Chapter 1002 Has the world really changed? (one more)
Looking from a distance, from all directions, there are berserk animals approaching.

Giraffes, tigers, and rhinoceros and sea lions and other animals have all changed their appearance now, approaching Suzaku and the others.

"Oops!" Suzaku murmured, and immediately squeezed the whip tightly in his hand, for fear that those berserk animals would attack suddenly, and it would be too bad if he was injured.

"What the hell is going on in this world? A large group of cute little animals have ended up like this!" Baihu sighed, and then began to bring knuckles in his hands.

"Be careful, after these animals go berserk, no one knows them at all. Now that something happened at the Beijing Zoo, all the animals in China, and even the whole world, are beginning to show signs of going berserk!" Xuanwu's eyes were deep. road.

When the other two heard this, their faces were slightly ugly.

They have already fought with berserk animals, and they know how powerful these monsters are. If that is the case, it will be really bad.

But at this time, the leading tiger roared out of the surrounding animals, as if a boss was giving an order.

In the next second, the berserk animals all responded, and rushed towards the three of them, as if they were going to devour them!
"Be careful!" Suzaku said hastily.

The giraffe came over first, and it was no longer the herbivore it was before. He opened his mouth and bit towards the three of them.

"Let me do it!" The white tiger yelled wildly, jumped up suddenly, with the knuckles in his hands, and slashed at the giraffe's neck.

But with a bang, when the knuckle fell on the neck, it had no effect at all.

A giraffe's neck is like steel.

The white tiger failed to strike, and landed on the ground again, with deep eyes.

"The strength of these animals seems to be stronger than before!"

"In other words, these animals have been evolving!" Suzaku said with a more gloomy expression.

The number of animals and humans in the world is not equal. If all animals have reached the current level, then what room will humans have!
"However, if you look carefully, there are very few of them. That is to say, animals of the same species can become what they are now, and only those animals with extraordinary talents!" Xuanwu said after carefully looking at them.

When the other two heard this, they suddenly realized that if this was the case, it would be easy to accept.

But the problem now is not this, but how to kill these animals again.

At this time, the raging animals rushed towards them together.

The tiger has completely changed its appearance and rushed over.

The white tiger directly went up to fight with the tiger, his knuckles pierced into the tiger's skin fiercely, but it was like piercing into a steel plate, and he remained unmoved at all.

These animals now also have abilities.

Just like human beings, they can practice martial arts.

This is not a good thing for the whole world!
One blow failed to kill the tiger, and the tiger counterattacked directly at him.

Bai Hu hurriedly blocked it with his arms, and with a coax, Bai Hu was directly and fiercely repelled!
"Are you okay!" Suzaku hurriedly stepped forward and asked.

Baihu waved his hand: "It's okay, I can hold on!"

"Let's go first!"

The three turned and ran.

I saw countless animals rushing towards the three of them.

That kind of aura is like an army of monsters, it can devour everything wherever it goes.

The three of them just glanced at each other, only to escape.

If you continue, you will really die!
Seeing that countless animals were about to pounce, they soared into the air with a speed like lightning.

The faces of the people around turned ugly, and they never expected this scene to happen!
A huge eagle charged over, and its claws grabbed downwards, just in the direction of Suzaku's head.

"Not good!" Bai Hu rushed towards Suzaku.

Throw Suzaku to the ground.

The eagle caught nothing, but didn't catch Tang Zhong.

But who knew, a snake covered in piebald spots devoured the two of them at a speed as fast as lightning.


Suzaku shouted.

After these animals mutated, their speed became much faster than before.

The white tiger happened to be protecting Suzaku, and seemed unable to dodge, but the red-eyed snake bit the white tiger's back.

"Damn it!" Baihu gritted his teeth, did he deserve to die?
He closed his eyes and prepared to die.

Seeing that the snake was about to devour it, at this moment, behind the two of them, a figure appeared in the air, holding an iron sword in his hand, facing the snake three inches away, stabbing down with the sword, stabbing hard into the ground.

"It's okay!"

Baihu thought he was going to die, when he heard the voice, he quickly opened his eyes, and saw the figure in front of him, the man's blood was aroused at once.

"General Tang, you are here!"

Baihu seemed to see a savior.

"Yeah!" It was Tang Zhong who came, and he nodded when he heard Baihu's words: "You spread the order to the distribution of dragon groups all over the country, you must protect the people, and you must not be harmed by these animals. Give it to me!"

"Yes!" Bai Hu and others nodded heavily.

Tang Zhong turned around and looked at the tiger in front of him. He never imagined that these originally kind animals would turn into what they are now. Now this earth is no longer familiar!
For human beings, these animals must die!

The whole person shuttles among the animals.

The red light in his hand flickered, his body flickered suddenly, and he slapped the fierce tiger's head with his palm.

The fierce tiger let out a miserable sound, and its head was knocked out abruptly!
Then he looked at other fierce beasts.

Start killing continuously!
He didn't know why these animals became like this?

Before, the ten Yanlong soldiers said that the stone was there to ensure the balance. Now it seems that it is better to say that the eight stones are suppressing something, or that what the world is encountering now is the original world!
In other words, natural disasters do not appear frequently because they are suppressed.

Animals are originally ferocious, like monsters, but they are suppressed by some kind of force, so they become so docile.

There is also the crust, and the change of the world because of the loss of stones, all of which are the original world!

Such a world is dangerous!

Few survive!
Thinking of this, Tang Zhong clenched his fists. He absolutely can't let this happen. The world has become like this, and he has a very big relationship with him. He still has relatives and friends. How can he, because of him, And suffer so much?Absolutely not!

The world should be guarded by me!
(End of this chapter)

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