Chapter 1166 Devouring Blood Crystals!
Tang Zhong, who was standing by the stream, was dumbfounded when he saw his appearance in the water.

In the water, the joints of his body are covered with sharp bone points, but the lines still look very graceful, as if wearing a suit of armor.

He squeezed his fist and made a crackling sound, which shows how powerful it is. This fist can really smash everyone.

Is this the body of the golden dragon?

I thought I would become a dragon at first, but now that I think about it, I really worry too much.

Looking at the dragon's back behind him, it was very windy. He tried to jump into the air, trying to see what it felt like. Who knew that he flew up to a height of more than ten meters in one jump.

Tang Zhong didn't have time to guard against it, and almost fell to the ground. It seems that after summoning the dragon clone, his various body functions began to become stronger.

After standing still, Tang Zhong looked at his hand in surprise. He felt a powerful force, an unprecedented force, and now he might be able to punch a big hole in the ground.

Immediately Tang Zhong punched down.

With a rumbling sound, from the place where he swung his fist, the cracks gradually spread towards the surroundings, click, click, if you look from a high altitude, you can see that the place has collapsed directly.

This power...

Tang Zhong was shocked. He has to say that this body is too strong, and the strength has not been fully realized. When he punched just now, he could feel his organs and blood beating constantly. It was activated, as if a giant dragon was roaring in its body.

And I heard Shidaoyan Dragon Bing said before that the dragon created the earth with the help of the golden dragon body, so it has been staying on the earth for many years, and the power it possesses is very weak. If the golden dragon body can be used If it becomes stronger, it will definitely be a huge killer.

When encountering an enemy who can't beat him, if he uses this ability, who else can be his opponent?
Then Tang Zhong returned to the place before, looking at the blood crystal suspended in the air.

This thing, maybe it can give the dragon clone a little power!

Immediately Tang Zhong reached out and grabbed it in his hand.

The blood crystal was fused together with the blood of countless people, with a powerful devouring power, but at this time, it was discovered that the blood crystal had just flashed red light, and a golden light shone on his dragon claw , In an instant, the light on the blood crystal dimmed, as if it had escaped into nothingness.

The power of the blood crystal was suppressed so quickly.

Shi Daoyan Longbing said to swallow the blood crystal.

Tang Zhong naturally followed suit.

Directly swallow the blood crystal into the mouth.

His current body is a fusion of a dragon's body and a human's body. Although it is not a complete body of a dragon's body, Tang Zhong can clearly feel that many organs in his body are no longer human!
When the blood crystals entered the body, one could feel a hot feeling, as if swallowing a magma stone, but it began to dissipate, and the blood energy swept around.

Tang Zhong immediately sat cross-legged, frantically devouring the power of blood.

This blood crystal is completely a child in front of the giant dragon avatar. Let Tang Zhong swallow it now, and it will be completely swallowed by Tang Zhong in a short while. The blood enters from Tang Zhong's organs and flows crazily in his blood vessels. , The change in the whole person is also abnormally large.

What's more obvious is that the bone spurs all over his body are sharper than before, and the golden scales all over his body are shining with a little blood.

He could clearly feel that he seemed to have evolved more than before.

Standing up and clenching his fists, his strength was only a little stronger than before.

He was shocked again. In his opinion, such a powerful blood crystal was swallowed by the dragon's body before he discovered such a small power. The dragon's body is simply a bottomless pit, but this also represents the strength of this body Strong, and can develop greater abilities.

Now that the blood crystals have been swallowed successfully, Tang Zhong will change his body back and let the Ten Daoyan Dragon Soldiers come out!


I saw that the bone spurs and dragon scales on Tang Zhong's body began to dissipate slowly. This was the beginning of preparing to become a human clone. Finally, the previous Tang Zhong appeared.

He saw a red light flying out from him and turned into ten dragon soldiers. As soon as it appeared, he asked anxiously, "How is it? How do you feel?"

"Extremely cool!" Tang Zhong said, he is still a little weak now, after all, it is the first time, and he is always a little uncomfortable.

"You really exceeded my expectations. I thought you would not succeed. After all, the dragon's body is not healthy. He will fuse with your human body, and the pain it will bring is worse than being in a sea of ​​molten lava. But I didn't expect you to endure it, not bad!" Shidao Yanlong Bing said.

Hearing this, it seems that Shi Dao Yanlong Bing already knew about it.

"Then how do I increase the strength of the dragon's body?" Tang Zhong asked.

"It's very simple, provide something with a breath of life, such as the blood crystal from before... Only in this way can the dragon's body be gradually strengthened..." Ten Dao Yanlong Bing said.

"Then how much did the blood crystal increase the strength of the dragon's body just now?" Tang Zhong asked, that thing is a treasure, and it should be improved almost.

"You are talking about dreams. Compared with the body of the former owner, that kind of blood crystal is too far behind. Let me tell you, a blood crystal can increase the power of the former owner by less than... one-tenth of a trillion. In short, , not even a hair!" Shidao Yanlong Bing said disdainfully.

"This..." Tang Zhong couldn't believe it was true!
It is really unbelievable that such a powerful blood crystal and such a strong blood breath can play such a small role.

"From now on, there are treasures with the breath of life, as well as spiritual fruits, which are all useful. Once you encounter them, you must try your best to get them!" Shidao Yanlongbing said

"No problem!" Tang nodded his head.

The power of the dragon's body, he has already comprehended it just now, this trick is used well, it is definitely a powerful force, and just now he felt that after using the dragon's body, his strength can soar to star level, of course this is just a conservative , Tang Zhong didn't know how powerful the star-level was, but it was stronger than any planet-level he had encountered before.

No matter what, this giant dragon body is his, and being strong is good.

He practiced more proficiently on the spot and summoned the giant dragon clone to appear. After a few times, he became as green as fire, the bone spurs all over his body became more majestic, and the whole person was like a golden dragon possessed.

Soon, he withdrew his ability, looked up at the sky, and it was already dark. If he didn't go back now, it would definitely cause some troubles. After packing up his things, Tang Zhong was ready to go back to the Galaxy Guardian. What should be done now It is to strengthen the body of this giant dragon first, to become stronger, to have a chance to survive in the universe!

(End of this chapter)

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