"

Zhan Wuming was slightly taken aback, this Toutuo turned out to be the cultivation base of the later stage of the Immortal King, he looked very rough, holding a Zen stick, and a wine gourd was hung on the Zen stick, he was not a pretentious person, he couldn't help laughing and said: "It turned out to be Brother Phi Fa Toutuo, so to speak, Wu Ming also coincided with the meeting, presumably in this battlefield of gods and demons, we will have more cooperation opportunities, and there will be many places for Wu Ming to ask for Phi Fa Toutuo !"

"Brother Zhan, you are welcome. If you have any needs, you can just say it. Not only do you have a hairy head, but you also count as a bearded bald man." Hu bald man also interjected. for.But it was this little golden fairy who rescued their group of people from the lava world. Of course, Zhan Wuming's other identity was a fifth-rank immortal alchemist, or an alchemist with a higher rank. But an identity that absolutely cannot be ignored.

(End of this chapter)

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