God of Warcraft

Chapter 99 How is it possible

Chapter 99 How is it possible
Zhan Wuming's sword was pushed out slowly, the slower it went out, the more dignified his face was, as if the tip of the sword was pressing down on a huge mountain, trembling with each step.

All the people around who were about to watch the joke widened their eyes, and the disciples of the Spirit Sword Sect were also dumbfounded. What kind of sword technique is this?Or it can't be called swordsmanship, but a very simple sword style.However, this kind of sword style made people feel a heavy pressure like a mountain. They felt that every inch Zhan Wuming's sword was pushed forward, their hearts would feel a little heavier.At this time, no one felt that Zhan Wuming really didn't know how to use a sword anymore.

The sword king Feng Wuxue's expression also became serious. When Zhan Wuming's sword was pushed out three feet, he felt that the evil spirit permeating the space was all gathered towards the tip of Zhan Wuming's sword. This sword, It looks ordinary and unremarkable, but it blocks every inch of the surrounding space. No matter which direction the sword king Feng Wuxue dodges, it is impossible to get rid of the attack of this sword, because the sword posture is too slow, so slow that you For any dodging action, he has time to divert the direction of attack.

With a blow that wins without a move, Feng Wuxue, the king of swords, finally understands Zhan Wuming's thoughts, no matter whether it is with a sword or a fist, in the end he just wants to force himself to fight him head-on, facing the kind of Zhan Wuming If the sword moves are ingenious and useless, if they don't get out of his attack range, they can only fight recklessly.

Looking at Zhan Wuming's slow sword movement, Feng Wuxue was completely depressed. If he used his sword from any angle, he would be able to attack the opponent one step ahead of Zhan Wuming. There are three moves that can be avoided but not attacked. He can cut off Zhan Wuming's head with a single counterattack.

In a normal battle, Zhan Wuming's bullshit sword style, even if the opponent refuses to fight back, he can only follow others to eat ashes, how could he stab others, but at this moment, Feng Wuxue has no room Let him keep a distance, and he can't counterattack. The only thing he can do is to defend with his sword.

The people watching the battle all understood the meaning of Zhan Wuming, and secretly cursed Zhan Wuming as insidious.This approach of Zhan Wuming is completely letting go of the defense. Anyway, I am only slowly gathering momentum. How long it takes is a move, and I am not afraid of your retaliation. I can prepare for the big move with peace of mind. In such a small circle , Feng Wuxue is still unavoidable.

The fighting spirit between heaven and earth frantically condensed on the sword in Zhan Wuming's hand, the blade trembled, and everyone felt the solemnity of Zhan Wuming's footsteps.

Sword King Feng Wuxue's expression was serious. He knew that once the power of Zhan Wuming's sword erupted, it would inevitably be like a mountain torrent and stormy waves. He didn't dare to be careless, but he was not worried.Zhan Wuming is physical training and is good at strength, but the way of swordsmanship is broad and profound, how can strength be enough, even if Zhan Wuming's attack is as if Mount Tai collapsed, so what, his sword control style is enough to move a thousand catties, especially Zhan Wuming This kind of sword style that can completely capture the trajectory is heavy, but it has no follow-up power.As long as he is prepared, there will be no threat to him at all.

This was a completely different fighting style from the one just now, but it was just as breathless. Nangongcheng's speed was too fast for people to see clearly, it was a kind of extreme speed.At this time, Zhan Wuming's speed was extremely slow, so slow that it reminded people of a walking snail.This kind of slowness is so slow that it is unbearable. It seems that if you slow down a little bit, you will die and collapse.It was an indescribable momentum, so slow that it could stop time and space.It's hard for them to understand how Zhan Wuming came up with such a terrifying move. Although it may be just a single sword move, it has reached another level—extremely slow.

At this moment, many swordsmen had a clear realization that the real swordsmanship is not necessarily the fastest, and the most terrifying sword style does not necessarily have to be complicated tricks, just like the sword of Zhan Wuming, which is plain and indifferent Back to basics, but with an invincible momentum.

The disciples of the Spirit Sword Sect began to worry about Feng Wuxue. Their views on Zhan Wuming have changed a lot. This man is definitely a genius. No one has ever mentioned how amazing Zhan Wuming's swordsmanship is. Some people have seen Zhan Wuming use a sword, and he can display such a terrifying aura by picking up a sword at random.

The body of Sword King Feng Wuxue took a leisurely step forward, quickly reducing the distance between Zhan Wuming and everyone's eyes.Although the sword king's step seems to have shortened the distance between Zhan Wuming and Zhan Wuming, but because of the shortened distance, the power condensed on Zhan Wuming's sword must also be reduced, because there is not enough space for Zhan Wuming to condense With the power of heaven and earth, it is difficult to unleash the strongest and thickest blow.

"I actually felt the power of the thick earth on this sword!" The white-bearded old man in Lingbao Pavilion in the distance had a look of surprise in his eyes, looking solemnly at Zhan Wuming's sword.

Sword King Feng Wuxue took a step, and Zhan Wuming's sword style changed a little. The aura of heaven and earth changed with Feng Wuxue's movement. Attracted, the incomparably dignified sword just now was suddenly as fast as lightning.Slowly and quickly, it seemed to tear the souls of those onlookers who were silent on the Zhanwuming sword. Many people groaned in pain. They seemed to hear the scream of the soul, which was the sound of the sword breaking through the air.

