Chapter 1185 The assessment begins!
And at this moment, Tang Zhong and Gao An hurried in.

It immediately attracted everyone's attention, and immediately, everyone was stunned.

Because Tang Zhong was still wearing the clothes he had in the closed room before, and because of the fight before, he looked very messy now, and he seemed out of place with the other people here!

After the soldiers in the square saw the two of them, they stopped Tang Zhong directly: "This is the trial site of Miemangtan, you guys get out of here quickly!"

"We are here to participate in the trial!" Gao An said first.

"Nonsense, there are people like you who just participated, stop messing around, and get out of here quickly!" the guard said.

At this time, Liu Tiansheng saw Tang Zhong and quickly stopped the guards: "He is here to participate in the trial, let him in quickly!"

The guard was stunned, unbelievable, and looked Tang Zhong up and down, thinking that such a person actually came to participate in the trial, it was really too weird, now that the commander spoke, he quickly let him go.

"I won't follow you there, this is the territory of your regular soldiers!" Gao An said.

"En!" Tang nodded, and then walked forward alone.

Other people in the square also saw Tang Zhong at this time.

"Come here, this way!" Liu Tian stood in the crowd and waved to Tang Zhong!
Tang nodded emphatically, preparing to return to the team.

Who knows, at this moment, the commander of the Golden Guard on the stage shouted coldly: "Here you come? Do you want to directly enter the team?"

Hearing this, Tang Zhong stopped for a few steps, looked at Commander Jin Wei, and said respectfully: "Because of something on the road, I was delayed. I apologize to everyone for what happened today!"

After all, I came late, and I knew before that the Tuwei did not get along with the other guards, so as not to cause trouble to Commander Liu, I might as well apologize first!

As soon as this remark came out, the commander of the Golden Guard had nothing to say. He thought he could use this to mock Tu Wei, but Tang Zhong's actions made him have nothing to say. After all, he is the elder and the other party is the junior. Said: "Since you know that you are wrong, then join the team!"

Tang Zhong didn't speak any more, turned around and walked into the team.

Liu Tian was very worried about Tang Zhong just now, now seeing that Tang Zhong is fine, she quickly took out the battle armor prepared for Tang Zhong at the beginning: "Put this on quickly!"

"Thank you, Sister!"

Looking at such intimate gestures, Xiang Nan clenched his fists tightly.

Tang Zhong was passing on the battle armor, he turned his head and glanced at Xiang Nan.

Xiang Nan glared at Tang Zhong, it was a kind of challenge, which means you wait for me.

Tang Zhong grinned, meaning it's okay.

Xiang Nan was trembling with anger like this, thinking that you will wait for me, and I will let you die when you get to Mie Mang Pond!
Then he turned his head and glanced at Huang Xiang to the south, it was eye contact with Huang Xiang.

Huang Xiang is also paying attention to Tang Zhong, the hatred that day, this time he will not let it go.

On the contrary, Jiang Shuiyao looked at Tang Zhong with a smile.

Metal, wood, water, fire, earth and five guards, fire guards and earth guards are close together, and Tang Zhong and Jiang Shuiyao happen to be adjacent.

"Hey, Tang Zhong!" Jiang Shuiyao shouted with a smile.

Tang Zhong heard someone calling him, turned around and saw Jiang Shuiyao, immediately smiled and said, "Why are you here?"

"Just come for you, why don't you let me come?" Jiang Shuiyao gave Tang Zhong a white look.

At this time, almost all the male soldiers in the crowd were looking at Tang Zhong, guessing where this guy came from. Just now, Liu Tian of Tuwei was so kind to that guy. Talking easily, especially the people from Huowei are the most jealous. Jiang Shuiyao is the cold beauty of their Huowei. Usually they don't even have a chance to talk, but now a person from Tuwei is chatting with Jiang Shuiyao so happily. What's more important is that Jiang Shuiyao took the initiative to chat with the other party, all of a sudden Tang Zhong once again became the public enemy of men!
What is the origin of this guy?
"Silence, silence!" At this time, on the stage, the commander of Jin Wei shouted, his name is Jin Luotian!

All of a sudden the audience fell silent.

It should be announcing the rules of the Miemangtan Trial!
I saw that Jin Luotian first read the rules according to the script, and then put down the notebook in his hand.

"Did you all understand the rules just now?" Jin Luotian shouted.

"Understood!" The audience shouted loudly.

"Very good, then I will talk about some precautions now!" Jin Luotian said.

All ears are listening.

"Everyone, what is the purpose of entering the Galaxy God Guard?" Jin Luotian roared.

"Defend the family and the country, for the peace of the Milky Way!" Everyone responded.

"Very good, and defending the country depends on continuous improvement in strength. I want everyone to pay attention to this trial of killing the python pool, because there are orders from above that someone in the inner guard will pay attention to this time. Trial, outer guard soldiers, if you don't want to enter the inner guard, what is the difference with Xianyu? So I hope you will perform well!"

As soon as these words came out, almost the whole audience erupted.

The purpose of being a soldier in the Galaxy God Guard is to be strong. If one day, you can enter the inner guard, or become the leader of the Galaxy God Guard, it will definitely be a matter of glory!

A person's blood boiled and he clenched his fists.

"Okay, that's all I have to say. This time, the location of the trial of Miemangtan is in an area occupied by our Galaxy God Guard. There, various trials have been going on all the time. The terrain Dangerous, you all be careful, of course, the snake you are going to kill this time was caught by us from the dark universe, so you must be careful, if there is any accident, you must inform in advance, understand?"

"This time the assessment is based on the assessment between teams. The five guards are divided into five teams. You will be divided into five places. In the middle of the water pool, there is a magic python. The team that kills it first, and the team that kills it first. The first team is the winner. Now we can start. If there is no accident, the spaceship will come. However, remember, you must be careful. The magic python was captured from the dark universe. Those of you who are not strong enough will definitely Die, don't act alone."

On the square, all the soldiers are ready.

Everyone's eyes were bright, and they no longer took what Jin Luotian said seriously.

They all hope that they can be recognized by the inner guard instructor!

It was soon seen that five spaceships flew out from the sky.

The soldiers who participated in this trial boarded the spaceship one after another.

After everyone boarded the spaceship, the spaceship started and headed towards the location of this assessment.

In the spaceship, everyone is nervous, only Tang Zhong is indifferent, he is the one who slaughtered all the monsters in the dark universe, so naturally he will not be afraid!
He turned his head and glanced at Xiang Nan, who was smiling at him. Not surprisingly, someone will definitely deal with him in this trial!

(End of this chapter)

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