Chapter 1210 Arrest!

At the finish line, many people were there already.

They waited for the drag racing to end, and when they saw the red Batmobile approaching, they knew that Red Rose must have won!

"Hey, it seems that the red rose is even better!"


Suddenly, they saw from behind the red Batmobile, a pink car suddenly passed by Red Rose's car like lightning, and when it reached the finish line immediately.

Tang Zhong was super elegant and reached the finish line directly.

Originally, everyone thought that Red Rose would win, but at this time they found out that Tang Zhong was the first to take the lead. They were not shocked, because they had already been shocked before, because everyone had been told about the amazing driving skills.

Tang Zhong stopped the car and looked at Liu Tian who was beside him. He was locked in the seat, motionless, looking extremely demented.

"Are you all right?" Tang Zhong asked.

"It's okay!" Liu Tian replied.

Now she looks very calm, obviously what happened just now had a great impact on her.

"I think my mother won't blame me!" Liu Tian murmured.

"Yes, she won't blame you, because suddenly she is your mother!" Tang Zhong said.

When Liu Tian heard this, she burst into tears.

"Don't cry!" Tang Zhong comforted: "Get out of the car, someone wants to say a few words to you!"

At this time, in the red batmobile behind her, Red Rose rushed down, her face was very ugly: "How is it possible, I will lose? This is impossible!"

She obviously sent someone to stop this person, why didn't she stop him?

"Damn it!" Red Rose clenched her fists angrily.

Tang Zhong took Liu Tian out of the car, looked at Red Rose and said, "I think you should apologize now!"

Liu Tian looked at the red rose indifferently!
Red Rose sneered and said, "Apologize, why should I apologize?"

"You lost!" Tang Zhong said, his face turned cold!

"Did I lose? Who said I lost?" Red Rose said, "Let the people around you tell me, did they see that I lost?"

Tang Zhong glanced across the audience.

At this moment, it was found that no one spoke for Tang Zhong and the others, and all lowered their heads.

"Did you just see who is number one!" Tang Zhong asked.

But no one answered their words, they were all diverting their eyes!

Seeing this, Red Rose laughed coldly: "Did you hear that, you are not the first, who do you ask to apologize to you, what we just said is that you won, I will apologize to you and her, but now, it seems not You have won!"

Then I saw Red Rose turn around and look at the people around, saying: "Now tell me loudly, who is the first in this competition!"

It is impossible for Red Rose to let herself lose.

If she loses, the impact on her is huge.

Tang Zhong narrowed his eyes when he heard this.

The people around dare not speak, it seems that the strength of Red Rose in Feisnake Mountain is very strong!

The surroundings were quiet for a while, and finally someone spoke: "Sister Red Rose won!"

"It's a red rose!"

One person took the lead, and immediately someone jumped out to speak, and everyone said it was a red rose.

Hearing this, Tang Zhong narrowed his eyes into a straight line.

Red Rose laughed loudly and said, "Have you heard, who won, I think you must know at a glance now!"

Then Red Rose walked forward with a smile on her face: "Boy, you said that you are the same as anyone who learned how to fly a car. Why do you follow a trash?"

"You are trash!" Tang Zhong said.

"I'm useless?" Hong Meigui's complexion immediately turned ugly, and she stared at Tang Zhong with wide eyes: "Don't you see my power now? See if these people around me are there, I asked them to say something, they What are you talking about? Do you think I'm useless?"

"Yes, trash!" Tang Zhong said.

Red Rose's complexion was even more difficult to look at: "Looking for death!"

"Let me tell you, no matter how useless I am, I am much better than that woman next to you!"

"I don't know how you know that woman. Let me tell you, a few years ago, she was called the Flaming Angel. She was also very powerful in the Flying Snake Mountain, but she was too stupid. She only knew how to drive a car and didn't understand anything. I don't know how to expand my power, she was so powerful at the time, I could drag her into the water, you call me a waste?"

Tang Zhong narrowed his eyes, is this red rose so powerful?Always feel that there is something wrong with this?

"But, so what?" Tang Zhong said.

"So what? Back then, I could kill Liu Tian, ​​drug her, and make her lose to me. Do you think you are better than me?" Red Rose said.

Drug her, this word, let Tang Zhong immediately realize that something is wrong, could it be that Liu Tian lost because of the drug given by Red Rose.

Seeing Tang Zhong's astonished expression, Red Rose smiled and said, "Yes, it's exactly what you think, it's because I drugged the Flaming Angel, and then she lost to me, I think, you don't need to mention my power Let me tell you frankly, this Flying Snake Mountain is all mine, and I have countless younger brothers!"

"I see!" Tang Zhong was extremely calm.

Then he took out a cigarette and smoked it. He carried his cigarette with him, whenever he was angry, he would always take out one and smoked one. Now it shows that Tang Zhong is really angry!

Red Rose thought that Tang Zhong was thinking: "You don't have to think anymore, follow me, I promise you will be the king among my male favourites!"

Tang Zhong took a puff of cigarette, his appearance was so cool, looking at the red rose, he wanted Tang Zhong to be his male favourite.

"I think you made a mistake on one point!" Tang Zhong said lightly.

He didn't want to have anything to do with Red Rose at first, as long as the other party apologizes and helps Liu Tian untie her happy knot, then nothing will happen, but who knows, it turned out to be like this in the past, so how could Tang Zhong I can bear it.

"Why, don't you want to? Let me tell you, the result will be the same whether you want to or not!" Red Rose said.

"Either be my male favorite, or I will kill you now!"

"I don't choose anything!" Tang Zhong said.

"Then go to hell, but I really can't bear it!" Red Rose said.

Immediately took out the communication tool: "Come on, there is someone here, help me clean up!"

Tang Zhong had no choice but to smile wryly. The South Fire Shenmu had left him a stomach full of fire before, but he had never found a place to release it. He never thought that such a situation would happen here!
Soon, speeding cars arrived from all directions, and there were more than 20 people.

It seems that this red rose is still a cosmic bastard!
Red Rose smiled and said, "Now, tell me your choice!"

Tang Zhong ignored her, but put the red rose after the psychological treatment on the car, then closed the car door, looked at the red rose, and said, "Red rose, now I will treat you as the vice-captain of the Galaxy God Guard. Arrest, you are suspected of murder!"

(End of this chapter)

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