Chapter 1187 Each has a ghost!

Tuwei walked all the way, but didn't see a monster at all!
If it has been like this, there will be no results in this trial at all!

Liu Tian waved her hand to make everyone stop and gather together, as if they were in a meeting.

"This is very wrong! Take out the monster detectors and come out to see if there are any monsters around!" Liu Tian said.

I saw one of Saturn's people, took out an instrument, and started scanning the surroundings.

On the screen, there are five blue dots, which represent the five of them.

Suddenly, they saw a scene that surprised them.

There are red dots on the screen, all of which represent monsters, but the location of these monsters is really weird, there is nothing around the blue dots, it is extremely empty, outside a circular area, there are densely packed red dots .

In other words, these monsters avoided them on purpose!
"This...isn't this strange!" The skin on the face of the man holding the monster detector was twitching!

Liu Tian snatched the scouting instrument to take a look, and was shocked too!
The Trial of Extinguishing Mangtan is to kill monsters, how can it be done without seeing a monster, but why do these monsters seem to be afraid of them?
Immediately put away the monster detection device, and ordered: "Follow me, the area where these monsters stand is very strange, if they don't come to us, then we will go find them!"


Then a large group of people approached the red dot, and those were all monsters.

But a strange thing happened again. When they found out where they were, the red dots on the Warcraft scouting instrument spread out. Anyway, it was a little far away from them, as if it was a safe distance!
Five people are speechless!
"What's going on here?" Liu Tian had never seen such a weird thing.

Tang Zhong knew that if these monsters were captured from the dark universe, they would definitely not dare to approach him. After the last wave of beasts in the dark universe, the powerful monsters in the dark universe that he killed all ran away when they saw him. , so it is normal for these monsters not to dare to approach.

If he had been with this team all this time, then this team would never encounter a monster. He had to leave, and immediately said: "Or, let's split up!"

"It is absolutely impossible to act separately. Those monsters are nearby, and they are easy to be killed if they act separately. This is a real monster!" Liu Tian immediately refused.

"But... there are no monsters around here!" Tang Zhong said.

He has to go, otherwise, Warcraft won't come, and he happened to settle some personal matters!
Liu Tian had nothing to say when she heard Tang Zhong's words, it was true, separation might be a way.

"But you can't do it alone!" Liu Tian said.

Xiang Nan next to him was very nervous. If he really acted separately, if he wasn't with Tang Zhong, he couldn't deal with him. He had to be with Tang Zhong.

However, before Xiang Nan could speak, Tang Zhong spoke.

"I didn't say to act alone, so how about it, I will go with Xiang Nan, and you will go with the other two!"

Hearing this, Xiang Nan was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at Tang Zhong, unbelievable that this guy could talk like that?However, he was very satisfied with the result, and immediately said: "Yes, I agree with Tang Zhong's opinion, I am experienced in the regular soldiers, and although Tang Zhong said he just joined the regular soldiers, he is very powerful. It's absolutely no problem to partner together, and Liu Tian is the captain of the Earth Guard, so it's no problem to take the two of them together!"

How could Liu Tian know that Xiang Nan and Tang Zhong were at odds, but this request was made by Tang Zhong, she didn't know how to say it, and acting separately was the way.


But Liu Tian was really afraid that Xiang Nan would attack Tang Zhong, so she kept reminding Tang Zhong from the side: "I heard that you two had disputes before, but this time I am a group activity, I don't want you to start any disputes again! "

"Don't worry, it won't happen!" Xiang Nan laughed.

Now he was eager to let Tang Zhong follow him, and immediately put his arms around Tang Zhong: "Don't worry, the last time Brother Tang hit me, it must have been unintentional!"

Unintentional move!

Xiang Nan's reasoning was really ridiculous, he didn't believe it himself!

Tang Zhong also smiled and said: "It's true, it was just an unintentional move!"

Liu Tian is not a fool, she can only do this now, the strength of the other two people is not particularly strong, there will be no problems if she leads them, and immediately said: "Then don't live here, let's go to other places , you must be careful!"

"it is good!"

Xiang Nan quickly responded, turned to look at Tang Zhong, and said, "Brother Tang, come with me, we will have no problem working together!"

How could it be possible that Tang Zhong didn't know what kind of medicine this Xiangnan Gourd was selling, so he immediately grinned and said, "Yes!"

Two people are going hand in hand!

Don't mention how happy Xiang Nan was. After fighting Tang Zhong last time, he found that this guy's strength was not simple, so he didn't plan to fight alone, but cooperated with Huang Xiang.

Walking behind stealthily, he took out a communication device and wrote two words: "Success!"

This is to tell Huang Xiang that he has succeeded.

Huang Xiang, who was fighting among a group of monsters, suddenly saw the message on the communication device, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and quickly wrote a sentence.

"All according to the original plan, don't expose yourself!"

Then he laughed grimly: "Tang Zhong, Tang Zhong, this time I want to see how you died!"

Their plan is very simple, bring Tang Zhong to Huang Xiang's side, and then kill Tang Zhong together!
After Xiang Nan saw the message on the communication device, he smiled darkly, turned his head to look at Tang Zhong, and found that Tang Zhong was not looking at him, it seems that he was not found, so just follow the plan!
What he didn't know was that Tang Zhong had already seen everything they did.

He also wanted to use this trial to get rid of these two people, so why not pretend to be tricked!

Along the way, the two of them still didn't see any monsters.

Xiang Nan is really strange, he had participated in the trial of the python-killing pool before, but he remembered that when he came in, he could see monsters rushing towards them, ready to eat them, this time is too abnormal, but it's okay , just to try out his own plan, let's lure Tang Zhong over first.

"Brother Tang, there are no magical beasts here, why don't we go over there and have a look!" Xiang Nan pointed to the direction in the distance, Huang Xiang was there.

He was afraid that Tang Zhong would see through, so he didn't specify the exact square.

Tang Zhong didn't think about it, and said directly: "Yes, maybe where the monster is, it happened to be there in the past!"

(End of this chapter)

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