Chapter 1175 Lingbao Pavilion!
"I won't give it to you if I tear it up!" I saw the fragment of the star wind coin flying up into the sky and landed on Niu Xiangxiang's body.

Niu Xiangxiang was dumbfounded, she didn't expect that this poor man could actually get Xingfeng Coins, what kind of person is this guy?
After Tang Zhong tore the Xingfeng coins, he dragged Liu Tian, ​​who was already dumbfounded, upstairs.

At this time, Liu Tian finally came to her senses and looked at Tang Zhong: "You... Where did you get the Star Wind Coin from?"

Naturally, it was impossible for Tang Zhong to let Liu Tian know something, so he immediately smiled and said, "You really want to know?"

"Of course!" Liu Tian said, to be honest, she was really stunned just now!
"Then get closer, I'll tell you!" Tang Zhong said.

"Okay!" Liu Tian pricked up her ears.

Tang Zhong leaned next to her ear, and said: "Those banknotes are all fake, I'm using them as a pretense!"

The hot air coming from Tang Zhong's mouth made Liu Tian's ears itch, and her face turned red all of a sudden, but when she heard Tang Zhong's words, she suddenly realized: "Just now I really believed that you have Star Wind Coins!"

Tang Zhong said triumphantly: "Of course, after all, the acting skills are great!"

"Then you still don't have any money, why did you bring me here?" Liu Tian glanced at the women's clothing in front of her: "I know you want to annoy Niu Xiangxiang, but now she sees us, let's go first!"

"No need!" Tang Zhong waved his hand: "If you like that, I can buy that!"

"Really?" Liu Tian smiled and said, "Okay, let's save the money for my own cultivation. Don't you have any points for your cultivation now? Let's see when you can upgrade your cultivation to the planetary level. It will be a few days until the trial of Mie Mang Pond, if you still have this level of cultivation, there is no way to participate in it!"

"The Trial of Mie Mang Pond, what is that?" Tang Zhong was taken aback, he had never heard of this.

"That's the trial of the outer guard. Every month, all the outer guard soldiers will be called together for a trial. After all, the galaxy guard is used to protect the peace of the galaxy and resist foreign enemies, but because of these light-year , the universe is very peaceful, so the Galaxy Guardians cannot fight, but the high-level executives know that only through fighting can the team's strength be maintained, so these trials have been carried out. This month, it happened to be to kill Mangtan, and my father said, It is very likely that some geniuses from the inner guards will come to give advice, so this time, you must participate in the trial of Miemangtan no matter what!" Liu Tian said.

"So that's it!" Tang nodded his head to express his understanding.

At this time, he suddenly remembered the Leiden he had killed, as if it belonged to the Black Dragon family, and that Leiden often kept saying that his brother was in the Galaxy God Guard, so he first explored the strength of the Black Dragon family.

"By the way, do you know the Black Dragon Family?" Tang Zhong asked.

"Of course I know, Lei Mie is one of the four major families of the inner guard, but the chief of our Galaxy God Guard is too cold and looks down on other people, but his strength is really powerful!" Liu Tian said.

Lei Mie is probably Lei Mie's elder brother, and Tang Zhong felt a sense of awe from Liu Tian just now, this Lei Mie may not be easy, from Lei Mie's tone before, it seems that he has a very good relationship with his brother Lei Mie, in case Lei Mie Knowing that he killed Leiden, he should go berserk.

Tang Zhong was very worried at first, but he soon relaxed. Now that he is a member of Saturn, and also the lord of the solar system, with the protection of the Galaxy Territory Bureau, even if Lei Mie knew that his younger brother was killed by Tang Zhong, Nothing will happen, and he also has evidence of thunder and lightning invading China, the big deal is that he will not have any contact with this Lei Mie, it's as simple as that.

"By the way, why are you asking this?" Liu Tian looked at Tang Zhong in surprise.

Tang Zhong quickly smiled and said: "No... nothing, I just heard the name of this family, and then I was a little curious, so I asked!"

"Oh, that's good!" Liu Tian said: "You must not offend the people of the Black Dragon family. People in their family are all arrogant and arrogant, and they are not easy to provoke. It is estimated that the Lingbao Pavilion will start soon. Come with me!"

Tang Zhong nodded, he is rich, but Liu Tian doesn't need it, so forget it, thinking of the Black Dragon Family, Tang Zhong is still a little jealous, he doesn't care, he is afraid that the earth will be hurt because of this matter!

The two of them left the shopping mall and got on Liu Tian's flying car.

Along the way, the two of them talked about the world. Originally, it was Liu Tian who appreciated Tang Zhong, but now they are like friends who haven't seen each other for many years, and they are becoming more and more familiar.

On the way, Liu Tian was afraid that Tang Zhong would not understand the rules of Lingbao Pavilion, so she introduced Tang Zhong seriously.

"In a while, when you arrive at the Lingbao Pavilion, just listen to me, buy the right one, and don't waste your money. There are many scammers in this Lingbao Pavilion, and it's useless to boast about how effective your products are!"

"Also, if you participate in an auction, don't bid with others. In Lingbao Pavilion, the power distribution is very chaotic, so don't offend anyone!"


Hearing Liu Tian's words, Tang Zhong smiled slightly. Although it was tedious, he genuinely cared: "Thank you!"

Liu Tian was stunned and said: "Thank you, I should do everything, who made me your senior sister!"

After a while, we arrived at the gate of Lingbao Pavilion.

After hearing the car in the parking lot, the two walked into Lingbao Pavilion.

As the largest business center in this region of the Milky Way, it looks dazzling!
It's full of people and stalls, some are bargaining, and some are making deals!
Cosmic people have all kinds of strange things, and every race has them!

"The things in this place are still very good!" The voice of Shidaoyan Longbing came out.

"Use your dog nose and help me find something of value!" Tang Zhong said.

"Dog nose... I am the dragon's spine, the spine of a dragon, not a dog!" Shi Daoyan's dragon soldier directly argued.

"Look for something, I need everything that can improve the dragon avatar!" Tang Zhong said.

"Okay, okay!" Ten Daoyan Longbing reluctantly went out.

Liu Tian on the side took Tang Zhong's hand, passed through the crowd, and headed towards a certain place.

This place is full of stalls, and all of them are filled with spiritual herbs and medicinal fruits.

"See, this is a good place. Lingbao Pavilion sells too many kinds of things. This is where we practitioners should come. Come on, senior sister, I'll help you choose the right thing for you!" Liu Tian Said like a big sister.

"Okay, thank you, Senior Sister!" Tang Zhong smiled and did not reveal it.

Anyway, Shi Dao Yanlong soldiers help him find it, so he is not in a hurry.

But at this time, the voice of Shidaoyan Dragon Soldier rang out: "There is no such thing as a dragon clone, but I found something that your human body can use!"

(End of this chapter)

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