Chapter 1191 Save People!
The demonic beast that Tang Zhong saw now was extremely ferocious, grinning its teeth, its pupils were scarlet, and a large group of demonic wolves surrounded Tang Zhong, ready to attack Tang Zhong.

They didn't dare to do it before, but now they dare, it seems that these demon wolves have lost their reason.

Ordinary monsters are sane, but now these magic wolves only see madness in their eyes!

what is the problem?

At this time, bang!
The demon wolf swallowed directly towards Tang Zhong!

There are demon wolves in all directions.

Tang Zhong stood on the spot, took out the Predator's Battle Sword in his hand, and swept it out, cutting directly through the wolf's head.

The demon wolves screamed miserably, were cut by the blade, fell to the ground, and turned into corpses directly!

Tang Zhong didn't even look at it, and continued to move forward. The power of these demon wolves was stronger than before. Liu Tian and the others might be in danger!

Sure enough, in a valley.

Liu Tian and other guard soldiers are fighting hard.

Look at the demon wolves on the ground around!

Liu Tian frowned: "Be careful, these demon wolves look different from ordinary demon wolves!"

They had already fought several monsters before, and found that the power of the monsters was a bit strong, which was completely different from what they had encountered before.

So now being besieged by many demon wolves together, Liu Tian gave a warning.

The demon wolf gradually approached, then started to make a move, and rushed out violently!

Tethys immediately began to resist.

However, the enemy is outnumbered, and after just a few moves, they feel that it is difficult!
And one of them, even though his arm was protected by a battle armor, was still bitten by a demon wolf with a scar, his muscles and bones were bitten off, and he seemed to be unable to move now.

"Let's go first, we are not their opponents!" Liu Tian ordered quickly.

Then leave as soon as possible!

The other two people supported the other one by the arm!
The magic wolf saw them leave and ran after them!

"Damn, what's going on?" Liu Tian felt strange.

However, they couldn't call for support at all during the Python Extinguishing Pond Trial, and they had to deal with everything by themselves, so the monsters they had prepared were definitely something they could barely deal with, but now these monsters were so fierce that they couldn't resist.

Could it be that they will all die here?



Liu Tian gritted her teeth.

Looking back at the monsters, there are almost 30 of them!

If they walk together, it is absolutely impossible for anyone to survive.

Liu Tian made a decision and gave an order to the two people next to her: "You two, go away from me and go in that direction!"

The two were taken aback for a moment, they were supporting each other, but they were loyal to Tu Wei: "No, absolutely not!"

"If you can't do it, you have to do it!" Liu Tian said, "I now order you to go there in the name of the captain of this trial, the sooner the better!"

The soldiers of the Galaxy God Guard are mainly obedient.

Although the two were unwilling, but at this moment, they had no choice but to obey. They knew that it was Liu Tian who wanted to save them, and they were almost moved to tears: "Yes!"

"Then go!" Liu Tian said.

"Thank you Captain, we will never forget your great kindness!" the injured soldier thanked.

"Say nonsense, go!" Liu Tian scolded.

The two walked in opposite directions with their arms supported.

And Liu Tian glanced at the demonic wolves, made an arrogant movement, and immediately said: "Beasts, come and chase me!"

The demon wolf was berserk, but there was a bit of intelligence. Hearing the ridicule, he roared wildly, and almost all the demon wolves chased in the direction of Liu Tian.

Liu Tian turned around and ran away. Seeing all the demon wolves chasing her, she felt much more at ease. She didn't know what happened to Tang Zhong?

The three of them couldn't fight against the demon wolf, so what about Tang Zhong and the two of them?
Let's live first, maybe we can meet Tang Zhong!
Liu Tian kept running. In order to lure the demon wolf, she directly left a bloody gash on her body with a dagger, and the blood spilled out, in order to attract these monsters, because the monsters are bloodthirsty!

Her goal was achieved, and the monster followed her, but because of excessive blood loss, she is now a little weak, and her face is very embarrassing.

Running forward, suddenly, a foot could not be steady, and he fell directly to the ground, so he had to take out a sword and point it at the wolf.

Seeing Liu Tian fall, the devil wolf also stopped, and began to approach slowly.

Facing so many demon wolves, Liu Tian knew that she was absolutely doomed, so she immediately shouted: "Come on, come and bite me to death!"

Hearing the provocation, the demon wolves roared, and then became even faster, biting Liu Tian.

And Liu Tian held her hand tightly, facing the charging demon wolf, she used all her strength to resist.

He managed to stab several of the charging demon wolves to death, but he also suffered serious injuries all over his body.

When the demon wolf saw his companion die, he became furious. This time, ten of them came up together!
not good!

Liu Tian secretly said in her heart!

I saw more than a dozen demon wolves rushing forward together, Liu Tian was able to block one of them, but she had no way to do anything about the demon wolf behind her. In an instant, she was bitten by the arm of a demon wolf, and Liu Tian screamed in pain , ready to break free, but there is no way at all.

And the other devil wolf was ready to bite, but this time it was Liu Tian's throat that was biting.

Do not!
Liu Tian doesn't want to die yet!

At this moment, Tang Zhong is holding a monster detector in his hand!
You can see red dots and blue dots from above, the blue dots are the people of their Galaxy Guardians, and the red dots are Warcraft.

At this moment, a large group of red dots can be seen on the screen, chasing a blue dot.

One must have been attacked.

Immediately approached the past.

When he saw that scene, his brows immediately frowned. He could see what happened a thousand meters away, and he could tell at a glance that those demon wolves were chasing Liu Tian!

not good!

With a distance of a thousand meters, he couldn't catch up at all.

Suddenly, Tang Zhong thought of something.

Shi Daoyan Long Bing seemed to know what Tang Zhong was thinking, and quickly said: "No, that's your hole card, you can't just reveal it!"

"I just want to save her, it's that simple!" Tang Zhong said.

Ten Daoyan dragon soldiers stopped talking.

I saw Tang Zhong transformed directly, bone spurs protruded from his back, his fingers turned into dragon claws, and his skin covered with dragon scales flashed. What was even more attractive was his long golden hair and his appearance. changed.

That's right, it's the giant dragon avatar,
Now thousands of miles away, only in this way can Liu Tian be saved.

Immediately flashed past quickly.

Under the avatar of the giant dragon, the speed is like the speed of thunder and lightning!
In the distance, the demon wolf wanted to bite Liu Tian's throat if he wanted to see it. Liu Tian was extremely helpless, thinking that she was going to die this time, and had already closed her eyes.

However, in the next second, she felt a golden light flash before her eyes, followed by a bang, followed by a whining sound.

Then, Liu Tian slowly opened her eyes, and saw a golden figure standing in front of her, extremely mighty!

(End of this chapter)

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