Chapter 1132 Shocking the audience!

When the female officer called out Tang Zhong's name, it meant that it was time for Tang Zhong to play.

"Okay." Gao An said anxiously, "Why don't I go up and explain the whole truth now."

"No need." Tang Zhong waved his hand.

"But you didn't kill those steel puppets at all. The captains of the steel puppets who appeared later were all there, and there were so many of them." Gao An said.

"Look at me." Tang Zhong said.

Huang Zhongtian smiled at the side, thinking that Gao An was really annoying: "Others say they look at him, but you really talk a lot."

Then he looked at Tang Zhong and said, "Go quickly."

Tang Zhong glanced at Huang Zhongtian: "You really talk too much, idiot."

After speaking, he turned around and left. Tang Zhongtian was trembling all over when he said this. He sneered and said to me, wait, you will be dumb in a moment.
At this time, Tang Zhong was seen walking up to the identification robot, took out the bag in his hand, and stuffed it into the opponent's mouth.

"Go back." The female officer said.

Tang Chong did as he did.

Almost everyone is looking at the stage.

Gao An clenched his fists and stomped back and forth. He didn't know what to do. He was thinking what to do if Tang Zhong couldn't get enough steel puppet hearts. He was going to leave, and he couldn't even pass the second level. The one named Huang Zhongtian was still watching Tang Zhong's jokes, no, he absolutely couldn't let other people laugh at his friend, but how could he stop it, it seemed that there was no way.

Huang Zhongtian was even more contemptuous: "Robot, report the number quickly, what are you waiting for?"

He was thinking, after the robot counts, what face does that Tang Zhong have to stay here.

However, after the identification robot ate the contents of Tang Zhong's bag, he did not speak for a long time.

A large group of people waiting anxiously.

Before, it seemed that I only had to eat for a while to tell how much I had, which is really strange.

Huang Zhongtian who was waiting was getting impatient.

The same goes for the female officer, when did she become so annoying.

At this time, the identification robot seems to have identified the number.

Huang Zhongtian immediately cheered up.

The robot said "86236..."

When the female officer heard this, she immediately said, "Tang Zhong's score is 86236 Iron Puppet."

When Gao An heard this, let alone how happy he was, more than 8 means that Tang Zhong has achieved good results, and it is not bad. It is really great, Tang Zhong will not be kicked out.

Huang Zhongtian's face also became ugly, this is absolutely impossible, didn't Tang Zhong give away all his heart?How could there be?This is impossible.

Even the female officer didn't expect it, but the score of more than 8 is very good. This young man is a good seed.

But what the identification robot said next made everyone's bodies freeze.

"86236 Iron Puppet Captain Heart."

Almost everyone who heard this thought they had heard it wrong.

The female officer was trembling all over, she couldn't believe it was real, she walked to the side of the robot: "You...what did you just say?"

The people present all thought that they had heard it wrong, and it was absolutely impossible that there were so many of them. There must be something wrong with the robot to say such nonsense.

"86236 Captain Iron Puppet Heart." The identification robot repeated.

This time, everyone understood.

Especially the female officer walked to the identification robot, wanting to see if the robot was broken, but found that the machine was normal, that is to say, everything just said was correct!
Really 86236 Iron Puppet Captain Hearts!
The people present couldn't believe it, and asked the people next to them: "How many times have you heard?"

"86236!" The voice of the person next to him trembled, and he asked after finishing speaking, "Did you hear Captain Iron Puppet?"


At this moment, everyone believed that what they heard was true.

Gao An clenched his fists: "It's so cool, haha, Tang Zhong, I'm really worrying about you for nothing!"

Huang Zhongtian's body beside him was trembling: "How is it possible, this is absolutely impossible, there must be something wrong with the robot!"

With so many steel puppet captain hearts, he can guarantee that such a result has never been achieved in the entire history of the Galaxy Guard!
He ran forward, got to the side of the robot, and looked up and down: "There must be something wrong, is the robot broken, otherwise how could it be possible to say such nonsense?"

The female officer was also shocked, there was such a person, who will definitely be the backbone of the Galaxy Guardian Army in the future, this time she picked up a treasure, and when she heard what Huang Zhongtian said, her face changed, although Huang Zhongtian was Huang* Captain Xiang's younger brother, but Tang Zhong is a genius, stronger than a related family!

"Are you doubting me?" the female officer said coldly.

Huang Zhongtian was already in a mess: "I just thought he was fake!"

"Are you doubting the Galaxy God Guard? Since you doubt it, why do you still participate?" the female officer asked.

Relying on his elder brother, Huang Zhongtian didn't take other people seriously at all. He only reacted when he heard what the female officer said.

"No... nothing!" Huang Zhongtian quickly apologized.

"In this case, let's go back!" The female officer didn't want to say anything to Huang Zhongtian.

Huang Zhongtian could only back away, and gave Tang Zhong a hard look.

At this moment Tang Zhong was still extremely indifferent.

I saw that the female officer had already come out of the previous shock, and at the same time reported the situation here to the upper echelons of the Galaxy Guardian, and after sending the message, she called her name again!

Gao An walked to Tang Zhong's side and hugged Tang Zhong vigorously: "You boy, you are really too strong!"

Tang Zhong chuckled: "It's not too bad!"

People around looked at Tang Zhong and Gao An with deep envy.

At the same time, the information sent by the female officer has been spread.

The Galaxy Guardians are divided into outer guards and inner guards.

And the outer guards are divided into five armies of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth!

The female officer passed the news to the captains of the five guards!
"What, in today's assessment, there was a monster who killed more than 8 steel puppet captains!"

"My God, Jin Wei wants this person!"

"We Juwei!"


The captains of the various guards couldn't bear it any longer, and began to run towards the Milky Way God Guard assessment, but they didn't want this person rashly, and everything had to be seen, what if it was cheating? ?
Soon, the first level of assessment on the school field was over, and the 300 people whose names were called by the female officer stayed here.

As for the others, they all left here in mourning, which also meant that they had already been expelled from the game and could no longer become the Guardians of the Galaxy.

The rest of the people have entered the second level.

The female officer reunited three hundred people. After the first level was over, the second level was about to begin.

(End of this chapter)

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