Chapter 1155 Despicable?

"Get ready to act!" Tang Zhong said.

Jiang Shuiyao who was next to her was slightly taken aback: "How should I act?"

"Listen to me, if someone comes, we will only target one person, kill him, and then kill others!" Tang Zhong said.

"...That's hundreds of hell skeleton soldiers!" Jiang Shuiyao said in shock.

"No...only two or three!" Tang Zhong said.

"How do you know the quantity? You don't know the enemy's situation, so you just command at will. You mustn't do it. We have also learned fighting in the Galaxy God Guard. If we face hundreds of people, we will only have to escape!" Jiang Shuiyao said. She thought that Tang Zhong had some good solution, but she didn't expect that it was also a fight, so this fight must not start.

"I said there were only two of them, only two or three!" Tang Zhong said.

Jiang Shuiyao quibbled: "Then what if there are more?"

"Trust me!" Tang Zhong said.

This time Jiang Shuiyao shut up, she decided to believe what Tang Zhong said!

Tang Zhong is fully confident that he can fight against the opponent, because there have been predecessors who have won this kind of battle.

Now just sit back and wait for the rabbit!

At this time, for some reason, fog appeared in the entire rockery, covering the entire mountain, unless the distance is very close to see each other, otherwise, nothing can be seen at all.

In such a bad situation, the heavens are helping Tang Zhong and the others.

At this moment, three cavalrymen slowly walked in, and they really hated the surrounding fog.

"Fuck, what the hell is going on with this fog, it's really annoying!" said one of the cavalrymen.

"Boss told us to grab that guy, we must not let up!"

"Damn it, this recruit of the Galaxy Guardian is really annoying, let him discover these secrets, he is really damned!"

"Let's go, don't complain, kill that person and you can leave this ghost place!"

The conversation of the three people came out slowly.

Tang Zhong and Jiang Shuiyao hid in the dark and heard voices talking.

"Those people are coming!" Jiang Shuiyao said, her hands holding the two knives began to sweat.

"Then now, we can do it!" Tang Zhong said.

"How do you do it?" Jiang Shuiyao said. ,
"Same as before, we proceeded secretly. I kill people, but you kill horses!" Tang Zhong said.

"Okay!" Jiang Shuiyao said, at this moment, her heart was beating wildly.

I only saw Tang Zhong coming out, and the two of them were leaning against the rock wall of the rockery and approaching the front.

Through the fog, one can vaguely see the cavalry coming in front.

Tang Zhong gave Jiang Shuiyao a wink, which meant to do something.

Jiang Shuiyao saw it clearly, and nodded, grasping the two knives, ready to strike.

The three cavalry were still there, unaware that they had entered danger.

"Do you think those two people will be here? I don't think there will be anyone here. If those two people were here, there must have been a movement. I heard the surroundings are quiet, so there must be no one!"

"I think so too. If those two recruits knew we were here, they would have run away in fright. So, absolutely no one!"

There was so much fog that I couldn't see people clearly!

Tang Zhong and Jiang Shuiyao had already circled behind the three of them.

They are ready to shoot the last man.

Then the two approached cautiously.

At this moment, it was Jiang Shuiyao who made the first move. She groped furtively, and with the two knives in her hand, she directly cut the horse's leg. The skeleton horse fell off at once. The last person was already in a very relaxed state. , The sudden appearance startled him. Just as he was about to say something wrong, a sharp pain pierced through his throat. The voice of the cavalry came out. Black blood spewed from his throat, and then he fell down.

Scenes happened too fast.

The other two people didn't notice at all, as long as they didn't think about defense at all.

Jiang Shuiyao's heart was in her throat, now that after seeing them kill one person, the other two didn't react, and the confidence in her heart became even stronger.

"Continue to do it!" Tang Zhong said.

The two continued to move closer and fumbled.

Kill the second person in the same way.

The first cavalryman did not respond at all. After waiting for a long time, he realized that there was no sound coming from behind him. After turning around, he found that his companions had disappeared. Even if the fog was too thick, it was impossible for him to lose sight of people. Could it be that they were killed?
The cavalryman hadn't had time to react, and he only felt that he was unstable, and then his throat was cut by something sharp, and then fell directly on the stone ground, and he didn't rest in peace!

After killing the three of them, Jiang Shuiyao's whole heart was beating wildly. She never thought that there would be such a battle. She finally understood Tang Zhong's thoughts, isolated people and broke through alone, they might be able to You can't kill a group of cavalry, but in the face of a cavalry, as long as you target the opponent's weakness, you can completely break through!
However, it is too despicable for them to do so!
"Isn't it too wretched for us to be like this? Such a sneak attack is not the style of the Galaxy Guardian!" Jiang Shuiyao said.

"This method can keep you alive, and he will not be despicable. No matter what kind of battle it is, the winner will always be the king, and the loser will be the bandit!" Tang Zhong said.

Jiang Shuiyao didn't speak anymore. Now she deeply admires Tang Zhong. You must know that she admired Tang Zhong's ability just now and planned to double cultivate with Tang Zhong, but Tang Zhong rejected her. To be honest, she had such a deep feeling A little uncomfortable, but now the discomfort has disintegrated. This person is simply a genius. With the help of this terrain and the weather, this battle that was impossible to win in the first place was actually hoped for victory.

"Then shall we continue to wait here? If we continue to wait, I can guarantee that we will kill as many as they come!" Jiang Shuiyao said.

"No, transfer to another place!" Tang Zhong said.

"Why? It's not very good here, so we can keep killing people!" Jiang Shuiyao didn't understand!
"If you keep killing people here, it will only arouse their hatred. What I need is to attack this legion, so that they will feel fear, deep fear!" Tang Zhong said.

The more Jiang Shuiyao listened, the more confused she became. There are only winners and losers in a battle. Failure is definitely a lack of strength. So why not be afraid? This is too mysterious, right?
At this time, Tang Zhong turned on the light map and continued to look for where the cavalry was. When he found two red dots in one place, he immediately approached it!
Jiang Shuiyao didn't dare to wait, and immediately followed behind.

(End of this chapter)

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