Chapter 1231 Suck Tiger Blood!

In the Flame Demon Mountain, there are many flames, and the roar can be heard from a distance!

Tang Zhong led the Diones and started to leave in different directions. After leaving with Ren Yong, that Ren Yong provoked Tang Zhong a few more words and left!
The temperature of Yanmo Mountain is very high, it is really not covered.

Tang Zhong was wearing heavy armor, and he really wanted to take it off right now, as the surrounding area was unbelievably hot.

From going up the mountain to now, they haven't seen a monster yet, but it's so hot that they really have the idea of ​​taking off all their clothes!
"Senior Brother Tang, let's escort you to the last level!" Unexpectedly, at this time, the soldiers of the Earth Guards stepped forward and said.

"Why?" Tang Zhong was slightly taken aback.

"Because that Ren Yong just now really deserves a beating. That Ren Yong is the most powerful person in Jin Wei. I really feel bad seeing him!" One of them said.

"More than that, the Ren Yong who often bullies us Tuwei, we have long been unable to swallow this breath!"

Hearing the people next to him, Tang Zhong's expression was very calm: "I see, don't worry, I will definitely beat that Ren Yong to death when we get to the end!"

"Thank you, Brother Tang!"

Hearing Tang Zhong's promise, they couldn't mention how happy they were. After all, Tang Zhong was the most powerful among the Earth Guards!

"Has anyone of you been to this Flame Demon Mountain before?" Tang Zhong asked.

He didn't know what was in the Flame Demon Mountain, it would be great if someone took it away.

"No, it's the first time for us, but it was Chen Mu who came before, but senior brother, you took his place, so now he can't show up!" Someone said.

"I see, let's go!" Tang Zhong said.

I heard from Liu Tiansheng before that going to Yanmo Mountain is just a test, and there is a second test, which is fighting, but now let's go through the first test first!

Immediately, Tang Zhong stepped faster and followed behind.

There are traps everywhere on the Flame Demon Mountain. In the traps, like the mouth of a well, flames are constantly bursting out of them!

Moreover, some fire wells look very hidden, if one is not careful, it is really possible to fall directly!

No wonder Yanmo Mountain regards this place as an assessment place, this place is really not an ordinary danger.

"Be careful!" A companion almost fell off, Tang Zhong quickly reached out to hold him, and he was fine now!

The companion was so frightened that he was trembling all over. The shoe accidentally fell off just now. Looking back now, before the shoe fell off, it was directly melted into red molten iron, which shows how high the temperature is!

"Thank you, Senior Brother Tang!" The companion turned pale and turned to Tang Zhong.

"It's okay!" Tang Zhong said: "Just be careful!"

There must be a clue to the reason why the inner guards let five people go together, so Tang mainly protected the others and looked around at the same time!

"This Flame Demon Mountain is a good place, it is more suitable for cultivation!" At this time, Ten Dao Yanlong Bing said.

"But now I don't have time to practice!" Tang Zhong said.

"I'm just talking!" Shi Dao Yanlong Bing said.

"How can I get to the top of the mountain the easiest way, I need the easiest way!" Tang Zhong asked.

"This Yanmo Mountain, the person who designed this mountain to be a trial site is a capable person. For ordinary people, it is indeed very difficult to climb to the top. Let me just say this. I not only feel it on this mountain. The existence of monsters, traps, and the inherently dangerous place on this mountain!" Shi Dao Yanlong Bing said.

"But I didn't ask you those things at all, I asked something else, just answer my words!" Tang Zhong said.

"Well, I really can't tell you a particularly safe way up the mountain, I can only tell you something else!" Shidao Yanlongbing said.

"That's fine!" Tang Zhong said.

Shidaoyan dragon soldiers began to guide the way ahead, while Tang Zhong was at the forefront, and the four followed behind. They just followed Tang Zhong, but they were all vigilant, for fear that there would be monsters rushing out from around them.

"Be careful!" Ten Daoyan Dragon Bing said, "There are monsters ahead!"

Tang Zhong looked intently, and sure enough, he saw two fiery tigers in front of him. The appearance of these two tigers was no different from that of ordinary tigers, but their fur was made of flames, and they looked very ferociously occupied together.

"One male and one female?" Tang Zhong murmured.

At this time, the people behind also recognized what the tiger was, and immediately shouted, and then immediately warned: "Brother Tang, where are the monsters!"

"Kill it!" Tang Zhong said.

Who knew Shidaoyan Longbing said directly: "Don't kill randomly, the tiger's blood is precious to you, why do you kill it, remember, kill him, and suck the tiger's blood!"

"Ah? Blood sucking?" Tang Zhong was stunned for a moment, and it was tiger blood!

"Yeah, of course it's tiger's blood. Didn't I say before that this place is suitable for cultivation? This tiger is a permanent resident here, and the blood on his body has already been changed. If you drink his blood, his blood will With the breath of fire, and you have absorbed the power of thunder and fire, there is also the power of thunder and fire in your body, absorbing his blood can enhance the breath of fire on your body, and can strengthen your strength!" Shidao Yanlongbing said.

Tang Zhong understood that as long as he could improve his strength, he would do it, but in front of so many people, it would be wrong to suck the tiger's blood.

Let these people go first.

"You guys go ahead first, this Huohu asked me to deal with it, and I'll go find you after I've dealt with it!" Tang Zhong said.

The four of them didn't doubt Tang Zhong's words at all, and nodded immediately: "No problem, Senior Brother Tang, we won't go far!"

There is no need to go far, as long as Tang Zhong absorbs the Huohu's blood, it will be fine!
The four moved forward quickly, and Tang Zhong went towards the two fiery tigers.

The two tigers also spotted Tang Zhong and rushed over immediately, as if they wanted to devour Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong directly clenched his fist, because of the reason why he devoured the Leiyan Stone before, when he clenched his fist, lightning came out from his left fist, while the other hand was filled with flames!

Then Tang Zhong rushed out like lightning.

It was very easy for him to kill this kind of little monster. He killed the opponent with a single punch. He immediately lifted the tiger and let the tiger's blood flow out. The tiger's blood was extremely hot and shone with red light.

"Hurry up, what are you waiting for!" Ten Dao Yanlong Bing said.

Tang Zhong did so directly, and soon absorbed all the tiger blood into his body, and immediately felt a warm feeling. After the tiger blood entered, his whole body was warm, and it turned out that the flames in his body The power is strong.

"What's the matter with this tiger blood?" Tang Zhong asked.

(End of this chapter)

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