Chapter 1000 Save lives! (one more)
"When did you stop listening to beautiful women?"

There is a voice from the sea!
When the people present heard the voice, they all turned to look.

Especially when Feng Xiaoxiao and the others heard this voice, their delicate bodies trembled, because of this voice, how could they not be familiar with it?Then I ignored everything, turned around, and looked back!
And who were the people who were injured in the rescue station who were talking in surprise?

Those pirates were just about to go up to kill, but when they heard the sound, they thought it was Huaxia's army coming, so they hurriedly turned around to look!
Because it was evening, night fell!
On the top of the sail of the pirate ship, a figure was standing, his clothes swaying in the wind.

Because the sky was too dark, it was impossible to see the figure's appearance clearly, only a rough outline could be seen.

When Feng Xiaoxiao and the others saw that figure, tears welled up from their eyes instantly, and their palms were already soaked because they were tightly clenched together.

" it him?" Wu Xiaoyu also stepped forward, her voice trembling.

Even Lu Xingyue pursed her lips tightly at this time.

"I...I'm looking!" Feng Xiaoxiao just felt like, but she didn't dare to confirm it, so she walked forward cautiously, wanting to get closer and see more clearly.

At this time, the former pirate captain also saw Tang Zhong standing on a high place. He thought it was from the Huaxia army, and he was a little scared. On the pirate ship, the pirate captain was furious instantly, raised the scimitar in his hand, and shouted forward: "Boy, get down for me, what are you standing there for!"

The other pirates also became crazy at this moment, holding the scimitar in their hands, and swaggering towards Tang Chongyao!

"Okay!" The black shadow on the top of the sail said with a smile.

In an instant, I saw the black shadow on the top of the sail and suddenly jumped up!
The pirate captain laughed when he saw this scene: "When you come down, I will definitely use the knife in my hand to chop off your head!"

The other pirates cheered after hearing what the captain said.

But they smiled and laughed, only feeling a hot feeling in front of them, and their eyes froze for a second, and their bodies were full of blood!

This scene appeared so fast that no one thought of it at all!

"Blood... where did the blood come from?"

They had no idea where the blood was coming from.

The pirates panicked one by one.

Soon, they screamed even more.

They only saw the pirate captain who was in front of them before, motionless. Suddenly, his head fell off and fell to the ground.


"The captain is dead!"

"How did you die?"

The faces of the pirates were trembling with fright, unable to believe what they saw.

But at this time, the black shadow on the top of the sail came before, and everyone saw his face little by little. It was Tang Zhong, who silently glanced at the pirates present, and said coldly: "Who gave this to you?" You have the courage to come to our Huaxia to play wild!"

When the pirates heard this, they saw the appearance of the person who came, and it was clearly a Chinese.

Immediately they knew what happened, the captain must have been killed by this person, and their legs were already weak from fright!

But at this time, when the Jianghai citizens in the rescue station in the distance saw the person who came, they were very familiar at a glance, as if they had seen him there before.

It didn't take long for someone to recognize it.

"That...that's Brother Back Shadow!"

"it's him!"

Someone reminded, others quickly recognized.

At the same time, Tang Zhong landed from a high altitude!
Standing in front of a large group of pirates, his eyes were indifferent.

Those pirates looked at Tang Zhong, and all of them trembled in fright. The scimitars in their hands fell to the ground with a clatter, and their legs were trembling!

They knew that the person in front of them was definitely not a simple person. They didn't see clearly how their captain died just now, which showed how powerful the other party was!

Plop, plop, all kneeling directly on the ground!
"Let us go!"

Facing Tang Zhong, he begged for mercy.

But Tang Zhong didn't give them the slightest chance of resisting. He raised his hand and slashed forward!
I saw the palm of my hand sweeping forward like a blade.

Those who were still kneeling and begging for mercy now stood still, and soon, from his chest, his body was broken into two halves, and he fell into a pool of blood!
Those who enter China die!

This is Tang Zhong's creed.

But at this moment, Feng Xiaoxiao and the others looked at Tang Zhong's back in front of them. Their eyes were already red, and their fists were tightly clenched. They never thought that it would really be this guy!

At this time, Tang Zhong turned around, just in time to see Feng Xiaoxiao and Wu Xiaoyu, and immediately grinned.

"well done!"

Feng Xiaoxiao and the others faced Tang Zhong, their gazes were already dull, and it took a long time to react, and they hurriedly said: " should be!"

"Now, I will protect you!" Tang Zhong laughed.

"Yeah!" Feng Xiaoxiao and the others felt even more excited when they heard this, and then nodded heavily.

Hearing Tang Zhong's words, their hearts were extremely warm!
Then Tang Zhong looked at the people in the rescue station in the distance, his face was extremely ugly, since he knew his mission, he has connected this world with him, including the human beings in this world!

"Are you all right?" Tang Zhong asked.

Almost all the citizens in Jianghai knew Tang Zhong, and when they heard Tang Zhong's words, they quickly said, "It's all right!"

"Brother Back Shadow, it's okay!"

"It's fine!" Tang Zhong said, "Don't worry, nothing will happen!"

Then Tang Zhong walked to the side of Feng Xiaoxiao and the others, and asked about the situation of the Huaxia disaster.

Feng Xiaoxiao and the others told the truth.

After Tang Zhong listened, his brows were tightly locked: "I know!"

He has to go to the capital now. Since the master of Shidaoyan Dragon Soldier is the one who created this world, and he is the one chosen by that master, then he should inherit the other party's mission as a matter of course.

"It's up to you here!" Tang Zhong said.

"En!" Feng Xiaoxiao and the others nodded heavily.

I saw Tang Zhong walking away in the air, and soon disappeared, walking towards the direction of the capital.

Feng Xiaoxiao, Wu Xiaoyu, Lu Xingyue and the others watched Tang Zhong leave from afar, with unusually fascinated expressions on their faces.

"I used to think that after I saw him, my heart would stop beating, but now, I found out that I was wrong!" Feng Xiaoxiao said first.

"Yes...he is excellent, so excellent!" Wu Xiaoyu also said.

"Sisters, don't think about it, we can't be his wife, let's be his confidant!" Lu Xingyue comforted.

The other two people didn't say anything else. They all knew that a woman occupied a very deep place in that person's heart!

(End of this chapter)

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