Chapter 1173 Niu Xiangxiang!
"Tang Zhong, what are you thinking?" Liu Tian asked suddenly.

She changed a skirt and turned around several times in front of Tang Zhong, but this guy was fine, he just stood there in a daze, and didn't answer no matter how he called!
Tang Zhong thought about Wei Wei, but suddenly he was called out and woke up: "No... I didn't think about anything!"

"Tch, I must be missing your childhood sweetheart!" Liu Tian said.

"I...I was thinking about my, it's my wife!" Tang Zhong said.

"Are you married?" Liu Tian looked at Tang Zhong in surprise, in disbelief.

"No, I want to marry her, but she got lost, and I owe her a wedding!" Tang Zhong said indifferently.

He not only owes Wei Wei a wedding, he owes her too much.

"It's so romantic!" Liu Tian looked at Tang Zhong obsessively, and completely turned into a fan girl: "Then where is your wife now?"

"She is... I don't know, I only know that she is in this universe, and her life and death are uncertain!" Tang Zhong said, reaching out to grab the dragon and phoenix jade in front of his neck.

"Oh..." Facing such a story, Liu Tian really didn't know what to say. When she saw Tang Zhong holding the dragon and phoenix jade in her hands, she said, "That should be your token of love!"

"Yes!" Tang Zhong said.

"I hope you can find her as soon as possible!" Liu Tian said, "I think she must be pretty!"

Seeing Tang Zhong like this, Liu Tian felt a little lost. She didn't know why she always felt a little uncomfortable, but she couldn't tell where the discomfort was. Before, she didn't like to practice with men at all, but since this guy After appearing, she always wanted to sneak over to find the other party, and she felt that she was very strange.

"It's very beautiful... well, let's not talk about this, let's go shopping!" Tang Zhong smiled, and put the dragon and phoenix jade on his chest, tightly against his flesh.

"Okay!" Liu Tian said very displeased.

At this time, Tang Zhong found that there were many places selling women's clothing on the shopping guide list, and the clothes in those places were very beautiful, so he immediately asked, "Why don't you go and have a look!"

Liu Tian also saw the shopping guide and said, "Those places are a bit expensive, and I don't know how much the things in Lingbao Pavilion cost, so I'll buy clothes that are cheaper!"

"Is it expensive?" Tang Zhong asked.

"It's very expensive, there are a lot of blue crystal coins!" Liu Tian said.

"Oh, nothing!" Tang Zhong said.

He still has tens of thousands of Star Wind Coins, and he has nowhere to spend them, and one Star Wind Coin can be exchanged for many blue crystal coins!

"Haha, do you have that much money, pretend to be rich here with me?" Liu Tian laughed!
"I have money!" Tang Zhong said.

But Liu Tian didn't believe it, and said: "Let's go, shopping is out for entertainment, and I'm tired of staying in the Galaxy Guardian for a long time, so I can go back if I buy something similar!"

Tang Zhong didn't say anything either.

On the contrary, at this time, a strange voice came from behind Liu Tian: "Yo, isn't this Liu Tianliu's senior beauty?"

Tang Zhong and Liu Tian were just about to leave when they heard a voice. Looking back, they saw a lady who looked like she was in her 30s, wearing a long red dress, and her makeup looked like Like a ghost, beside him, stood a bald man with skin like a chameleon!

It was the woman named Liu Tian just now. Tang Zhong looked at Liu Tian and asked, "Do you know her?"

"We know each other. She was in the same class as me when I was in high school. She didn't get into college, and I joined the Galaxy Guard, so we didn't have any interaction. Don't worry about him, let's go!" Liu Tian said.

"Oh!" Tang nodded, then turned and left.

The lady was obviously unhappy. Seeing Tang Zhong at this moment, she said, "President Liu, is this your boyfriend? I think so, otherwise you wouldn't be able to go shopping with him, but your boyfriend How frustrating, why are you outside and still wearing such rotten clothes?"

Tang Zhong was wearing Tuwei's casual clothes, and Tang Zhong didn't feel anything.

Liu Tian's fiery temper immediately became unhappy: "Niu Xiangxiang, what are you talking about?"

In fact, after hearing the lady's words, Liu Tian's face turned red, she is not Tang Zhong's girlfriend, but Liu Tian couldn't stand this woman talking about Tang Zhong.

Niu Xiangxiang...

After hearing the name Niu Xiangxiang, the bald man next to him asked the lady next to him, his face changed slightly: "Who is Niu Xiangxiang calling?"

The lady hurriedly apologized with a smile: "No... I didn't say who it is!"

The lady's face turned ugly, and she turned to Liu Tian: "You...what are you talking about? Don't spit blood."

Liu Tian smiled and stopped talking. As for Niu Xiangxiang, she didn't want to say anything, so she turned around and prepared to take Tang Zhong away.

Who knew that when Niu Xiangxiang saw Tang Zhongzhong leaving, she immediately dragged the bald, blue-skinned man next to her, and said, "Godfather, buy me the clothes above, I like those the most, unlike some people who don't even look like those clothes." Don't dare to look!"

The bald, blue-skinned man burst out laughing.

"Okay, no problem!"

"Don't worry about her!" Liu Tian comforted Tang Zhong, but she was reluctant to part with those clothes upstairs.

Tang Zhong can see all these things in his eyes, that woman doesn't like beauty, and Liu Tian wants to go to Lingbao Pavilion to buy things for herself, so she doesn't spend money randomly now, Tang Zhong felt a little uncomfortable, and immediately waved his hand and said: "No !"

Niu Xiangxiang dragged the bald blue-skinned man to leave, but found that Liu Tian and Tang Zhong hadn't left yet, so she taunted, "Poor ghost, what are you doing here? This is not the place you should come to!"

Finally looking at Tang Zhong, Niu Xiangxiang said specially: "You, if you don't have as much money as my godfather, don't come here, it's too embarrassing!"

How much money?

Tang Zhong laughed.

"Why, you're not convinced?" Niu Xiangxiang turned her head and glared at Tang Zhong: "I tell you, my godfather might not even blink an eye when he buys a hundred pieces of clothing here. Do you understand? Are you scared?"

Tang Zhong laughed: "I really don't want to talk too much to a person who has undergone plastic surgery, such as a person who cut off his own horns, as a member of the barbaric cattle tribe, as a very fleshy nation, in order to make yourself change Good-looking, all kinds of plastic surgery, for example, you forcibly shrink your nose, pull your wide chin, and your eyes, I don’t know how many stitches were stitched, and more importantly, your breath, which can suffocate people, I don’t know. I understand, how did you change... Do you really think that you, a bull, can turn around and become a phoenix?"

As for the bull tribe, Tang Zhong didn't know, these words were said to him by Shi Dao Yanlong Bing, and he just followed them!

On the contrary, Liu Tian next to her was stunned for a moment. She knew that Niu Xiangxiang belonged to the barbarian tribe. How did Tang Zhong know?

(End of this chapter)

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