Chapter 1106 Golden Armor!

Chances are, this is what he was looking for.

Tang Zhong walked to the entrance of the cave, and a rush of blood rushed to his face.

You can see a lot of broken arms and legs of Warcraft.

It's really strange to say, how come it seems that many monsters died here?
At this moment, the sword in Tang Zhong's hand shone even brighter!

It seemed right, this was the place he was looking for.

"Be careful, the crouching tiger, hidden dragon in the dark universe is full of dangers, don't go in rashly, you know?" Shi Dao Yanlong Binglong said.

Tang nodded emphatically.

"Before, I could feel a turbulent dark aura on that sword, which made the sword rotten. It can be seen that this place must have been a place of killing. It's no small matter!" Ten Dao Yanlong Bing said.

"I will pay attention!" Tang Zhong replied, and then walked into the cave.

In the cave, the humidity was rushing towards the face, and there was still mud under his feet. Fortunately, Tang Zhong stood firm, otherwise he would have stepped on it with one foot, and he might have been swallowed by the swamp before he could enter the cave.

"It's actually Guize, it seems that many people have died here!" Shi Daoyan Longbing exclaimed in shock.

Onizawa, you can tell from the name that it is unusual. What kind of cave is this place?

At this time, a torch appeared in Tang Zhong's hand, and the flame was burning fiercely, illuminating half of the cave.

The ground is full of ghost swamps, and you can only walk along the edge, and from the top, black juice is constantly dripping into the ghost swamp.

Boom boom boom!
Tang Zhong's heartbeat accelerated.

Onizawa gives people a feeling of depression. If that person's concentration is not particularly high, he may be directly suppressed and sealed.

"No wonder there are so many black auras on that sword. It has been placed in such a place for a long time. It is a miracle that the sword can still be used. This place is very strange, and the sword is also very strange. I don't know if this is your chance, or a place to kill you!" Shi Dao Yanlong Bing said.

"Of course it's my chance!" Tang Zhong said with a smile.

"I hope so too!" Shi Daoyan Longbing said.

clap clap clap!
It was the sound of wings flapping, and I saw several bats flying out.

Tang Zhong didn't know how far he had gone.

"It's so deep, in the dark universe of the Milky Way, is there such a magical place? Wait a minute, there seems to be steps ahead!" Ten Dao Yanlong Bing suddenly shouted.

With the help of the torch, Tang Zhong looked down and saw the stairs below, and then he walked down slowly.

Wait a second, and a wider picture appears in front of Tang Zhong's eyes!
"Oh my god!"

In front of him is a passage, very old, with a dim red light shining on both sides.

"This is the light emitted by the flame stone. A flame stone can burn for hundreds of millions of years. Now that the flame stone is so dim, does it mean that this place has existed for hundreds of millions of years?" Shi Daoyan Longbing said in shock.

billions of years?
That was something Tang Zhong never dared to think about.

"Such a long time?" Tang Zhong was shocked.

"Is it long? It's actually very short. You're just a person on Earth. There are some things you can't know. I'm shocked that such a place still exists in the Milky Way? Didn't I say it before, the Milky Way is a It is impossible to have such a small place." Shi Daoyan Longbing wrote lightly.

"Okay!" Tang nodded his head.

After Shi Daoyan Longbing said so, Tang Zhong looked at the front more seriously.


The pores of Tang Zhong's whole body shrank. He felt a killing intent. He raised his head suddenly, and saw a steel plate with steel thorns crashing down.

He took a step back abruptly, and the needle-punched steel plate fell to the ground, causing the ground to vibrate.

If this was hit directly, I am afraid that he would die directly by now.

"It's still such a sophisticated institution?" Ten Dao Yanlong Bing said.

"Old Taoist?" Tang Zhong couldn't understand what this meant!
"Yes, anyway, you don't understand, this place is really strange, you go ahead and have a look!" Ten Dao Yanlong Bing said.

Tang Zhong walked over the steel plate and continued to move forward, taking every step very cautiously.

Whoosh, flying arrows shot out from the surrounding walls, turning into a rain of arrows, and if one was not careful, he would be inserted into a hornet's nest.

Fortunately, Tang Zhong's steps were quick and he dodged all the attacks.

"It's dangerous!" Tang Zhong let out a long sigh of relief.

Suddenly, in front, a sculpture appeared, and that sculpture was an eagle's head!
"The eagle head of the predator!" Shi Daoyan's dragon soldier exclaimed in shock.

"What is a predator?" Tang Zhong had heard this name before, but he never knew what it was.

"The Predator is an organization, and it is named together with Starry Sky University and other organizations. In short, it is very famous, but the Predator should not appear here, which is strange!" said Shi Daoyan Longbing.

"Then why are there predators here?" Tang Zhong asked, he walked to the side of the eagle head sculpture, and then found that there was a dead end ahead.

"There is no way!" Tang Zhong said.

"Split the eagle head sculpture!" Shi Dao Yanlong Bing said.

"Okay!" Tang Zhong took the sword and slashed down with it. With a click, the sculpture broke open.

I saw the huge wall behind the sculpture, and it collapsed directly.

Tang Zhong was almost stunned.

"Sure enough, the thoughts of predators will never change!" Ten Dao Yanlong Bing said: "Go in quickly, as a predator, you should not appear here. If there is no accident, I am afraid that this place belongs to the predators." storehouse!"

"Warehouse? Then there will be treasures?" Tang Zhong's eyes widened.

"How could you find the treasures in the predator's warehouse so easily?" Shi Daoyan Longbing gave Tang Zhong a blank look.

The wall in front collapsed, and the bricks turned into powder from the moment they fell to the ground because of too much time.

Tang Zhong stepped forward.

I saw that there were several boxes of jewelry inside, and the passage in front seemed to be very long.

"This... this seems to be the warehouse of the looters!" Tang Zhong said.

Shi Daoyan Dragon Bing was stunned, never thought that this was the warehouse. When did the looters be so reckless and actually put the treasures here? However, if this is the looter warehouse, then Tang Zhong would be rich .

"Quick... go ahead, I want to see what's inside!"

Tang Zhong walked forward quickly.

I saw that there were many boxes of financial reports and a lot of ore in it.

"Water concentrate, and fire ink... I'm so stupid, there are so many things in this warehouse. Of course, this is a lot, and I'm talking about you now!"

Tang Zhong didn't speak, and continued to walk forward.

On the surrounding walls, there is an ax-like symbol engraved, which is the symbol of the predator.

"I always feel that there seems to be something else here!" Shidao Yanlong Bing said.

"I feel it too!" Tang Zhong said.

Because the long sword in his hand was trembling crazily now, as if he had been summoned by something!
Then he looked in one direction, and now the sword in his hand was trembling because of the front.

Tang Zhong hurried forward, his whole body was like a hurricane.

As soon as he turned around, he arrived in a tall hall, which was extremely mighty.

Tang Zhong had never been in such a hall before, at the very front, it was the kind of high platform in the ancient palace.

And on the high platform, there is a golden armor shining at the moment.

At this time, the sword in Tang Zhong's hand also became quiet, that is to say, it was the armor that attracted him.

(End of this chapter)

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