Chapter 996
Zhan Wuming's words immediately made Xuanfang, Yelang and others dumbfounded, not only them, but also the geniuses who received the task in the entire fairy palace also stared at Zhan Wuming in a daze.

Little stars appeared in the eyes of many people, especially some female fairies. This guy in front of him was not only young and rich, but also full of personality. He dared to say what he was playing with the contribution value exchange envoy. He really had character.

At the counter where the task was released in the Immortal Palace, several staff members of the Immortal Emperor's Early Immortal Palace also stared blankly at Zhan Wuming. They had to admire how fierce this guy was. People from the Imperial Clan have very old qualifications in this Immortal Palace. Those who issue tasks seem to have a high status in the eyes of others, but they are also called around by Xuan Tingyu on weekdays, so they dare not complain. Xuan Tingyu was deflated at the hands of a Golden Immortal boy today.

Zhan Wuming's attitude is very bad and arrogant, but what Zhan Wuming said is the truth, he has so many resources, he can exchange them if he wants to, and if he doesn't want to exchange, even Gonghua Immortal Mansion can't force the exchange.Besides, Zhan Wuming's plan is very good. He called some old monsters to collectively shoot. It is estimated that the old monsters of the major families must be very happy. Normally, they are at a disadvantage in the competition with Gonghua Immortal Mansion, because Gonghua Immortal The government has more resources.

The Gonghua Immortal Mansion is usually dominated by the imperial clan, so if Zhan Wuming chooses the auction form, it will inevitably attract a group of old monsters, and even he, the fairy queen, may not have a chance to refuse, and Even if he raises an objection, is it valid?

"What? Is there a problem, Master?" Zhan Wuming shrugged and pointed to the pile of fragmented fairy gold on the counter and asked lightly.

"Boy, I can raise the price for you." Xuan Tingyu said with an ugly face.

Although he felt that Zhan Wuming made him lose face, the number of fairy materials on Zhan Wuming was indeed huge. Even if he only earned a little bit of contribution value, it would be enough for him to earn a lot of money.As a profit-seeking businessman, face can sometimes be let go.

"Well, how much is adding a little?" Zhan Wuming didn't take it seriously, and asked calmly.

"I can buy it at Xuan Kuang's price." Xuan Tingyu took a deep breath, as if he had made a big decision.With Xuan Kuang's price, that is the highest price in Xuanzu Mountain.

"Well, I think you seem to have a lot of grievances, uncle, so I don't dare to change it. This time I changed it at the price of Senior Brother Xuan Kuang. Maybe you will trouble me next time. I don't have that kind of problem." I can bring back so many treasures every time. I think it’s better to forget it. Uncle, don’t be too forceful, this is so troublesome to you!” Zhan Wuming’s words made Xuan Tingyu want to run away, and he found the kid in front of him It's even more hateful than he imagined, but he has nothing to do with the kid in front of him.

Xuan Fang, Ye Lang and the others looked at each other, snickered to themselves, and had no choice but to give Zhan Wuming a thumbs up, even if Zhan Wuming dared to do this, they were really worried that they would be repaired by Xuan Tingyu, and they didn't It's not a good thing to offend the shopkeeper of the contribution value exchange with this courage, but it's not the first day he knows that Zhan Wuming has never acted according to the routine.

Therefore, they are not worried about Zhan Wuming like this, you know, even Xuan Kuang was rescued by Zhan Wuming, so it doesn't matter if Zhan Wuming can get Xuan Kuang's price in exchange for contribution value.

In fact, there is a saying that the exchange of contribution value in this fairy palace is calculated according to the strength of cultivation base, just like the mercenaries in the lower realm, if the bronze mercenaries and gold mercenaries do the same task, they will both be 100% complete. The remuneration required by gold mercenaries is naturally much higher than that of bronze mercenaries.

In the same way, Xuan Kuang can be said to be the first echelon of the entire Xuanzu Mountain to enter the battlefield of gods and demons. His team is the most influential among all the teams, and it also completes the most tasks. It is also one of the most powerful teams, otherwise Gong Hua How could the name of the third son be so easy to come by.Therefore, when Xuan Kuang is exchanged, the contribution value that Xuan Kuang can get is higher for the same material.And Zhan Wuming is just a middle-level Jinxian person, if Xuan Tingyu gave Zhan Wuming Xuan Kuang the treatment all of a sudden, it would indeed be preferential treatment, and I'm afraid it would make other teams jealous.

"Boy, what do you want?" Xuan Tingyu's face became more and more ugly.

"Well, uncle, you are also my uncle, you are more knowledgeable than me, what do you think, can't I listen to you?" Zhan Wuming looked innocent.

Xuan Tingyu's eyes were red, and he really wanted to go up and slap him twice, and then kick him to vent his hatred. If he was not in the fairy palace, he would definitely teach this ignorant boy a lesson. His scalp was numb, but this kid took advantage of it and acted innocently. This is the worst way to beat him up.

The other party has a huge amount of resources, once it flows out of his hands, he really can't tell if he will be blamed by the bosses in Gonghua Immortal Mansion.He could only suppress the anger in his heart. This kid in front of him is really hard to deal with. He is definitely a thorn in the side. A Jinxian middle-level rookie is so thorn in his head. He must find a time to let this kid know what respect is. The old loves the young.

"Don't worry, Uncle Shi is not a person with a small heart, not only this time, but in the future when you come to exchange, he will exchange it for you according to Xuan Kuang's standard, so many people can testify for you, are you still afraid that Uncle Shi will not succeed in lying! "Xuan Tingyu gritted his teeth with hatred.

