Chapter 1212 Land of Corpse Qi!

And in a cave.

It's extremely dark inside, full of blood, this is the headquarters of the hell skeleton soldiers!

In the center, there is a throne on which sits a man in black armor.

bow down before him.

"General, it seems that the Asura Legion is completely wiped out!"

The general said calmly, "Who did it?"

"I heard that he is a member of the Galaxy God Guard!"

"Okay, I understand, you step back!" the general said.

The kneeling man heard the order and left quickly.

In the cave, it was quiet for a long time. After a long time, the general stood up and clenched his fists together: "My blood crystal... It seems that it was obtained by the Galaxy Guardian. Who got it? Woolen cloth?"


In a private house of Yinhe Shenwei, Lei Mie reappeared in his family.

He was asking Thunder's servant: "Has Thunder not returned yet?"

"Yes!" said the servant.

Lei Mie's expression became extremely cold: "Give me an order, no matter if Lei Dian is dead or alive, you must see people if you are alive, and corpses if you are dead!"

"Who do you mean, Master Thunder and Lightning is dead?" The servant's face was ugly.

"Look, look for the entire galaxy, don't tell if you're alive, if you die, find out the cause of death!" Lei Mie roared.

He was not angry about Lei Dian's death, but angry, knowing that Lei Dian belonged to their Black Dragon Clan, and dared to do it, it was an insult to their Black Dragon Clan!


And Tang Zhong is still completing the task, the so-called cosmic bandit, for him, completing the task is very easy.

Within two days, the task was completed.

Tang Zhong looked at his mission points. In the past few days, he has almost completed more than a dozen missions!

He had already inquired about it before, and it took more than 50 tasks to get the affirmation of the inner guard.

Now he still needs to work harder, so that he can become an inner guard when the inner guard is selected. Tang Zhong will not be that uncertain!
He doesn't go back to the Galaxy Guardian now, and takes the task directly outside.

After driving for several days, Tang Zhong finally stopped at a place, sitting on top of a hill, looking into the distance!

Get ready to take a break and go.

Ten Daoyan Dragon Bing hadn't spoken to Tang Zhong for a long time, and at this moment he could finally show up: "You are really good!"

"I just want revenge!" Tang Zhong said.

"Actually, with your aptitude, take your time, there will be a day of revenge!" Shi Dao Yanlong Bing said.

"But that hatred, I really can't bear it for a day, I want to avenge this hatred in the shortest possible time!" Tang Zhong said.

"Okay!" Ten Daoyan Longbing stopped talking.

After Tang Zhong rested, he was about to get up straight away. He looked at the task list, and it was time for the next task.

"Wait a minute, don't worry!" Suddenly, the voice of Shidao Yanlongbing came out.

"Did something happen?" Tang Zhong was slightly taken aback.

But Shi Daoyan Longbing must have discovered something when he said that.

"look down!"

When Tang Zhong heard the words, he looked intently. He was standing on a mountain top, and in front of him was a huge valley, with waves of black mist floating there!

"Is that what you showed me?" Tang Zhong asked.

"Yes, that thing is called magic mist, and where there is magic mist, there are generally monsters, and there are very likely to be things like zombies!" Shidao Yanlongbing said.


The zombies that Tang Zhong thought of were all jumping and dancing zombies in Qing Dynasty costumes, maybe there are also here.

"That's right, and where there are zombies, there are probably things with vitality. I suspect that there are such things in front, but I don't know whether there are many of them, and I don't know whether they are dangerous or not!" Ten Dao Yanlong Bingdao.

Things with vitality can strengthen human clones and giant dragon clones, which is a great thing.

"No matter how many things have vitality, I will try it!" Tang Zhong said.

He stood up straight, and then jumped directly, his body turned into a whirlwind, rushing into the mountains covered by black clouds.

The rotten and highly poisonous corpse gas blows towards the face.

Below is a swamp, and from above the swamp, black mist emerges.

Just as Tang Zhong got off, he stepped on the ground.

"Don't inhale those black mist, the mist is poisonous, your human clone won't be able to hold it!" Ten Daoyan Dragon Bing said hastily.

Tang Zhong quickly opened his battle armor, the Satin armor included a gas mask, clicked, and it was deformed for a while, his head was covered by the helmet, and the whole person is really like Iron Man now, with a long gun on his back. sword.

He saw the strangeness of the swamp and wanted to go and have a look!

"Don't go near the swamp!" Shidaoyan Longbing suddenly shouted.

But Tang Zhong has already passed.

Poof, a dry arm stretched out from the swamp, grabbed Tang Zhong's arm, and wanted to pull Tang Zhong into the swamp.

Tang Zhong quickly took out the sword, cut off the hand with one sword, then stepped back, looking ahead vigilantly, what happened just now was too fast, he didn't see it clearly.

"What is it?"

"It's a zombie!"

At this time, in the swamp ahead, there were many hands coming out, either black or dark green, and many zombies crawled out of them, completely devoid of human appearance, hundreds of times more terrifying than the zombies in the movie Double, open the blood claws, towards Tang Zhong, there are many Warcraft zombies!
"It's a zombie, it means that there really is something with vitality here!" Shidao Yanlongbing said.

kill!Tang Zhong raised his sword directly.

Wherever he went, he killed them all!
These zombies seem to be the lowest level of zombies, they can be cut down with a single sword, and Tang Zhong just chopped off a zombie with a single sword.

"Walking along the swamp, these zombies are the most common zombies, they have no fighting ability, most of them are ordinary people who fell into this swamp and absorbed the corpse gas, and now they feel the human breath, so they come out of it , don't waste your time here!" Shidao Yanlong Bing said.

"Okay!" Tang nodded his head and walked forward quickly.

He also didn't want to stay here. Fighting with these ordinary zombies would give him no improvement at all. Fighting would only waste time.

But what he can kill is still killing. After all, beheading this kind of demon is what he should do. He saw hundreds of skeletons falling down in pieces, lying densely in the valley, deep in the mud swamp
Sure enough, they are all ordinary people, because even if the strong become zombies, they still maintain their previous strength, and looking at this place, it must have been formed a long time ago, and it is definitely not just those ordinary people who died here, but also the strong. Well, it's better to be careful with all good things, if he stumbles here, I'm afraid Tang Zhong will also become a zombie in the swamp at that time, even thinking about it makes him feel terrible.

Going forward, the black fog is getting less and less, but the terrain has changed, not only the swamp, but also many hills, and the corpse here is stronger than before.

"Be careful!" Ten Daoyan Dragon Bing suddenly shouted.

Tang Zhong knew that as long as the Ten Dao Yanlong soldiers spoke, something must have happened, so he immediately became vigilant.

Sure enough, at this time, a tomb-like mountain trembled violently, and a strong corpse aura broke out from it, and seeing those ordinary zombies chasing Tang Zhong, they all knelt on the ground in fear, as if they saw the king Same.

This is probably meeting the zombie king!
(End of this chapter)

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