Chapter 1226 I fell in love with the man in the golden armor!
The fruit reached Tang Zhong's hands.

Tang Zhong could feel the flaming breath released from the fruit.

This fruit is indeed very suitable for him.

"Thank you Commander Liu!" Tang Zhong said.

"What's there to thank for that, after all, you are from my Saturn!" Liu Tiansheng said.

Tang Zhong could hear the caring breath in these words, and bowed down to thank him!

This Blood Yuan Fruit must be of great value. Commander Liu can give him this thing, that is simply taking great care of him!

"Then I'll go first!" Tang Zhong said.

Liu Tiansheng waved his hand!
Only then did Tang Zhong leave, and Liu Tiansheng stood behind and looked at Tang Zhong's back: "I really hope you won't be like Ling Ye, you must represent our Tuwei, go farther and farther!"

Tang Zhong quickly returned to his room, and then looked at the blood essence fruit in his hand. The power bursting out of this fruit is huge!
"This thing is a good thing!" Shi Dao Yanlong Bing said after running out.

"Why do you say that?" Tang Zhong asked.

"If this thing has just been picked from the tree, it may be useless, but this fruit has been hidden for a long time, and the flesh has been evolving. Now the effect is at least twice as much as before. Eat it quickly, yes For you now, this thing is just right, it can be seen that Liu Tiansheng is sincere to you!" Shi Daoyan Longbing said.

"And don't you think it's strange, this fruit is very effective in improving your strength, since it is made in heaven!"

Hearing this, Tang Zhong looked at the blood essence fruit in his hand, he didn't need to say anything now, just absorb it first.

Sitting cross-legged, put the fruit directly in the palm of your hand, you can see that the fruit melted quickly, and finally all entered Tang Zhong's body. If you look carefully, you will find that the fruit has directly melted into Tang Zhong's blood.

The blood element fruit, the juice composition inside is similar to the blood of the human body, so they can fuse together.

I saw that after the juice entered Tang Zhong's body, the blooming red color could actually be seen through the skin. Looking at Tang Zhong at this time, he could see very obvious blood vessels all over his body, which looked abnormally ferocious.

In the end, they were all absorbed by Tang Zhong.

Soon he felt a sense of breakthrough!

" did it break through so easily?" Tang Zhong was stunned for a moment.

"Is it easy? It can only be said that the effect of the blood essence fruit is so great, understand?" Ten Dao Yanlong Bing said.

Hearing this, Tang Zhong thought of Liu Tiansheng, and murmured: "Commander Liu is so kind to me!"

Tang Zhong secretly decided that this time, he must win glory for Tuwei and enter the inner guard on behalf of Tuwei!

But for now, let's wait for a breakthrough.

I saw Tang Zhong's whole body glowing with blood!
The powerful force helped him sprint through the meridians in his body!
Originally, it was only a third-level planetary grade, but now, with a click, it directly broke through.

Tier [-]!

Tang Zhong, who has entered the fourth level, has eyes like a mirror. This is his first breakthrough in the room, and it would be bad if someone finds out.

Sure enough, before he got up, the door was kicked open with a bang, Liu Tian rushed out, looking in a hurry, found Tang Zhong, and immediately said: "Are you really going to the inner guard?"

Tang Zhong never thought that Liu Tian would have such a big reaction, so he hurriedly said, "Senior Sister Liu, what are you?"

"You can't go to the inner guard, listen to me, the inner guard is very dangerous!" Liu Tian said.

"It's okay!" Tang Zhong said, it seems that Liu Tian already knew about his participation in the inner guard assessment.

"How can it be okay? Among the inner guards, if you are not strong enough, you just go to find them, and the inner guards are very chaotic, with various forces intertwined. Anyway, you can't go, you can't go!" Liu Tian didn't want to talk to Tang Zhong at all. What's the point?

She now thinks that Tang Zhong should not go to the inner guard!

"Why?" Tang Zhong asked.

"Because... because, anyway, don't ask why!" Liu Tian was anxious.

"Is it because someone went to the inner guard and died unhappily?" Tang Zhong asked.

"Yeah, I'm Senior Brother Ling!" Liu Tian said, "I'm Senior Brother Ling Ye. Back then, I was a master of our Earth Guard, do you know? When I was in the inner guard, I dedicated myself after only doing a few missions!"

Ling Ye!

It's that name again, I've heard Liu Musheng mention it before!

"It's okay!" Tang Zhong said, he must enter the inner guard, so that he can become stronger, and the less time he spends in the inner guard, the better!

When Liu Tian heard Tang Zhong's words, she shook her head helplessly: "I really don't know what dad was thinking, but let you go. I should have followed you just now. Now you must be fine!"

"You don't have to worry about me, tell me what happened to Senior Brother Ling Ye?" Tang Zhong asked.

"Senior Brother Ling Ye was the strongest of my Earth Guard back then. When we entered the inner guard, we people in Earth Guard were very happy, but the good times didn't last long, you know? We heard the news of Senior Brother Ling Ye's death in just a few years , I heard that I went to some undead island to complete the mission with a few people, and was killed by the monster there, so the inner guard is very dangerous, I advise you not to go!" Liu Tian said.

"Why don't you, when the time comes for the inner guard assessment, why don't you go at all?" Liu Tian said.

"I'm afraid this won't work!" Tang Zhong said.

"Why not? Let me tell you, the inner guard is very dangerous!" Liu Tian said.

"It's dangerous, I have to go!" Tang Zhong said: "You have to go into details, there is no danger in front of me!"

"I... Forget it, if I didn't say it, you can go, but if there is something wrong, you can go back to our outer guard. We welcome you at any time. I remember that among the inner guards, it is quite good to join a force. If you go in Afterwards, it will definitely be quite good to be able to enter a power, and the powerful people inside will cover you, and you will never have any accidents!" Liu Tian said.

power?It should be the kind similar to Lei Ge!

Tang nodded heavily: "Don't worry!"

"That's good!" Liu Tiandian nodded. Of course, she also knew that it was a very bad thing to hinder a man from doing things like this!

"Thank you Senior Sister Liu for your relationship, I will never forget it!" Tang Zhong said.

"Do you dare to forget me? Well, you can rest and rest. Tomorrow morning, my father will send you to the internal guard assessment. Go to bed early and get up early, so you can have the energy to participate in the battle!" Liu Tian smiled.

"Of course I dare not forget my senior sister!" Tang Zhong said.

"Hmph, well, I'm leaving!" Liu Tian said.

It was getting dark outside.

I saw Liu Tian walked to the door, stopped suddenly, looked back at Tang Zhong, grinned and said: "Come on, keep your heart away, the inner guard is very suitable for you!"

"Don't worry, I will!" Tang Zhong nodded heavily.

"By the way, there is one thing I have to tell you. I fell in love with a person. That person was wearing a golden armor and saved me during the examination in Miemangtan. I want to find her!" Liu Tian said.

Tang Zhong froze when he heard this, fell in love?Was he discovered by Liu Tian?

"Do you know that person?" Tang Zhong asked quietly.

"Do you know him? Of course I don't. If I knew who he is, I would have gone to find him long ago!" Liu Tian said.

"Oh, that's good!" Tang Zhong said.

"That's fine, don't you want your senior sister to find your love?" Liu Tian said.

"I hope... But, maybe that person is not suitable for you. After all, he only saved you once, and you don't know him at all!" Tang Zhong said.

"Your senior sister, I have seen countless people, do you still need to teach me? Alright, let's go to sleep!" Liu Tian said, then walked out and closed the door.

Tang Zhong was left in the room!
(End of this chapter)

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