"I knew Uncle Master was the best, no problem, take half of everything and exchange it for contribution value, and each member of our team gets one share of these contribution values!" Zhan Wuming grinned happily, laughing Seeing no intention, Xuan Fang, Ye Lang and the others felt chills.

Fortunately, Zhan Wuming is on the same team as them, and he is fighting for the welfare of their team, otherwise they would really have to run away as far as they could from an opponent like Zhan Wuming.

Xuan Tingyu was depressed. After talking for a long time, Zhan Wuming only exchanged half of so many things. He felt that he had suffered a big loss, but thinking about it, Zhan Wuming's piles of fairy gold were half , is enough to shock the entire Xuanzu Mountain.

Zhan Wuming quickly poured out the piles of fairy gold, and the weighing is naturally done by the puppet of the strongman. This thing is relatively common in the fairy world, and its function is also very simple. The puppet of the strongman has infinite power, and the most powerful mountain can Can carry it.

There is also a kind of puppet specially used for moving mountains. This kind of puppet is very powerful in building palaces and the like, but its combat effectiveness is very low because it is too bulky.

Zhan Wuming's fairy gold directly let the puppet know the weight as soon as he moved it. Even if it is half, the contribution value in exchange is enough to make the geniuses in the entire fairy palace jealous.Each member of Ye Lang's team got 20 points, and eight people had 160 million points. This is definitely a huge sum of money. This thing is not a fairy stone.

A piece of Immortal King Artifact is only worth 10,000 to 20 contribution points, and a thousand Immortal Emperor Artifacts are worth about 20 to [-]. Even Supreme Immortal Skills have [-]+ contribution points. Of course, the expensive ones are several million Contributions are also available.If you are lucky enough, [-] contribution points can be exchanged for a book of Supreme Immortal Skills. The strongest people in this group are at the Immortal King rank, and it is useless to exchange Supreme Immortal Skills.And these things are only half of Zhan Wuming, that is to say, each of them may still get about [-] resources.

Xuanfang, Yelang and the others were overjoyed, and this time they were really overwhelmed.When these things were in the gods and demons battlefield, they had already divided them once, and they were divided into ten points. When they decided to come and exchange them, everyone gathered the things again and exchanged them together.As Zhan Wuming said, only by gathering more resources can we have greater bargaining chips.

Obviously, Zhan Wuming's strategy was very appropriate. A team like him can't even be counted as a third-rate team, but he came to exchange and enjoyed Xuan Kuang's treatment.They had to admire Zhan Wuming's methods. They knew very well that when Zhan Wuming was divided with everyone in the Gods and Demons Battlefield, each of them took two shares, and Ye Tian and Ye Fangrong shared one share. Zhan Wuming's contribution this time was 40 points, while Ye Tian and Ye Fangrong's brother and sister each got [-] points.

For being able to get one hundred thousand contribution points at a time, the Yetian brothers and sisters were overjoyed. They were very lucky to come back alive this time. After various adventures, the two brothers and sisters almost all recuperated in the magic weapon space. If they didn't participate, they would get [-] contribution points for just one trip, and they could also get a part of the fairy gold, which would further enhance their status in the Ye family.

For Zhan Wuming's extra share, Ye Lang and the others didn't feel jealous at all. Instead, they secretly decided that they must tie Zhan Wuming to their own team. Safety, not for anything else, only for Zhan Wuming's extraordinary spiritual sense, whether it is sensitive to danger or to treasures, it is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

This time their harvest must be the first among all teams, and their casualties are the smallest.Considering that Xuan Kuang's team suffered so many casualties, and Xuan Kuang was forced to be promoted to Immortal Emperor, his team might be disbanded from now on.After this time, I'm afraid that many teams will have to regroup, even Xuan Kuang's team suffered heavy losses, how will the other teams be better off.

Zhan Wuming exchanged his contribution points, and walked out of the Immortal Palace swaggeringly. They are the most eye-catching team in this Immortal Palace, and soon their stories will spread throughout Xuanzu Mountain.

"Can your team still accept people?" Just after walking out of the fairy palace, a voice came over.

"Xuan Gang, Xuan Feng?" Ye Lang frowned slightly. He thought that Xuan Kuang's team might regroup, but he didn't expect it to be so soon. Xuan Gang, the strongest surviving member of Xuan Kuang's team except Xuan Kuang, found him. up.

"You are in the late stage of Immortal King, our team does not recruit captains." Zhan Wuming smiled.

"That's right, I've never been a captain before, and I'm not familiar with what it means to be a captain, so if you recruit players, then accept me." Xuan Gang smiled calmly.

"Well, as you know, our team has a strong sense of honor, and we don't accept half-hearted people." Ye Lang was about to answer happily, when Zhan Wuming spoke first.

"I've thought about it for a long time, so don't do half-hearted things." Xuan Gang said affirmatively.

"In this case, I think you should accept him, Captain." Zhan Wuming immediately smiled at Ye Lang with a wink.

Ye Lang suddenly became dizzy, he didn't know that Xuan Gang didn't join the team because of Ye Lang's face, but because of Zhan Wuming's face, and only Zhan Wuming dared to talk to Xuan Gang like this , Zhao Xuan has so many problems as a younger brother, if other teams see it, they will definitely feel that Zhan Wuming is crazy.

"Senior Brother Xuan Gang, we will be a team from now on." Ye Lang said with a dry laugh.

"The two of us have to be counted." Xuan Feng and Xuan Chao interjected.

"I don't care if there are two more younger brothers, then it's fine for the two of you." Zhan Wuming shrugged and laughed with everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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