Feng Wuxue was also a little surprised, the movement of his body actually caused Zhan Wuming's sword to accelerate, and the speed was so fast, as if a slowly floating balloon suddenly turned into a heavy meteorite.He had no choice but to draw his sword to meet him.He didn't intend to attack, but just used the momentum of traction to draw away the terrifying power condensed on Zhan Wuming Sword.

Feng Wuxue's sword burst out a wave-like whirlwind, tightly wrapped around Zhan Wuming's sword like threads, and at this moment, an accident appeared.

Zhan Wuming's sword exploded into countless tiny fragments with a "snap" as if it couldn't bear the weight.

Zhan Wuming's sword shattered, and everyone was stunned.Soon everyone realized that the sword in Zhan Wuming's hands was just a low-grade spiritual weapon, and it couldn't carry such a powerful aura at all.Zhan Wuming's sword has been accumulating power for too long, all the fighting spirit is on the sword, and the sword has already reached the critical point.

After Feng Wuxue drew his sword, the soft sword intent against Shangzhan Wuming's low-grade spiritual weapon, which was already at a critical point, was like the last straw that broke the camel's back, and it shattered into pieces at the last moment.

Feng Wuxue didn't expect such a situation. If he stabbed forward with his sword at this time, he could kill Zhan Wuming with one blow, but they had a bet first. Although there was no notary, everyone at the scene I heard it with my own ears, unless he can kill all the people here, once word spreads, the Spirit Sword Sect will not be able to keep him.

What's more, he didn't have to do that at all. After three moves, Zhan Wuming would definitely die.Moreover, at this time, Zhan Wuming's sword has been turned into pieces, and there is no threat to him anymore. The terrifying aura created by Zhan Wuming just now has been invisible. What he has to do is to block these pieces as much as possible, and not Let them hit their vitals.

"Ding ding ding..." Sword King Feng Wuxue's sword is very fast. Although the accident happened so suddenly, he had to forcibly hold back his sword move and change it to protection, but he still smashed countless bean-sized broken swords in an instant. Sweep away, as for those small fragments, they can't harm him at all, at most they just scratch the skin.

Zhan Wuming took a few steps back, looked at the hilt in his hand in surprise, and felt a little frustrated seeing the quick reaction of the sword king Feng Wuxue.

With a smooth flow like a storm, all of Zhan Wuming's broken swords shot into the ground, and the damage to the sword king Feng Wuxue was that he lost a few pieces of skin and a very small bloodstain appeared on his wrist.There were also tiny holes in a green shirt.

The sword exploded too thoroughly, and there were so many fragments that even Feng Wuxue couldn't block them all.

"This is your sword, what a pity!" A trace of contempt flashed in Feng Wuxue's eyes. He had too many chances to kill Zhan Wuming just now, but he held back because he won the bet.

At first, he still felt that Zhan Wuming's sword put pressure on him, but Zhan Wuming's sword didn't give him confidence. If Zhan Wuming didn't choose the low-grade spiritual weapon, he chose the one in Nangong Qing's hand. The ultimate spiritual weapon, then the ending will not be so miserable.

Some people feel sorry for Zhan Wuming, if there is no problem with the sword, maybe the result will be different, but it is a pity that Zhan Wuming pretended too much, and ended up being defeated by a tattered low-grade spiritual weapon.

The disciples of the Beast Sect looked gloomy, depressed over Zhan Wuming's defeat, they hated themselves for not reminding Zhan Wuming to change to a better sword in the first place.

Zhan Wuming looked at the remaining hilt of the sword in his hand, shrugged helplessly and said: "This is not my sword, I picked it up. If it breaks, it will break. There is nothing to regret."

"You still have two moves, I hope you can change to a better sword, otherwise, you will have no chance." Feng Wuxue looked at Zhan Wuming and said jokingly.

"Thank you for your concern, but it seems that I don't need to use the second and third moves anymore." A strange smile flashed in Zhan Wuming's eyes, adding a hint of playfulness.

Sword King Feng Wuxue felt something was wrong. After hearing Zhan Wuming's words, his heart tightened. At this moment, an itchy feeling came from his wrist and chest where he was scratched by the broken sword.When he looked down, his face changed in horror, because countless tiny bugs crawled out of the bloodstain on his wrist, as thin as a needle tip.

"Live poison!" Sword King Feng Wuxue whispered, and before everyone could react, he swung his sword and chopped off his injured arm.

A stream of blood gushed out from the severed arm, Zhan Wuming dodged, not daring to let the blood stain himself.

"You are despicable!" Sword King Feng Wuxue finally understood that everything in front of him was set up by Zhan Wuming, and he shouldn't have made a three-stroke bet with Zhan Wuming in the first place, because Zhan Wuming didn't have any chance at all. Intended to fight him fairly.It's just that he never imagined how Zhan Wuming would have the live poison of the Poison King.Live poison was also smeared on the very ordinary-looking low-grade spiritual weapon.

Zhan Wuming is useless. Nangong Qing's high-grade spiritual weapon was premeditated. He had already calculated the maximum endurance of the low-grade spiritual weapon, and was ready to smash that low-grade spiritual weapon into pieces at any time. Wuming's combat strength is limited to this, and he doesn't even know that he has already fallen into Zhan Wuming's trap!
(End of this chapter)

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